Help the larger cause · Enforce Strict Implementation of Animal Abuse Laws in East Hampton, NY · (2024)

Promoted by 1 supporter


Join the I ready ban

I-Ready causes stress for students and does not teach anything to most students on grade level. It’s a big waste of time and has little benefits for students on grade level. It can take 20 to get past 1 lesson. Not to mention, usually teachers assign multiple I-Ready a week. Also thats only one teacher imagine reading and math teachers assign multiple each due at the end of the week, there just isn't enough time. With all this time students will not have time for studying or homework.In addition the I ready exam will ask students questions from up to two grades ahead of their grade level which will apply massive stress.We have to remove I-Ready to take off all of these negative effects from students for students who don’t need it and are no grade level.

Join the I ready ban

I-Ready causes stress for students and does not teach anything to most students on grade level. It’s a big waste of time and has little benefits for students on grade level. It can take 20 to get past 1 lesson. Not to mention, usually teachers assign multiple I-Ready a week. Also thats only one teacher imagine reading and math teachers assign multiple each due at the end of the week, there just isn't enough time. With all this time students will not have time for studying or homework.In addition the I ready exam will ask students questions from up to two grades ahead of their grade level which will apply massive stress.We have to remove I-Ready to take off all of these negative effects from students for students who don’t need it and are no grade level.

You signed!

Promoted by 1 supporter


Join the I ready ban

I-Ready causes stress for students and does not teach anything to most students on grade level. It’s a big waste of time and has little benefits for students on grade level. It can take 20 to get past 1 lesson. Not to mention, usually teachers assign multiple I-Ready a week. Also thats only one teacher imagine reading and math teachers assign multiple each due at the end of the week, there just isn't enough time. With all this time students will not have time for studying or homework.In addition the I ready exam will ask students questions from up to two grades ahead of their grade level which will apply massive stress.We have to remove I-Ready to take off all of these negative effects from students for students who don’t need it and are no grade level.

Join the I ready ban

I-Ready causes stress for students and does not teach anything to most students on grade level. It’s a big waste of time and has little benefits for students on grade level. It can take 20 to get past 1 lesson. Not to mention, usually teachers assign multiple I-Ready a week. Also thats only one teacher imagine reading and math teachers assign multiple each due at the end of the week, there just isn't enough time. With all this time students will not have time for studying or homework.In addition the I ready exam will ask students questions from up to two grades ahead of their grade level which will apply massive stress.We have to remove I-Ready to take off all of these negative effects from students for students who don’t need it and are no grade level.

Promoted by 69 supporters


Justice for Bobby Maher: Demand Urgent Anti-Bullying Reforms in Natrona County Schools

As a parent and family member deeply impacted by bullying within the Natrona County School District, I am compelled to raise my voice against this systemic issue in memory of two precious lives lost.My daughter, like many others, faced relentless bullying at school, an experience marked by torment and humiliation, often overlooked by those in authority with little to no action taken against the perpetrators. Tragically, my young 9-year-old cousin also succumbed to the scars left by bullying, leading to his heartbreaking suicide alone inside his school restroom.The recent murder of Bobby Maher, a heroic young man from our community, has further highlighted the dire consequences of unchecked aggression among youths. Bobby's father, mourning the loss of his son, insists that Bobby's death catalyze a movement for lasting change, ensuring his spirit continues to inspire and effect change.Our schools are more than just buildings; they are sanctuaries for our children and should be places where safety and kindness prevail over cruelty and exclusion. Despite existing policies and the visible commitment to infrastructure, our district continues to fall short in protecting its students.The statistics from PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center are a grim testament to the prevalence of this issue, with one out of every five students reporting being bullied. This is not merely a statistic; it's a clear indication that our current systems are insufficient.We urge the Natrona County School District to take decisive action by implementing comprehensive, enforceable anti-bullying policies that genuinely protect all students. This includes:Establishing clear, accessible reporting mechanisms for bullying.Ensuring thorough and transparent investigations of all reported incidents.Holding perpetrators accountable, regardless of their relationships to district staff.Providing ongoing support and resources to victims of bullying.Educating students and staff about bullying and its effects to foster a community of respect and support.In addition to our urgent call for comprehensive anti-bullying policies and decisive action, this petition also demands that the Natrona County School District implement transparent and clear communication protocols. These protocols must ensure that parents or family members on both sides—those of the victim and the perpetrator—are kept fully informed throughout the investigation and resolution of any bullying incident.This level of transparency is crucial not only for building trust between families and the school system but also for ensuring that all parties are aware of the circ*mstances and the measures being taken. It reinforces the district’s commitment to handling these issues with the seriousness they deserve and provides a system of accountability that has been sorely lacking.Effective communication fosters a collaborative approach to solving these problems, ensuring that our schools are safe environments where children can thrive without fear of bullying. Let’s honor Bobby Maher’s memory by creating a school system that prioritizes open communication, stringent anti-bullying measures, and a culture of mutual respect and safety.Our children deserve to learn in an environment where they feel safe and supported, not threatened and belittled. This petition demands that the Natrona County School District prioritize the safety and well-being of its students above all else.Please sign this petition to demand robust changes in our schools, honor Bobby Maher’s memory, and ensure that no child has to endure what my daughter, my cousin, and Bobby faced. Let’s stand together to create a safer, kinder future for all our children in the Natrona County School District............................................................Dear Natrona County School District,We are writing to you today not just as individuals, but as a united front of concerned parents, educators, and members of the Natrona County community. We come together to address a matter of urgent concern that transcends individual grievances—the pervasive and damaging issue of bullying within our schools. While we understand the necessity of maintaining and enhancing our school facilities and recognize that decisions regarding recent infrastructure investments were made prior to the heartbreaking loss of a young student in our community, we are deeply troubled by the significant oversight regarding the escalating issue of bullying within our schools. This tragedy has starkly highlighted the ongoing crisis, an issue that has been neglected for far too long.The incidence of bullying has alarmingly not only persisted but escalated to levels that are now causing unprecedented distress among students and parents alike. The severe impact of bullying on the mental health, well-being, and academic achievement of our children cannot be overstated. There have been heart-wrenching instances where the dire consequences of unchecked bullying have led to irrevocable tragedies, including the loss of precious young lives.The safety and emotional well-being of our children are paramount. The fact that we have lost even one child to the effects of bullying is a somber indicator that the current measures are insufficient and that immediate, more robust action is required. It is with heavy hearts that we observe significant resources allocated to physical improvements, while the critical issue of bullying is seemingly relegated to the background, receiving insufficient attention and action. Our children cannot wait for future infrastructure enhancements while they face immediate threats to their well-being today.Therefore, we collectively urge the Natrona County School District to implement the following actions with the utmost urgency:1. The immediate adoption of comprehensive, evidence-based anti-bullying programs proven to be effective in other educational settings.2. A significant increase in resources dedicated to mental health support, including the employment of trained professionals tasked with providing ongoing support to our students.3. The creation of a transparent, accessible system for reporting bullying incidents, empowering students and parents to seek help confidently.4. Regular, open reviews of the prevalence of bullying incidents and the efficacy of implemented measures, with the outcomes shared with the entire community.5. The establishment of a continuous dialogue involving the school district, parents, students, and the broader community, aimed at collaboratively tackling and monitoring the bullying issue.We understand the complexity of these challenges and the resources required to address them. Nonetheless, we expect and demand that the Natrona County School District takes immediate, decisive steps to address the bullying crisis with the gravity and urgency it deserves. The well-being of our children is a collective responsibility that we all share and cannot be deferred.In Solidarity,The Concerned Parents and Community Members of Natrona CountyP.S. This letter is more than a call to action; it is a unified demand for immediate change from a community united in concern and determination. Together, we insist on a future where no child suffers from bullying in silence, and no more lives are tragically lost.

Justice for Bobby Maher: Demand Urgent Anti-Bullying Reforms in Natrona County Schools

As a parent and family member deeply impacted by bullying within the Natrona County School District, I am compelled to raise my voice against this systemic issue in memory of two precious lives lost.

My daughter, like many others, faced relentless bullying at school, an experience marked by torment and humiliation, often overlooked by those in authority with little to no action taken against the perpetrators. Tragically, my young 9-year-old cousin also succumbed to the scars left by bullying, leading to his heartbreaking suicide alone inside his school restroom.

The recent murder of Bobby Maher, a heroic young man from our community, has further highlighted the dire consequences of unchecked aggression among youths. Bobby's father, mourning the loss of his son, insists that Bobby's death catalyze a movement for lasting change, ensuring his spirit continues to inspire and effect change.

Our schools are more than just buildings; they are sanctuaries for our children and should be places where safety and kindness prevail over cruelty and exclusion. Despite existing policies and the visible commitment to infrastructure, our district continues to fall short in protecting its students.

The statistics from PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center are a grim testament to the prevalence of this issue, with one out of every five students reporting being bullied. This is not merely a statistic; it's a clear indication that our current systems are insufficient.

We urge the Natrona County School District to take decisive action by implementing comprehensive, enforceable anti-bullying policies that genuinely protect all students. This includes:

Establishing clear, accessible reporting mechanisms for bullying.Ensuring thorough and transparent investigations of all reported incidents.Holding perpetrators accountable, regardless of their relationships to district staff.Providing ongoing support and resources to victims of bullying.Educating students and staff about bullying and its effects to foster a community of respect and support.

In addition to our urgent call for comprehensive anti-bullying policies and decisive action, this petition also demands that the Natrona County School District implement transparent and clear communication protocols. These protocols must ensure that parents or family members on both sides—those of the victim and the perpetrator—are kept fully informed throughout the investigation and resolution of any bullying incident.

This level of transparency is crucial not only for building trust between families and the school system but also for ensuring that all parties are aware of the circ*mstances and the measures being taken. It reinforces the district’s commitment to handling these issues with the seriousness they deserve and provides a system of accountability that has been sorely lacking.

Effective communication fosters a collaborative approach to solving these problems, ensuring that our schools are safe environments where children can thrive without fear of bullying. Let’s honor Bobby Maher’s memory by creating a school system that prioritizes open communication, stringent anti-bullying measures, and a culture of mutual respect and safety.

Our children deserve to learn in an environment where they feel safe and supported, not threatened and belittled. This petition demands that the Natrona County School District prioritize the safety and well-being of its students above all else.

Please sign this petition to demand robust changes in our schools, honor Bobby Maher’s memory, and ensure that no child has to endure what my daughter, my cousin, and Bobby faced. Let’s stand together to create a safer, kinder future for all our children in the Natrona County School District.


Dear Natrona County School District,

We are writing to you today not just as individuals, but as a united front of concerned parents, educators, and members of the Natrona County community. We come together to address a matter of urgent concern that transcends individual grievances—the pervasive and damaging issue of bullying within our schools. While we understand the necessity of maintaining and enhancing our school facilities and recognize that decisions regarding recent infrastructure investments were made prior to the heartbreaking loss of a young student in our community, we are deeply troubled by the significant oversight regarding the escalating issue of bullying within our schools. This tragedy has starkly highlighted the ongoing crisis, an issue that has been neglected for far too long.

The incidence of bullying has alarmingly not only persisted but escalated to levels that are now causing unprecedented distress among students and parents alike. The severe impact of bullying on the mental health, well-being, and academic achievement of our children cannot be overstated. There have been heart-wrenching instances where the dire consequences of unchecked bullying have led to irrevocable tragedies, including the loss of precious young lives.

The safety and emotional well-being of our children are paramount. The fact that we have lost even one child to the effects of bullying is a somber indicator that the current measures are insufficient and that immediate, more robust action is required. It is with heavy hearts that we observe significant resources allocated to physical improvements, while the critical issue of bullying is seemingly relegated to the background, receiving insufficient attention and action. Our children cannot wait for future infrastructure enhancements while they face immediate threats to their well-being today.

Therefore, we collectively urge the Natrona County School District to implement the following actions with the utmost urgency:

1. The immediate adoption of comprehensive, evidence-based anti-bullying programs proven to be effective in other educational settings.

2. A significant increase in resources dedicated to mental health support, including the employment of trained professionals tasked with providing ongoing support to our students.

3. The creation of a transparent, accessible system for reporting bullying incidents, empowering students and parents to seek help confidently.

4. Regular, open reviews of the prevalence of bullying incidents and the efficacy of implemented measures, with the outcomes shared with the entire community.

5. The establishment of a continuous dialogue involving the school district, parents, students, and the broader community, aimed at collaboratively tackling and monitoring the bullying issue.

We understand the complexity of these challenges and the resources required to address them. Nonetheless, we expect and demand that the Natrona County School District takes immediate, decisive steps to address the bullying crisis with the gravity and urgency it deserves. The well-being of our children is a collective responsibility that we all share and cannot be deferred.

In Solidarity,

The Concerned Parents and Community Members of Natrona County

P.S. This letter is more than a call to action; it is a unified demand for immediate change from a community united in concern and determination. Together, we insist on a future where no child suffers from bullying in silence, and no more lives are tragically lost.

Promoted by 48 supporters


Prevent the Closure of Landmark Elementary School

Landmark Elementary, which is in the top 10% of performing schools in the state and a historic institution in McHenry, Illinois, is under threat of closure. Regardless of the school’s exemplary status, the district’s board is considering shutting down the building instead of investing in necessary repairs. This decision will not only erase a piece of our community's history but also place undue burden on other schools as they absorb displaced students. According to data from the National Education Association (NEA), overcrowding can lead to decreased student performance and increased stress among teachers. The dissipation of the effective programs established at the school along with the strong talent pool of educators will have a negative impact on our community. We urge the school board to invest in preserving and improving Landmark Elementary School for future generations. Please sign this petition to show your support for keeping our beloved school open!

Prevent the Closure of Landmark Elementary School

Landmark Elementary, which is in the top 10% of performing schools in the state and a historic institution in McHenry, Illinois, is under threat of closure. Regardless of the school’s exemplary status, the district’s board is considering shutting down the building instead of investing in necessary repairs. This decision will not only erase a piece of our community's history but also place undue burden on other schools as they absorb displaced students. According to data from the National Education Association (NEA), overcrowding can lead to decreased student performance and increased stress among teachers. The dissipation of the effective programs established at the school along with the strong talent pool of educators will have a negative impact on our community. We urge the school board to invest in preserving and improving Landmark Elementary School for future generations. Please sign this petition to show your support for keeping our beloved school open!

Promoted by 2 supporters


Peace through Quality Housing, Desirable Employment, and Crime Reduction

As students of history who understand the devastating power of weapons of mass destruction and the horrors of war, we are deeply concerned about the current discourse in U.S. Congress regarding Billions in funding for military aid. We believe that these funds could be better used to address root causes of global conflict and displacement such as lack of quality affordable housing, limited desirable employment opportunities, and organized crime.We propose a shift in focus towards cooperation in developing quality housing as well as high quality education, health and correctional facilities. It is our belief that this approach will help diffuse historical tensions related to ideological differences and create an atmosphere conducive to peace.The U.S. Congress is currently debating the allocation of hundreds of billions dollars for military aid - money which could be added to a global fund to build 100s of Peace Centers, create millions units of much needed quality housing and hundreds of quality health + education facilities. Innovative correctional facilities that are designed to be educational rather than punitive might be more likely to create agreement regarding social contracts and reduce crime.As citizens who value diplomacy over destruction, we urge our representatives to consider this alternative path towards global peace - one that addresses core societal issues rather than escalating conflicts.We ask you to join us in urging our government representatives to prioritize peaceful solutions over warfare. Please sign, share and reach out to your Congresspeople today.We ask the 118 U.S. Congress to reject this and future military aid packages that tilt the balance of power and thus fuel conflict.NYT Article

Peace through Quality Housing, Desirable Employment, and Crime Reduction

As students of history who understand the devastating power of weapons of mass destruction and the horrors of war, we are deeply concerned about the current discourse in U.S. Congress regarding Billions in funding for military aid. We believe that these funds could be better used to address root causes of global conflict and displacement such as lack of quality affordable housing, limited desirable employment opportunities, and organized crime.We propose a shift in focus towards cooperation in developing quality housing as well as high quality education, health and correctional facilities. It is our belief that this approach will help diffuse historical tensions related to ideological differences and create an atmosphere conducive to peace.The U.S. Congress is currently debating the allocation of hundreds of billions dollars for military aid - money which could be added to a global fund to build 100s of Peace Centers, create millions units of much needed quality housing and hundreds of quality health + education facilities. Innovative correctional facilities that are designed to be educational rather than punitive might be more likely to create agreement regarding social contracts and reduce crime.

As citizens who value diplomacy over destruction, we urge our representatives to consider this alternative path towards global peace - one that addresses core societal issues rather than escalating conflicts.We ask you to join us in urging our government representatives to prioritize peaceful solutions over warfare. Please sign, share and reach out to your Congresspeople today.

We ask the 118 U.S. Congress to reject this and future military aid packages that tilt the balance of power and thus fuel conflict.

NYT Article

Promoted by 127 supporters


Halt the Inclusion of Project BL-02 in the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)

For eighteen long years, we, the citizens of Bluffton, SC have repeatedly voiced our opposition to Project number 14, “Bluffton Parkway 5B” (BL-02). Despite our continuous rejection and concerns for the local environment, this project has resurfaced again in the Lowcountry Council of Government's (LCOG) submittal of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), intended to be included in the State Implementation Plan (SIP).The proposed road project poses a significant threat to our wetlands and wildlife habitats. It will also exacerbate storm runoff problems in an area already prone to flooding. These are not just hypothetical concerns; they are based on scientific facts and studies that highlight how such projects can lead to irreversible environmental damage.Despite being touted as a solution for Congestion Reduction and System Reliability, this road will only lead to increased commercial development and traffic congestion. Our town is already grappling with traffic gridlock; adding another commercial artery will only worsen this problem.Therefore, we urge LCOG to remove Project number 14 (BL-02) from their TIP submission for inclusion in the SIP. It's time we prioritize our community's needs and environmental integrity over short-term financial gains.We need your help to protect Bluffton's natural resources from unnecessary destruction. Please join us in calling on LCOG to remove Project BL-02 from their TIP submission. Sign this petition today!

Halt the Inclusion of Project BL-02 in the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)

For eighteen long years, we, the citizens of Bluffton, SC have repeatedly voiced our opposition to Project number 14, “Bluffton Parkway 5B” (BL-02). Despite our continuous rejection and concerns for the local environment, this project has resurfaced again in the Lowcountry Council of Government's (LCOG) submittal of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), intended to be included in the State Implementation Plan (SIP).

The proposed road project poses a significant threat to our wetlands and wildlife habitats. It will also exacerbate storm runoff problems in an area already prone to flooding. These are not just hypothetical concerns; they are based on scientific facts and studies that highlight how such projects can lead to irreversible environmental damage.

Despite being touted as a solution for Congestion Reduction and System Reliability, this road will only lead to increased commercial development and traffic congestion. Our town is already grappling with traffic gridlock; adding another commercial artery will only worsen this problem.

Therefore, we urge LCOG to remove Project number 14 (BL-02) from their TIP submission for inclusion in the SIP. It's time we prioritize our community's needs and environmental integrity over short-term financial gains.

We need your help to protect Bluffton's natural resources from unnecessary destruction. Please join us in calling on LCOG to remove Project BL-02 from their TIP submission. Sign this petition today!

Promoted by 77 supporters


Stop the Construction of the Black Mountain Limestone Mining Kiln

This petition is to make our opposition known against TCEQ Permits 167047, GHGPSDTX212, and PSDTX1602.Black Mountain Cement, backed by the “High Roller Group” has been very discreet about their plans to build a 600-acre cement and limestone blasting plant just southwest of Sherman and just west of Howe — and for good reason.Not only are they destroying the legacy of a 100-year-old Dorchester Baptist Church because of their location, but they are also looking to ruin the air, water, and general quality of life for at least seven communities in a 50-mile radius.What they are doingHigh Roller Group (HRG), the firm behind Black Mountain Cement, claims they are creating a “next generation cornerstone of cement production” that will “build up the community” — but in fact their plans would do just the opposite.The truth is that the proposed plant would negatively impact the health and wellbeing of Grayson County and those who live in:DorchesterShermanHoweGunterDenisonLake TexomaDurantSouthmaydCollinsvilleWhitesboroSadlerThe negative impactsEnjoying your air and water? If HRG had their way, it wouldn't be for long. The list of toxins that would be released into the air — and the effects that come with them — is much longer than anyone should be comfortable with:Sulfuric acid: Alters the clearance of particles from the lungs. These changes resemble those produced by cigarette smoke and could well lead to chronic bronchitis.Lead: Lead can adversely affect the nervous system, kidney function, immune system, reproductive and developmental systems and the cardiovascular system.Nitrogen oxide: Elevated levels of nitrogen dioxide can cause damage to the human respiratory tract and increase a person's vulnerability to respiratory infections and asthma.Carbon monoxide: Exposure to lower levels of CO can cause chest pain, reduce the ability to exercise, and may contribute to other cardiovascular effects.Dust and particulates: Particulate matter has been shown to cause asthma and respiratory disease, reduce visibility, and also adversely affect climate, ecosystems and materials.This would have a severe impact on the air quality in the county. Now let’s talk about the water. Did we mention they’ll be blasting for limestone? Here’s what that does.Limestone mining can affect ground water conditions. Limestone deposits often occur. Often, mining operations remove ground water to expose the quarrying site, which can lower the water table and change how water flows.Streams and rivers can be altered. This increases the danger of flooding, and any pollutants or changes in water quality affects the surface water. Upstream surface water features, such as marshes, ponds and wetlands, can lose volume as their waters drain into the mine and are pumped out.Blasting and construction. Small explosive charges set along drilled lines free blocks of stone to be removed for construction. Large explosive charges reduce whole areas of limestone to rubble, which is removed for use as crushed stone. The impact from explosions can result in noise pollution and dust. Underground forces from the blasts can cause sinkholes or change the drainage and water quality of underground aquifers.Other reasons you should care Excessive draw on the water table – Dorchester is currently home to wells that supply Sherman, Dorchester, Howe, and Gunter populations. With existing water concerns, this will affect our water supply.Health risks to livestock and wildlife.Heavy industrial traffic on neighborhood roads.Don’t let the “High Rollers'' take over your town — together our voices are louder than theirs. Sign the petition and attend the public meeting on Monday, March 25th at 7 PM at the Hilton Garden Inn, address below:5015 S US HWY 75,DENISON TX 75020

Stop the Construction of the Black Mountain Limestone Mining Kiln

This petition is to make our opposition known against TCEQ Permits 167047, GHGPSDTX212, and PSDTX1602.

Black Mountain Cement, backed by the “High Roller Group” has been very discreet about their plans to build a 600-acre cement and limestone blasting plant just southwest of Sherman and just west of Howe — and for good reason.

Not only are they destroying the legacy of a 100-year-old Dorchester Baptist Church because of their location, but they are also looking to ruin the air, water, and general quality of life for at least seven communities in a 50-mile radius.

What they are doing

High Roller Group (HRG), the firm behind Black Mountain Cement, claims they are creating a “next generation cornerstone of cement production” that will “build up the community” — but in fact their plans would do just the opposite.

