Eight Best Dumbbell Exercises for Your Glutes (2024)

Eight Best Dumbbell Exercises for Your Glutes (1)

In theory, we train our glutes all day by walking, taking stairs instead of elevators, and by moving as nature intended. We should squeeze those glorious butt cheeks one at a time all day long, even when trapped in a meeting, stuck at a desk, or snarled in traffic.

In reality, we ignore our glutes. Not only that, we deactivate them by sitting on them, a major problem in our sedentary culture of working in cubicles and camping out on couches. This tightens the hips, flexes our bodies forward, and contributes to a chain of muscle dysfunction and pain. It also leaves us with flat, unattractive rear ends.

Some world-class butts are the product of genetics, but most are the result of work in the gym. Studies suggest that training the glutes reduces back pain. It’s possible to open the hips and unflatten your ass through training.

In this dumbbell workout, we’ll work the glutes through four sets of these eight moves in a circuit fashion, resting only briefly between sets, to produce maximum results with minimal time and equipment.

Inverted Hamstring

What it does: This move forces you to fire (activate) your glutes. Practicing such movements becomes a habit in the gym and everyday life.

How to do it: While holding dumbbells, balance on your right foot, keeping tummy tight, and shoulders back and down. Bend at the waist with both hands out to the sides and extend your left leg back as you fire the left glute. Your shoulder and heel should move together, forming a straight line. Return to starting position and switch legs.

How many? 10 on each leg.

Squat-to-Press, One-Arm Dumbbell

What it does: It challenges the glutes while also challenging your overall core stability.

How to do it: Standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell on one shoulder with that elbow pointed down. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Push through the hips to stand and press the weight overhead. Lower the weight to starting position. Finish the set with one arm before switching arms.

How many? 10 on each side.

Lateral Lunges

Eight Best Dumbbell Exercises for Your Glutes (2)

What it does: Lateral movement is important to the motions of everyday life, but too often we ignore it in the gym. The lateral lunge hits the glutes, along with the quads and hamstrings.

How to do it: Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand at your sides. Step out to the right, keeping toes pointed straight ahead and feet flat. Squat down only your right leg, keeping the left leg straight. Squat as low as possible, keeping the left leg straight and holding for two seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat for a set of 10. Switch sides.

How many? 10 reps per side.

One-Legged Squats

What it does: This not only challenges your glutes – one at a time – but your overall balance and core strength.

How to do it: Stand on one foot holding dumbbells on your shoulders with elbows pointed out. Squat on one leg until your thighs are parallel to the ground – or as parallel as possible. Return to a standing position using only the leg you’re balancing upon. Do 10 on one side and then the other.

How many? 10 reps per side.

Weighted Glute Bridge

What it does: It’s one of the best moves to improve the activation patterns of the glutes. The dumbbells add a further strength challenge.

How to do it: Lie faceup on the floor with knees bent 90 degrees and feet on the floor. Hold dumbbells along each leg. Squeeze your glutes and bridge your hips to the ceiling. Only your shoulders and hips remain on the ground. Hold for two seconds and then lower your hips toward the ground without touching.

How many? 10 reps.

Reverse Lunges

Eight Best Dumbbell Exercises for Your Glutes (3)What it does: It’s impossible to do this without actively firing your glutes.

How to do it: Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a pair of dumbbells. Keeping the eight mostly on the front foot, step back into a lunge. When the back knee is just off the ground, push through the front hip to a standing position. Repeat with the opposite leg.

How many? 10 on each side.

Split Squats

What it does: Squatting in the gym and daily life works the glutes, but the split version with dumbbells places them fully on stretch.

How to do it: Step out into a lunge with dumbbells at arm’s length at your sides. Lower your hips by squatting back and down. Without letting your back knee touch the floor, drive your weight back up with the front glute. Do 10 sets on one leg and then repeat with the other.

How many? 10 to each side.

Romanian Deadlift

What it does: Perhaps the most recognizable hamstring move, and for good reason; it’s effective in building the proper activation patterns in your hamstrings and glutes while also strengthening your back.

How to do it: Start with a light set of dumbbells. Form is especially key to getting the full benefit from the RDL; don’t think of the exercise as bending forward but rather as sitting back with your torso moving forward instead of staying upright.

