Looking for the Old Weight Watchers Exchange Plan? (2024)

Looking for the Old Weight Watchers Exchange Plan? (1)
At 160 calories per ounce, potato chips were simple
to work into your Weight Watchers plan.

Originally, the Weight Watchers diet told you exactly what food group to eat at which meal.

For example: You had to eat one serving of bread at breakfast with your protein. You didn't have a choice as to whether you wanted to save that bread for a sandwich later on.

But this new exchange version that I followed in the '80s gave you much more freedom to create your own Weight Watchers meals than the original Weight Watchers diet did.

To keep track of what you ate during the day, we used an exchange checklist that was handed out at meetings. The checklist gave you the freedom of checking off what you ate and helped you track how much water you drank during the day, so you could make sure that you were meeting all of the minimum nutritional requirements you need.

Since there were weekly restrictions on the amount of eggs, red meat, and cheese you could eat, the checklist made it easy to keep track of those too.

Unlike the current SmartPoints program, the Old Weight Watcher's Exchange Plan was simple and guaranteed that you were eating a healthy, balanced diet.

What Can You Eat on the Old Weight Watchers Exchange Plan?

The following list of food exchanges is what we ate in the '80s.

Keep in mind that many of the diet foods available today were not available in the '80s, so they are not directly included in the following plan. For that reason, I have included the approximate calorie count for each exchange, so you can adapt the following weight-loss plan to fit in with your tastes, preferences, and lifestyle.

Also, note that this is not the Quick Start Diet program that came out much later.

If you're looking for the plan that introduced floating exchanges, click on the link in the above paragraph. In that post, I talk about the three quick-start programs I am aware of, lay out the formula for each one, and briefly explain how Weight Watchers eventually evolved into the points system they use today.

In this post, I'm going to talk about the exchange diet that I know very well.

Although there are a lot of similarities between the two Weight Watchers plans, the Quick Start programs are quite different. They don't have as much structure and are far easier to abuse than this one is.

Here is the Old Weight Watchers Exchange Plan:

Protein: 9 exchanges for women, 12 for men.

One protein exchange was:

  • 1-ounce of cooked meat or poultry
  • 1-1/2 ounces fish or shellfish
  • 1/4 cup tuna
  • 1/4 cup cottage cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1-ounce of low-fat cheese like skim-milk mozzarella or Parmesan cheese

Protein choices included:

  • meat
  • fish
  • skinless poultry

that was:

  • boiled
  • steamed
  • grilled
  • baked on a rack
  • broiled

For example, you didn't brown ground beef in a skillet. You formed it into a large patty, broiled it on a rack until it was medium rare, and then crumbled it up for your tacos, spaghetti sauce, or a casserole.

(However, I never actually did it that way. I just sauteed it in a skillet, drained the grease, and still lost the weight I needed to lose.)

A protein exchange was equal to 70 calories.

All of the serving portions within this group were approximately the same number of calories. This is why you didn't have to count any calories. The exchanges do that for you.

To make counting poultry exchanges easier:

  • 3-ounces of raw dark-meat poultry with bone
  • or 2-ounces of raw poultry breast with bone

was counted as 1 protein exchange.

In addition:

  • 4-ounces of raw boneless meat or poultry
  • or 6-ounces of fish or shellfish

was counted as 3 protein exchanges. This was due to shrinkage during cooking.

A quarter-cup of shredded or finely diced cooked meat or poultry was also 1 exchange.

One serving of liver per week was mandatory.

So was 3 servings of fish.

Eggs and hard cheese were limited to 4 exchanges per week.

Red meat was limited to 12-ounces per week.

The limitations were due to the amount of cholesterol in those foods. At that time, it was thought that excess dietary cholesterol caused blood cholesterol levels to rise.

Today, that has been scientifically proven to be false, so many people who have returned to this plan have ignored these strict weekly regulations for limiting cholesterol intake, and they have still been very successful in losing weight.

Milk: 2 exchanges for all adults, 3 exchanges for youth.

One milk exchange was:

  • 1 cup non-fat milk
  • 1/3 cup of non-fat dry milk powder
  • 1/2 cup non-fat evaporated milk
  • 1 cup non-fat plain yogurt
  • 1/2 cup reduced-calorie pudding made with non-fat milk
  • 1 cup "diet" hot chocolate made with non-fat milk

(Artificially sweetened, flavored low-fat and non-fat yogurt cups did not exist back then.)