The truth is that the proposed plant would negatively impact the health and wellbeing of Grayson County and those who live in:

DorchesterShermanHoweGunterDenisonLake TexomaDurantSouthmaydCollinsvilleWhitesboroSadler

The negative impacts

Enjoying your air and water? If HRG had their way, it wouldn't be for long. The list of toxins that would be released into the air — and the effects that come with them — is much longer than anyone should be comfortable with:

Sulfuric acid: Alters the clearance of particles from the lungs. These changes resemble those produced by cigarette smoke and could well lead to chronic bronchitis.Lead: Lead can adversely affect the nervous system, kidney function, immune system, reproductive and developmental systems and the cardiovascular system.Nitrogen oxide: Elevated levels of nitrogen dioxide can cause damage to the human respiratory tract and increase a person's vulnerability to respiratory infections and asthma.Carbon monoxide: Exposure to lower levels of CO can cause chest pain, reduce the ability to exercise, and may contribute to other cardiovascular effects.Dust and particulates: Particulate matter has been shown to cause asthma and respiratory disease, reduce visibility, and also adversely affect climate, ecosystems and materials.

This would have a severe impact on the air quality in the county. Now let’s talk about the water. Did we mention they’ll be blasting for limestone? Here’s what that does.

Limestone mining can affect ground water conditions. Limestone deposits often occur. Often, mining operations remove ground water to expose the quarrying site, which can lower the water table and change how water flows.Streams and rivers can be altered. This increases the danger of flooding, and any pollutants or changes in water quality affects the surface water. Upstream surface water features, such as marshes, ponds and wetlands, can lose volume as their waters drain into the mine and are pumped out.Blasting and construction. Small explosive charges set along drilled lines free blocks of stone to be removed for construction. Large explosive charges reduce whole areas of limestone to rubble, which is removed for use as crushed stone. The impact from explosions can result in noise pollution and dust. Underground forces from the blasts can cause sinkholes or change the drainage and water quality of underground aquifers.

Other reasons you should care

Excessive draw on the water table – Dorchester is currently home to wells that supply Sherman, Dorchester, Howe, and Gunter populations. With existing water concerns, this will affect our water supply.Health risks to livestock and wildlife.Heavy industrial traffic on neighborhood roads.

Don’t let the “High Rollers'' take over your town — together our voices are louder than theirs. Sign the petition and attend the public meeting on Monday, March 25th at 7 PM at the Hilton Garden Inn, address below:

5015 S US HWY 75,DENISON TX 75020

Promoted by 133 supporters


Support Coach Dave Siegriest

This petition is a call to action for those who believe in justice, fairness, and the preservation of a well-earned legacy. We stand firmly behind Dave Siegriest, the esteemed Nyack High School Varsity Baseball Coach. His dedication to the Nyack school district and athletic program has been instrumental in shaping Nyack into what it is today - a beacon of educational excellence and athletic prowess.Recently, allegations of sexual misconduct related to the actions of a volunteer assistant coach working during Dave’s tenure have surfaced. However, we assert that Dave Siegriest did not know nor could he have known about these alleged incidents, especially since the allegations were never raised during Dave’s tragically curtailed lifetime. The current personal attack on him is not only shameful but also unwarranted. Given the untimely death of Dave and the lengthy passage of time, it may not be possible to definitively disprove and defend against some of the hearsay offered, but the balance of Dave’s actual record of accomplishments and good works represent an extremely large counterweight that cannot be overlooked.Dave Siegriest's legacy is intertwined with the success story of the Nyack school district and athletic program. To tarnish his reputation based on circ*mstances beyond his control or knowledge would be an injustice not only to him, but also to all those who have benefited from his tireless efforts over the years – both the Nyack (and Nanuet) school communities at large as well as those students entrusted to his care who learned not only athletic skills but also important life skills, principles, and values that would serve them well beyond the playing fields and well beyond their time at the school. Many of these people spoke from the heart publicly in thankful praise of what Dave’s tutelage did for them in their lives as they paid their respects at the annual memorial tournament held posthumously in Dave’s honor.We urge you to sign this petition as a show of support for Dave Siegriest – a man whose contributions should be celebrated rather than condemned without a fair or completely objective investigation or due process. This Tuesday, January 23, 2024, in the auditorium at Nyack High School, the Nyack Board of Education will be voting on a resolution to remove Dave’s name from the baseball field and score board at the high school as well as from any plaques, trophies, scholarship funds, programs, or memorial tournaments that currently bear his name. Please also consider attending the Board meeting to have your voice heard during the public session portion of the meeting or to at least have your presence counted among those who oppose this resolution. Stand with us in preserving the 17-year-old inspirational legacy and life lessons of not only a great coach, but of a truly wonderful man. They may try to erase his name, but they can never erase his memory!

Support Coach Dave Siegriest

This petition is a call to action for those who believe in justice, fairness, and the preservation of a well-earned legacy. We stand firmly behind Dave Siegriest, the esteemed Nyack High School Varsity Baseball Coach. His dedication to the Nyack school district and athletic program has been instrumental in shaping Nyack into what it is today - a beacon of educational excellence and athletic prowess.

Recently, allegations of sexual misconduct related to the actions of a volunteer assistant coach working during Dave’s tenure have surfaced. However, we assert that Dave Siegriest did not know nor could he have known about these alleged incidents, especially since the allegations were never raised during Dave’s tragically curtailed lifetime. The current personal attack on him is not only shameful but also unwarranted. Given the untimely death of Dave and the lengthy passage of time, it may not be possible to definitively disprove and defend against some of the hearsay offered, but the balance of Dave’s actual record of accomplishments and good works represent an extremely large counterweight that cannot be overlooked.

Dave Siegriest's legacy is intertwined with the success story of the Nyack school district and athletic program. To tarnish his reputation based on circ*mstances beyond his control or knowledge would be an injustice not only to him, but also to all those who have benefited from his tireless efforts over the years – both the Nyack (and Nanuet) school communities at large as well as those students entrusted to his care who learned not only athletic skills but also important life skills, principles, and values that would serve them well beyond the playing fields and well beyond their time at the school. Many of these people spoke from the heart publicly in thankful praise of what Dave’s tutelage did for them in their lives as they paid their respects at the annual memorial tournament held posthumously in Dave’s honor.

We urge you to sign this petition as a show of support for Dave Siegriest – a man whose contributions should be celebrated rather than condemned without a fair or completely objective investigation or due process. This Tuesday, January 23, 2024, in the auditorium at Nyack High School, the Nyack Board of Education will be voting on a resolution to remove Dave’s name from the baseball field and score board at the high school as well as from any plaques, trophies, scholarship funds, programs, or memorial tournaments that currently bear his name. Please also consider attending the Board meeting to have your voice heard during the public session portion of the meeting or to at least have your presence counted among those who oppose this resolution. Stand with us in preserving the 17-year-old inspirational legacy and life lessons of not only a great coach, but of a truly wonderful man. They may try to erase his name, but they can never erase his memory!

Promoted by 39 supporters


Reverse the 3-Hour Parking Limit Decision on Ocean Road, Narragansett

As a resident of Narragansett and a candidate for the town council, I am deeply concerned about the recent decision by our current town council to impose a 3-hour parking limit along Ocean Road. This decision not only threatens to obstruct our cherished ocean view with unnecessary signage but also disrupts the tranquil atmosphere that makes Narragansett so special.Narragansett is known for its breathtaking views and peaceful ambiance, attracting both beachgoers and shoppers alike. The seawall along Ocean Road is one of our most treasured landmarks, offering an unobstructed view of the ocean that few places in Rhode Island can match. However, this recent decision risks tarnishing this beauty with an influx of parking limit signs.This change will deter visitors from spending more time in our town - shopping at local businesses or enjoying our beautiful beaches - which could have negative implications for local commerce.Please sign this petition if you agree that we should preserve the beauty and tranquility of Ocean Road by reversing the 3-hour parking limit decision.

Reverse the 3-Hour Parking Limit Decision on Ocean Road, Narragansett

As a resident of Narragansett and a candidate for the town council, I am deeply concerned about the recent decision by our current town council to impose a 3-hour parking limit along Ocean Road. This decision not only threatens to obstruct our cherished ocean view with unnecessary signage but also disrupts the tranquil atmosphere that makes Narragansett so special.Narragansett is known for its breathtaking views and peaceful ambiance, attracting both beachgoers and shoppers alike. The seawall along Ocean Road is one of our most treasured landmarks, offering an unobstructed view of the ocean that few places in Rhode Island can match. However, this recent decision risks tarnishing this beauty with an influx of parking limit signs.This change will deter visitors from spending more time in our town - shopping at local businesses or enjoying our beautiful beaches - which could have negative implications for local commerce.Please sign this petition if you agree that we should preserve the beauty and tranquility of Ocean Road by reversing the 3-hour parking limit decision.

Promoted by 20 supporters


Keep Jack!

Calling on all Victor Valley High School alumni, and the citizens of the High Desert young and old! We need your help!! It has recently come to the attention of many VVHS alumni that a “new” and “updated” jackrabbit mascot logo is being used by ALL the sports teams/coaches EXCEPT wrestling and soccer, as well as the new principal on all official school communications and representation of the school. This “new” mascot logo has already made its way to the weight room floor. However, according to the school’s activities director, “different versions of the mascot logo have been used over the decades…this is just one example used for one group of students”. While yes she is right, up until 1970 each class designed their mascot & logo that was to be used that school year. However, in 1970 the current Jack logo that we have all come to know and love was designed & adopted as the school’s official mascot logo. While classes have made variations of this version of the mascot logo to depict their sports or club affiliations, he was still recognizable as the Jack we know! This is unacceptable for many reasons. 1. Neither the district nor the school board has approved this “new” jackrabbit logo to be used in place of the current school mascot logo that has been the ONLY mascot logo used since the class of 1970 designed & adopted it, as previously mentioned. 2. It is very clearly a copycat version of the South Dakota State University mascot logo, with minor changes made to avoid copyright infringement. 3. The Jack logo that was introduced in 1970 has deep roots not only within our school but our community as a whole. He is an icon within the community and regardless of school allegiance, he is loved by all.We are asking all alumni as well as those in this community, including our rival school alumni, to help us keep our beloved and historical Jack logo as he has been since 1970 when he was first adopted as the school mascot logo. We want the district, the school board, the principal, and the coaches of all the teams using this knockoff jackrabbit logo to know that we do NOT support this change! Our history matters, let’s make our voices matter too!Update: below is a carefully worded, update from the current principal!A message from Principal Chris Cusino:Dear Victor Valley High School students, alums, family, and friends,Several social media posts recently commented on a change of the school's mascot. I assure you that is not the case.The Victor Valley High School Jackrabbit mascot is part of the school's 109-year tradition and will always symbolize VVHS. However, the Jackrabbit logo has evolved over the years. This post includes a picture of at least seven variations of the Jackrabbit logo, presented during the school's one-hundredth anniversary in 2015. The middle of the image consists of the most recent logo, which depicts a muscular rabbit wearing a "V" sweater. This logo is primarily used today. However, several Jackrabbit variations have traditionally been used over the decades, particularly in athletics.The long-standing tradition of the Jackrabbit is undoubtedly the pride of the Victor Valley community. As such, we are researching the different logo variants used by VVHS throughout the decades and look forward to sharing this research and the evolution of the Jackrabbit logo with you very soon.Regardless of variations that may be used and considered, VVHS will be known as the home of the Jackrabbits for generations to come.Sincerely,Chris CusinoPrincipal, Victor Valley High SchoolI asked the following in response, to which he nor anyone from the district has yet to respond. I will post an update if I get a response!Can you tell me when & for how long each "variation" of the jackrabbits show in this picture were used? Because the Jackrabbit we use today was designed in 1970 & has been used for the last 54 years. Prior to 1970 it was the school's practice to allow the seniors to design their mascot each year. This means that prior to 1970, each mascot variation was used for one MAYBE two school years at most. Additionally; the way this is worded, while quite skillful, is clearly political double talk. Not once did you say our school mascot LOGO is not changing, you only said our mascot regardless of the variation that might be used in the future will always be the Jackrabbit. I'm going to also go out on a limb and guess that since your personal email signature includes the knockoff, copycat, bordering on copyright infringement of the South Dakota State University's jackrabbit logo as well as several school announcements & merchandise all featuring this "other" logo, that it is your intention to update or revamp our current mascot logo?The next school board meeting will be sometime in April! Let’s get this petition shared so we can show them we want our Jack logo to remain!!!

Keep Jack!

Calling on all Victor Valley High School alumni, and the citizens of the High Desert young and old! We need your help!! It has recently come to the attention of many VVHS alumni that a “new” and “updated” jackrabbit mascot logo is being used by ALL the sports teams/coaches EXCEPT wrestling and soccer, as well as the new principal on all official school communications and representation of the school. This “new” mascot logo has already made its way to the weight room floor. However, according to the school’s activities director, “different versions of the mascot logo have been used over the decades…this is just one example used for one group of students”. While yes she is right, up until 1970 each class designed their mascot & logo that was to be used that school year. However, in 1970 the current Jack logo that we have all come to know and love was designed & adopted as the school’s official mascot logo. While classes have made variations of this version of the mascot logo to depict their sports or club affiliations, he was still recognizable as the Jack we know! This is unacceptable for many reasons. 1. Neither the district nor the school board has approved this “new” jackrabbit logo to be used in place of the current school mascot logo that has been the ONLY mascot logo used since the class of 1970 designed & adopted it, as previously mentioned. 2. It is very clearly a copycat version of the South Dakota State University mascot logo, with minor changes made to avoid copyright infringement. 3. The Jack logo that was introduced in 1970 has deep roots not only within our school but our community as a whole. He is an icon within the community and regardless of school allegiance, he is loved by all.

We are asking all alumni as well as those in this community, including our rival school alumni, to help us keep our beloved and historical Jack logo as he has been since 1970 when he was first adopted as the school mascot logo. We want the district, the school board, the principal, and the coaches of all the teams using this knockoff jackrabbit logo to know that we do NOT support this change! Our history matters, let’s make our voices matter too!

Update: below is a carefully worded, update from the current principal!

A message from Principal Chris Cusino:

Dear Victor Valley High School students, alums, family, and friends,

Several social media posts recently commented on a change of the school's mascot. I assure you that is not the case.

The Victor Valley High School Jackrabbit mascot is part of the school's 109-year tradition and will always symbolize VVHS. However, the Jackrabbit logo has evolved over the years.

This post includes a picture of at least seven variations of the Jackrabbit logo, presented during the school's one-hundredth anniversary in 2015. The middle of the image consists of the most recent logo, which depicts a muscular rabbit wearing a "V" sweater. This logo is primarily used today. However, several Jackrabbit variations have traditionally been used over the decades, particularly in athletics.

The long-standing tradition of the Jackrabbit is undoubtedly the pride of the Victor Valley community. As such, we are researching the different logo variants used by VVHS throughout the decades and look forward to sharing this research and the evolution of the Jackrabbit logo with you very soon.

Regardless of variations that may be used and considered, VVHS will be known as the home of the Jackrabbits for generations to come.


Chris CusinoPrincipal, Victor Valley High School

I asked the following in response, to which he nor anyone from the district has yet to respond. I will post an update if I get a response!

Can you tell me when & for how long each "variation" of the jackrabbits show in this picture were used? Because the Jackrabbit we use today was designed in 1970 & has been used for the last 54 years. Prior to 1970 it was the school's practice to allow the seniors to design their mascot each year. This means that prior to 1970, each mascot variation was used for one MAYBE two school years at most. Additionally; the way this is worded, while quite skillful, is clearly political double talk. Not once did you say our school mascot LOGO is not changing, you only said our mascot regardless of the variation that might be used in the future will always be the Jackrabbit. I'm going to also go out on a limb and guess that since your personal email signature includes the knockoff, copycat, bordering on copyright infringement of the South Dakota State University's jackrabbit logo as well as several school announcements & merchandise all featuring this "other" logo, that it is your intention to update or revamp our current mascot logo?

The next school board meeting will be sometime in April! Let’s get this petition shared so we can show them we want our Jack logo to remain!!!

Promoted by 33 supporters


Preserve Piermont

The unique character and charm of the Village of Piermont are under threat due to potential overdevelopment. This quaint Village, nestled in Rockland County, New York, is known for its rich history and scenic beauty. However, there is growing concern that irresponsible land use policies, and selective blindness, could drastically alter its landscape and community spirit. Among other projects the Village is considering, this concern stems from a major multifamily development proposed for 447 - 477 Piermont Avenue.Piermont Developers, LLC, proposes a fourteen (14) unit multifamily development in a critical environmental area at 447 - 477 Piermont Avenue across from Village Hall. This proposal is contrary to Rockland County Planning guidance, which explicitly suggests its approval will change the character of the neighborhood. This proposal is also contrary to those environmental regulations which are designed to protect the surrounding neighborhood and properties.The Village’s newly implemented zoning regulations allow for a level of development that could lead to an increase in population density, traffic congestion, and strain on local resources and infrastructure. This not only disrupts the peaceful environment but also poses risks to the local ecosystem.According to data from the U.S Census Bureau (2019), Piermont has a small population of approximately 2,500 residents. The charm of this Village lies in its small-town feel which could be lost if overdevelopment occurs.We urge our local government officials to review existing land use policies and implement stricter controls on development projects within our beloved Village. We believe that growth should not come at the expense of our community's character, our local government’s integrity, or environmental sustainability.We also urge our local government officials to share information and materials concerning new laws, land use developments, or other Village matters so that the public can meaningfully participate and comment on what our Village is doing.Preserving Piermont's unique identity requires your active participation. Please sign this petition urging responsible land use policies in the Village of Piermont!What can be done?It's crucial to stop overdevelopment and voice concern about proposed developments that are contrary to principles of good planning. Village of Piermont residents must voice their concerns in writing and in person to Village leaders, advocating for a process that respects transparency and the community's voice, values, and concerns.Here’s how:Sign this petition (no donations needed)Share this petition ( the “Preserve Piermont” Facebook group.Attend Village Board Meetings: ask questions.If you cannot attend Village Board Meetings, submit comments in writing, no later than 1:00 P.M. on the date of any meeting, to your concerns to Village government officials:Mayor Bruce Tucker - btucker@piermont-ny.govDeputy Mayor Mark Blomquist - mblomquist@piermont-ny.govTrustee Robert Burns - rburns@piermont-ny.govTrustee Nathan Mitchell - nmitchell@piermont-ny.govTrustee Michael Wright -

Preserve Piermont

The unique character and charm of the Village of Piermont are under threat due to potential overdevelopment. This quaint Village, nestled in Rockland County, New York, is known for its rich history and scenic beauty. However, there is growing concern that irresponsible land use policies, and selective blindness, could drastically alter its landscape and community spirit. Among other projects the Village is considering, this concern stems from a major multifamily development proposed for 447 - 477 Piermont Avenue.

Piermont Developers, LLC, proposes a fourteen (14) unit multifamily development in a critical environmental area at 447 - 477 Piermont Avenue across from Village Hall. This proposal is contrary to Rockland County Planning guidance, which explicitly suggests its approval will change the character of the neighborhood. This proposal is also contrary to those environmental regulations which are designed to protect the surrounding neighborhood and properties.

The Village’s newly implemented zoning regulations allow for a level of development that could lead to an increase in population density, traffic congestion, and strain on local resources and infrastructure. This not only disrupts the peaceful environment but also poses risks to the local ecosystem.

According to data from the U.S Census Bureau (2019), Piermont has a small population of approximately 2,500 residents. The charm of this Village lies in its small-town feel which could be lost if overdevelopment occurs.

We urge our local government officials to review existing land use policies and implement stricter controls on development projects within our beloved Village. We believe that growth should not come at the expense of our community's character, our local government’s integrity, or environmental sustainability.

We also urge our local government officials to share information and materials concerning new laws, land use developments, or other Village matters so that the public can meaningfully participate and comment on what our Village is doing.

Preserving Piermont's unique identity requires your active participation. Please sign this petition urging responsible land use policies in the Village of Piermont!

What can be done?

It's crucial to stop overdevelopment and voice concern about proposed developments that are contrary to principles of good planning. Village of Piermont residents must voice their concerns in writing and in person to Village leaders, advocating for a process that respects transparency and the community's voice, values, and concerns.

Here’s how:

Sign this petition (no donations needed)Share this petition ( the “Preserve Piermont” Facebook group.Attend Village Board Meetings: ask questions.If you cannot attend Village Board Meetings, submit comments in writing, no later than 1:00 P.M. on the date of any meeting, to your concerns to Village government officials:Mayor Bruce Tucker - btucker@piermont-ny.govDeputy Mayor Mark Blomquist - mblomquist@piermont-ny.govTrustee Robert Burns - rburns@piermont-ny.govTrustee Nathan Mitchell - nmitchell@piermont-ny.govTrustee Michael Wright -

Promoted by 667 supporters


Free Joe Hunt

In 1988, one true crime story dominated the news cycle: The Billionaire Boys Club.Almost 4 decades later, the story has faded from the tabloids, but it remains the painful present-day reality of club leader Joe Hunt, who remains in prison, serving a sentence of life without the possibility of parole for a murder he maintains that he did not commit.Hunt readily admits to financial misdeeds -- he became the unwitting head of a ponzi scheme when a con man named Ron Levin bilked him out of a half million of his investors’ dollars, leaving Joe holding the bag. The 23-year-old Hunt naively overextended himself when he took Levin at his word that he would fund a large commodities investment intended to repay investors with a handsome profit. Instead, Levin assured Hunt he could proceed with a purchase made with nonexistent funds. That’s when law enforcement got involved.Soon after, Levin, who was out on bail and facing an FBI investigation for grand theft and fraud, went missing. In response to police inquiries, the rich kids of the Billionaire Boys Club directed attention away from themselves and pointed to Joe, the scholarship kid. Prosecutors decided to charge Joe with Levin’s murder, even with no body and no forensic evidence.In addition to defending their client, Joe’s lawyers were burdened with the task of filing a judicial misconduct motion for mistrial after Judge Laurence Rittenband, well known as a “prosecutor’s judge,” slapped one member of the defense team with a gag order, leaving a workload meant to be divided among two lawyers to just one.A Los Angeles Times article about the judge’s conduct explained that the mistrial motion raised charges that “Rittenband deliberately elicited prejudicial evidence against Hunt by questioning witnesses, that he belittled and banished defense staff from the courtroom, that he frequently refused to allow the defense to approach the bench to voice objections and that he aligned himself with the prosecution by grimacing, smirking and showing impatience and disbelief at crucial points in the defense's cross-examination of witnesses.”Ultimately, Hunt’s media notoriety (which extended to a fictionalized 1980s made-for-TV movie and a 2018 version of his story starring Kevin Spacey) worked against him in the trial, and he was sentenced to life without possibility of parole -- which many observers characterized as an unjust sentence, especially in a murder case with no physical evidence -- not even a body. Hunt’s sentence is an anomaly, not comparable to those of his fellow Boys Club members or even far more notorious criminals. For example, even the psychopathic cult leader Charles Manson was granted several opportunities to go before a parole board for his role in multiple murders. Yet Hunt has never been granted the right to a parole board hearing.An Update On Joe's LifeIt has been nearly 40 years since Joe was arrested. His once-dark hair is now silver-gray. His eyes betray the weight of the years.In 2020, his wife, family, and friends received the alarming news that he was hospitalized for heart failure. The prognosis was dire. He had arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, and tachycardia. His ejection fraction was rated at 19. The doctors were at a loss to determine a cause. But it seemed clear that Joe was likely to die of a broken heart.For the nearly 2 years thereafter Joe's heart continued at an average rate of 125 beats per minute. It seemed it would fail at any time. Finally, those who loved him got a break. Joe was referred to an electro-cardiologist named Dr. Waspe of Modesto, California who decided to try a procedure called cardioversion. This called for 220 volts to be run through Joe's chest. It would stop Joe's heart, but there was a chance it would reboot it and cause it to go back to normal rate and rhythm.Joe's heart is currently in a normal sinus rhythm. However, his ejection fraction is still low, albeit at 35%, which is significantly improved from where it was previously.If this were not enough Joe has also been diagnosed with a rare and particularly dangerous form of Leukemia (CMML). Again the doctors are baffled as to why Joe came down with this as it is usually only found in people exposed to highly toxic chemicals. Joe was told that for him, essentially, no treatment was possible.The one silver lining is that CMML can sometimes take many years to reach its critical stage. For now, Joe's platelet count is acceptable.Give Joe Hunt The Chance For ParoleGrants of parole consideration are made not by guilt or innocence, but by an evaluation of an inmate’s rehabilitation, as well as an evaluation of any threat they may pose to public safety. Hunt hangs his hopes on a commutation petition that, if granted, would allow him to go before a parole board. Hunt, if given the opportunity, could make a strong case. His prison record is blemish-free, and his commutation petition includes many letters of support, including letters from prison guards and chaplains.“In my opinion, Hunt has no inclination to re-offend. All of his activities appear directed towards positive goals,” wrote a correctional officer from Pleasant Valley State Prison. “He has a reputation for helping others. I would place him solidly in the top one percent as far as suitability for reintegration with society.”It’s testimonies like these -- 536 in all are included with his commutation application -- that form the last remaining basis for Hunt’s hope of release.“I do hope that attention is drawn to the fight of people who have life without the possibility of parole,” Hunt said of the website his family has created to share information about his campaign for release, explained that like himself, many of his fellow inmates who have been incarcerated since their youth have made profound changes by the time they reach middle age. “So I do hope that society as a whole becomes acquainted with this fact and they make room for the fact that the work they have done is redemptive, and possibility invite them back to that role in society.”Learn More at

Free Joe Hunt

In 1988, one true crime story dominated the news cycle: The Billionaire Boys Club.

