Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs Recipe (2024)

by Jenn

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This Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs recipe is by far one of my husband’s favorites. To be honest, it’s one of mine too, not just because it tastes great, but also because these slow cooker pineapple BBQ meatballs are super easy to make. They take a little time, yes, but it’s not like you have to sit and stir, mix or even watch them for that matter. Just put them in the slow cooker, set a timer, and go on about your day. I love it when we are planning a party because I can cook something super tasty and still have time to tidy up the house a bit and get ready.

Another reasonI love my slow cooker so much in the summer: it doesn’t heat up the house. OMG, using the oven or stovetop is torture during the summer. Even when we cook on the grill, I find myself using the oven or stove for something. So anytime I can use the slow cooker it’s a welcome treat! Which is how these meatballs ended up being a 4th of July tradition. Several years ago, I decided to take my mom’s BBQ meatballs, give them a little extra tang with pineapple juice, andserve as anappetizerat our 4th of July party because I wanted to avoid my stovetop and oven, lol.

Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs Recipe (1)

Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs

To make these easy Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 25 Meatballs – Homemade or frozen is fine, and you can totally add more if you’d like.
  • 1 Bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce (I like honey BBQ sauce)
  • 1 cup DOLE® Canned 100% Pineapple Juice
  • 2 tablespoons grape jelly
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar

Let’s get these yummy meatballs cooking:

Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs Recipe (2)
  • Place your cooked meatballs into slow cooker. Frozen meatballs don’t need to be thawed, and homemade meatballs are best if you leave them a little uncooked. However, you can place fully cooked and thawed meatballs without any problems.
Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs Recipe (3)
  • Pour DOLE® Canned 100% Pineapple Juice and BBQ sauce into the slow cooker with the meatballs.
Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs Recipe (4)
  • Add grape jelly and brown sugar and mix everything together. It’s okay if the jelly doesn’t mix in right away you can come back once things have warmed up a bit and it should stir right in.
Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs Recipe (5)
  • Allow to cook in slow cooker on high for 1 hour, then turn down to low and allow to cook for 2 to 3 more hours. Check the meatballs about once every hour and just stir things up a bit.
Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs Recipe (6)

After the BBQ meatballs have cooked for several hours they are ready to eat!

Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs Recipe (7)

Go on, grab a meatball and take a bite, you cooked them! You should get to taste the first meatball, right? I mean that’s the beauty of being the cook, you get to taste test along the way. It’s an essential part of cooking in my household, lol.

The pineapple BBQ meatballs make for a great appetizer if you’re hosting a gathering this 4th of July holiday, but they also make a great meatball sandwich, go great with rice and even pasta! Can’t help but loves these meatballs! The perfect combination of sweet and tangy!

I use pineapple juice all sorts of different recipes like our, homemade soft pretzels with brie cheese,and these yummypineapple angel food cupcakes with a pineapple glaze.

Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs Recipe (10)

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Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs Recipe

Rating: 3.7/5

( 7 voted )

Serves: 5 Prep Time: Cooking Time: Nutrition facts: 500 calories 10 fat


  • 25 Meatballs - Homemade or frozen is fine, and you can totally add more if you'd like.
  • 1 Bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce (I like honey BBQ sauce)
  • 1 cup DOLE® Canned 100% Pineapple Juice
  • 2 tablespoons grape jelly
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar


Place your cooked meatballs into slow cooker. Frozen meatballs don't need to be thawed, and homemade meatballs are best if you leave them a little uncooked.

However, you can place fully cooked and thawed meatballs without any problems. Pour DOLE® Canned 100% Pineapple Juice and BBQ sauce (I used Sue Bee Honey BBQ Sauce) into the slow cooker with the meatballs.

Add grape jelly and brown sugar and mix everything together.

It's okay if the jelly doesn't mix in right away you can come back once things have warmed up a bit and it should stir right in. Allow to cook in slow cooker on high for 1 hour, then turn down to low and allow to cook for 2 to 3 more hours.

Check the meatballs about once every hour and just stir things up a bit. Allow to cook for a few hours and they are done!


Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs Recipe (11)


I have a smart mouth, don't sit still well, extremely opinionated, have a lot to say, work hard, love lots, don't have time for drama, or negativity. I love animals, & my job as a New Mexico mom blogger! I love sharing travel adventures, tech gadgets,recipes, parenting struggles (success), crafts, helpfultips, giveaways and sweepstakes, product reviews, andmore. I have amazing 4 children, and have an amazing boyfriend. On my downtime, you'll find me spending time with my family, traveling, cooking, geeking out on tech, plotting the next home improvement, create crafts with the kids, and riding my horses We are plotting our move to greener pastures, with trees, and stuff. Connect with me on Google + Page.

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Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs Recipe (12)

cottagebunny March 21, 2017 - 12:05 am

These look so amazing! I love all your pictures and how you set this recipe up for us.Thanks so much.I have already saved it.


Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs Recipe (13)

Amy March 16, 2017 - 9:35 pm

Yum!!!!! I’m so making these for a party next weekend. Can you tell me the size of BBQ you’re using? I think I’ll double the recipe. I don’t mind leftovers ;)


Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs Recipe (14)

tina December 27, 2016 - 7:41 pm

These meatballs look good but format for recipe is not very convenient. Wont be making these don’t want to scroll and wait for pictures to load. Sorry!


Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs Recipe (15)

Michelle February 2, 2017 - 2:18 pm

its easy enough to just jot down on a piece of paper… these are too good not to make because you don’t want to write down a quick recipe.


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Best Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs Recipe (2024)


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