Hip Flexor Stretch: 10 Stretches You Should Be Doing (2024)

The hip flexors are a group of muscles located on the front of the hip that allow you to lift your leg and bend your knee. They are responsible for a large percentage of the power produced when running, jumping, and kicking. Tightness in the hip flexor can lead to a number of problems, including lower back pain, hamstring strains, and iliotibial band syndrome.

To avoid these problems, it is important to stretch the hip flexors regularly. Here are 10 stretches that you should be doing every day.

Table of Contents

Getting to Know the Hip Flexor Muscles

The hip flexor muscles are a group of four muscles that attach the femur (thigh bone) to the pelvis. They are the iliacus, psoas major, psoas minor, and rectus femoris.

The iliacus muscle is located on the inside of the pelvis and attaches the lower part of the pelvis to the upper part of the femur. The psoas major muscle is located on the outside of the pelvis and attaches the lower part of the spine to the upper part of the femur. The psoas minor muscle is a small muscle that attaches the lower part of the spine to the front of the upper part of the femur. The rectus femoris muscle is located in the middle of the thigh and attaches the pelvis to the knee.

When these muscles contract, they pull the leg up towards the body. This action is used when walking, running, and climbing stairs. The hip flexor muscles are also used to stabilize the pelvis when standing on one leg.

The hip flexor muscles are relatively small but can become tight and cause problems if they are not stretched regularly. These muscles can pull on the lower back and cause pain when they become tight. They can also contribute to hamstring strains and iliotibial band syndrome.

10 Hip Flexor Stretches

The Standing Hip Hinge

The standing hip hinge is a movement that should be a part of everyone’s daily routine. The benefits of this movement are numerous, and it can be performed virtually anywhere.

  • To do a standing hip hinge, simply stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and allow your hips to slowly move backward.
  • As you do so, bend your knees and keep your back straight. Once your hips are in line with your ankles, pause for a moment and then return to the starting position.

This movement helps improve flexibility in the hips and legs and strengthens the muscles in these areas. In addition, the standing hip hinge can help to improve posture and relieve back pain. So make sure to add this simple but effective movement to your daily routine.

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

The kneeling hip flexor stretch is a simple yet effective way to stretch the muscles around the hips.

  • Start kneeling on the ground with your feet together to do the stretch.
  • Place your hands on your hips and slowly lean forward, keeping your back straight.
  • You should feel a stretch in the front of your thighs and hips.
  • Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds and then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the stretch 2-3 times.

The kneeling hip flexor stretch is a great way to loosen up the muscles around the hips and prevent injuries.

The Camel Yoga Pose

The camel yoga pose is a great way to open up the front of the body and stretch the spine. It can also help to improve posture and relieve back pain. The pose gets its name from the fact that it resembles a camel, with the head and chest lifted high, and the hips thrust forward.

  • Start kneeling on the ground with your feet hip-width apart to get into the pose.
  • Place your hands on your lower back, and press your hips forward until you feel a stretch in your back.
  • Then, reach back with one hand and grab your ankle, drawing your heel towards your glutes.
  • For a deeper stretch, place both hands on your heels and arch your back as much as possible.
  • Hold the pose for 20-30 seconds, then release and repeat on the other side.

Pigeon Stretch

The pigeon stretch is a great way to loosen up your hips and improve your flexibility. The stretch gets its name from the way that pigeons often sit with one leg tucked underneath them.

  • Start sitting on the ground with your legs in front of you to do the stretch.
  • Then, take your right leg and bend it at the knee so that your foot is pointing behind you.
  • Next, slide your left leg forward until your right ankle is resting on top of your left knee.
  • Finally, lean forward and place your hands on the ground in front of you.
  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and then repeat with the other leg.

You should feel a gentle stretch in your hips and glutes.

Butterfly Stretch

The butterfly stretch is a simple yet effective way to stretch the hips and thighs.

  • To do the butterfly stretch, sit on the ground with the soles of your feet touching.
  • Pull your feet close to your body and let your knees fall to the sides.
  • Use your hands to press down on your knees, keeping them close to the ground.
  • You should feel a stretch in your inner thighs.
  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • You can deepen the stretch by leaning forward from the hips as you become more flexible.

The butterfly stretch is a great way to prepare for activities that require flexibility, such as dancing or martial arts. It is also an effective way to relieve tightness in the hips and thighs.


The Bridge Stretch is one of the most versatile and commonly used stretches in yoga. It can open up the chest, shoulders, and upper back and lengthen the spine. The key to getting the most out of this stretch is to keep the breath steady and focus on lengthening the spine with each inhale.