Almost 4 decades later, the story has faded from the tabloids, but it remains the painful present-day reality of club leader Joe Hunt, who remains in prison, serving a sentence of life without the possibility of parole for a murder he maintains that he did not commit.

Hunt readily admits to financial misdeeds -- he became the unwitting head of a ponzi scheme when a con man named Ron Levin bilked him out of a half million of his investors’ dollars, leaving Joe holding the bag. The 23-year-old Hunt naively overextended himself when he took Levin at his word that he would fund a large commodities investment intended to repay investors with a handsome profit. Instead, Levin assured Hunt he could proceed with a purchase made with nonexistent funds. That’s when law enforcement got involved.

Soon after, Levin, who was out on bail and facing an FBI investigation for grand theft and fraud, went missing. In response to police inquiries, the rich kids of the Billionaire Boys Club directed attention away from themselves and pointed to Joe, the scholarship kid. Prosecutors decided to charge Joe with Levin’s murder, even with no body and no forensic evidence.

In addition to defending their client, Joe’s lawyers were burdened with the task of filing a judicial misconduct motion for mistrial after Judge Laurence Rittenband, well known as a “prosecutor’s judge,” slapped one member of the defense team with a gag order, leaving a workload meant to be divided among two lawyers to just one.

A Los Angeles Times article about the judge’s conduct explained that the mistrial motion raised charges that “Rittenband deliberately elicited prejudicial evidence against Hunt by questioning witnesses, that he belittled and banished defense staff from the courtroom, that he frequently refused to allow the defense to approach the bench to voice objections and that he aligned himself with the prosecution by grimacing, smirking and showing impatience and disbelief at crucial points in the defense's cross-examination of witnesses.”

Ultimately, Hunt’s media notoriety (which extended to a fictionalized 1980s made-for-TV movie and a 2018 version of his story starring Kevin Spacey) worked against him in the trial, and he was sentenced to life without possibility of parole -- which many observers characterized as an unjust sentence, especially in a murder case with no physical evidence -- not even a body. Hunt’s sentence is an anomaly, not comparable to those of his fellow Boys Club members or even far more notorious criminals. For example, even the psychopathic cult leader Charles Manson was granted several opportunities to go before a parole board for his role in multiple murders. Yet Hunt has never been granted the right to a parole board hearing.

An Update On Joe's Life

It has been nearly 40 years since Joe was arrested. His once-dark hair is now silver-gray. His eyes betray the weight of the years.

In 2020, his wife, family, and friends received the alarming news that he was hospitalized for heart failure. The prognosis was dire. He had arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, and tachycardia. His ejection fraction was rated at 19. The doctors were at a loss to determine a cause. But it seemed clear that Joe was likely to die of a broken heart.

For the nearly 2 years thereafter Joe's heart continued at an average rate of 125 beats per minute. It seemed it would fail at any time. Finally, those who loved him got a break. Joe was referred to an electro-cardiologist named Dr. Waspe of Modesto, California who decided to try a procedure called cardioversion. This called for 220 volts to be run through Joe's chest. It would stop Joe's heart, but there was a chance it would reboot it and cause it to go back to normal rate and rhythm.

Joe's heart is currently in a normal sinus rhythm. However, his ejection fraction is still low, albeit at 35%, which is significantly improved from where it was previously.

If this were not enough Joe has also been diagnosed with a rare and particularly dangerous form of Leukemia (CMML). Again the doctors are baffled as to why Joe came down with this as it is usually only found in people exposed to highly toxic chemicals. Joe was told that for him, essentially, no treatment was possible.

The one silver lining is that CMML can sometimes take many years to reach its critical stage. For now, Joe's platelet count is acceptable.

Give Joe Hunt The Chance For Parole

Grants of parole consideration are made not by guilt or innocence, but by an evaluation of an inmate’s rehabilitation, as well as an evaluation of any threat they may pose to public safety. Hunt hangs his hopes on a commutation petition that, if granted, would allow him to go before a parole board. Hunt, if given the opportunity, could make a strong case. His prison record is blemish-free, and his commutation petition includes many letters of support, including letters from prison guards and chaplains.

“In my opinion, Hunt has no inclination to re-offend. All of his activities appear directed towards positive goals,” wrote a correctional officer from Pleasant Valley State Prison. “He has a reputation for helping others. I would place him solidly in the top one percent as far as suitability for reintegration with society.”

It’s testimonies like these -- 536 in all are included with his commutation application -- that form the last remaining basis for Hunt’s hope of release.

“I do hope that attention is drawn to the fight of people who have life without the possibility of parole,” Hunt said of the website his family has created to share information about his campaign for release,

Hunt explained that like himself, many of his fellow inmates who have been incarcerated since their youth have made profound changes by the time they reach middle age. “So I do hope that society as a whole becomes acquainted with this fact and they make room for the fact that the work they have done is redemptive, and possibility invite them back to that role in society.”

Learn More at

Promoted by 12 supporters


Bring Them Home

To the Honorable Simi Sami Bahous, Executive Director of UN Women:We, members of the American psychedelic field, Rick Doblin, PhD, Rachel Yehuda, PhD,Brigadier General (Ret.) Stephen N. Xenakis, MD, Leonard Pickard, MPP, Shoshana Ungerleider, MD, Jeannie Moller Fontana, MD, PhD, and our allies, extend our sincere appreciation for UN Women's commitment to ensuring the safety and freedom of all women, a sentiment which we wholeheartedly share. We join in the aspiration for peace and good neighborliness between Israelis and Palestinians.Our immediate concern, however, is the serious situation highlighted in a recent US State Department briefing. It revealed that young women abducted by Hamas during the Nova Psychedelic-Trance Dance MusicFestival for Peace in Israel remain in captivity due to the continued perpetration of sexual violence by Hamas. President Joe Biden has rightly condemned this heinous act and called for individuals, civil society, and the business community to join governments and international organizations in denouncing Hamas's sexual violence unambiguously.The psychedelic community cannot remain silent. Our field, recognized for groundbreaking research in psychedelic medicines, understands the profound impact of trauma on mental health. We are committed to healing and alleviating human suffering, and thus, find it imperative to raise our voice against such atrocities.Leaders across various sectors, including biopharma, technology, finance, and law, have already taken a stand. For instance, Dr. Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, called atDavos for the immediate release of the hostages. The Yale University School of Management lists numerous Fortune 500 corporations that have denounced terrorism and advocated for the hostages release.Our call to action is clear: We urge UN Women, under your esteemed leadership, to actively engage in securing the release of the 19 women still held hostage by Hamas, including the five from Nova Psychedelic-Trance Dance Music Festival for Peace. Their names are Noa Argamani, 26, Amit Esther Buskila, 28, Romi Gonen, 23, Inbar Haiman, 27, and Eden Yerushalmi, 24.This situation transcends professional boundaries and touches us on a human level. While many of us may not have experienced a Psychedelic-Trance Festival, we recognize its cultural and symbolic significance, particularly in the context of the Israeli peace movement.The Hamas atrocities on October 7 and also the tragic loss of civilian life in Gaza, demand a global response.President Biden's statement, “The world can't just look away” from the horrors of sexual violence by Hamas, resonates with us deeply. The psychedelic community stands united in this cause, and we implore you to leverage your influence and resources at UN Women to ensure the safe return of these hostages as well as the other 125 still held captive.Rick Doblin, PhD Rachel Yehuda, PhD Brigadier General (Ret.) Stephen N. Xenakis, MD Leonard Pickard, MPP Shoshana Ungerleider, MD Jeannie Moller Fontana, MD, PhD

Bring Them Home

To the Honorable Simi Sami Bahous, Executive Director of UN Women:

We, members of the American psychedelic field, Rick Doblin, PhD, Rachel Yehuda, PhD,Brigadier General (Ret.) Stephen N. Xenakis, MD, Leonard Pickard, MPP, Shoshana Ungerleider, MD, Jeannie Moller Fontana, MD, PhD, and our allies, extend our sincere appreciation for UN Women's commitment to ensuring the safety and freedom of all women, a sentiment which we wholeheartedly share. We join in the aspiration for peace and good neighborliness between Israelis and Palestinians.

Our immediate concern, however, is the serious situation highlighted in a recent US State Department briefing. It revealed that young women abducted by Hamas during the Nova Psychedelic-Trance Dance MusicFestival for Peace in Israel remain in captivity due to the continued perpetration of sexual violence by Hamas. President Joe Biden has rightly condemned this heinous act and called for individuals, civil society, and the business community to join governments and international organizations in denouncing Hamas's sexual violence unambiguously.

The psychedelic community cannot remain silent. Our field, recognized for groundbreaking research in psychedelic medicines, understands the profound impact of trauma on mental health. We are committed to healing and alleviating human suffering, and thus, find it imperative to raise our voice against such atrocities.

Leaders across various sectors, including biopharma, technology, finance, and law, have already taken a stand. For instance, Dr. Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, called atDavos for the immediate release of the hostages. The Yale University School of Management lists numerous Fortune 500 corporations that have denounced terrorism and advocated for the hostages release.

Our call to action is clear: We urge UN Women, under your esteemed leadership, to actively engage in securing the release of the 19 women still held hostage by Hamas, including the five from Nova Psychedelic-Trance Dance Music Festival for Peace. Their names are Noa Argamani, 26, Amit Esther Buskila, 28, Romi Gonen, 23, Inbar Haiman, 27, and Eden Yerushalmi, 24.

This situation transcends professional boundaries and touches us on a human level. While many of us may not have experienced a Psychedelic-Trance Festival, we recognize its cultural and symbolic significance, particularly in the context of the Israeli peace movement.The Hamas atrocities on October 7 and also the tragic loss of civilian life in Gaza, demand a global response.

President Biden's statement, “The world can't just look away” from the horrors of sexual violence by Hamas, resonates with us deeply. The psychedelic community stands united in this cause, and we implore you to leverage your influence and resources at UN Women to ensure the safe return of these hostages as well as the other 125 still held captive.

Rick Doblin, PhD Rachel Yehuda, PhD Brigadier General (Ret.) Stephen N. Xenakis, MD Leonard Pickard, MPP Shoshana Ungerleider, MD Jeannie Moller Fontana, MD, PhD

Promoted by 24 supporters


Close down the Green River Bar for allowing a wolf to be tortured inside bar

On February 29, 2024 a patron of the Green River Bar in Daniel, Wyoming brought an injured wolf pup into the bar wearing a shock collar and tape around her muzzle. This patron, Cody Roberts of Daniel, Wyoming, had just deliberately ran over the exhausted wolf pup with his snowmobile! Photos and video were taken of the terrified wolf who continued to be tormented for another five hours in the Green River Bar. She could be heard whimpering periodically when her captor Cody Roberts would turn up the shock collar.This female wolf pup (estimated by a biologist) to be 9 months old, was already suffering with grave injuries and in unimaginable pain. On top of her physical pain, it is traumatizing for a wild wolf to be brought inside a human establishment, especially by a man who first chased her with his snowmobile until she could run no longer and fell with exhaustion whereupon he ran her over with the vehicle.After he ran her over he quickly taped her mouth shut and took her to his house -- it is unknown what he did to her there. He then took her to the Green River Bar who saw that she was in grave condition and allowed her to be tortured for another five hours. No one called the authorities or aided the innocent animal in any way. After 5 hours Roberts took the terrorized wolf out back to end her life. It is unknown if he he shot her, beat her to death, or choked her. What he did do for the video camera was kiss her on the muzzle, inside the bar before killing her.The Green River Bar allowed all of this to happen on their premises and it was reported by an eyewitness at the bar that the owner or bar maid and many of Roberts relatives there made this a party atmosphere, celebrating the worst day of the young wolf's life.The healthy department, for their own reasons, should be citing this establishment as they do sell food.This bar showed no professional business sense or compassion for a living being who was suffering at the hands of a sad*stic brute.

Close down the Green River Bar for allowing a wolf to be tortured inside bar

On February 29, 2024 a patron of the Green River Bar in Daniel, Wyoming brought an injured wolf pup into the bar wearing a shock collar and tape around her muzzle. This patron, Cody Roberts of Daniel, Wyoming, had just deliberately ran over the exhausted wolf pup with his snowmobile!

Photos and video were taken of the terrified wolf who continued to be tormented for another five hours in the Green River Bar. She could be heard whimpering periodically when her captor Cody Roberts would turn up the shock collar.

This female wolf pup (estimated by a biologist) to be 9 months old, was already suffering with grave injuries and in unimaginable pain. On top of her physical pain, it is traumatizing for a wild wolf to be brought inside a human establishment, especially by a man who first chased her with his snowmobile until she could run no longer and fell with exhaustion whereupon he ran her over with the vehicle.

After he ran her over he quickly taped her mouth shut and took her to his house -- it is unknown what he did to her there. He then took her to the Green River Bar who saw that she was in grave condition and allowed her to be tortured for another five hours. No one called the authorities or aided the innocent animal in any way. After 5 hours Roberts took the terrorized wolf out back to end her life. It is unknown if he he shot her, beat her to death, or choked her. What he did do for the video camera was kiss her on the muzzle, inside the bar before killing her.

The Green River Bar allowed all of this to happen on their premises and it was reported by an eyewitness at the bar that the owner or bar maid and many of Roberts relatives there made this a party atmosphere, celebrating the worst day of the young wolf's life.

The healthy department, for their own reasons, should be citing this establishment as they do sell food.

This bar showed no professional business sense or compassion for a living being who was suffering at the hands of a sad*stic brute.

Promoted by 1 supporter


Demand Etiwanda School District to Remove Ms. Patty from All Campuses

As a concerned parent in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, I am deeply distressed by the ongoing issues involving Campus Support, Ms. Patty at our local Etiwanda School District. My child has been personally victimized by Ms. Patty multiple times and despite numerous complaints from hundreds of parents like myself, the Administration has failed to take any disciplinary action or remove her from the campus.This lack of action is not only concerning but also detrimental to the learning environment and emotional well-being of our children who deserve a safe and nurturing educational setting. The school district's inaction sends a wrong message that such behavior can go unpunished.Research shows that negative experiences with school staff can have long-term effects on students' academic performance and mental health (American Psychological Association). We cannot allow this situation to continue unaddressed.We urge Etiwanda School District to take immediate and firm action against Ms. Patty by removing her from all campuses within the district for the safety and well-being of our children.Please sign this petition if you believe in creating a safe learning environment for all students in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.

Demand Etiwanda School District to Remove Ms. Patty from All Campuses

As a concerned parent in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, I am deeply distressed by the ongoing issues involving Campus Support, Ms. Patty at our local Etiwanda School District. My child has been personally victimized by Ms. Patty multiple times and despite numerous complaints from hundreds of parents like myself, the Administration has failed to take any disciplinary action or remove her from the campus.This lack of action is not only concerning but also detrimental to the learning environment and emotional well-being of our children who deserve a safe and nurturing educational setting. The school district's inaction sends a wrong message that such behavior can go unpunished.Research shows that negative experiences with school staff can have long-term effects on students' academic performance and mental health (American Psychological Association). We cannot allow this situation to continue unaddressed.We urge Etiwanda School District to take immediate and firm action against Ms. Patty by removing her from all campuses within the district for the safety and well-being of our children.Please sign this petition if you believe in creating a safe learning environment for all students in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.

Promoted by 105 supporters


Justice for Mobarak Adam

Petition to: Seattle Police Department, King County Independent Investigative Team, Seattle Mayor,Seattle City Council Members, King County Council Members, King County Medical Examiner, Southwest Teen Life Center & Chief Sealth International High SchoolThe Family of Mobarak Adam seeks answers regarding his murder.Mobarak a, 15 year old kid who was born & raised in Seattle. A student who had a promising future. A loving son, brother & cousin. He was full of life & kindness, Never a dull moment with his beautiful contagious smile. But his life tragically & cruelly got cut short due to gun violence. His loss devastated a community both within and outside the United States, but has especially impacted his family who are forever scarred by thus senseless tragedy and are still in disbelief regarding his passing.In the afternoon of January 23rd, 2024, Mobarak Adam was murdered after sustaining a gunshot wound in the bathroom near entrance of Southwest Teen Life Center in West Seattle, across the street from where he had attended, Chief Sealth international High school.Shortly after Seattle Police Department (SPD) was dispatched to the scene where some say they found him alive & some are saying that he had passed away by the time medics arrived. They are stating that life saving measures were given to the victim along with staff, but he shortly passed after. According to the Seattle Police Department (SPD), officers responded to the 2800 block of SW Thistle St. at 1:26 p.m. However, the time of police arrival was not released, Which is very concerning to the Family. Seattle Police Department (SPD) & medical examiners haven't ruled anything as of now.The Seattle Police Department is refusing to release any footage of anything containing helpful information of the shooting to the family, whether its from the moment they were dispatched & time stamps of when SPD team arrived to the scene. As to, including any potential dash cam footage, footage captured by surrounding businesses, witness footage or perhaps the school cameras. Family was told no camera footage was available in a recreation center with a pool, which is very concerning.Mobarak's life mattered and his family deserves answers. Let's come together as one & fight for him.The family of Mobarak Adam is calling on both the community and elected officials to stand with them and demand the following:For the Seattle Police Department to release all body cam, dash cam, business and eyewitness footage related to the murder of Mobarak Adam on January 23rd, 2024 to the Adam family NOW!For the Mayor of The City of Seattle, Seattle City Council, and King County Council to support families demands for all requested footage and transparency from the Seattle Police Departments and King County Independent Investigate Team throughout the investigation process in a timely manner.For all witness or those who may know of witness to reach out to the family by with any tips or information that they may have regarding Mobarak's murder.Please support the fight for justice of Mobarak Adam by signing and sharing this petition so that his family can get the answers they deserve.

Justice for Mobarak Adam

Petition to: Seattle Police Department, King County Independent Investigative Team, Seattle Mayor,Seattle City Council Members, King County Council Members, King County Medical Examiner, Southwest Teen Life Center & Chief Sealth International High School

The Family of Mobarak Adam seeks answers regarding his murder.

Mobarak a, 15 year old kid who was born & raised in Seattle. A student who had a promising future. A loving son, brother & cousin. He was full of life & kindness, Never a dull moment with his beautiful contagious smile. But his life tragically & cruelly got cut short due to gun violence. His loss devastated a community both within and outside the United States, but has especially impacted his family who are forever scarred by thus senseless tragedy and are still in disbelief regarding his passing.

In the afternoon of January 23rd, 2024, Mobarak Adam was murdered after sustaining a gunshot wound in the bathroom near entrance of Southwest Teen Life Center in West Seattle, across the street from where he had attended, Chief Sealth international High school.

Shortly after Seattle Police Department (SPD) was dispatched to the scene where some say they found him alive & some are saying that he had passed away by the time medics arrived. They are stating that life saving measures were given to the victim along with staff, but he shortly passed after. According to the Seattle Police Department (SPD), officers responded to the 2800 block of SW Thistle St. at 1:26 p.m. However, the time of police arrival was not released, Which is very concerning to the Family. Seattle Police Department (SPD) & medical examiners haven't ruled anything as of now.

The Seattle Police Department is refusing to release any footage of anything containing helpful information of the shooting to the family, whether its from the moment they were dispatched & time stamps of when SPD team arrived to the scene. As to, including any potential dash cam footage, footage captured by surrounding businesses, witness footage or perhaps the school cameras. Family was told no camera footage was available in a recreation center with a pool, which is very concerning.

Mobarak's life mattered and his family deserves answers. Let's come together as one & fight for him.

The family of Mobarak Adam is calling on both the community and elected officials to stand with them and demand the following:

For the Seattle Police Department to release all body cam, dash cam, business and eyewitness footage related to the murder of Mobarak Adam on January 23rd, 2024 to the Adam family NOW!

For the Mayor of The City of Seattle, Seattle City Council, and King County Council to support families demands for all requested footage and transparency from the Seattle Police Departments and King County Independent Investigate Team throughout the investigation process in a timely manner.

For all witness or those who may know of witness to reach out to the family by with any tips or information that they may have regarding Mobarak's murder.

Please support the fight for justice of Mobarak Adam by signing and sharing this petition so that his family can get the answers they deserve.

Promoted by 12 supporters


Call Upon Israel to Allow Animal Food & Supplies in Aid to Gaza

Created on behalf of Sulala Animal Rescue in Gaza:We, the undersigned, urgently call upon Israel to address the critical needs of animals in Gaza by including animal food and supplies in the approved list for UN donations.The ongoing crisis in Gaza has not only impacted the human population but has also left our cherished pets, horses and donkeys in a perilous situation. Despite our initial one-month stockpile of dog and cat food, these supplies are rapidly depleting due to restrictions on incoming and outgoing goods.In addition to the scarcity of food, our animals are struggling to access water due to the lack of fuel to operate water pumps. Residents are forced to purchase water from vendors, further compounding the challenges faced by our animal companions.While we appreciate the commendable humanitarian efforts of the United Nations, it is imperative to extend our compassion and assistance to the vulnerable animal population as well. The United Nations coordinates the logistics of aid entering Gaza, and we urge them to use their influence to encourage Israel to include animal food supplies in the aid destined for Gaza.By including animal food and supplies in the approved list, Israel can ensure that our beloved pets, who cannot advocate for themselves, receive the necessary care and support during these challenging times.Please sign this petition today and join us in calling upon Israel to include animal food and supplies in the approved list for UN donations destined for Gaza. Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of these innocent animals affected by the crisis.

Call Upon Israel to Allow Animal Food & Supplies in Aid to Gaza

Created on behalf of Sulala Animal Rescue in Gaza:

We, the undersigned, urgently call upon Israel to address the critical needs of animals in Gaza by including animal food and supplies in the approved list for UN donations.

The ongoing crisis in Gaza has not only impacted the human population but has also left our cherished pets, horses and donkeys in a perilous situation. Despite our initial one-month stockpile of dog and cat food, these supplies are rapidly depleting due to restrictions on incoming and outgoing goods.