A milk exchange was equal to 90 calories.

Later on, when the Quick Start program was implemented, a workaround for using low-fat milk was introduced. But in this initial exchange program, we were only allowed to use non-fat milk.

I did try to drink the non-fat milk allowed, but it was pretty disgusting, so I started choosing the pudding, diet hot cocoa, and Weight Watchers' brand ice cream instead.

Non-starchy Vegetables: 4 exchanges minimum.

Non-starchy vegetables could be eaten freely, but the minimum had to be eaten every day.

Non-starchy vegetables include:

alfalfa sprouts
artichoke hearts
bamboo shoots
bean sprouts
beet greens
bok choy
brussels sprouts
collard greens
green beans
snow peas
spaghetti squash
summer squash
swiss chard
wax beans (yellow)
zucchini squash

An exchange was:

  • 1 cup of leafy greens
  • 1/2 cup of cooked or raw non-starchy vegetables
  • 1/2 cup vegetable juice

A vegetable exchange contained 25 calories.

Starchy vegetables like corn, peas, potatoes, winter squash, and traditional mixed vegetables (canned or frozen) were part of the bread exchange due to the number of carbohydrates and calories they have.

Fruit: 3 exchanges for women, 5 for men.

Medium-sized fruits like apples and oranges were 1 exchange.

Small fruits such as apricots, plums, and tangerines were 1/2 of a fruit exchange.

One-half of a grapefruit or 1/2 of a medium banana was one exchange.

Grapes were about 15 grapes, if I remember correctly.

Frozen or canned fruits were 1/2 cup per exchange, but they had to be unsweetened or packed in juice.

Splenda-sweetened canned fruit didn't exist back then, but would probably be allowed today.

A fruit exchange was equal to 60 calories.

Bread: 2 to 3 exchanges for women, 4 for men.

Most of us who came from a low-carb background tried to stick to the lower amount of bread exchanges, eating 3 servings of bread only occasionally. Since breads and rolls come in different sizes, we were counseled to purchase breadthat contained 80 calories or less per serving.

Bread can be a bit tricky, due to the size of the loaf, the amount of air in the bread, and any extras it has like raisins.

A bread exchange contained 80 calories.

The serving size of breads and rolls was:

3/4 of an ounce

The reason for this odd serving size was because 3 tablespoons flour was the standard exchange they measured breads by.

Most dark breads back then were not really made from whole wheat flour or whole grains. They were made with all-purpose flour that was colored brown, so the loaf was light. A 1-pound loaf of bread was typical.

If you went with a low-calorie bread, which was popular at the time, you could eat 2 slices for one exchange, provided the bread didn't exceed 40 calories per slice.

Small hamburger buns and hot dog buns (the cheap, soft, fluffy kind) were 1-1/2 exchanges, while the large adult-sized buns are 2 servings.

Some Weight Watchers leaders balked at that ideaand told us to ignore the calorie count, but that wasn't how the reading materials told us to approach the plan. Small buns back then were only 120 calories, so a lot of us ignored the leadership and counted them as 1-1/2 exchanges instead of two.

Large burger buns or higher-quality hot-dog buns were heavier and more calorie-dense, which is why they were 2 exchanges.

Higher-calorie breads, such as English muffins, were also 2 exchanges, but you could eat 1/2 a muffin for 1 exchange at breakfast.

Cold cereals, crackers, and dry pasta was also 3/4-ounce per exchange.

You could have 1/2-cup cooked cereal, pasta, or rice.

Potatoes were 3-ounces per exchange, so a medium 6-ounce baked potato was 2 bread exchanges.

Other options were:

  • 1/4-cup cooked beans, lentils, or dried peas
  • small 4-inch pancake
  • 1/2-cup mixed vegetables
  • 2- to 3-cups air-popped popcorn

Lack of choices in the bread category wasn't because a particular food wasn't nutritious or was fattening. Allowable items were limited to individual foods that Weight Watchers personnel had studied and evaluated for their nutritional content when compared to bread.