  • To begin, come into a traditional plank position with the hands directly beneath the shoulders and the feet hip-width apart.
  • From here, slowly walk the feet forward until they are just in front of the hands.
  • Once you have found your balance, take a deep breath in and lift the hips up and back, creating an inverted V shape with the body.
  • Hold here for 5-10 breaths before slowly lowering back down to the plank and repeating on the other side.
  • Remember to keep the breath steady throughout the stretch and to focus on lengthening the spine with each inhale.

By practicing this stretch regularly, you will soon see an improvement in your posture and an increase in your flexibility.

Stacked Knee Glute Stretch

The stacked knee glute stretch is an excellent way to loosen up the hips and buttocks.

  • To do the exercise, begin by lying on your back with both knees bent and your feet flat on the ground.
  • Place your right ankle on top of your left knee, and then use your hands to pull your left leg towards your chest until you feel a stretch in the buttocks.
  • Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, and then repeat on the other side.

This stretching exercise can help improve the hips’ flexibility and reduce tightness in the buttocks. In addition, it can also help to relieve pain in the lower back and sciatic nerve. As a result, the stacked knee glute stretch is an important part of any stretching routine.

Happy Baby Pose

The Happy Baby Pose is a great way to stretch your inner thighs, open up your hips, and release tension in your lower back.

  • To get into the pose, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground.
  • Then, bring your knees toward your chest and grab the outsides of your feet with your hands.
  • Use your hands to pull your feet toward your armpits as you exhale and press your lower back into the floor.
  • You should feel a deep stretch in your inner thighs and hips.
  • Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then release and repeat on the other side.

Garland Pose

The garland pose, also known as malasana, is a great way to stretch the hips and open up the groin area.

  • To get into the pose, start in a low squat with your feet hip-width apart and your hands in a prayer position.
  • From there, lower your butt towards your heels and place your elbows inside your knees. The further you bring your hips down, the deeper the stretch will be.
  • To deepen the stretch even further, you can lean forward and press your palms together in front of your chest.
  • Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then release and repeat on the other side.

The garland pose is a great way to prepare for more advanced hip-opening poses, such as pigeon pose or lotus pose. It’s also a great way to release tension in the hips and low back after a long day of sitting.

Couch Stretch

The couch stretch is a simple but effective way to stretch the hip flexors and improve the range of motion in the hips.

  • Start sitting on the floor with your back against a wall to do the couch stretch.
  • Place a pillow or towel between your knees and bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor.
  • Next, slowly slide your hips down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then slowly slide back up the wall to the starting position.
  • Repeat 2-3 times.
  • For an added challenge, try doing the couch stretch with one leg elevated on a chair or bench. This will help stretch the hip flexor on the raised leg further.

How to Perform Stretches Properly and With Caution

Now that you know some of the best stretches for your hip flexor, it’s important to learn how to perform them properly. If you don’t stretch correctly, you could end up injuring yourself. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Warm up before you stretch: A warm-up helps to increase blood flow to your muscles and prepare them for the stretching exercises. A simple way to warm up is to walk or jog for 5-10 minutes.
  • Don’t bounce: When you stretch, hold each position for 20-30 seconds. Avoid bouncing or jerking motions, as this can lead to muscle strain.
  • Breathe normally: Don’t hold your breath while you stretch. Breathe normally and focus on relaxing your muscles.
  • Listen to your body: If you feel pain, stop the stretch and consult a doctor or physical therapist.
  • Start slowly: If you’re new to stretching, start with 1-2 sets of each stretch and gradually increase the number of sets as you become more flexible.

Stretching is a great way to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injuries. However, stretching correctly and listening to your body to avoid injuring yourself is important. Stop the stretch and consult a doctor or physical therapist if you have any pain.


Now that you know some of the best stretches for your hip flexor, it’s time to get stretching! Incorporate these stretches into your daily routine to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injuries. Remember to warm up before you stretch and listen to your body to avoid pain.

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Hip Flexor Stretch: 10 Stretches You Should Be Doing (2024)


Hip Flexor Stretch: 10 Stretches You Should Be Doing? ›

Hip flexor stretch (kneeling)

Keeping your back straight, slowly push your hips forward. You should feel a stretch in the upper thigh of your back leg and hip. Hold the stretch for at least 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat 2 to 4 times.

What is the best stretch for hip flexor? ›

Hip flexor stretch (kneeling)

Keeping your back straight, slowly push your hips forward. You should feel a stretch in the upper thigh of your back leg and hip. Hold the stretch for at least 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat 2 to 4 times.