In addition to the scarcity of food, our animals are struggling to access water due to the lack of fuel to operate water pumps. Residents are forced to purchase water from vendors, further compounding the challenges faced by our animal companions.

While we appreciate the commendable humanitarian efforts of the United Nations, it is imperative to extend our compassion and assistance to the vulnerable animal population as well. The United Nations coordinates the logistics of aid entering Gaza, and we urge them to use their influence to encourage Israel to include animal food supplies in the aid destined for Gaza.

By including animal food and supplies in the approved list, Israel can ensure that our beloved pets, who cannot advocate for themselves, receive the necessary care and support during these challenging times.

Please sign this petition today and join us in calling upon Israel to include animal food and supplies in the approved list for UN donations destined for Gaza. Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of these innocent animals affected by the crisis.

Promoted by 5 supporters



Curtis Clark is from Mississippi and on May 15, 1998 he was arrested in Mobile County, Alabama where he was charged with 3rd Degree Robbery and was sentenced to serve 30 years in Alabama Department of Corrections where he has been fortunate enough to have survived all of the deadly and dangerous prisons in Alabama. He has been there 26+ years now and there isnt much that he has not seen thu out the years. However it is time to make a change a stand up for what we believe in even if we have to stand alone because if we have to follow the rules of The Alabama Criminal Code then so should those who are supposed to uphold those same laws.As you continue reqding you will see how Mr Curtis Clark has been serving an illegal sentence and pray you will sign this petition to help make a change and make it so that men and women do not get this cruel and unusual punishment. WITH YOUR HELP LETS MAKE A CHANGE.At this time these are the numbers as of March 28, 2024 according to Alabama Drpartment of Corrections website.Black Males: Black Females13529. 691White Males: White Females10259. 1686Other Males: Other Females274: 5Total Males: Total Females24062. 2382Total Inmates:26444Last year in 2023 at least 325 individuals died while incarcerated in the Alabama Department of Corrections marking the highest number of deaths recorded, The deaths of hundreds of individuals in ADOC facilities underscore a multitude of issues ranging from unchecked violence to the proliferation of drugs, both often a result of the correctional officers supposedly tasked with maintaining the peace. correctional officers being involved in assaults, getting caught possessing drugs, or former officers being sentenced for assaults. Another issue is the problem of overcrowding and lack of parole for older individuals or those who are in minimum custody, meaning they pose little threat to the public and work in communities in the free world. ADOC’s statistics often indicate that many individuals die from “natural” causes, which may be true for older individuals. This then raises the question of why many of them are not released. However, these statistics should also be viewed skeptically because ADOC has a history of misclassifying deaths to mask how many individuals died from violence.Alabama Code Title 13A. Criminal Code § 13A-8-43Current as of December 30, 2022 |(a) A person commits the crime of robbery in the third degree if in the course of committing a theft he:(1) Uses force against the person of the owner or any person present with intent to overcome his physical resistance or physical power of resistance;  or(2) Threatens the imminent use of force against the person of the owner or any person present with intent to compel acquiescence to the taking of or escaping with the property.(b) Robbery in the third degree is a Class C felonyAlabama Code Title 13A. Criminal Code § 13A-5-6Current as of December 30, 2022 |(a) Sentences for felonies shall be for a definite term of imprisonment, which imprisonment includes hard labor, within the following limitations:(1) For a Class A felony, for life or not more than 99 years or less than 10 years.(2) For a Class B felony, not more than 20 years or less than 2 years.(3) For a Class C felony, not more than 10 years or less than 1 year and 1 day and must be in accordance with subsection (b) of Section 15-18-8 unless sentencing is pursuant to Section 13A-5-9 or the offense is a sex offense pursuant to Section 15-20A-5.(4) For a Class D felony, not more than 5 years or less than 1 year and 1 day and must be in accordance with subsection (b) of Section 15-18-8.(5) For a Class A felony in which a firearm or deadly weapon was used or attempted to be used in the commission of the felony, or a Class A felony sex offense involving a child as defined in Section 15-20A-4, not less than 20 years.(6) For a Class B or C felony in which a firearm or deadly weapon was used or attempted to be used in the commission of the felony, or a Class B felony sex offense involving a child as defined in Section 15-20A-4, not less than 10 years.(b) The actual time of release within the limitations established by subsection (a) shall be determined under procedures established elsewhere by law.(c) In addition to any penalties heretofore or hereafter provided by law, in all cases where an offender is designated as a sexually violent predator pursuant to Section 15-20A-19, or where an offender is convicted of a Class A felony sex offense involving a child as defined in Section 15-20A-4, and is sentenced to a county jail or the Alabama Department of Corrections, the sentencing judge shall impose an additional penalty of not less than 10 years of post-release supervision to be served upon the defendant's release from incarceration.(d) In addition to any penalties heretofore or hereafter provided by law, in all cases where an offender is convicted of a sex offense pursuant to Section 13A-6-61, 13A-6-63, or 13A-6-65.1, when the defendant was 21 years of age or older and the victim was six years of age or less at the time the offense was committed, the defendant shall be sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.Now as you can see above in section 3 it states the maximum term of imprisonment for a Class C Felony is no more than ten years and no less than one year and one day. Why does the courts believe they are excluded from obeying the same laws they swore to uphold. If we have to obey the laws so should the courts. Mr curtis clark has seen everything you can think of and he did not harm anyone physically, mentally, or sexually, and yet he is doing more time than someone who killed or raped someone and he hasnt been granted parole even once. He has seen men die from natural causes, from officers using unnecessary excessive force to kill inmates, to drug overdoses, to suicide even inmate on inmate violence. I want your help to get him back before the honorable courts soon so they will amend his sentence and release him from prison so he can enjoy spending the rest of his life with his children and his grandchildren. Please help make a difference for Mr curtis Clark and the other inmates serving time in prison and stop treating them worse than those who haad murdered several people. He is not a violent person so please change starts now. These are a list of inmates who are in Alabama Department of Corrections for less time and worse crimesAIS # NAME CRIME. SENTENCE 178056. Robert Thompson. Sex Offense 14 years165069 Antonio Matthews Sex Offense 16 years237294 Benjamin Matthews Sex Offense 2 years171312 Nathaniel Matthews Sex Offense 9 years193186 Ralph Pendley Sex Offense 13 years310444 Ralph Simpson. Sex Offense 8 years226799 Alvin Lofton Assault I and II 15 years155687 Alvin Phillips. Assault I. 16 years281167. Alvin Reese. Murder & Assault I 20 years260265 Angelo Matthews Robbery I. 20 years294591 Donnie Matthews. Murder. 19 years290660 Andrew Abrams.Assault I/Robbery I 12 years332078. Andrew Adams. Manslaughter 3 years326662 Terry Amerson. Murder. 26 yearsSo please sign and share this petition


Curtis Clark is from Mississippi and on May 15, 1998 he was arrested in Mobile County, Alabama where he was charged with 3rd Degree Robbery and was sentenced to serve 30 years in Alabama Department of Corrections where he has been fortunate enough to have survived all of the deadly and dangerous prisons in Alabama. He has been there 26+ years now and there isnt much that he has not seen thu out the years. However it is time to make a change a stand up for what we believe in even if we have to stand alone because if we have to follow the rules of The Alabama Criminal Code then so should those who are supposed to uphold those same laws.

As you continue reqding you will see how Mr Curtis Clark has been serving an illegal sentence and pray you will sign this petition to help make a change and make it so that men and women do not get this cruel and unusual punishment. WITH YOUR HELP LETS MAKE A CHANGE.

At this time these are the numbers as of March 28, 2024 according to Alabama Drpartment of Corrections website.

Black Males: Black Females

13529. 691

White Males: White Females

10259. 1686

Other Males: Other Females

274: 5

Total Males: Total Females

24062. 2382

Total Inmates:


Last year in 2023 at least 325 individuals died while incarcerated in the Alabama Department of Corrections marking the highest number of deaths recorded, The deaths of hundreds of individuals in ADOC facilities underscore a multitude of issues ranging from unchecked violence to the proliferation of drugs, both often a result of the correctional officers supposedly tasked with maintaining the peace. correctional officers being involved in assaults, getting caught possessing drugs, or former officers being sentenced for assaults. Another issue is the problem of overcrowding and lack of parole for older individuals or those who are in minimum custody, meaning they pose little threat to the public and work in communities in the free world. ADOC’s statistics often indicate that many individuals die from “natural” causes, which may be true for older individuals. This then raises the question of why many of them are not released. However, these statistics should also be viewed skeptically because ADOC has a history of misclassifying deaths to mask how many individuals died from violence.

Alabama Code Title 13A. Criminal Code § 13A-8-43Current as of December 30, 2022 |

(a) A person commits the crime of robbery in the third degree if in the course of committing a theft he:

(1) Uses force against the person of the owner or any person present with intent to overcome his physical resistance or physical power of resistance;  or

(2) Threatens the imminent use of force against the person of the owner or any person present with intent to compel acquiescence to the taking of or escaping with the property.

(b) Robbery in the third degree is a Class C felony

Alabama Code Title 13A. Criminal Code § 13A-5-6Current as of December 30, 2022 |

(a) Sentences for felonies shall be for a definite term of imprisonment, which imprisonment includes hard labor, within the following limitations:

(1) For a Class A felony, for life or not more than 99 years or less than 10 years.

(2) For a Class B felony, not more than 20 years or less than 2 years.

(3) For a Class C felony, not more than 10 years or less than 1 year and 1 day and must be in accordance with subsection (b) of Section 15-18-8 unless sentencing is pursuant to Section 13A-5-9 or the offense is a sex offense pursuant to Section 15-20A-5.

(4) For a Class D felony, not more than 5 years or less than 1 year and 1 day and must be in accordance with subsection (b) of Section 15-18-8.

(5) For a Class A felony in which a firearm or deadly weapon was used or attempted to be used in the commission of the felony, or a Class A felony sex offense involving a child as defined in Section 15-20A-4, not less than 20 years.

(6) For a Class B or C felony in which a firearm or deadly weapon was used or attempted to be used in the commission of the felony, or a Class B felony sex offense involving a child as defined in Section 15-20A-4, not less than 10 years.

(b) The actual time of release within the limitations established by subsection (a) shall be determined under procedures established elsewhere by law.

(c) In addition to any penalties heretofore or hereafter provided by law, in all cases where an offender is designated as a sexually violent predator pursuant to Section 15-20A-19, or where an offender is convicted of a Class A felony sex offense involving a child as defined in Section 15-20A-4, and is sentenced to a county jail or the Alabama Department of Corrections, the sentencing judge shall impose an additional penalty of not less than 10 years of post-release supervision to be served upon the defendant's release from incarceration.

(d) In addition to any penalties heretofore or hereafter provided by law, in all cases where an offender is convicted of a sex offense pursuant to Section 13A-6-61, 13A-6-63, or 13A-6-65.1, when the defendant was 21 years of age or older and the victim was six years of age or less at the time the offense was committed, the defendant shall be sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

Now as you can see above in section 3 it states the maximum term of imprisonment for a Class C Felony is no more than ten years and no less than one year and one day. Why does the courts believe they are excluded from obeying the same laws they swore to uphold. If we have to obey the laws so should the courts. Mr curtis clark has seen everything you can think of and he did not harm anyone physically, mentally, or sexually, and yet he is doing more time than someone who killed or raped someone and he hasnt been granted parole even once. He has seen men die from natural causes, from officers using unnecessary excessive force to kill inmates, to drug overdoses, to suicide even inmate on inmate violence. I want your help to get him back before the honorable courts soon so they will amend his sentence and release him from prison so he can enjoy spending the rest of his life with his children and his grandchildren. Please help make a difference for Mr curtis Clark and the other inmates serving time in prison and stop treating them worse than those who haad murdered several people. He is not a violent person so please change starts now. These are a list of inmates who are in Alabama Department of Corrections for less time and worse crimes


178056. Robert Thompson. Sex Offense 14 years

165069 Antonio Matthews Sex Offense 16 years

237294 Benjamin Matthews Sex Offense 2 years

171312 Nathaniel Matthews Sex Offense 9 years

193186 Ralph Pendley Sex Offense 13 years

310444 Ralph Simpson. Sex Offense 8 years

226799 Alvin Lofton Assault I and II 15 years

155687 Alvin Phillips. Assault I. 16 years

281167. Alvin Reese. Murder & Assault I 20 years

260265 Angelo Matthews Robbery I. 20 years

294591 Donnie Matthews. Murder. 19 years

290660 Andrew Abrams.Assault I/Robbery I 12 years

332078. Andrew Adams. Manslaughter 3 years

326662 Terry Amerson. Murder. 26 years

So please sign and share this petition

Promoted by 7 supporters


Support the 32-Hour Work Week Act for Better Work-Life Balance

The United States bills H.R. 1332 and S 3947, also known as the 32-hour work week act, is a crucial step towards improving work-life balance for American citizens. These bills aims to reduce the standard workweek under federal law from 40 hours to just 32 hours over a three-year phase-in period. It also mandates specified overtime pay for any workdays longer than eight hours.A shorter workweek has been shown to increase productivity and employee satisfaction while reducing stress levels (source: OECD studies). Moreover, countries like Sweden and Denmark that have implemented shorter working weeks report higher life satisfaction scores among their citizens (source: World Happiness Report).By supporting these bills, we are not only advocating for better mental health and well-being of American workers but also contributing to a more efficient economy. We urge all concerned citizens and lawmakers alike to back this progressive legislation.My family and I support these bills because Americans are struggling not only to pay bills but to have some sort of work life balance. Most households REQUIRE two income earners to survive which means household chores like grocery shopping, preparing meals, cleaning, laundry, getting exercise, etc either don't get done (which causes additional stress) or comes at a sacrifice to the small amount of free time and family time we do get.The sad reality is the new American dream for many is to get out of America. Yes earning potential is high in America but cost of living is very high and work life balance is very low. Americans are being drawn into the slower more relaxed life we see in other countries with an emphasis on enjoying life with loved ones, enjoying free time with hobbies, enjoying fresh whole foods instead of our ultra processed foods. Realizing time is our most precious resource,we want to spend it doing the things we love.A 32 work week is necessary in our modern society which requires two income earners, where we are overloaded with screens and information we need time in the day to disconnect so we can reconnect with nature and ourselves. We are human beings with limited time on this earth not cogs in a corporate machine. When people are less stressed and more relaxed we are able to think better, work better, and lead happier lives which is good for us as individuals and as a society. There's so much we could talk about concerning this but I can almost guarantee there aren't any working class Americans who don't support the 32 hour work week act.Please sign this petition in support of the United States Bill H.R. 1332, and S 3947- The 32-hour Work Week Act - because every American deserves a better work-life balance!Even more importantly reach out to your representatives via phone or email and urge them to support the 32-Hour work week Act. You can get information on who you're representatives are here: 32 hour work act currently sits with the Committee on Education and the Workforce under sub-committee Workforce Protections: of the committee are listed individually in the Decision Maker section of this petition. Please reach out to these folks and tell them why you support the 32 hour work week act.Let's do this together!

Support the 32-Hour Work Week Act for Better Work-Life Balance

The United States bills H.R. 1332 and S 3947, also known as the 32-hour work week act, is a crucial step towards improving work-life balance for American citizens. These bills aims to reduce the standard workweek under federal law from 40 hours to just 32 hours over a three-year phase-in period. It also mandates specified overtime pay for any workdays longer than eight hours.A shorter workweek has been shown to increase productivity and employee satisfaction while reducing stress levels (source: OECD studies). Moreover, countries like Sweden and Denmark that have implemented shorter working weeks report higher life satisfaction scores among their citizens (source: World Happiness Report).By supporting these bills, we are not only advocating for better mental health and well-being of American workers but also contributing to a more efficient economy. We urge all concerned citizens and lawmakers alike to back this progressive legislation.

My family and I support these bills because Americans are struggling not only to pay bills but to have some sort of work life balance. Most households REQUIRE two income earners to survive which means household chores like grocery shopping, preparing meals, cleaning, laundry, getting exercise, etc either don't get done (which causes additional stress) or comes at a sacrifice to the small amount of free time and family time we do get.

The sad reality is the new American dream for many is to get out of America. Yes earning potential is high in America but cost of living is very high and work life balance is very low. Americans are being drawn into the slower more relaxed life we see in other countries with an emphasis on enjoying life with loved ones, enjoying free time with hobbies, enjoying fresh whole foods instead of our ultra processed foods. Realizing time is our most precious resource,we want to spend it doing the things we love.

A 32 work week is necessary in our modern society which requires two income earners, where we are overloaded with screens and information we need time in the day to disconnect so we can reconnect with nature and ourselves. We are human beings with limited time on this earth not cogs in a corporate machine. When people are less stressed and more relaxed we are able to think better, work better, and lead happier lives which is good for us as individuals and as a society. There's so much we could talk about concerning this but I can almost guarantee there aren't any working class Americans who don't support the 32 hour work week act.

Please sign this petition in support of the United States Bill H.R. 1332, and S 3947- The 32-hour Work Week Act - because every American deserves a better work-life balance!

Even more importantly reach out to your representatives via phone or email and urge them to support the 32-Hour work week Act. You can get information on who you're representatives are here:

The 32 hour work act currently sits with the Committee on Education and the Workforce under sub-committee Workforce Protections:

Members of the committee are listed individually in the Decision Maker section of this petition. Please reach out to these folks and tell them why you support the 32 hour work week act.

Let's do this together!

Promoted by 9 supporters


Reinstatement of Youth Center’s Full-Time Assistant Without Budget Increase!

WHAT HAPPENED?Griswold Board of Finance Cut: $37,040.00 to reduce Full-Time Assistant to Part-Time.Please support the options the Recreation Commission has given to overturn this decisionWITH NO COST TO TAXPAYERS.BUDGET LOSS SUMMARYBoard of Finance Cut: $37,040.00Revenue Loss do to Cut: Camp (Median=$22,400 + $5600) 4-H ($5,250) Travel Basketball ($4,864.16) = Total Revenue Loss: $38,114.00OVERALL EFFECTSCuts the department at the knees.All programming budgeted for cannot be done with one Full-Time person on Staff.New program development is now not an option, due to Staff current responsibilities.All At-Risk Focused: Afterschool Enrichment will be cancelled for GES, GMS & GHS.PROGRAM IMPACTSLimited Part-time role will be scheduled during Youth Center hours, Monday - Friday.Due to the cut, NO additional programming can be scheduled.Summer Camp will lose 20 spots per week = 140 spots totalAll second shift programming in the pipeline must be cancelled:UCONN Extension 4-H: GriswoldGriswold Youth Basketball Travel LeaguesAll GHS Afterschool Programs (Residents Only, Enrichment)All GMS Afterschool Programs (Residents Only, Enrichment)All GES Afterschool Programs (Residents Only, Enrichment)All new Adult Leagues (except basketball)A WAY FORWARD - REC. COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONSBenefits TaxpayersMeets Board of Finance GoalsDoes Not Sabotage YFS / PR ProgramsTwo Options will be given to the Board of Finance at the Town Meeting on Tuesday, April 30th. We need your support!Option 1:Remove Rec Cargo Van Replacement Request ($35k)Reinstate Full-Time PositionRemove $2,040 from 5426 (Town Events)Result: No budget increase.Option 2:Called "Plan B" in Board of Finance hearing, the option removes program expenses from budget, creates an annual revenue fund for expenses.Same setup as surrounding Town’s Rec Departments.Option 2 Process:July 1: Program Fund is Created = $0.00All revenues from July 1 are placed within the fund.All fiscal year expenses are taken from the revenue fund.Please note, all programs created are financially self-sufficient.June 30: End of Fiscal YearAll revenues created are deposited in the Town’s General Fund.YFS/Rec Budget Cuts:Remove: $16,530.00 (line item 5214)Remove: $35,147.00 (line item 5216)Remove: $8,650.00 (line item 5217)Remove: $2,350.00 (line item 5426)Total Cut: $62,677.00

Reinstatement of Youth Center’s Full-Time Assistant Without Budget Increase!


Griswold Board of Finance Cut: $37,040.00 to reduce Full-Time Assistant to Part-Time.

Please support the options the Recreation Commission has given to overturn this decisionWITH NO COST TO TAXPAYERS.


Board of Finance Cut: $37,040.00Revenue Loss do to Cut: Camp (Median=$22,400 + $5600) 4-H ($5,250) Travel Basketball ($4,864.16) = Total Revenue Loss: $38,114.00


Cuts the department at the knees.All programming budgeted for cannot be done with one Full-Time person on Staff.New program development is now not an option, due to Staff current responsibilities.All At-Risk Focused: Afterschool Enrichment will be cancelled for GES, GMS & GHS.


Limited Part-time role will be scheduled during Youth Center hours, Monday - Friday.Due to the cut, NO additional programming can be scheduled.Summer Camp will lose 20 spots per week = 140 spots totalAll second shift programming in the pipeline must be cancelled:UCONN Extension 4-H: GriswoldGriswold Youth Basketball Travel LeaguesAll GHS Afterschool Programs (Residents Only, Enrichment)All GMS Afterschool Programs (Residents Only, Enrichment)All GES Afterschool Programs (Residents Only, Enrichment)All new Adult Leagues (except basketball)


Benefits TaxpayersMeets Board of Finance GoalsDoes Not Sabotage YFS / PR Programs

Two Options will be given to the Board of Finance at the Town Meeting on Tuesday, April 30th. We need your support!

Option 1:Remove Rec Cargo Van Replacement Request ($35k)Reinstate Full-Time PositionRemove $2,040 from 5426 (Town Events)Result: No budget increase.Option 2:Called "Plan B" in Board of Finance hearing, the option removes program expenses from budget, creates an annual revenue fund for expenses.Same setup as surrounding Town’s Rec Departments.Option 2 Process:July 1: Program Fund is Created = $0.00All revenues from July 1 are placed within the fund.All fiscal year expenses are taken from the revenue fund.Please note, all programs created are financially self-sufficient.June 30: End of Fiscal YearAll revenues created are deposited in the Town’s General Fund.YFS/Rec Budget Cuts:Remove: $16,530.00 (line item 5214)Remove: $35,147.00 (line item 5216)Remove: $8,650.00 (line item 5217)Remove: $2,350.00 (line item 5426)Total Cut: $62,677.00

Promoted by 12 supporters


Protect Food Truck Next and the International Food Truck Court from Unfair Removal

As a community, we have built something beautiful in Phoenix, AZ. Our International Food Truck Court, led by the initiative of Food Truck Next, has become a vibrant part of our local economy and culture. This activation is more than just an opportunity to sample diverse cuisines; it's a lifeline for many minority-owned, Black-owned, LGBTQ+ owned, and Veterans Owned and Native Owned businesses that rely on this event to pay their rent and continue operating.Recently however, false claims and defamation of character are being spread with the intention to force us to close down. The very diversity that strengthens our community is under attack. We cannot stand by while these unfounded accusations threaten our friends' livelihoods.According to data from the National Restaurant Association (2019), food trucks contribute significantly to local economies across America. In Phoenix alone they provide jobs for hundreds of people while adding color and flavor to our cityscape.We ask you today not just as residents but as friends who believe in the power of diversity - sign this petition! Stand up against harassment and protect what makes Phoenix unique - its thriving food truck scene! Let's ensure that Food Truck Next continues its successful activation at Roosevelt Row during Phoenix First Friday events without fear or intimidation. Your signature can help keep these businesses alive - because they represent all of us with their diversity; they are what strengthens our economy; they can't take that away from us.