When I first started the program, for example, tortillas and taco shells were not allowed. Later on, a corn tortilla or hard taco shell was added for 1 exchange, as was a small 6-inch flour tortilla.

Fats: 3 servings per day for both men and women

A fat exchange was:

1 teaspoon of butter, margarine, oil, or mayonnaise

Reduced-calorie fats like tub margarine and light mayonnaise were 2 teaspoons per exchange.

Reduced-calorie products are whipped with water, milk, or extra air to make them lighter, fluffy, and cover a larger area when spread on toast or crackers. They don't work well in baking due to the extra liquid and reduced-fat content but were nice to spread on bread or vegetables.

Salad dressing was also 2 teaspoons per exchange since dressings often contain other liquids besides oil or mayonnaise.

A fat exchange was 40 calories.

Looking for the Old Weight Watchers Exchange Plan? (2)
Chicken Kabobs:
chicken, peppers, onions, and mushrooms

Daily Calorie Counts for Weight Watchers Meals

The basic diet for women, if you just ate the bare minimum of exchanges required, would be about 1370 calories. The third bread exchange would take your daily total to 1450, and additional vegetables over the minimum would raise it even more.

This made the exchange plan approximately 1500 calories.

The basic diet for men contained about 1860 calories.

Traditional low-calorie diets were 1200 calories per day back then, so the Weight Watchers Exchange Plan allowed more food than your average weight-loss diet, which many dieters found very attractive.

Despite the higher calorie count, the diet worked very well. I was able to get down to 160 pounds quite effortlessly before the body started kicking up a fuss and I hit my set point.

Keep in mind, I'm only 5-feet tall, and at that time,Weight Watchers meals didn't have any built-in method for reducing calories as you lost the weight.

You kept the same calorie count throughout your entire weight-loss phase, and there was no help for situations like when your Leptin level decided to tank or when you reached energy balance or set point.

This is the point where I started to maintain. I didn't know anything about:

  • Leptin levels
  • effects of yo-yo dieting on the body
  • the way the body defends it's fat storage
  • how the body reacts after you lose a lot of weight
  • how many calories it took to maintain 115 pounds

I had no tools to work with other than the exchange diet itself. I thought the diet had stopped working, so I gave up.

Today, I'm much better educated on what's going on physically and what you can expect. What I should have done was simply cut out some of the fruit and bread.

Weekly Extra Calories Allowed

In addition to the basic diet, the plan also allows for up to 550 extra calories per week that can be spent on anything you like. These extra calories amount to 75 calories per day.

These calories will bump your daily calorie totals for all Weight Watchers foods to about:

  • 1445 to 1525 for women
  • 1935 for men

Depending on your actual food choices, of course.

Carbohydrates were much lower than your typical 1200 calorie diet and about one-half of a standard American diet, as defined by today's standards.

This was during the time when the basic four food groups were considered the ultimate authority on nutrition, so people didn't eat as many carbs as they do today.

The extra weekly calories Weight Watchers allowed were for small amounts of condiments, a bit of real sugar, or anything that wasn't on the list like potato chips and even cake, but you could also spend your extra calories on another exchange per day if you were still hungry.

As the exchange plan began to evolve with the Quick Start era, the extra calories drastically increased, but when I first started the Weight WatchersExchange Plan, they were only 550 per week, about what you'd spend on an average slice of cake.

That wasn't much when you consider how sparse the exchange lists were back then, but learning how to combine exchanges into recipes and how to count the different exchanges in a product helped a lot.

Weekly calories could be spread throughout the week, some of them saved until the weekend, or spent all at once on a slice of birthday cake or a nice evening out.

Calories, however, cannot be rolled over into the next week. That would be stretching the rules a bit too far. The body will store all of the calories you don't use within a day or two.

The idea is to exchange your daily habits and lifestyle for something healthier.

Free Weight Watchers Checklist

I have been searching online for quite some time to find the original Weight Watchers Checklist that specifically deals with the original exchanges and limitations that worked for me, but most people don't remember that checklist.

Most people remember the Quick Start Weight Watchers plan instead.

There are a few of the Quick Start checklists available online. They have fewer exchange boxessince Quick Start gave you the freedom to use floating exchanges.