How many hip stretches should I do? ›

You should try to hold stretches for 20 to 30 seconds if possible. Try to focus on doing sets of exercises. For example, do 2 to 3 sets of stretches. Aim to do this 2 to 3 times a day.

Should you stretch hip flexors everyday? ›

To keep your hip flexors supple, make sure to get up and move more throughout the day. “I recommend changing position every 30 to 45 minutes—or even sooner if needed—to avoid tightness,” says Kimberly Baptiste-Mbadiwe, a physical therapist at HSS. “Stand up, walk around, or perform a quick stretch, if necessary.”

How do you release trauma stored in your hips? ›

Massage and bodywork can also be effective in releasing trauma from the hips. Deep tissue massage can help release tension and emotions stored in the muscles and connective tissues of the hips. Bodywork techniques, such as myofascial release, can also be effective in releasing tension and improving mobility.

Should I stretch my hip flexor if it hurts? ›

Light exercise is encouraged to relieve hip flexor pain. There are several exercises recommended to stretch, strengthen, and reduce hip pain. These exercises do not require any equipment and can easily be done at home.

How do you release tight hips? ›

2. 90/90 Hip Stretches. Sit on the floor and place one leg in front of you and the other behind, with both your knees bent at 90-degree angles. Lean forward slightly and hold the position for at least 30 seconds—you will most definitely feel your hips stretching and loosening.

What is the strongest hip flexor? ›

The iliopsoas muscle is the strongest flexor of the hip joint. Simultaneous contraction of the psoas major and iliacus muscles produces a powerful flexion of the thigh at the hip joint.

What problems can tight hips cause? ›

What begins as tight hip flexors can eventually give way to:
  • A sharp or sudden pain in the hip, pelvis or groin area.
  • Cramping, tender or sore muscles along the upper leg.
  • Swelling or bruising on the hips or thigh.
  • Pain in an adjacent muscle group, like your glutes or core.
  • Decreased strength along the groin area.
Aug 11, 2021

Does walking loosen tight hip flexors? ›

Prolonged periods of not moving, such as sitting, may cause the hip flexors to tighten, so finding even small ways to move your hips throughout the day — whether that's a dedicated 20 minutes of walking or doing one minute of walking as a “movement snack” — will help keep your hip flexors supple.

How long does it take to loosen tight hip flexors? ›

You can do this stretch daily to help loosen your hip flexor.
  • Kneel on your right knee.
  • Put your left foot on the floor with your left knee at a 90-degree angle.
  • Drive your hip forward. ...
  • Hold the position for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat 2 to 5 times with each leg, trying to increase your stretch each time.
Apr 23, 2020

What to avoid with tight hip flexors? ›

Exercises to Avoid Following Hip Flexor Strains
  • Abrupt high-intensity workouts.
  • Jumping.
  • Running.
  • Squats.
  • Lunges.
Aug 23, 2023

What emotion is held in the hips? ›

The hips serve as a storage facility for emotional tension, stress, and trauma.

Where is childhood trauma stored in the body? ›

Trauma is not physically held in the muscles or bones — instead, the need to protect oneself from perceived threats is stored in the memory and emotional centers of the brain, such as the hippocampus and amygdala. This activates the body whenever a situation reminds the person of the traumatic event(s).

What emotion is held in the neck? ›

Neck tension is often connected to throat chakra issues such as the inability to communicate clearly or be your authentic self around others. Fear and anxiety are also frequently stored in this area, particularly as a physical response to danger (as the neck is a vulnerable area) or strange environments.

How do you loosen a tight hip flexor? ›

You can do this stretch daily to help loosen your hip flexor.
  1. Kneel on your right knee.
  2. Put your left foot on the floor with your left knee at a 90-degree angle.
  3. Drive your hip forward. ...
  4. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
  5. Repeat 2 to 5 times with each leg, trying to increase your stretch each time.
Apr 23, 2020

What is the fastest way to heal a hip flexor strain? ›

Follow these steps for the first few days or weeks after your injury:
  1. Rest. Stop any activity that causes pain.
  2. Gentle stretching to extend your hip can help with recovery.
  3. Ice the area for 20 minutes every 3 to 4 hours for 2 to 3 days. Do not apply ice directly to your skin. Wrap the ice in a clean cloth first.

How do you get rid of hip flexor pain fast? ›

Applying ice or heat to the affected area of the hip or groin. This can be done with ice cubes or frozen vegetables (in plastic bags) wrapped in a towel, or a hot water bottle. Compressing the affected hip with an elastic bandage to reduce any swelling. The elastic bandage can be wrapped around the hip and pelvis.


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.