Protect Food Truck Next and the International Food Truck Court from Unfair Removal

As a community, we have built something beautiful in Phoenix, AZ. Our International Food Truck Court, led by the initiative of Food Truck Next, has become a vibrant part of our local economy and culture. This activation is more than just an opportunity to sample diverse cuisines; it's a lifeline for many minority-owned, Black-owned, LGBTQ+ owned, and Veterans Owned and Native Owned businesses that rely on this event to pay their rent and continue operating.Recently however, false claims and defamation of character are being spread with the intention to force us to close down. The very diversity that strengthens our community is under attack. We cannot stand by while these unfounded accusations threaten our friends' livelihoods.According to data from the National Restaurant Association (2019), food trucks contribute significantly to local economies across America. In Phoenix alone they provide jobs for hundreds of people while adding color and flavor to our cityscape.We ask you today not just as residents but as friends who believe in the power of diversity - sign this petition! Stand up against harassment and protect what makes Phoenix unique - its thriving food truck scene! Let's ensure that Food Truck Next continues its successful activation at Roosevelt Row during Phoenix First Friday events without fear or intimidation. Your signature can help keep these businesses alive - because they represent all of us with their diversity; they are what strengthens our economy; they can't take that away from us.

Promoted by 63 supporters


Demand Continued Incarceration for Registered Sex Offender Michael Dedman

Our lives were shattered when our daughter was kidnapped and sexually assaulted by a registered sex offender, Michael Dedman. This horrific incident occurred in the middle of the night when she should have been safe in her bedroom. Tragically, she passed away on November 1, 2023 before we could fully understand how this monster managed to coerce her out of our home. We firmly believe that he threatened to kill our entire family if she didn't comply.Michael Dedman has been arrested three times already. His continued presence in society poses an imminent threat to other innocent lives. Orland Hills, IL cannot afford to let such a dangerous individual roam free again.According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), every 73 seconds an American is sexually assaulted and every 9 minutes that victim is a child. Furthermore, it's estimated that only about 30% of sexual assault cases are reported to authorities (National Sexual Violence Resource Center). These alarming statistics underscore the urgent need for stricter measures against repeat offenders like Michael Dedman.We implore you not just as grieving parents but as concerned citizens - do not allow this man back into society where he can harm others again. We must ensure justice for victims past and future by keeping him incarcerated indefinitely.Please sign this petition demanding that Michael Dedman remains incarcerated for his crimes and potential threat he poses upon release.This petition is so important to our family. Erika wanted to settle this herself, but the PTSD she suffered from her abuse by this Registered Sex Offender ultimately ended her life.Ultimately, we would like a law passed similar to The Adam Walsh Child Protection And Safety Act Of 2006, where they imposed tough mandatory minimum penalties for the most serious crimes against children, and also provides grants to states in order to help them institutionalize sex offenders who have shown they cannot change their behavior and are about to be released from prison. Our main goal is to impose tougher sentences and prosecution, such as life in prison, on repeat offenders in order to prevent them from offending again.So, we ask everyone to please share this petition with everyone they know so that we can prevent this from happening to any other children and families out there.

Demand Continued Incarceration for Registered Sex Offender Michael Dedman

Our lives were shattered when our daughter was kidnapped and sexually assaulted by a registered sex offender, Michael Dedman. This horrific incident occurred in the middle of the night when she should have been safe in her bedroom. Tragically, she passed away on November 1, 2023 before we could fully understand how this monster managed to coerce her out of our home. We firmly believe that he threatened to kill our entire family if she didn't comply.Michael Dedman has been arrested three times already. His continued presence in society poses an imminent threat to other innocent lives. Orland Hills, IL cannot afford to let such a dangerous individual roam free again.According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), every 73 seconds an American is sexually assaulted and every 9 minutes that victim is a child. Furthermore, it's estimated that only about 30% of sexual assault cases are reported to authorities (National Sexual Violence Resource Center). These alarming statistics underscore the urgent need for stricter measures against repeat offenders like Michael Dedman.We implore you not just as grieving parents but as concerned citizens - do not allow this man back into society where he can harm others again. We must ensure justice for victims past and future by keeping him incarcerated indefinitely.Please sign this petition demanding that Michael Dedman remains incarcerated for his crimes and potential threat he poses upon release.

This petition is so important to our family. Erika wanted to settle this herself, but the PTSD she suffered from her abuse by this Registered Sex Offender ultimately ended her life.

Ultimately, we would like a law passed similar to The Adam Walsh Child Protection And Safety Act Of 2006, where they imposed tough mandatory minimum penalties for the most serious crimes against children, and also provides grants to states in order to help them institutionalize sex offenders who have shown they cannot change their behavior and are about to be released from prison. Our main goal is to impose tougher sentences and prosecution, such as life in prison, on repeat offenders in order to prevent them from offending again.

So, we ask everyone to please share this petition with everyone they know so that we can prevent this from happening to any other children and families out there.

Promoted by 12 supporters


Prevent the De-Annexation of Land in South Barrington

Issue at Hand:We have reason to believe that Area N Development LLC is planning to de-annex from South Barrington (SB). Per Wikipedia - De-annexation is the removal of an area from the boundaries of a municipality. It is the reverse of annexation.We are calling on all residents of SB to join us in urging our local government officials not to proceed with this de-annexation. We believe it is essential for our government to keep their promises and that any changes should be made with full transparency and community involvement.Reasons to be Concerned:(For a brief history of Area N and some background info, please see the the last section below)The SB Village government & commissions, the SBPD, and the PBCC have all promised that this land would be available for public use; when the land is de-annexed, no one will be able to utilize it or the infrastructure on the land;The PBCC will not have to follow South Barrington zoning guidelines which means that despite their initial proposition of matching SB architecture rules, they can now build whatever they want to on the land;According to Illinois law, the SBPD's second auction for Area N, was invalid;The SBPD proceeded with the sale of the land, knowing that the buyer will not permit public use of the land and will not be paying taxes (the SBPD had promised tax revenue would be generated from the land in their Friday 5 series);Members of the Village and SBPD have continually ridiculed, gas-lit, and accused residents in both public forums and in the media regarding this matter.The Village's Role:Despite hearing public outcry for months, Village officials have voiced that they will opt to not interfere in the de-annexation process which, yet again, means that our voices as residents do not matter to our elected officials.Our options as residents to address this de-annexation issue are very limited. However, the Village’s options are not. They are currently in a lengthy battle with AllState to prevent de-annexation in a different part of SB.Next year, the Mayor’s position along with 3 Village trustee positions are up for re-election. Let’s give them another chance to stand behind the residents that they represent.Please sign this petition today to protect our rights as residents and preserve public access to valuable community resources in South Barrington.Background:In 2023, the sale of a 34 acre land on the NW corner of South Barrington, commonly known as 'Area N', was successfully halted after discovering an effort by the South Barrington Park District (SBPD) to steer the sale towards a pre-identified buyer.The SBPD held a second auction earlier this year, during which the highest bidder was Area N Development LLC. The SBPD then proceeded to close the sale with said LLC, despite confirming in public comments that the identity of the buyer was unknown to them. Illinois law requires the Park District sell to the highest qualified bidder. It also permits the SBPD to reject any or all bids.The SBPD failed to comply with due diligence requirements.Area N Development LLC was created by the PBCC, a week prior to the auction, in an attempt to purchase the land anonymously.

Prevent the De-Annexation of Land in South Barrington

Issue at Hand:

We have reason to believe that Area N Development LLC is planning to de-annex from South Barrington (SB). Per Wikipedia - De-annexation is the removal of an area from the boundaries of a municipality. It is the reverse of annexation.

We are calling on all residents of SB to join us in urging our local government officials not to proceed with this de-annexation. We believe it is essential for our government to keep their promises and that any changes should be made with full transparency and community involvement.

Reasons to be Concerned:

(For a brief history of Area N and some background info, please see the the last section below)

The SB Village government & commissions, the SBPD, and the PBCC have all promised that this land would be available for public use; when the land is de-annexed, no one will be able to utilize it or the infrastructure on the land;The PBCC will not have to follow South Barrington zoning guidelines which means that despite their initial proposition of matching SB architecture rules, they can now build whatever they want to on the land;According to Illinois law, the SBPD's second auction for Area N, was invalid;The SBPD proceeded with the sale of the land, knowing that the buyer will not permit public use of the land and will not be paying taxes (the SBPD had promised tax revenue would be generated from the land in their Friday 5 series);Members of the Village and SBPD have continually ridiculed, gas-lit, and accused residents in both public forums and in the media regarding this matter.

The Village's Role:

Despite hearing public outcry for months, Village officials have voiced that they will opt to not interfere in the de-annexation process which, yet again, means that our voices as residents do not matter to our elected officials.

Our options as residents to address this de-annexation issue are very limited. However, the Village’s options are not. They are currently in a lengthy battle with AllState to prevent de-annexation in a different part of SB.

Next year, the Mayor’s position along with 3 Village trustee positions are up for re-election. Let’s give them another chance to stand behind the residents that they represent.

Please sign this petition today to protect our rights as residents and preserve public access to valuable community resources in South Barrington.


In 2023, the sale of a 34 acre land on the NW corner of South Barrington, commonly known as 'Area N', was successfully halted after discovering an effort by the South Barrington Park District (SBPD) to steer the sale towards a pre-identified buyer.

The SBPD held a second auction earlier this year, during which the highest bidder was Area N Development LLC. The SBPD then proceeded to close the sale with said LLC, despite confirming in public comments that the identity of the buyer was unknown to them. Illinois law requires the Park District sell to the highest qualified bidder. It also permits the SBPD to reject any or all bids.

The SBPD failed to comply with due diligence requirements.

Area N Development LLC was created by the PBCC, a week prior to the auction, in an attempt to purchase the land anonymously.

Promoted by 86 supporters


Urge USA Wrestling, the IOC and UWW to let Jamilah Wrestle!

It is happening again! A McBryde sister is being denied an opportunity she rightfully earned.Jamilah McBryde, the oldest of the three McBryde Sisters who wrestle, is the reigning 143lb Women’s Freestyle NAIA National Champion. With that amazing accomplishment comes the opportunity to compete for a spot on the US Women’s Olympic Wrestling team. If allowed to attend the Olympic Qualifiers, Jamilah could be the first woman in the world to compete as a wrestler at the Olympic level in hijab. However, Jamilah is being denied the right to compete, and a McBryde sister is once again being robbed of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity - one that she fairly earned.USA Wrestling has tried to place the blame for the denial entirely on UWW, stating that they have to abide by the rules as outlined by the international governing body, which is UWW (which supports the 2024 Olympic Wrestling). However, legal counsel informed the McBryde sisters that denying athletes the opportunity to compete in US-based athletic competition based on sincerely held religious beliefs is unconstitutional and illegal, and at the very least, they have to hold a fair hearing before denying Jamilah this opportunity.This may all sound familiar… Well, this isn’t the first time this has happened.Two years ago, Latifah McBryde, Jamliah’s younger sister, earned the right to represent the United States at the Pan-Am Championships in Mexico after placing 2nd at the USMC Women’s National and World Team Trials. Despite a petition with nearly 13,000, she was denied the opportunity to compete. Why? She needed to be allowed to compete in the Classic Wrestling uniform due to her sincerely held religious beliefs that required her to wrestle in a non-form-fitting uniform.Not only was Latifah banned from competing at Pan-Ams, but they have banned her, Jamilah and their younger sister Zaynah, from competing at any international UWW-sanctioned event AND any USA Wrestling events that would be considered international qualifying events. This decision was made without due process and did not allow Latifah to plead her case through the proper channels. Latifah should have been granted the opportunity to petition for a formal review. She was never given that opportunity. She was simply told by UWW, “the uniform needs to be tested.” For over two years, Latifah and her sisters were never given clear guidance on how or when that testing would occur. Watch any of the McBryde sisters’ matches to see the uniform in action.You can read more about Latifah’s experience here: then, however, thanks to the efforts of Coach Carleen Sluberski, both the NAIA College division and the NCAA division added the Classic Wrestling uniform to their approved uniform list. With this amazing breakthrough, the three McBryde sisters were recruited to wrestle (in the Classic Wrestling uniform) at Life University, where they wrestled over 200 matches - winning over 85% of them. You would think 200+ college matches, some against the best that US college Women’s wrestling offers, would be enough of a test, but apparently not.What does Jamilah have to say about all of this?“One of the hardest things as an athlete is to try your hardest and still fail. Even harder is to not fail and still be denied the opportunity to succeed. The sacrifices and challenges throughout the journey are not only endured but embraced - all for the opportunity that every athlete dreams of — the opportunity to compete at the sport’s highest level. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity fairly earned but unjustly ripped away. Being denied the right to compete is not only a loss for me but a loss for my family, my coaches, my teammates, and most of all, all female athletes around the world. Not only does it restrict current athletes from testing themselves against the best the world has to offer, but it destroys the hopes of young girls who dream of being future Olympians. The amount of untapped potential and greatness around the world may never be fully realized, and incredibly talented, hardworking female athletes may never get the opportunity to compete on the Olympic stage. The number of female athletes around the world who could be the very best international competitors the world has ever seen may be left sitting at home because of a lack of inclusion - we may never know.”Beyond all of that, the actions displayed by USA Wrestling, UWW, and the US Olympic Committee go against the core values of wrestling, the core values of athleticism, the core values of Olympism, and even the core values apparently espoused by these organizations themselves - gender equality, inclusion, fairness and non-discrimination in sports as outlined by the IOC; integrity, excellence, respect, friendship, unity (Olympic Values); integrity, unity, resilience, growth of wrestling (UWW Mission); and integrity, honesty, responsibility, accountability, respect, and diversity (USA Wrestling Values).So, how can you help?Please share this petition far and wide. Share it with friends and family. Share it on social media. Tag news outlets and sports influencers. We want the world to know what UWW, USA Wrestling, and the US Olympic Committee are doing in 2024.Write to the following individuals and express how you feel about yet another amazing athlete being denied the opportunity of a lifetime that she fairly earned:Kerry McCoy (USA Wrestling 1st Vice President) kmccoy3024@aol.comJoan Fulp (USA Wrestling 2nd Vice President) joanfulp@gmail.comNenad Lalovic (UWW President and member of the IOC's Commission for Olympic Solidarity) nenad.lalovic@uww.orgTerry Steiner (head coach of USA's women's national team) tsteiner@usawrestling.orgBruce Baumgartner (USA Wrestling President) bbaumgartner@usawrestling.orgFrancisco Eduardo Lee Lopez (President of the Pan-American Council) francisco.lee@uww.orgArsen Julfalakyan (UWW Athletes Commission Chairman) arsen.julfalakyan@uww.orgStan Dziedzic (UWW VP and UWW. Coaches Commission President) stan.dziedzic@uww.orgGene Sykes (US Olympics Board of Directors) gene.sykes@gs.comElizabeth Ramsey (US Olympics Athletes Advisory Council Executive Director) elizabeth.ramsey@teamusa-ac.orgRich Bender (Executive Director of USA Wrestling and USOPC Board member) rbender@usawrestling.orgJaimie McNab (USA Wrestling Senior Manager of Women’s Freestyle) jmcnab@usawrestling.orgCody Bickley (Director of National Teams High Performance) cbickley@usawrestling.org14.***Please note that all donations made on the platform go to to increase the number of views the petition gets. The money does not go to the petition creator or the individual the petition is in support of.

Urge USA Wrestling, the IOC and UWW to let Jamilah Wrestle!

It is happening again! A McBryde sister is being denied an opportunity she rightfully earned.

Jamilah McBryde, the oldest of the three McBryde Sisters who wrestle, is the reigning 143lb Women’s Freestyle NAIA National Champion. With that amazing accomplishment comes the opportunity to compete for a spot on the US Women’s Olympic Wrestling team. If allowed to attend the Olympic Qualifiers, Jamilah could be the first woman in the world to compete as a wrestler at the Olympic level in hijab. However, Jamilah is being denied the right to compete, and a McBryde sister is once again being robbed of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity - one that she fairly earned.

USA Wrestling has tried to place the blame for the denial entirely on UWW, stating that they have to abide by the rules as outlined by the international governing body, which is UWW (which supports the 2024 Olympic Wrestling). However, legal counsel informed the McBryde sisters that denying athletes the opportunity to compete in US-based athletic competition based on sincerely held religious beliefs is unconstitutional and illegal, and at the very least, they have to hold a fair hearing before denying Jamilah this opportunity.

This may all sound familiar… Well, this isn’t the first time this has happened.

Two years ago, Latifah McBryde, Jamliah’s younger sister, earned the right to represent the United States at the Pan-Am Championships in Mexico after placing 2nd at the USMC Women’s National and World Team Trials. Despite a petition with nearly 13,000, she was denied the opportunity to compete. Why? She needed to be allowed to compete in the Classic Wrestling uniform due to her sincerely held religious beliefs that required her to wrestle in a non-form-fitting uniform.

Not only was Latifah banned from competing at Pan-Ams, but they have banned her, Jamilah and their younger sister Zaynah, from competing at any international UWW-sanctioned event AND any USA Wrestling events that would be considered international qualifying events. This decision was made without due process and did not allow Latifah to plead her case through the proper channels. Latifah should have been granted the opportunity to petition for a formal review. She was never given that opportunity. She was simply told by UWW, “the uniform needs to be tested.” For over two years, Latifah and her sisters were never given clear guidance on how or when that testing would occur. Watch any of the McBryde sisters’ matches to see the uniform in action.

You can read more about Latifah’s experience here:

Since then, however, thanks to the efforts of Coach Carleen Sluberski, both the NAIA College division and the NCAA division added the Classic Wrestling uniform to their approved uniform list. With this amazing breakthrough, the three McBryde sisters were recruited to wrestle (in the Classic Wrestling uniform) at Life University, where they wrestled over 200 matches - winning over 85% of them. You would think 200+ college matches, some against the best that US college Women’s wrestling offers, would be enough of a test, but apparently not.

What does Jamilah have to say about all of this?

“One of the hardest things as an athlete is to try your hardest and still fail. Even harder is to not fail and still be denied the opportunity to succeed. The sacrifices and challenges throughout the journey are not only endured but embraced - all for the opportunity that every athlete dreams of — the opportunity to compete at the sport’s highest level. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity fairly earned but unjustly ripped away. Being denied the right to compete is not only a loss for me but a loss for my family, my coaches, my teammates, and most of all, all female athletes around the world. Not only does it restrict current athletes from testing themselves against the best the world has to offer, but it destroys the hopes of young girls who dream of being future Olympians. The amount of untapped potential and greatness around the world may never be fully realized, and incredibly talented, hardworking female athletes may never get the opportunity to compete on the Olympic stage. The number of female athletes around the world who could be the very best international competitors the world has ever seen may be left sitting at home because of a lack of inclusion - we may never know.”

Beyond all of that, the actions displayed by USA Wrestling, UWW, and the US Olympic Committee go against the core values of wrestling, the core values of athleticism, the core values of Olympism, and even the core values apparently espoused by these organizations themselves - gender equality, inclusion, fairness and non-discrimination in sports as outlined by the IOC; integrity, excellence, respect, friendship, unity (Olympic Values); integrity, unity, resilience, growth of wrestling (UWW Mission); and integrity, honesty, responsibility, accountability, respect, and diversity (USA Wrestling Values).

So, how can you help?

Please share this petition far and wide. Share it with friends and family. Share it on social media. Tag news outlets and sports influencers. We want the world to know what UWW, USA Wrestling, and the US Olympic Committee are doing in 2024.Write to the following individuals and express how you feel about yet another amazing athlete being denied the opportunity of a lifetime that she fairly earned:

Kerry McCoy (USA Wrestling 1st Vice President)

Joan Fulp (USA Wrestling 2nd Vice President)

Nenad Lalovic (UWW President and member of the IOC's Commission for Olympic Solidarity)

Terry Steiner (head coach of USA's women's national team)

Bruce Baumgartner (USA Wrestling President)

Francisco Eduardo Lee Lopez (President of the Pan-American Council)

Arsen Julfalakyan (UWW Athletes Commission Chairman)

Stan Dziedzic (UWW VP and UWW. Coaches Commission President)

Gene Sykes (US Olympics Board of Directors)

Elizabeth Ramsey (US Olympics Athletes Advisory Council Executive Director)

Rich Bender (Executive Director of USA Wrestling and USOPC Board member)

Jaimie McNab (USA Wrestling Senior Manager of Women’s Freestyle)

Cody Bickley (Director of National Teams High Performance) cbickley@usawrestling.org14.

***Please note that all donations made on the platform go to to increase the number of views the petition gets. The money does not go to the petition creator or the individual the petition is in support of.

Promoted by 16 supporters


Endorse the Holden Beach Causeway Project for the safety and economy of our community!

Do you live at or visit the Holden Beach area? We need your HELP!The Holden Beach Causeway is in need of redevelopment for multiple reasons.The crash rating is 3X higher than the state average in NC.Our community is a tourism economy. We compete with other coastal towns.Currently our area is not thriving as it should. This creates a direct negative impact on the citizens of our community.Our Causeway is in need of pedestrian paths and crossings for safety.We need a unified parking plan so all businesses can succeed.The Brunswick County commissioners are continuously approving new subdivisions for our area. But, they will not hear the Causeway Study in their meetings. They are bringing people to the area but doing nothing to prevent a inevitable death or disaster from happening on our Causeway.Brunswick County and the Holden Beach/Supply area is changing. We must act now and make sure that the future generations of our community are covered safety wise and economically.We know you care about our special town. Please use your voice and help us get the Brunswick County Commissioners to approve this well thought out and crafted study, by signing the petition.In 2019 we had to form a petition to get the Brunswick County Commissioners to allow the study to happen. And it worked! Now we must come together again and make them follow through with what they helped start.Here are a few facts about the Holden Beach Causeway Project:The study was performed by a steering committee that had Causeway property owners on it.Multiple public input sessions were carried out allowing the community to voice their opinions about the project.The Brunswick County Planning Department backs the project.The Grand Strand Area Transportation Study has adopted the project and the project is currently eligible for federal funding.Tri-Beach fire department has been kept in the loop about the project and they have approved the draft from their perspective of emergency access.Brunswick Electric has offered to help write a grant to bring the power lines underground.The majority of Causeway property owner and businesses approve, want, need the project to move forward.There are a handful of property owners that do not want to see any change on the Causeway whatsoever.There is funding available for a project like this to happen.Now is our time to say Commissioners, this project is what our community needs and the opportunity for things to move forward presents itself now.Thank you for your support.

Endorse the Holden Beach Causeway Project for the safety and economy of our community!

Do you live at or visit the Holden Beach area? We need your HELP!

The Holden Beach Causeway is in need of redevelopment for multiple reasons.

The crash rating is 3X higher than the state average in NC.Our community is a tourism economy. We compete with other coastal towns.Currently our area is not thriving as it should. This creates a direct negative impact on the citizens of our community.Our Causeway is in need of pedestrian paths and crossings for safety.We need a unified parking plan so all businesses can succeed.

The Brunswick County commissioners are continuously approving new subdivisions for our area. But, they will not hear the Causeway Study in their meetings. They are bringing people to the area but doing nothing to prevent a inevitable death or disaster from happening on our Causeway.

Brunswick County and the Holden Beach/Supply area is changing. We must act now and make sure that the future generations of our community are covered safety wise and economically.

We know you care about our special town. Please use your voice and help us get the Brunswick County Commissioners to approve this well thought out and crafted study, by signing the petition.

In 2019 we had to form a petition to get the Brunswick County Commissioners to allow the study to happen. And it worked! Now we must come together again and make them follow through with what they helped start.