The original Weight Watchers Exchange Program did not.

One of our readers was kind enough to design a checklist for me with some added information and tips. It's based on the Quick Start Program, but the chart is big enough that you can easily add the extra boxes you need if you want to print it out and use it with the exchanges I've listed above.

Combining Exchanges in a Recipe or Food Product

Combining exchanges is where a lot of people get confused.

By itself, the exchange lists were simple to follow. That wasn't real life though.

People wanted to know how to count the exchanges when eating out, as well as how do you convert your favorite recipes into Weight Watchers exchanges?

It wasn't complicated to do, but it was definitely different than most people were used to, and it took a bit of math to figure it out.

The exchanges were based on the diabetic exchange program, but since most people weren't diabetics, they had to learn how to use exchanges in recipes and products.

For example:

If you whipped up a batch of muffins, those muffins would include flour, milk, fat, an egg, some sugar, and maybe some mashed fruit or vegetable. You would have to figure out the total number of exchanges each ingredient added to the entire recipe and then divide those totals by the number of servings the recipe made.

Weight Watchers recipes and products made that chore easier by telling you how to count the recipe or product in your daily totals, but if you wanted to convert your own recipes into exchanges, there really wasn't a best way to do that.

For me, it was easier to take everything in the recipe that didn't easily divide by 4 (a quarter of an exchange) and place it into my weekly extra calories. It created fewer headaches and frustrations doing it that way.

Recipes do have to be played with a bit to make them fit nicely into the formula.

You'll find the same thing with products like tomato sauce that don't fit the basics.

Back then, we used canned tomatoes whipped up in the blender for a sugar-free tomato sauce, but it wasn't as convenient, nor tasty as the real thing. It took several hours to boil a spaghetti sauce down to the point where it was thick enough to use.

Later on, the Quick Start program helped us to work those kinds of things into our daily totals, but initially, we had to get pretty creative to make the Weight Watchers diet work.

The Weight Watchers Quick Start Program

In doing research on the Quick Start Program, I found a lot of people on the web who just used the calories assigned to each exchange section and built their own list of portion sizes and exchanges from that.

Many of them have told me that it's working quite well for them doing it that way.

There is a lot of conflicting information about the Quick Start Programs on the web, however. People remember different things. This is because the Weight Watchers Exchange diets were actually divided into three different programs.

There was the Weight Watchers Quick Start Program,and then
Quick Start Plus followed a year or two later. Still later, a third program surfaced.

After reading through several forum posts and visiting the various links that people provided there, I've been able to piece together what the parameters for those different diets were.

In an upcoming post, I plan to talk about these Quick Start programs, especially since most people looking for the Old Weight Watchers Exchange Program are actually looking for one of the Quick Start diets instead.

If you haven't subscribed to my blog by email, you might want to do that, so you don't miss that post.

Looking for the Old Weight Watchers Exchange Plan? (2024)


What was the original Weight Watchers plan? ›

The original Weight Watchers dietary plan in the 1960s was roughly based on the "Prudent Diet", developed by Dr. Norman Jolliffe at the New York City Board of Health. It was based around lean meat, fish, skim milk, and fruits and vegetables, and it banned alcohol, sweets, and fatty foods.

What was the old Weight Watchers plan in 1998? ›

In 1998, Weight Watchers introduced the first points system – '1,2,3 Success Points Plan'. While foods were assigned a points value, a core food plan was still provided to members, with the points only used as a substitute for the diet exchanges from the earlier programs.

What is the trick to Weight Watchers? ›

Here's How to Succeed on the New Weight Watchers Program
  • Incorporate as many zero Points® foods as possible. Have you seen the zero Points® food list yet? ...
  • Drink lots of water. ...
  • Plan it all out. ...
  • Make smart swaps for your cravings. ...
  • Use your slow cooker. ...
  • Get active—and make it fun! ...
  • Bank up your points for one delicious treat.
Jan 9, 2018

How do I switch to the new WW plan? ›

From ww.com:
  1. Log in to your account on WW.com.
  2. Locate Account in the top right and from the drop down choose Settings.
  3. Locate the Billing Section and click on Plan Enrolled (View).
  4. From here you can cancel, switch plans or apply a promo code.