How many? 10 reps.

Pete Williams is a NASM-CPT and the author or co-author of several fitness books, including Core Performance and Every Day is Game Day. His work has appeared in multiple publications such as Men’s Health, Men’s Journal, and USA Today.

Eight Best Dumbbell Exercises for Your Glutes (2024)


Can you grow your glutes with just dumbbells? ›

While you can increase size and strength with bodyweight exercises, adding free weights like YBells or dumbbells will help you to accomplish your goal faster. You'll want to focus on volume for hypertrophy (growing the size of your gluteal muscles).

What is the number one exercise for the buttocks? ›

1. Barbell Hip Thrusts. Why this is one of the best exercises for your glutes: Hip thrusts aggressively target the gluteus maximus (upper glute muscles) and gluteus medius (lower glute muscle) and recruit the hamstrings as secondary movers, making this one of the most effective exercises for your backside.

How do you activate all 3 glutes? ›

Some of the best exercises for glute activation include the following:
  1. Full Extension Step-Up.
  2. Resistance Band Kickbacks.
  3. Wall Single-Leg Glute Bridges.
  4. Hip Drop and Lift.
  5. Toe Stab Hip Raises.
  6. Toe Up Hip Raises.
  7. Toe Down Hip Swings.
  8. Toe Up Hip Swings.
Jun 29, 2023

What exercises activate the glutes the most? ›

In general, the step-up exercise and its variations present the highest levels of GMax activation (>100% of MVIC) followed by several loaded exercises and its variations, such as deadlifts, hip thrusts, lunges, and squats, that presented a very high level of GMax activation (>60% of 1RM).

What exercise builds glutes fast? ›

The first exercise is the back squat. Use whatever stance width and foot angle is most comfortable for you, and try to descend as low as possible without too much butt wink. For max glute growth, you'll want to try to get down to at least parallel or slightly below and focus on pushing through the heels on the way up.

What are the three main exercises for glutes? ›

The big three glute-building exercises are squats, hip thrusts, and deadlifts. So if you are short on time, do at least three sets of 10 of these glute exercises. You can add more glute exercises and variations but these three are the best for seeing the biggest results in glute strength and booty building.

Will my glutes grow if I train them everyday? ›

🍑 2-3 times per week is enough for them to grow. You shouldnt be training more than that and if you are you're not pushing your self hard enough in those sessions - which actually will limit your growth.

Do glutes grow with weight or reps? ›

Using progressive overload in conjunction with high rep, heavy weight sets is absolutely essential to grow the glutes, something that light weights cannot accomplish.

What exercise is best for a perky bum? ›

8 Butt-Lifting Exercises That Actually Work
  • 01 of 08. Deadlifts. Peter Ardito. ...
  • 02 of 08. Step-Ups. Peter Ardito. ...
  • 03 of 08. Single-Leg Hamstring Curl. Peter Ardito. ...
  • 04 of 08. Kettlebell Swing. Peter Ardito. ...
  • 05 of 08. Lateral Band Steps. Peter Ardito. ...
  • 06 of 08. Explosive Lunge. ...
  • 07 of 08. Squat with Kick-Back. ...
  • 08 of 08. PliĂ© Squat.
Aug 23, 2022

How many squats to get a bigger bum in a week? ›

According to trainers, doing squats 2-3 times a week and performing five to six repetitions at a time, or, doing around 150 squats per week should help you do the job and reach your fitness goals. If you do this and follow this regime religiously, you can start to see the results in four to six weeks.

Does walking tone your butt? ›

Walking, running, and climbing all work the glutes. Strength training that targets these muscles can help give you a tighter, more rounded look. Adding a few butt-busting moves to your routine may be enough to see a change.

What are the symptoms of weak glutes? ›

Watch out for the following symptoms to determine if you have weakness in your gluteus medius:
  • Chronic muscle pain in the joints and groin area.
  • Internal rotation of the knees.
  • Abnormal movement pattern due to weak abductor muscles.
  • Muscle tightness as the body compensates for the lack of hip stability and control.

Does walking activate glutes? ›

Walking activates the glutes at 20 to 40 percent of their maximum contraction, says John Willson, Ph. D., an associate professor of physical therapy at East Carolina University.