Here are a few facts about the Holden Beach Causeway Project:

The study was performed by a steering committee that had Causeway property owners on it.Multiple public input sessions were carried out allowing the community to voice their opinions about the project.The Brunswick County Planning Department backs the project.The Grand Strand Area Transportation Study has adopted the project and the project is currently eligible for federal funding.Tri-Beach fire department has been kept in the loop about the project and they have approved the draft from their perspective of emergency access.Brunswick Electric has offered to help write a grant to bring the power lines underground.The majority of Causeway property owner and businesses approve, want, need the project to move forward.There are a handful of property owners that do not want to see any change on the Causeway whatsoever.There is funding available for a project like this to happen.

Now is our time to say Commissioners, this project is what our community needs and the opportunity for things to move forward presents itself now.

Thank you for your support.

Promoted by 1 supporter


Implement Stronger Safety and Disciplinary Actions in Pittsburgh's Perry High School

My nephew, a diligent student with good grades and strong character, was brutally attacked at Perry High School in Pittsburgh, PA on March 20. He was knocked unconscious by another student and had to be taken to the hospital for treatment of a concussion and head injuries. This incident has left him mentally, emotionally, and physically scarred.The Actor that committed the Simple Assault only has been suspended for 10 days. He is capable of coming back and attacking his victim again or another innocent person. We asked that he be permanently expelled from Perry Highschool. Dion is a special child with an IEP plan that the school is aware of as well. Students with set IEP and 504 Plans shouldn’t be targeted. All security guards she be on assigned detail areas within the school. To do properly and effectively deter violence and other disturbances within the and provide proper protection and safety to students and staff members.Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. There have been numerous reports of students being violently attacked by their peers within the school premises. It is clear that the current safety measures are inadequate to protect our children from such violent incidents.We call upon the Pittsburgh Board of Education, Dr. Wayne N. Walter’s office, Principal Omally Chief Young to take immediate action in creating a better plan for protecting students at Perry High School from violence.Additionally, we demand stricter disciplinary actions against students who attack teachers or other students on school grounds. These actions should include charging the offending student through juvenile or criminal court as necessary and expulsion from school if warranted.Parents should also bear some responsibility for their child's behavior; therefore we propose that parents be fined beyond magistrate level if necessary when their child commits violent acts at school.Our children deserve an environment where they can learn without fear of violence or harm. We implore you to act now before more innocent lives are damaged due to lack of proper safety measures and discipline within our schools.Please sign this petition urging these key decision-makers in our education system to implement stronger safety measures and stricter disciplinary actions at Perry High School.

Implement Stronger Safety and Disciplinary Actions in Pittsburgh's Perry High School

My nephew, a diligent student with good grades and strong character, was brutally attacked at Perry High School in Pittsburgh, PA on March 20. He was knocked unconscious by another student and had to be taken to the hospital for treatment of a concussion and head injuries. This incident has left him mentally, emotionally, and physically scarred.The Actor that committed the Simple Assault only has been suspended for 10 days. He is capable of coming back and attacking his victim again or another innocent person. We asked that he be permanently expelled from Perry Highschool. Dion is a special child with an IEP plan that the school is aware of as well. Students with set IEP and 504 Plans shouldn’t be targeted. All security guards she be on assigned detail areas within the school. To do properly and effectively deter violence and other disturbances within the and provide proper protection and safety to students and staff members.Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. There have been numerous reports of students being violently attacked by their peers within the school premises. It is clear that the current safety measures are inadequate to protect our children from such violent incidents.We call upon the Pittsburgh Board of Education, Dr. Wayne N. Walter’s office, Principal Omally Chief Young to take immediate action in creating a better plan for protecting students at Perry High School from violence.Additionally, we demand stricter disciplinary actions against students who attack teachers or other students on school grounds. These actions should include charging the offending student through juvenile or criminal court as necessary and expulsion from school if warranted.Parents should also bear some responsibility for their child's behavior; therefore we propose that parents be fined beyond magistrate level if necessary when their child commits violent acts at school.Our children deserve an environment where they can learn without fear of violence or harm. We implore you to act now before more innocent lives are damaged due to lack of proper safety measures and discipline within our schools.Please sign this petition urging these key decision-makers in our education system to implement stronger safety measures and stricter disciplinary actions at Perry High School.

Promoted by 245 supporters


Demand Justice for Rescue and Shelter Animals in SB24-045

*Just to be clear, we do not get donations from this website.*I am writing and signing this petition as both a private citizen and an animal rescue advocate and would like to express my extreme concern for the lack of information being considered in SB24-045First, there are no medical professionals' opinions being considered in this matter. Juvenile spaying/neutering is inhumane and comes with risks of lifelong complications for puppies including higher rates of cancer, poor muscle tone, incontinence, and poor bone density, particularly in larger breed dogs. None of this is considered in the bill.Second, the wait times for vet appointments are already so extended that there’s current legislation being considered that allows Telehealth visits for veterinarians. I cannot stress this enough: more dogs and cats will die in shelters strictly due to this additional and unnecessary legislation because rescues will be waiting on vet appointments. The 2018 regulation requiring spaying/neutering with the health exemption caused the cost of spaying/neutering in Colorado to skyrocket; currently, a spay or neuter in Colorado for a puppy is anywhere between $250 and $900; in bordering states, it’s $75-$150. Many rescues and shelters will be forced to perform these procedures in the originating state of the pets and not with Colorado vets if this passes -- a significant loss of revenue for Colorado veterinarians.Lastly, and of utmost importance, is the blatant discrimination in this bill, not in what it says but in what it doesn’t say: people who adopt dogs from shelters and rescues cannot be trusted to spay and neuter their pets; people who buy dogs from breeders can be trusted to. The regulations were already written such that shelters and rescues have a different set of rules, and breeders and pet stores are free to sell their dogs without any such rules requiring them to have their pets undergo surgery at a premature age. There is currently a small medical exemption that costs rescues a fortune in vet bills, but it allows people who are educated in the risks of juvenile spaying/neutering to have each pet examined for their readiness for spaying/neutering and allow the vet to write an exemption based on the pet’s individual health. That will be removed in this bill for shelters and rescues ONLY.Breeders and pet stores are still free to sell imported dogs for thousands of dollars without fixing them at all or having a vet see them to write such an exemption. This is discrimination and it’s evident in the lobbying efforts: breeder lobbyists can’t wait for this to pass because they know it will push people who would have otherwise rescued dogs over to breeders because breeders don’t have the health risks associated with juvenile spaying/neutering.Why are rescue and shelter pets and the citizens who support them being treated as second-class citizens? If this legislation is indeed necessary for the welfare of animals, then it should be applied to all licensees under PACFA -- shelters, rescues, pet stores, AND breeders; if it doesn’t, then it’s either discriminatory, unnecessary, or just blatant ignorance.If you care about this please sign and share this petition and submit a written testimony with your reason directly to the legislators by Sunday 2/25/24 here:Official written testimony to legislatureSearch:"By hearing item": House Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources SB24-045Meeting Date and time: Monday 2/26/24 at 1:30pm

Demand Justice for Rescue and Shelter Animals in SB24-045

*Just to be clear, we do not get donations from this website.*

I am writing and signing this petition as both a private citizen and an animal rescue advocate and would like to express my extreme concern for the lack of information being considered in SB24-045

First, there are no medical professionals' opinions being considered in this matter. Juvenile spaying/neutering is inhumane and comes with risks of lifelong complications for puppies including higher rates of cancer, poor muscle tone, incontinence, and poor bone density, particularly in larger breed dogs. None of this is considered in the bill.

Second, the wait times for vet appointments are already so extended that there’s current legislation being considered that allows Telehealth visits for veterinarians. I cannot stress this enough: more dogs and cats will die in shelters strictly due to this additional and unnecessary legislation because rescues will be waiting on vet appointments. The 2018 regulation requiring spaying/neutering with the health exemption caused the cost of spaying/neutering in Colorado to skyrocket; currently, a spay or neuter in Colorado for a puppy is anywhere between $250 and $900; in bordering states, it’s $75-$150. Many rescues and shelters will be forced to perform these procedures in the originating state of the pets and not with Colorado vets if this passes -- a significant loss of revenue for Colorado veterinarians.

Lastly, and of utmost importance, is the blatant discrimination in this bill, not in what it says but in what it doesn’t say: people who adopt dogs from shelters and rescues cannot be trusted to spay and neuter their pets; people who buy dogs from breeders can be trusted to. The regulations were already written such that shelters and rescues have a different set of rules, and breeders and pet stores are free to sell their dogs without any such rules requiring them to have their pets undergo surgery at a premature age. There is currently a small medical exemption that costs rescues a fortune in vet bills, but it allows people who are educated in the risks of juvenile spaying/neutering to have each pet examined for their readiness for spaying/neutering and allow the vet to write an exemption based on the pet’s individual health. That will be removed in this bill for shelters and rescues ONLY.

Breeders and pet stores are still free to sell imported dogs for thousands of dollars without fixing them at all or having a vet see them to write such an exemption. This is discrimination and it’s evident in the lobbying efforts: breeder lobbyists can’t wait for this to pass because they know it will push people who would have otherwise rescued dogs over to breeders because breeders don’t have the health risks associated with juvenile spaying/neutering.

Why are rescue and shelter pets and the citizens who support them being treated as second-class citizens? If this legislation is indeed necessary for the welfare of animals, then it should be applied to all licensees under PACFA -- shelters, rescues, pet stores, AND breeders; if it doesn’t, then it’s either discriminatory, unnecessary, or just blatant ignorance.If you care about this please sign and share this petition and submit a written testimony with your reason directly to the legislators by Sunday 2/25/24 here:Official written testimony to legislature

Search:"By hearing item": House Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources SB24-045Meeting Date and time: Monday 2/26/24 at 1:30pm

Promoted by 3 supporters


Restore TN State Sovereignty Through Nullification Act

Our founders promised the states and the people of the states that the powers DELEGATED to the federal government were few and defined. The powers of the states and the people of the states were indefinite. We have been lied to for years that the federal government and the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of the Constitution. This is not true. And here is just one of many quotes that prove our founders expected the states and the people of the states to be the final arbiter of the Constitution and that it is the DUTY of the state legislature to ensure the federal government stays inside its very narrow lane.“The states being the parties to the constitutional compact, and in their sovereign capacity, it follows of necessity, that there can be no tribunal above their authority, to decide in the last resort, whether the compact made by them be violated; and consequently that as the parties to it, they must themselves decide in the last resort, such questions as may be of sufficient magnitude to require their interposition.” James MadisonPlease sign our petition to show support for written and sponsored legislation that creates 5 pathways in which to invoke Nullification when the federal government, including the Supreme Court, steps outside of its constitutional lane. Our sovereignty as a country is under threat and we can fight back by invoking our rightful authority to nullify any and all laws, rules, regulations, Executive Orders, treaties or executive agreements that violate the 18 enumerated legislative powers listed in Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution. This petition is for legal residents of the state of Tennessee, USA only. PLEASE do not make any donations for this petition.

Restore TN State Sovereignty Through Nullification Act

Our founders promised the states and the people of the states that the powers DELEGATED to the federal government were few and defined. The powers of the states and the people of the states were indefinite. We have been lied to for years that the federal government and the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of the Constitution. This is not true. And here is just one of many quotes that prove our founders expected the states and the people of the states to be the final arbiter of the Constitution and that it is the DUTY of the state legislature to ensure the federal government stays inside its very narrow lane.

“The states being the parties to the constitutional compact, and in their sovereign capacity, it follows of necessity, that there can be no tribunal above their authority, to decide in the last resort, whether the compact made by them be violated; and consequently that as the parties to it, they must themselves decide in the last resort, such questions as may be of sufficient magnitude to require their interposition.” James Madison

Please sign our petition to show support for written and sponsored legislation that creates 5 pathways in which to invoke Nullification when the federal government, including the Supreme Court, steps outside of its constitutional lane. Our sovereignty as a country is under threat and we can fight back by invoking our rightful authority to nullify any and all laws, rules, regulations, Executive Orders, treaties or executive agreements that violate the 18 enumerated legislative powers listed in Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution.

This petition is for legal residents of the state of Tennessee, USA only. PLEASE do not make any donations for this petition.

Promoted by 20 supporters


Reinstate Our Esteemed Wrestling Coach Wrongfully Terminated

Mr. Rodriguez, a highly respected wrestling coach in Salinas, CA, has been wrongfully terminated from his position. As a former student and wrestler under his guidance, I can attest to the profound impact he has had on countless young lives. His influence extends beyond the wrestling mat; it reaches into every aspect of our lives as he taught us discipline, resilience and the value of hard work.Mr. Rodriguez's dedication to nurturing talent is unparalleled in our community. His dismissal not only disrupts the continuity of training for current wrestlers but also deprives future generations of his wisdom and expertise.Wrestling is more than just a sport; it's an integral part of our community fabric that shapes character and fosters camaraderie among students. The abrupt termination of Mr. Rodriguez threatens this tradition.His dismissal was justified as "going a different direction" but we believe this decision will cause more harm than good to our wrestling program and broader Alisal community.We urge those responsible for this decision to reconsider their stance for the benefit of current wrestlers and future generations who deserve access to Mr. Rodriguez's invaluable mentorship.Please join us in calling for the reinstatement of Mr. Rodriguez as our wrestling coach - because without him, we lose more than just a coach; we lose an essential pillar within our community.Sign this petition today!

Reinstate Our Esteemed Wrestling Coach Wrongfully Terminated

Mr. Rodriguez, a highly respected wrestling coach in Salinas, CA, has been wrongfully terminated from his position. As a former student and wrestler under his guidance, I can attest to the profound impact he has had on countless young lives. His influence extends beyond the wrestling mat; it reaches into every aspect of our lives as he taught us discipline, resilience and the value of hard work.Mr. Rodriguez's dedication to nurturing talent is unparalleled in our community. His dismissal not only disrupts the continuity of training for current wrestlers but also deprives future generations of his wisdom and expertise.Wrestling is more than just a sport; it's an integral part of our community fabric that shapes character and fosters camaraderie among students. The abrupt termination of Mr. Rodriguez threatens this tradition.His dismissal was justified as "going a different direction" but we believe this decision will cause more harm than good to our wrestling program and broader Alisal community.We urge those responsible for this decision to reconsider their stance for the benefit of current wrestlers and future generations who deserve access to Mr. Rodriguez's invaluable mentorship.Please join us in calling for the reinstatement of Mr. Rodriguez as our wrestling coach - because without him, we lose more than just a coach; we lose an essential pillar within our community.Sign this petition today!

Promoted by 64 supporters


Keep Cherokee Charter Academy Open

I want to save my children's school! I want to save the jobs of the teachers and the faculty! I don't want this school to disappear and the children to have to scatter. Please help me achieve this goal! We need all the signatures we can get! Every individual counts! Let's get our voices heard!

Keep Cherokee Charter Academy Open

I want to save my children's school! I want to save the jobs of the teachers and the faculty! I don't want this school to disappear and the children to have to scatter. Please help me achieve this goal! We need all the signatures we can get! Every individual counts! Let's get our voices heard!

Promoted by 19 supporters


Support the Signing of Bills NJ A4161 and NJ S3081 to Save SB School District's Budget

As students at South Brunswick High School, we are standing on the precipice of a future that is being threatened by severe budget cuts. We are not just freshmen who fear for our own education, but also siblings who worry about the opportunities that will be available for our younger brothers and sisters in this district.The state has significantly reduced aid to our school due to a flawed formula they devised. This has led to a financial crisis in our school district, which is now struggling with severe budget cuts. The signing of bills NJ A4161 and NJ S3081 would provide much-needed relief.We believe it's time for our town to rally behind these bills and show its support for us - its students - as well as for all future generations who will attend South Brunswick Schools. By signing this petition, you're not just supporting us; you're supporting every student in New Jersey whose education may be compromised due to insufficient funding, as well as the property owners whose property would be devalued if the school district began to fail.Help us protect our education. Sign this petition today!(Petition started by group of SBHS students -Bhavya Natarajan, Navya Jain, Ashley Soltys, Shashank Manicka, Om Bhaskar, Viren Abroal)

Support the Signing of Bills NJ A4161 and NJ S3081 to Save SB School District's Budget

As students at South Brunswick High School, we are standing on the precipice of a future that is being threatened by severe budget cuts. We are not just freshmen who fear for our own education, but also siblings who worry about the opportunities that will be available for our younger brothers and sisters in this district.The state has significantly reduced aid to our school due to a flawed formula they devised. This has led to a financial crisis in our school district, which is now struggling with severe budget cuts. The signing of bills NJ A4161 and NJ S3081 would provide much-needed relief.We believe it's time for our town to rally behind these bills and show its support for us - its students - as well as for all future generations who will attend South Brunswick Schools. By signing this petition, you're not just supporting us; you're supporting every student in New Jersey whose education may be compromised due to insufficient funding, as well as the property owners whose property would be devalued if the school district began to fail.

Help us protect our education. Sign this petition today!

(Petition started by group of SBHS students -

Bhavya Natarajan, Navya Jain, Ashley Soltys, Shashank Manicka, Om Bhaskar, Viren Abroal)

Promoted by 185 supporters


Protect Belmar Park in Lakewood, CO via Eminent Domain

Belmar Park in Lakewood, Colorado is an unprotected bird sanctuary.More info at: www.SaveBelmarPark.comThe future of the park's bird and wildlife habitat is now uncertain due to a proposed 800,000+ square foot apartment building adjacent to the park's eastern boundary and riparian habitat. This is more than 13 football fields.Over 230 bird species have been observed at Belmar Park according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology bird species of conservation concern (BCC) in or near Belmar Park are listed by the Avian Knowledge Network RAIL database.Belmar Park is listed as an Ebird Hotspot.Belmar Park is within the Central Flyway migration corridor of North America.Birds are disappearing:2.9 billion adult breeding birds lost in North America since 1970. Half of Colorado's birds are in decline.Habitat loss including due to development is the #1 driver of bird population declines.2 out of 3 North American bird species face extinction.Healthy bird populations help keep away invasive insects like emerald ash borer which is closing in on Lakewood, CO.Benefits of acquiring this parking area via Eminent Domain:Preserving the parking lot is the only way to preserve the important existing buffer zone separating Belmar Park that may help mitigate wildlife impacts.Preserves many of the 66 large trees used by bird species that would otherwise be cut down.Preserving as many of these trees as possible is the only way to preserve their canopy habitat because Lakewood does not require science-based basal area tree replacements as recommended to City Council by the Audubon Society.Preserves optimal public parking spaces for Belmar Park visitors that would otherwise be lost.Obviates the plan by the City of Lakewood to pave undeveloped public land in or near Belmar Park for parking.The existing paved parking area has been used by Belmar Park visitors for decades and provides the closest access to the park. The previous owner of 777 S Yarrow allowed the public to use the parking lot to access Belmar Park. The new owner, Kairoi Residential, intends to construct an apartment building including the area previously available for public parking. The proposed apartment building includes no affordable housing units or mixed use retail or commercial space.What Can I Do?1) Please sign the petition.2) Attend Lakewood City Council meetings and express your opinion(s) regarding Belmar Park during the public comment segment.You can attend and comment either in-person at city hall or remotely. See link below for next meeting date and remote access instructions.List of upcoming meetings including City Council meetings 3) Contact your Lakewood City Council representative and ask him/her to support the Eminent Domain action.Contact Info Page for Lakewood City CouncilLook up your Ward number4) If you have contacts with any environmental or wildlife organizations, encourage their attorneys to get involved and ask if they will inform their members about this petition.Questions? Email me at: join@savebelmarpark.comI'll try to answer your email but can't always get it done.For further information or to receive email updates, Eminent Domain?Lakewood City Council previously voted down a thoughtful package of mitigations at their October 23, 2023 meeting. The package they rejected was even vetted by a supportive city council member who is also a practicing attorney in Colorado. City council members did not offer to adopt any counter proposal or to amend the mitigation package.The position of Lakewood City Council is that there is nothing they can do. Therefore, using Eminent Domain is a reasonable option because they are vested with that power and because they insist they cannot do anything else.Even after an Eminent Domain action to preserve the parking lot, approximately 2/3 of the property at 777 S Yarrow St would still be owned by Kairoi Residential or subsequent owners or partners.It has also been reported that Kairoi is under contract to purchase the property across the street at 777 S Wadsworth. They could build another project up to 12-stories there under the current zoning.How to Avoid Habitat Impacts:The US Fish and Wildlife Service advises: “The best way to avoid habitat impacts is to avoid placing development in or near important bird habitat.” key purpose of the Lakewood Zoning Ordinance as stated at 17.1.2(C) is to 'protect and enhance the natural environment'. Constructing an apartment building over 13 football fields in size within 100 feet of riparian bird habitat ignores both the US Fish and Wildlife recommendation and this primary purpose of the Lakewood Zoning Ordinance 'to protect and enhance the natural environment'.Clearly, preserving this historic parking area via Eminent Domain for use by park visitors serves multiple beneficial public interests.Therefore, we request that Lakewood City Council acquire the existing parking lot on the north, west and south sides of the Irongate property at 777 S Yarrow Street in Lakewood, Colorado 80226 for an estimated area of at least 78,000 square feet via Eminent Domain instead of paving a proposed new parking lot on undeveloped, unpaved city land in or near the park itself.Funding Options:Both 777 S Yarrow and Belmar Park are in the West Alameda Corridor Reinvestment Area (WACRA). According to the Executive Director of the Lakewood Reinvestment Authority (LRA), the reason Belmar Park is in the WACRA is so that WACRA funds may be spent to improve the park. However, no such funds have ever been spent by the WACRA on Belmar Park in over 25 years that the WACRA has been in existence. Preserving the existing parking area would directly benefit Belmar Park and would be an appropriate use of these funds that have not yet been used for the benefit of the park in over 25 years.Funds from the developer might also be redirected to this improvement instead of paving a new lot on undeveloped public land on the north side of 777 S Yarrow.

Protect Belmar Park in Lakewood, CO via Eminent Domain

Belmar Park in Lakewood, Colorado is an unprotected bird sanctuary.

More info at:

The future of the park's bird and wildlife habitat is now uncertain due to a proposed 800,000+ square foot apartment building adjacent to the park's eastern boundary and riparian habitat. This is more than 13 football fields.

Over 230 bird species have been observed at Belmar Park according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology

48 bird species of conservation concern (BCC) in or near Belmar Park are listed by the Avian Knowledge Network RAIL database.

Belmar Park is listed as an Ebird Hotspot.

Belmar Park is within the Central Flyway migration corridor of North America.

Birds are disappearing:

2.9 billion adult breeding birds lost in North America since 1970. Half of Colorado's birds are in decline.Habitat loss including due to development is the #1 driver of bird population declines.2 out of 3 North American bird species face extinction.Healthy bird populations help keep away invasive insects like emerald ash borer which is closing in on Lakewood, CO.

Benefits of acquiring this parking area via Eminent Domain:

Preserving the parking lot is the only way to preserve the important existing buffer zone separating Belmar Park that may help mitigate wildlife impacts.Preserves many of the 66 large trees used by bird species that would otherwise be cut down.Preserving as many of these trees as possible is the only way to preserve their canopy habitat because Lakewood does not require science-based basal area tree replacements as recommended to City Council by the Audubon Society.Preserves optimal public parking spaces for Belmar Park visitors that would otherwise be lost.Obviates the plan by the City of Lakewood to pave undeveloped public land in or near Belmar Park for parking.

The existing paved parking area has been used by Belmar Park visitors for decades and provides the closest access to the park. The previous owner of 777 S Yarrow allowed the public to use the parking lot to access Belmar Park.