Why is Oprah leaving Weight Watchers? ›

Oprah Winfrey Shared The Truth Behind Her WeightWatchers Exit After Revealing That She Used Weight Loss Medication. “I wanted to be able to talk about whatever I wanted to talk about,” she said. “I did not want to have the appearance of any conflict of interest.”

Why did Weight Watchers change their program? ›

ThePoints is a simplified plan that makes Weight Watchers much easier to follow and, conversely, much more helpful to successfully achieve weight loss goals. The market for diets and fitness apps is constantly becoming more crowded, and WW will need to change to stay competitive.

What are the 3 different Weight Watchers plans? ›

Weight Watchers now has 3 different food plans to choose from: the blue plan, the green plan, and the purple plan. While they all follow the same basic formula of tracking your food intake throughout the day, they do offer slightly different SmartPoints and ZeroPoint foods.

Does Oprah own Weight Watchers? ›

Winfrey owns about 1.1 million shares of WW International, representing a 1.43% stake in the company, according to data provider FactSet. At the current stock price, that's worth $2.5 million. Her initial investment for 6.4 million shares of the company totaled $43.2 million.

What was the Weight Watchers core plan? ›

On the Core Plan, you control calories by focusing your eating on a list of wholesome, nutritious foods. Since the foods on the list were carefully selected to support weight loss, there's no need to keep track of how much or which foods you eat.

How to speed up weight loss on WW? ›

6 Science-Backed Tricks That Can Help Make Weight Watchers Work Better
  1. How to lose weight faster on Weight Watchers. ...
  2. Dig in at breakfast. ...
  3. Go for protein early in the day. ...
  4. Look for Mother Nature's seal of approval. ...
  5. Drink a cup of water before every meal. ...
  6. Sip some green tea. ...
  7. Enjoy metabolism-shocking splurges.
Nov 13, 2023

Can I lose 3 pounds a week on WeightWatchers? ›

In fact, while WW is designed to deliver a healthy, safe and sustainable rate of weight loss of 1-2lbs a week – because research proves that smaller, consistent losses are more likely to result in successful long term weight loss – don't be surprised if, like Leah, you see more in your first few weeks.

Why am I losing weight so slowly on WeightWatchers? ›

Heal Your Metabolism: If you've been restricting your diet for many years, it's likely that your metabolism has slowed down too. You can work on healing your metabolism by gently reintroducing foods back into your diet, eating when you're hungry, and stopping when you're full.

Has WW changed for 2024? ›

There appear to be no major changes to the WW zero-point food list in 2024. Zero-point foods are nutrient- and vitamin-dense foods that form the foundation of healthy eating. These healthy and delicious foods can be enjoyed in meals or as snacks without having to count any points.

Is oatmeal zero points on Weight Watchers? ›

Plain oats—no matter the type—are a ZeroPoint food.

Is 23 points a lot in Weight Watchers? ›

The average WW points allowance is about 23. If you were allotted 23 points a day, here's what you could eat: A ham-and-cheese omelet for breakfast (3 points).

What are the different versions of Weight Watchers? ›

On the MyWW app and website, you can find recipes and snack suggestions based on the plan you're using. For the green plan, it's a lot of plain fruits and veggies, the blue plan has a lot of starchy meals, and the purple plan has tons of pasta and grains.

What are the negatives of Weight Watchers? ›

  • Points system for food tracking is very simplified, making it difficult to learn about the nutrition of the food you're eating.
  • Doesn't provide much education on food or fitness.
  • Members must rely on the program to continue losing weight.
Jan 19, 2024

What was the first diet plan? ›

The first diet book came out in 1558, and it is still in print today. Italian Luigi Cornaro wrote The Art of Living Long. It advised readers to limit themselves to 12 oz of food a day and 14 oz of wine. In 1614, The Fruits, Herbs, and Vegetables of Italy heavily criticized the sugary and meaty diet of the British.

What happened to the founder of Weight Watchers? ›

Jean Evelyn Nidetch (October 12, 1923 – April 29, 2015) was an American businessperson and the founder of Weight Watchers. Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Parkland, Florida, U.S. She died on April 29, 2015, of natural causes at her home in Parkland, Florida, at the age of 91.


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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.