Does squeezing glutes activate them? ›

It helps to activate the glutes and hips: The glutes and hips are the primary movers in kettlebell swings and squats. Squeezing the glutes helps to activate these muscles, which allows you to generate more power and perform the exercises more effectively.

What is the no. 1 glute exercise? ›

Barbell Hip Thrusts

Starting with one of the best glute exercises in the book: The Barbell Hip Thrust. This should be one of your go-to's when looking for the best glute exercises (and they're great for your hamstrings too!).

What is the best exercise to strengthen your glutes? ›

Perform 10 reps of each exercise, for 3 rounds total.
  1. Wall squat.
  2. Goblet squat.
  3. Squat into side leg lift.
  4. Forward lunge.
  5. Reverse lunge.
  6. Glute bridge.
Feb 21, 2024

What food grows your glutes? ›

Top 10 Foods for A Bigger, More Shapely Booty
  • Tomatoes. Research has shown that tomatoes can prevent age-associated muscle strength decline, making them a great addition to your diet to keep your butt toned. ...
  • Eggs. ...
  • Nut Butter. ...
  • Salmon. ...
  • Avocados. ...
  • Tofu. ...
  • Mushrooms. ...
  • Spinach.
Feb 1, 2023

What grows your glutes the most? ›

If you want to build stronger and more performance-driven glutes, I'd recommend the following for a well-rounded routine:
  • Barbell Hip Thrust.
  • Step Up.
  • Reverse Hyper.
  • Romanian Deadlift.
  • Curtsy Lunge.
  • Sprinter Position Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats.
  • Single-Leg Hip Thrust.
  • Dumbbell Frog Press.

What activates the glutes the most? ›

  • Resistance bands, including mini loop bands, are a great tool to use for glute activation. ...
  • Studies show hip thrusts are among the best lower-body strength moves for recruiting your glutes. ...
  • Research shows that single-leg deadlifts emphasize the glute medius more than two-legged deadlifts do.
Feb 29, 2024

How can I grow my glutes ASAP? ›

Let's get into the strategies you can use to kick your rear into gear to achieve the bigger, firmer booty you want.
  1. 7 exercises for a bigger butt. Ready to add some mass to your backside? ...
  2. Glute bridge. Share on Pinterest. ...
  3. Jumping squats. ...
  4. Walking lunge with weights. ...
  5. Single-leg deadlift. ...
  6. Clamshell. ...
  7. Banded side step. ...
  8. Donkey kicks.
Sep 11, 2020

What workout is best for building glutes? ›

The most effective exercises for sculpting the glutes include hip thrusts, step-ups onto plyometric boxes, lunges, squats, bridges, kicks, and deadlifts. As you build strength in this area, you can incorporate weights into these glute exercises for even better results.

How do you hit all glute muscles? ›

7 Gluteus Maximus Exercises
  1. Split Squat. You can hold a dumbbell in each hand, a kettlebell at your chest, or a barbell across your back to make this glute exercise harder. ...
  2. Step Up. ...
  3. Lunge. ...
  4. Cable Machine Kickback. ...
  5. Romanian Deadlift. ...
  6. Good Morning. ...
  7. Glute Bridge.
Apr 5, 2024

Is it possible to build muscle with just dumbbells? ›

The answer? A resounding yes. Dumbbells are one of the top resistance training tools for both beginners and elite athletes. Their effectiveness at building strength and muscle makes them a staple for any fitness routine – and their storability makes them a staple for any home gym.

Can you grow your glutes without lifting heavy? ›

Bodyweight glute exercises don't require any equipment, making them the ideal way to build your glutes at home or on the go, ensuring you don't lose your gains whilst traveling. Doing glute exercises at home without equipment means you can make progress toward your goals in an environment that works for you.

Can you grow your glutes naturally? ›

Exercise is the key to getting a bigger butt. To get the best results, it's important to focus on exercises that target the glute muscles, such as squats and hip extensions. These exercises will not only help you build muscle in your glutes, but they'll also help you burn fat in other areas of your body.

How much can you realistically grow your glutes? ›

Taking everything into account, it's possible to grow your butt a couple of inches (or more, if you bulk and add fat to the overall equation). In the first few months, you can expect to see 1-2 inches of glute growth and a few more in the following years.


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