The new owner, Kairoi Residential, intends to construct an apartment building including the area previously available for public parking. The proposed apartment building includes no affordable housing units or mixed use retail or commercial space.

What Can I Do?

1) Please sign the petition.

2) Attend Lakewood City Council meetings and express your opinion(s) regarding Belmar Park during the public comment segment.

You can attend and comment either in-person at city hall or remotely. See link below for next meeting date and remote access instructions.

List of upcoming meetings including City Council meetings

3) Contact your Lakewood City Council representative and ask him/her to support the Eminent Domain action.

Contact Info Page for Lakewood City Council

Look up your Ward number

4) If you have contacts with any environmental or wildlife organizations, encourage their attorneys to get involved and ask if they will inform their members about this petition.

Questions? Email me at:

I'll try to answer your email but can't always get it done.

For further information or to receive email updates,

Why Eminent Domain?

Lakewood City Council previously voted down a thoughtful package of mitigations at their October 23, 2023 meeting. The package they rejected was even vetted by a supportive city council member who is also a practicing attorney in Colorado. City council members did not offer to adopt any counter proposal or to amend the mitigation package.

The position of Lakewood City Council is that there is nothing they can do. Therefore, using Eminent Domain is a reasonable option because they are vested with that power and because they insist they cannot do anything else.

Even after an Eminent Domain action to preserve the parking lot, approximately 2/3 of the property at 777 S Yarrow St would still be owned by Kairoi Residential or subsequent owners or partners.

It has also been reported that Kairoi is under contract to purchase the property across the street at 777 S Wadsworth. They could build another project up to 12-stories there under the current zoning.

How to Avoid Habitat Impacts:

The US Fish and Wildlife Service advises: “The best way to avoid habitat impacts is to avoid placing development in or near important bird habitat.”

A key purpose of the Lakewood Zoning Ordinance as stated at 17.1.2(C) is to 'protect and enhance the natural environment'.

Constructing an apartment building over 13 football fields in size within 100 feet of riparian bird habitat ignores both the US Fish and Wildlife recommendation and this primary purpose of the Lakewood Zoning Ordinance 'to protect and enhance the natural environment'.

Clearly, preserving this historic parking area via Eminent Domain for use by park visitors serves multiple beneficial public interests.

Therefore, we request that Lakewood City Council acquire the existing parking lot on the north, west and south sides of the Irongate property at 777 S Yarrow Street in Lakewood, Colorado 80226 for an estimated area of at least 78,000 square feet via Eminent Domain instead of paving a proposed new parking lot on undeveloped, unpaved city land in or near the park itself.

Funding Options:

Both 777 S Yarrow and Belmar Park are in the West Alameda Corridor Reinvestment Area (WACRA).

According to the Executive Director of the Lakewood Reinvestment Authority (LRA), the reason Belmar Park is in the WACRA is so that WACRA funds may be spent to improve the park. However, no such funds have ever been spent by the WACRA on Belmar Park in over 25 years that the WACRA has been in existence.

Preserving the existing parking area would directly benefit Belmar Park and would be an appropriate use of these funds that have not yet been used for the benefit of the park in over 25 years.

Funds from the developer might also be redirected to this improvement instead of paving a new lot on undeveloped public land on the north side of 777 S Yarrow.

Promoted by 102 supporters


Justice for Elijah “Snoop” Timmons lll

My brother Elijah was killed the day after thanksgiving this year (11/24/2023) after being jumped by some gang after leaving a bar and grill in Hendersonville Nc. The murderer (Terrance Burton) was never charged nor was he ever arrested! The detectives are saying Terrance killed my brother out of “self defense” but he was out there with his friends jumping my brother while he was by his self ! No one interfered or tried to break it up! The police was called 10 minutes before my brother was killed saying there was an altercation outside the bar and grill but no one came! When my mother came to the scene she was tackled and handcuffed not even a foot away from her deceased child then thrown in jail and handcuffed to a bench for hours all the while the police at the jail mistreated her and was completely insensitive to a mother that just lost her son moments before! We want justice for not only Elijah so we can be able to get this monster that’s walking around our kids and family charged with murder but also my mother Patricia for being completely humiliated, dragged across the concrete, being arrested and charged with assault on an officer and resisting arrest! We want this case open to get justice for Elijah and we want everyone involved charged ! We want these officers punished for their actions as well ! Here’s the link to the full story !

Justice for Elijah “Snoop” Timmons lll

My brother Elijah was killed the day after thanksgiving this year (11/24/2023) after being jumped by some gang after leaving a bar and grill in Hendersonville Nc. The murderer (Terrance Burton) was never charged nor was he ever arrested! The detectives are saying Terrance killed my brother out of “self defense” but he was out there with his friends jumping my brother while he was by his self ! No one interfered or tried to break it up! The police was called 10 minutes before my brother was killed saying there was an altercation outside the bar and grill but no one came! When my mother came to the scene she was tackled and handcuffed not even a foot away from her deceased child then thrown in jail and handcuffed to a bench for hours all the while the police at the jail mistreated her and was completely insensitive to a mother that just lost her son moments before! We want justice for not only Elijah so we can be able to get this monster that’s walking around our kids and family charged with murder but also my mother Patricia for being completely humiliated, dragged across the concrete, being arrested and charged with assault on an officer and resisting arrest! We want this case open to get justice for Elijah and we want everyone involved charged ! We want these officers punished for their actions as well ! Here’s the link to the full story !

Promoted by 1 supporter


Halt Abusive and Predatory Business Practices by Sallie Mae

I am a student, currently under the burden of private loans from Sallie Mae. My personal experience has revealed abusive and predatory practices that are not only detrimental to me and my health to me but also to countless other students across the nation.The distressing situation I and many others endure with Sallie Mae has escalated to an intolerable level and must be stopped.1. Sallie Mae has monopolization of the market and financial entrapment.students who are ineligible for U.S. Federal Student Loans often find themselves with Sallie Mae as it is the singular financing avenue. This monopolistic scenario forces students like me to acquiesce to the terms dictated by Sallie Mae without the leverage of alternative financing options and placing us in an unfavorable 'captive' financial relationship. Additionally, the few institutions that do provide international study financing do so with stringent restrictions that greatly limit their accessibility, as they are only options for a select few countries or specific educational programs.2. Predatory Loan Terms: The terms and conditions of these loans are not only unfair but also designed in a way that significantly disadvantages borrowers.Sallie Mae's exploitative terms include excessive finance charges that can exceed 200% of the principal, targeting borrowers with no alternatives. These egregious terms, often impossible to repay, signify a systemic practice of predatory lending.3. Irresponsible Loan Approval Practices: Sallie Mae continues to sanction loan agreements with terms that are not feasible for the borrowers or their cosigners, fully aware that the financial burdens imposed are unsustainable. Sallie Mae is required to ensure the terms of their loans are within the ability of all borrowers to repay, yet they approve loans with egregious terms for repayment that do not seem to have been established on the basis of thorough income verification, as these terms are approved for borrowers and cosigners who have no income or receive government support. A study by The Institute for College Access & Success found that one in seven student loan borrowers default on their loans within three years of beginning repayment (The Institute for College Access & Success, 2019).As they are required to obtain this information for loan approval, it is clear that Sallie Mae intentionally approves loan terms for vulnerable populations in a way to exploit the borrowers, whether they are students, low income or elderly citizen receiving assistance.4. Exploitation of Vulnerable Populations:Despite regulatory requirements for fair lending practices, Sallie Mae approves loans with terms that vulnerable co-signers, such as low-income seniors on government assistance, cannot meet. This raises concerns about the intentional targeting of financially vulnerable groups. Sallie Mae often charge exorbitant interest rates, making it nearly impossible for us to pay off our loans in a reasonable timeframe. According to a report by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, private student loan borrowers are often faced with high interest rates, lack of flexible repayment options, and difficulty negotiating repayment plans (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 2015).5. Sallie Mae's engagement in aggressive collection practices that add further stress and negatively impact the quality of life of already struggling borrowers.Beyond the financial ramifications, Sallie Mae engages in communication tactics to harass, exhaust, and induce fear and anxiety to populations who are already known to be extremely vulnerable. These calls and messages insinuate a need for immediate financial resolution, exploiting the anxiety and lack of legal knowledge among vulnerable groups, particularly students and elderly cosigners who are misled into believing they have immediate financial obligations.The elderly, often cosigners on loans, are specifically targeted by these tactics. Sallie Mae's strategy involves inducing fear and confusion to coerce them into providing direct debit information for payments on loans that have not yet matured. These practices represent a deliberate attempt to entrap and extract funds from individuals who cannot and likely could never be able to repay with the terms set by Sallie Mae.The harassing practices of Sallie Mae can have a significant impact on the mental and physical well-being of their vulnerable borrowers. Specifically, students burdened with overwhelming debt and subjected to aggressive collection tactics exhibit markedly higher levels of stress and anxiety, which can lead to serious health consequences. Research continues to expose the profound impact of financial stress on the mental health and overall well-being of university and college students. A significant study by McCloud and colleagues, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, underscores this correlation. The research indicates that escalating student debt over recent decades correlates strongly with increased mental health issues and a higher incidence of suicides among higher education students (McCloud T 2019).Call to Action:We need urgent action against these predatory practices which are causing financial distress among students and hindering their ability to contribute positively towards society after graduation.It's time we demand fairness and ethical business practices from Sallie Mae. We call upon regulatory bodies such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to take immediate action against these harmful business practices.Please sign this petition if you believe in fair treatment for all student loan borrowers.

Halt Abusive and Predatory Business Practices by Sallie Mae

I am a student, currently under the burden of private loans from Sallie Mae. My personal experience has revealed abusive and predatory practices that are not only detrimental to me and my health to me but also to countless other students across the nation.

The distressing situation I and many others endure with Sallie Mae has escalated to an intolerable level and must be stopped.

1. Sallie Mae has monopolization of the market and financial entrapment.students who are ineligible for U.S. Federal Student Loans often find themselves with Sallie Mae as it is the singular financing avenue. This monopolistic scenario forces students like me to acquiesce to the terms dictated by Sallie Mae without the leverage of alternative financing options and placing us in an unfavorable 'captive' financial relationship. Additionally, the few institutions that do provide international study financing do so with stringent restrictions that greatly limit their accessibility, as they are only options for a select few countries or specific educational programs.

2. Predatory Loan Terms: The terms and conditions of these loans are not only unfair but also designed in a way that significantly disadvantages borrowers.Sallie Mae's exploitative terms include excessive finance charges that can exceed 200% of the principal, targeting borrowers with no alternatives. These egregious terms, often impossible to repay, signify a systemic practice of predatory lending.

3. Irresponsible Loan Approval Practices: Sallie Mae continues to sanction loan agreements with terms that are not feasible for the borrowers or their cosigners, fully aware that the financial burdens imposed are unsustainable. Sallie Mae is required to ensure the terms of their loans are within the ability of all borrowers to repay, yet they approve loans with egregious terms for repayment that do not seem to have been established on the basis of thorough income verification, as these terms are approved for borrowers and cosigners who have no income or receive government support. A study by The Institute for College Access & Success found that one in seven student loan borrowers default on their loans within three years of beginning repayment (The Institute for College Access & Success, 2019).

As they are required to obtain this information for loan approval, it is clear that Sallie Mae intentionally approves loan terms for vulnerable populations in a way to exploit the borrowers, whether they are students, low income or elderly citizen receiving assistance.

4. Exploitation of Vulnerable Populations:

Despite regulatory requirements for fair lending practices, Sallie Mae approves loans with terms that vulnerable co-signers, such as low-income seniors on government assistance, cannot meet. This raises concerns about the intentional targeting of financially vulnerable groups. Sallie Mae often charge exorbitant interest rates, making it nearly impossible for us to pay off our loans in a reasonable timeframe. According to a report by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, private student loan borrowers are often faced with high interest rates, lack of flexible repayment options, and difficulty negotiating repayment plans (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 2015).

5. Sallie Mae's engagement in aggressive collection practices that add further stress and negatively impact the quality of life of already struggling borrowers.

Beyond the financial ramifications, Sallie Mae engages in communication tactics to harass, exhaust, and induce fear and anxiety to populations who are already known to be extremely vulnerable. These calls and messages insinuate a need for immediate financial resolution, exploiting the anxiety and lack of legal knowledge among vulnerable groups, particularly students and elderly cosigners who are misled into believing they have immediate financial obligations.

The elderly, often cosigners on loans, are specifically targeted by these tactics. Sallie Mae's strategy involves inducing fear and confusion to coerce them into providing direct debit information for payments on loans that have not yet matured. These practices represent a deliberate attempt to entrap and extract funds from individuals who cannot and likely could never be able to repay with the terms set by Sallie Mae.

The harassing practices of Sallie Mae can have a significant impact on the mental and physical well-being of their vulnerable borrowers. Specifically, students burdened with overwhelming debt and subjected to aggressive collection tactics exhibit markedly higher levels of stress and anxiety, which can lead to serious health consequences. Research continues to expose the profound impact of financial stress on the mental health and overall well-being of university and college students. A significant study by McCloud and colleagues, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, underscores this correlation. The research indicates that escalating student debt over recent decades correlates strongly with increased mental health issues and a higher incidence of suicides among higher education students (McCloud T 2019).

Call to Action:

We need urgent action against these predatory practices which are causing financial distress among students and hindering their ability to contribute positively towards society after graduation.It's time we demand fairness and ethical business practices from Sallie Mae. We call upon regulatory bodies such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to take immediate action against these harmful business practices.Please sign this petition if you believe in fair treatment for all student loan borrowers.

Promoted by 56 supporters


Support the request for $2​.​1 million in bullet aid for public charter schools in Rochester

Rochester's public charter schools are expected to receive less money from the government because of changes in how their funding is calculated. This means each student in these schools might lose about $226.74, which is about 1.58% of their funding. There are 17 charter schools in Rochester, with about 9,187 students. So, all these students will be affected by this funding decrease.Rochester's schools are already struggling, and charter schools help many disadvantaged students do better academically. But now, these budget cuts could hurt their progress. We're asking for about $2.1 million in bullet aid to make up for the money lost per student in Rochester's charter schools.Please sign this petition and together lets request $2.1 Million in bullet aid for Rochester Charter students!

Support the request for $2​.​1 million in bullet aid for public charter schools in Rochester

Rochester's public charter schools are expected to receive less money from the government because of changes in how their funding is calculated. This means each student in these schools might lose about $226.74, which is about 1.58% of their funding. There are 17 charter schools in Rochester, with about 9,187 students. So, all these students will be affected by this funding decrease.

Rochester's schools are already struggling, and charter schools help many disadvantaged students do better academically. But now, these budget cuts could hurt their progress. We're asking for about $2.1 million in bullet aid to make up for the money lost per student in Rochester's charter schools.

Please sign this petition and together lets request $2.1 Million in bullet aid for Rochester Charter students!

Promoted by 1 supporter


Help MISD Legacy JROTC Seniors wear their graduation stoles and decorations at graduation

I am Second Lieutenant Mckenna Wyatt, an LET IV of the Legacy JROTC. I am the supply officer, the Battalion S-4.The Legacy JROTC gives their seniors a stole for graduating as a cadet, of which we can wear our awards, medals, and any other decoration on, to walk the stage with pride to our achievements.HOWEVER.We are not allowed to wear these stoles across the stage, otherwise we are denied our diploma.This means I am not allowed to wear the following awards that I have worked to earn.-Name Plate-Second Lieutenant Rank-Daughters of 1812 Award Medal + Ribbon-Superior Cadet Award Medal + Ribbon-Parade Ribbon-Fundraising Ribbon-Community Service Ribbon-LET Service Ribbon-Drill and Ceremony Ribbon-Staff Arc Badge-Flag Detail Arc Badge-Fundraising Arc Badge-Honor Unit Arc Badge-Fundraising Cord-StarAnd surely more to come with our upcoming awards ceremony on May 3rd, the date of which we receive our JROTC stoles.WE EARNED OUR STOLES AND AWARDS. WE DESERVE TO WEAR THEM.Seniors only get ONE chance to graduate. Four years of hard work, and dedication to a program should be worn proudly on this day. The JROTC seniors have been in the program for all four years, and earned many medals, arc badges, ribbons, stars, and ranks. We are awarded these stoles so that we can show off our achievements on the most important day of our HighSchool years.If you or your parents or anyone you know agree with us, that we deserve to wear our stoles, with all of our awards proudly shown on it, to all of Legacy HighSchool on graduation day, PLEASE sign this petition to prove to MISD that the JROTC should be allowed to wear their decorations!!WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT, EVEN IF YOU AREN’T IN JROTC, OR ATTENDING LEGACY HIGHSCHOOL. PLEASE HELP US TO WEAR OUR STOLES!!!!

Help MISD Legacy JROTC Seniors wear their graduation stoles and decorations at graduation

I am Second Lieutenant Mckenna Wyatt, an LET IV of the Legacy JROTC. I am the supply officer, the Battalion S-4.

The Legacy JROTC gives their seniors a stole for graduating as a cadet, of which we can wear our awards, medals, and any other decoration on, to walk the stage with pride to our achievements.


We are not allowed to wear these stoles across the stage, otherwise we are denied our diploma.

This means I am not allowed to wear the following awards that I have worked to earn.

-Name Plate

-Second Lieutenant Rank

-Daughters of 1812 Award Medal + Ribbon

-Superior Cadet Award Medal + Ribbon

-Parade Ribbon

-Fundraising Ribbon

-Community Service Ribbon

-LET Service Ribbon

-Drill and Ceremony Ribbon

-Staff Arc Badge

-Flag Detail Arc Badge

-Fundraising Arc Badge

-Honor Unit Arc Badge

-Fundraising Cord


And surely more to come with our upcoming awards ceremony on May 3rd, the date of which we receive our JROTC stoles.


Seniors only get ONE chance to graduate. Four years of hard work, and dedication to a program should be worn proudly on this day. The JROTC seniors have been in the program for all four years, and earned many medals, arc badges, ribbons, stars, and ranks. We are awarded these stoles so that we can show off our achievements on the most important day of our HighSchool years.

If you or your parents or anyone you know agree with us, that we deserve to wear our stoles, with all of our awards proudly shown on it, to all of Legacy HighSchool on graduation day, PLEASE sign this petition to prove to MISD that the JROTC should be allowed to wear their decorations!!


Promoted by 111 supporters


Prevent Encina from Building a Plastic Waste Processing Plant in Point Township

In April 2022, a Texas company, Encina, announced plans to construct a plastic waste processing facility. The plant is proposed to be constructed on Route 11 along the banks of the Susquehanna River in Point Township, PA. The facility would receive 450,000 tons per year of post-consumer plastic waste that would be washed and sorted before being broken down, using heat and a proprietary catalyst, for production of chemicals (benzene, toluene, xylene, propylene). These chemicals would be stored on site before being transported by rail to customers to make more plastics. The plant would use up to 2.9 million gallons of water per day from the Susquehanna River for washing the plastics and cooling the catalytic pyrolysis process.Local residents have many concerns regarding the health and environmental impacts of the proposed plant’s plastic waste-to-chemicals process.Risks include:100 trucks of plastic going to the facility per day, mainly bringing waste from out of state, causing traffic and noiseProduction of chemicals at the plant which can cause cancer, liver & kidney damage, birth defects, nervous system issues, and respiratory issuesChemical and microplastic pollution in the Susquehanna RiverToxic air pollution from plastics processing and flaringHigh risk of flooding which could lead to washing hazardous chemicals and plastics into the river and waterwaysEncina's proposed technology is new and unprovenLight pollution from 24/7/365 operation of the plantWe the residents of Point Township and surrounding communities reject Encina’s proposed plant due to the substantial health and environmental risks associated with the proposed plastic waste processing facility.More information can be found at

Prevent Encina from Building a Plastic Waste Processing Plant in Point Township

In April 2022, a Texas company, Encina, announced plans to construct a plastic waste processing facility. The plant is proposed to be constructed on Route 11 along the banks of the Susquehanna River in Point Township, PA. The facility would receive 450,000 tons per year of post-consumer plastic waste that would be washed and sorted before being broken down, using heat and a proprietary catalyst, for production of chemicals (benzene, toluene, xylene, propylene). These chemicals would be stored on site before being transported by rail to customers to make more plastics. The plant would use up to 2.9 million gallons of water per day from the Susquehanna River for washing the plastics and cooling the catalytic pyrolysis process.

Local residents have many concerns regarding the health and environmental impacts of the proposed plant’s plastic waste-to-chemicals process.

Risks include:

100 trucks of plastic going to the facility per day, mainly bringing waste from out of state, causing traffic and noiseProduction of chemicals at the plant which can cause cancer, liver & kidney damage, birth defects, nervous system issues, and respiratory issuesChemical and microplastic pollution in the Susquehanna RiverToxic air pollution from plastics processing and flaringHigh risk of flooding which could lead to washing hazardous chemicals and plastics into the river and waterwaysEncina's proposed technology is new and unprovenLight pollution from 24/7/365 operation of the plant

We the residents of Point Township and surrounding communities reject Encina’s proposed plant due to the substantial health and environmental risks associated with the proposed plastic waste processing facility.

More information can be found at

Promoted by 2 supporters


Vehicle Suspension Modifications in GA (Lifted, Squatted, Lowered) KEEP THEM ON THE ROAD!

The state of Georgia is following other states laws and regulations on “squatted trucks” after a couple of states banned or regulated how much squat you could have on a vehicle. The current bill trying to be passed “SB 352” states that the bottom of your front fender cannot be 4 inches or higher than the bottom of your rear fender. While also clarifying your vehicle cannot be lifted or lowered 6 inches past manufacturers recommendations. Let me explain why this new bill needs to be stopped/changed. First of all the current law in the state of Georgia you cannot lift/lower your vehicle past two inches, that means the MOST amount of “squat” you can have on a stock vehicle from the factory is a 2 inch leveling kit in the front, and 2 inch drop shackles. So TECHNICALLY the squatted trucks they’re talking about (most are lifted 6+ inches in the front, and or lowered in the rear) are already ILLEGAL. Why try and make another law when they’re already illegal. Here’s what I think needs to happen. I think there should be a new law first of all because a lot of people use their trucks for work and or farm use. A 2 inch leveling kit simply cannot fulfill the needs of what the vehicle owners are needing to do. You can’t even run a basic 35 inch mud tire on a 2 inch leveling kit, not to mention most dealerships sell lifted trucks every single day. So this law in my opinion does need to be changed. For lifted trucks, lowered trucks and Squatted Trucks. I know it comes down to a safety issue with some of these trucks and I understand it does need to have some restrictions. But banning a whole type of vehicle is uncalled for and needs to be further acknowledged, number of wrecks for these vehicles should be known. Number of accidents caused by this modification should be known, before making a whole new law. I believe most people want it banned because they do not understand it or think it looks ugly. Which is not a good enough reason for a law, For personal reasons and not hazardous reasons, I feel that these truck owners are very passionate about their trucks and modifications, it brings people together, a way to make new friends, and keeps people from doing bad things like drugs etc. I think it is a very positive thing for the community (speaking from experience). I believe the current law needs to be changed to a much higher amount you can lower/lift a vehicle, and believe there would be NO more significant amount of wrecks by doing so. Limiting a vehicle to only 2 inches of lift or lowering is very minimal and isn’t practical for anybody wanting to modify there vehicle for specific reasons, (handling, towing, appearance, clearance, etc.) Now for the squatted trucks, I myself have been in a TON within the last 6 years or so, I have a lot of friends with them and I believe someone that hasn’t been in one would not understand how easy it is to actually see what is ahead, I’ve been in vehicles with a 9 inch lift and 2 inch drop shackles and you could see fine, and the headlights can be adjusted all the way down to the road. A lot of concerns are not being able to see and blinding oncoming traffic which is either misconception or the vehicle owner not taking proper responsibility when doing the modifications. Headlights should always be adjusted when tampering with suspension. I feel that the owners are much more aware of their surroundings having so much time and money into their “build” they are more careful than everyday drivers, and have personally never seen one in a serious wreck (even if there are some on record, wrecks do happen, regardless “squatted” or not) so I’m asking for the law to be changed to where these people have more limit than just 4 inch difference front to back I do not think it is fair with there not being any hard evidence, and consider letting such owners of “squatted trucks” have similar rules to Louisiana for instance and allowing 6 inch difference or even much more! A 4 inch difference is pretty much the same view as something leveled, and don’t feel like your view is really changed much when even going extreme. Please help us bring attention to this law, and consider some changes, for the people of Georgia's sake! Also a few states have threatened to take drivers of such vehicles license away for a year on the 3rd offense, I do believe the law (however written) should be a fix it ticket, and taking the drivers license should not be considered. Thank you and please help bring attention to the state of Georgia!

Vehicle Suspension Modifications in GA (Lifted, Squatted, Lowered) KEEP THEM ON THE ROAD!

The state of Georgia is following other states laws and regulations on “squatted trucks” after a couple of states banned or regulated how much squat you could have on a vehicle. The current bill trying to be passed “SB 352” states that the bottom of your front fender cannot be 4 inches or higher than the bottom of your rear fender. While also clarifying your vehicle cannot be lifted or lowered 6 inches past manufacturers recommendations. Let me explain why this new bill needs to be stopped/changed. First of all the current law in the state of Georgia you cannot lift/lower your vehicle past two inches, that means the MOST amount of “squat” you can have on a stock vehicle from the factory is a 2 inch leveling kit in the front, and 2 inch drop shackles. So TECHNICALLY the squatted trucks they’re talking about (most are lifted 6+ inches in the front, and or lowered in the rear) are already ILLEGAL. Why try and make another law when they’re already illegal. Here’s what I think needs to happen. I think there should be a new law first of all because a lot of people use their trucks for work and or farm use. A 2 inch leveling kit simply cannot fulfill the needs of what the vehicle owners are needing to do. You can’t even run a basic 35 inch mud tire on a 2 inch leveling kit, not to mention most dealerships sell lifted trucks every single day. So this law in my opinion does need to be changed. For lifted trucks, lowered trucks and Squatted Trucks. I know it comes down to a safety issue with some of these trucks and I understand it does need to have some restrictions. But banning a whole type of vehicle is uncalled for and needs to be further acknowledged, number of wrecks for these vehicles should be known. Number of accidents caused by this modification should be known, before making a whole new law. I believe most people want it banned because they do not understand it or think it looks ugly. Which is not a good enough reason for a law, For personal reasons and not hazardous reasons, I feel that these truck owners are very passionate about their trucks and modifications, it brings people together, a way to make new friends, and keeps people from doing bad things like drugs etc. I think it is a very positive thing for the community (speaking from experience). I believe the current law needs to be changed to a much higher amount you can lower/lift a vehicle, and believe there would be NO more significant amount of wrecks by doing so. Limiting a vehicle to only 2 inches of lift or lowering is very minimal and isn’t practical for anybody wanting to modify there vehicle for specific reasons, (handling, towing, appearance, clearance, etc.) Now for the squatted trucks, I myself have been in a TON within the last 6 years or so, I have a lot of friends with them and I believe someone that hasn’t been in one would not understand how easy it is to actually see what is ahead, I’ve been in vehicles with a 9 inch lift and 2 inch drop shackles and you could see fine, and the headlights can be adjusted all the way down to the road. A lot of concerns are not being able to see and blinding oncoming traffic which is either misconception or the vehicle owner not taking proper responsibility when doing the modifications. Headlights should always be adjusted when tampering with suspension. I feel that the owners are much more aware of their surroundings having so much time and money into their “build” they are more careful than everyday drivers, and have personally never seen one in a serious wreck (even if there are some on record, wrecks do happen, regardless “squatted” or not) so I’m asking for the law to be changed to where these people have more limit than just 4 inch difference front to back I do not think it is fair with there not being any hard evidence, and consider letting such owners of “squatted trucks” have similar rules to Louisiana for instance and allowing 6 inch difference or even much more! A 4 inch difference is pretty much the same view as something leveled, and don’t feel like your view is really changed much when even going extreme. Please help us bring attention to this law, and consider some changes, for the people of Georgia's sake! Also a few states have threatened to take drivers of such vehicles license away for a year on the 3rd offense, I do believe the law (however written) should be a fix it ticket, and taking the drivers license should not be considered. Thank you and please help bring attention to the state of Georgia!

Promoted by 179 supporters


Redesignate Arlington House as a National Historic Site

In 2021, descendants of enslaved and free ancestors who lived, worked and died at Arlington House plantation came together for the first time since 1861. We raise our voices in unity calling for the National Park Service site known today as Arlington House, the Robert E. Lee Memorial to be redesignated as Arlington House National Historic Site. Our goal is add to the interpretation of Arlington house by giving equal attention to all who lived there. Congress named the site, only Congress has the authority to redesignate the site. The Washington Post published an OpEd by descendants of the Lee and Syphax families in the fall of 2022.So why redesignate the site? In a 2022 press release, Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia said "If we are serious about ending racial disparities, we need to stop honoring those who fought to protect slavery." The Lee story is only one of many stories that should be interpreted at the site. The Custis-Lee family members were enslavers who owned dozens of enslaved people. The enslaved at Arlington House served their enslavers, managed the day-to-day operations, and cared for the property both before and after it was seized by the U.S. Army to protect the Nation’s capital when the Civil War began in 1861.How can you help? 1) Please sign this petition. 2) Share the petition with others. Raise your voice alongside ours calling for the site redesignation. 3) Send a note to your elected officials in Congress. Seek their support and co-sponsorship of the legislation.Visit the our online interactive petition mapper at to connect with your elected member of Congress and see the distribution of petition signers. Help us raise awareness of our elected officials nationwide who can engage in a long over-due reexamination of this iconic public symbol by recognizing the importance of sharing the entire narrative of everyone who is part of the history at the site.BackgroundArlington House is located in northern Virginia on a hill overlooking the nation's capital. The plantation house was constructed by George Washington Parke Custis on an 1,100-acre plantation between 1802-1818 to honor the first President of the United States, George Washington, who also was Custis' step grandfather. The construction was done by some of the more that 3-dozen enslaved people inherited by Custis who were part Martha Washington's dowery. They were taken from Mount Vernon to establish what was first known as Mount Washington and later was renamed Arlington House.In 1831, Custis' daughter, Mary, married Robert E. Lee. It was in the plantation house in April 1861 where Lee resigned his commission in the U.S. Army. Despite efforts to delay his responsibility as Executor of his father-in-law’s will, Lee, was required the court to manumit the people who were enslaved by the Custis family. He signed the manumission document on December 29, 1862, just a few days before the Emancipation Proclamation was delivered by President Abraham Lincoln.In 1972, the U.S. Congress passed legislation renaming the National Park Service site, located within the Arlington National Cemetery, as a memorial to Lee.

Redesignate Arlington House as a National Historic Site

In 2021, descendants of enslaved and free ancestors who lived, worked and died at Arlington House plantation came together for the first time since 1861. We raise our voices in unity calling for the National Park Service site known today as Arlington House, the Robert E. Lee Memorial to be redesignated as Arlington House National Historic Site. Our goal is add to the interpretation of Arlington house by giving equal attention to all who lived there. Congress named the site, only Congress has the authority to redesignate the site. The Washington Post published an OpEd by descendants of the Lee and Syphax families in the fall of 2022.

So why redesignate the site? In a 2022 press release, Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia said "If we are serious about ending racial disparities, we need to stop honoring those who fought to protect slavery." The Lee story is only one of many stories that should be interpreted at the site. The Custis-Lee family members were enslavers who owned dozens of enslaved people. The enslaved at Arlington House served their enslavers, managed the day-to-day operations, and cared for the property both before and after it was seized by the U.S. Army to protect the Nation’s capital when the Civil War began in 1861.

How can you help? 1) Please sign this petition. 2) Share the petition with others. Raise your voice alongside ours calling for the site redesignation. 3) Send a note to your elected officials in Congress. Seek their support and co-sponsorship of the legislation.

Visit the our online interactive petition mapper at to connect with your elected member of Congress and see the distribution of petition signers. Help us raise awareness of our elected officials nationwide who can engage in a long over-due reexamination of this iconic public symbol by recognizing the importance of sharing the entire narrative of everyone who is part of the history at the site.

BackgroundArlington House is located in northern Virginia on a hill overlooking the nation's capital. The plantation house was constructed by George Washington Parke Custis on an 1,100-acre plantation between 1802-1818 to honor the first President of the United States, George Washington, who also was Custis' step grandfather. The construction was done by some of the more that 3-dozen enslaved people inherited by Custis who were part Martha Washington's dowery. They were taken from Mount Vernon to establish what was first known as Mount Washington and later was renamed Arlington House.

In 1831, Custis' daughter, Mary, married Robert E. Lee. It was in the plantation house in April 1861 where Lee resigned his commission in the U.S. Army. Despite efforts to delay his responsibility as Executor of his father-in-law’s will, Lee, was required the court to manumit the people who were enslaved by the Custis family. He signed the manumission document on December 29, 1862, just a few days before the Emancipation Proclamation was delivered by President Abraham Lincoln.

In 1972, the U.S. Congress passed legislation renaming the National Park Service site, located within the Arlington National Cemetery, as a memorial to Lee.

Promoted by 17 supporters


Stop the Defunding of Our Beloved Webb Shadle Public Library in Pleasantville

The recent passage of H.R. 718 poses a significant threat to the vitality of public libraries, including our cherished local library in Pleasantville, IA. This sweeping legislation seeks to gradually phase out local levies that have long been instrumental in sustaining libraries, thereby imperiling essential services and community resources. Despite enjoying overwhelming support from our community, with over 75% of votes cast in favor during a 2021 referendum, the implementation of this law stands to erode the very foundation upon which our library thrives. The resulting loss, estimated at $15,000 annually over the next four years, amounts to nearly 20% of our library's operating budget, casting a shadow of uncertainty over its future.Our library serves as more than just a repository of books; it embodies a vital nexus for education, literacy, and community engagement. Beyond its physical confines, it acts as a beacon of knowledge and a catalyst for social cohesion, fostering a sense of belonging among residents of all ages. The funds at risk are not merely monetary; they represent the lifeblood of our institution, enabling the maintenance of crucial staff, programs, and resources that enrich the lives of our patrons.Furthermore, the implications of H.R. 718 extend beyond our locality, echoing a broader trend of diminishing local autonomy and citizen empowerment. The power to determine the allocation of resources in accordance with our collective values and priorities should rightfully rest in the hands of the people of Iowa. Yet, with the passage of this legislation, public libraries, museums, and other community anchor institutions find themselves stripped of the ability to utilize voter-approved levies for operational support. Such a loss not only undermines the democratic principles upon which our society is founded but also threatens to exacerbate existing disparities in access to information and educational opportunities.In Waterloo, for instance, the public library stands to lose a staggering 25% of its operating budget, while the Grout Museum faces a devastating 40% reduction in funding. Across the state, at least 100 cities stand to be adversely affected by the provisions of H.R. 718, jeopardizing the sustainability of essential cultural and educational institutions.Prior to the enactment of H.R. 718, 97 communities in Iowa painstakingly petitioned, balloted, and ultimately succeeded in passing library levies to bolster services tailored to their unique needs and aspirations. This grassroots effort epitomized the democratic ideal of local governance, empowering citizens to shape the fabric of their communities through direct participation in decision-making processes. Yet, the passage of H.R. 718 represents a blatant disregard for the will of the people, undermining the very essence of democracy by wresting away their ability to chart their own course.In light of these grave concerns, I implore the Senate to reconsider Division II of H.R. 718 and restore the autonomy of local communities to determine the allocation of resources in alignment with their values and priorities. By rescinding this overreaching legislation, lawmakers can reaffirm their commitment to upholding the principles of democracy and ensuring equitable access to essential services for all citizens. Let us stand united in defense of our libraries, museums, and community anchor institutions, recognizing their indispensable role in fostering a more informed, enlightened, and inclusive society.Sign this petition today, and let your voice be heard. Together, we can preserve the heart of our community and safeguard the future of our library.

Stop the Defunding of Our Beloved Webb Shadle Public Library in Pleasantville

The recent passage of H.R. 718 poses a significant threat to the vitality of public libraries, including our cherished local library in Pleasantville, IA. This sweeping legislation seeks to gradually phase out local levies that have long been instrumental in sustaining libraries, thereby imperiling essential services and community resources. Despite enjoying overwhelming support from our community, with over 75% of votes cast in favor during a 2021 referendum, the implementation of this law stands to erode the very foundation upon which our library thrives. The resulting loss, estimated at $15,000 annually over the next four years, amounts to nearly 20% of our library's operating budget, casting a shadow of uncertainty over its future.

Our library serves as more than just a repository of books; it embodies a vital nexus for education, literacy, and community engagement. Beyond its physical confines, it acts as a beacon of knowledge and a catalyst for social cohesion, fostering a sense of belonging among residents of all ages. The funds at risk are not merely monetary; they represent the lifeblood of our institution, enabling the maintenance of crucial staff, programs, and resources that enrich the lives of our patrons.

Furthermore, the implications of H.R. 718 extend beyond our locality, echoing a broader trend of diminishing local autonomy and citizen empowerment. The power to determine the allocation of resources in accordance with our collective values and priorities should rightfully rest in the hands of the people of Iowa. Yet, with the passage of this legislation, public libraries, museums, and other community anchor institutions find themselves stripped of the ability to utilize voter-approved levies for operational support. Such a loss not only undermines the democratic principles upon which our society is founded but also threatens to exacerbate existing disparities in access to information and educational opportunities.

In Waterloo, for instance, the public library stands to lose a staggering 25% of its operating budget, while the Grout Museum faces a devastating 40% reduction in funding. Across the state, at least 100 cities stand to be adversely affected by the provisions of H.R. 718, jeopardizing the sustainability of essential cultural and educational institutions.

Prior to the enactment of H.R. 718, 97 communities in Iowa painstakingly petitioned, balloted, and ultimately succeeded in passing library levies to bolster services tailored to their unique needs and aspirations. This grassroots effort epitomized the democratic ideal of local governance, empowering citizens to shape the fabric of their communities through direct participation in decision-making processes. Yet, the passage of H.R. 718 represents a blatant disregard for the will of the people, undermining the very essence of democracy by wresting away their ability to chart their own course.

In light of these grave concerns, I implore the Senate to reconsider Division II of H.R. 718 and restore the autonomy of local communities to determine the allocation of resources in alignment with their values and priorities. By rescinding this overreaching legislation, lawmakers can reaffirm their commitment to upholding the principles of democracy and ensuring equitable access to essential services for all citizens. Let us stand united in defense of our libraries, museums, and community anchor institutions, recognizing their indispensable role in fostering a more informed, enlightened, and inclusive society.

Sign this petition today, and let your voice be heard. Together, we can preserve the heart of our community and safeguard the future of our library.

Promoted by 46 supporters


Urge the Warrenton Town Council to Approve Affordable Housing for Veterans

Dear Neighbor,As residents of Waterloo Street who live in close proximity to the site for Hero’s Bridge Village, we are reaching out to you today to ask that you consider joining us in supporting this meaningful initiative.We believe strongly in providing affordable housing in our community and a project aimed at housing senior veterans is the perfect place to start. Those familiar with the current housing market will understand why this is such an important objective. Supporting this proposal is an opportunity for us to honor the contributions made by our veterans while creating an inclusive and dynamic community.Hero's Bridge is a non-profit organization whose mission is to serve elderly veterans within our community. Their proposal to construct affordable housing on property owned by the Warrenton United Methodist Church is exactly the sort of creative solution to the housing crisis that communities need to be seeking and providing for their most vulnerable members.Unfortunately, this proposal has been met with some opposition. Everyone wants to claim that they support veterans when it’s time to post a Veterans Day meme online, but when it’s time to provide real world solutions, there are a lot of people crying “not in my backyard”. A world full of NIMBYs leaves very few places for projects like this to actually exist. While there are understandably infrastructure issues to address, much of the criticism of this proposal is based on unverified assumptions.Some have voiced concerns regarding traffic. The proposed location is on the perimeter of the residential neighborhood. This means the traffic impact to the existing neighborhood will be minimal, especially when considering the greater good it will serve.There has been a repeated complaint that the church will be leasing the land and therefore profiting from the arrangement. This is a win-win, as a long term land lease is the key to keeping the units affordable for years to come.One of the biggest concerns appears to be property values, although no evidence has been presented that the proposed development will negatively impact property values. It is our position that a community should prioritize housing for all over worrying about where our volatile, cyclical, and often wildly inflated housing market might go next.Please take a moment to sign this petition and spread the word among your friends, family, and neighbors. Your support matters, and together we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of our veterans and our community.Thank you for considering this important request.Graham and Prudence SheffieldClick here for more information on Hero's Bridge Village

Urge the Warrenton Town Council to Approve Affordable Housing for Veterans

Dear Neighbor,

As residents of Waterloo Street who live in close proximity to the site for Hero’s Bridge Village, we are reaching out to you today to ask that you consider joining us in supporting this meaningful initiative.

We believe strongly in providing affordable housing in our community and a project aimed at housing senior veterans is the perfect place to start. Those familiar with the current housing market will understand why this is such an important objective. Supporting this proposal is an opportunity for us to honor the contributions made by our veterans while creating an inclusive and dynamic community.

Hero's Bridge is a non-profit organization whose mission is to serve elderly veterans within our community. Their proposal to construct affordable housing on property owned by the Warrenton United Methodist Church is exactly the sort of creative solution to the housing crisis that communities need to be seeking and providing for their most vulnerable members.

Unfortunately, this proposal has been met with some opposition. Everyone wants to claim that they support veterans when it’s time to post a Veterans Day meme online, but when it’s time to provide real world solutions, there are a lot of people crying “not in my backyard”. A world full of NIMBYs leaves very few places for projects like this to actually exist. While there are understandably infrastructure issues to address, much of the criticism of this proposal is based on unverified assumptions.Some have voiced concerns regarding traffic. The proposed location is on the perimeter of the residential neighborhood. This means the traffic impact to the existing neighborhood will be minimal, especially when considering the greater good it will serve.

There has been a repeated complaint that the church will be leasing the land and therefore profiting from the arrangement. This is a win-win, as a long term land lease is the key to keeping the units affordable for years to come.

One of the biggest concerns appears to be property values, although no evidence has been presented that the proposed development will negatively impact property values. It is our position that a community should prioritize housing for all over worrying about where our volatile, cyclical, and often wildly inflated housing market might go next.

Please take a moment to sign this petition and spread the word among your friends, family, and neighbors. Your support matters, and together we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of our veterans and our community.

Thank you for considering this important request.

Graham and Prudence Sheffield

Click here for more information on Hero's Bridge Village

See news on the petition you signed

Help the larger cause · Enforce Strict Implementation of Animal Abuse Laws in East Hampton, NY · (2024)


What is the animal abuse law in NY? ›

Popularly known as “Buster's Law,” Agriculture and Markets Law § 353-a provides that a person is guilty of aggravated cruelty to animals when, with no justifiable purpose, he or she intentionally kills or intentionally causes serious physical injury to a companion animal with aggravated cruelty.

What is the law on abandoned animals in NY? ›

Section 355 – Abandonment: It is a misdemeanor to abandon an animal whether from a house, apartment, or on a street. If a person abandons an animal which results in suffering, he or she could also be charged under Section 353.

What is section 353 of NYS agriculture and markets law? ›

New York Consolidated Laws, Agriculture and Markets Law - AGM § 353. Overdriving, torturing and injuring animals; failure to provide proper sustenance.

How to report animal abuse in NYC? ›

Where to Report Animal Cruelty. If you live in New York City and want to report suspected animal abuse or neglect, please contact 311 or for crimes in progress, call 911.

What are the acts of animal abuse? ›

Physical abuse refers to intentional acts that cause the animal pain, suffering, or death. Abusive behaviors include beating, burning, choking or suffocating, dragging, drowning, hanging, kicking or stomping, mutilating, poisoning, shooting, stabbing, and throwing, among others.

Can you go to jail for animal abuse in America? ›

All states outlaw cruelty to animals, as well as neglect and other forms of mistreatment. Criminal penalties range from modest fines to felony prison time. Animal cruelty is a crime everywhere in the U.S. But state laws on the mistreatment of dogs, cats, and other animals vary a great deal.

What is Section 353 A? ›

Whoever assaults or uses criminal force to any person being a public servant in the execution of his duty as such public servant, or with intent to prevent or deter that person from discharging his duty as such public servant, or in consequence of anything done or attempted to be done by such person to the lawful ...

What is the NY AG and Markets Law 356? ›

356 - Failure to Provide Proper Food and Drink to Impounded Animal. 357 - Selling or Offering to Sell or Exposing Diseased Animal.

What is NYS Agriculture and Markets Law 374? ›

373 - Seizure of Animals Lost, Strayed, Homeless, Abandoned or Improperly Confined or Kept. 374 - Humane Destruction or Other Disposition of Animals Lost, Strayed, Homeless, Abandoned or Improperly Confined or Kept. 375 - Officer May Take Possession of Animals or Implements Used in Fights Among Animals.

What are the four types of animal abuse? ›

Data collection covers four categories: simple/gross neglect, intentional abuse and torture, organized abuse (such as dogfighting and co*ckfighting) and animal sexual abuse.

What can we do to stop animal abuse? ›

8 Ways To Stop Animal Abuse
  • Adopt A Rescue Animal. Pets in animal rescues come from a variety of backgrounds. ...
  • Care For Your Pet Properly. ...
  • Teach Kids To Love Animals. ...
  • Support Animal Rescues. ...
  • Avoid Products With Animal Testing. ...
  • Foster A Pet. ...
  • Safely Report If You Witness Animal Cruelty. ...
  • Support Laws That Protect Animals.

Do you have to report hitting a dog in NY? ›

Under New York Vehicle and Traffic Law § 601 if you are in a vehicle accident and you hit a dog, cat, horse, or an animal that is classified as cattle you must inform the owner or custodian of the animal or a police or peace officer, and give that person the following information: Your name. Your address.

What are the dog laws in New York state? ›

New York State requires all dogs over four months of age to be licensed. To obtain this license, owners must provide proof of current rabies vaccination as well as proof of the dog being spayed or neutered (only if applicable).

Do you have to stop if you hit a dog in NY? ›

"Any person operating a motor vehicle which shall strike and injure any horse, dog, cat or animal classified as cattle shall stop and endeavor to locate the owner or custodian of such animal or a police, peace or judicial officer of the vicinity, and take any other reasonable and appropriate action so that the animal ...

Is it abuse to leave a dog outside? ›

Their owners are at risk of facing criminal charges. The act of leaving a pet outside without food or adequate shelter often receives less attention than a violent attack against an animal, but neglect is a crime.

What is the companion animal care standards act in NY? ›

This bill will require all entities-shelters and rescues--to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Markets which will ensure our state's homeless companion animals will live in safe and humane conditions, with proper cleaning, nourishment, and veterinary care.


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.