The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

I I 0.0 0. 0. 0. 0. the the 0 0 i i i i i City Facts and Fancies.

SATURDAY MARCH 21, 1857. Advertisem*nts. Er J. W. Flich.

-Two Marshal's Sales. Orange American Agriculturist. 1.0.0. F. -Meeting.

Charles Bor Wanted. Rob't Holt. J. Sale. Dr.

Lecture. Market Ch -Edward Wall. Grays' Concert. DEATH OF WA. J.

news came last night to the friends and family of Wm. J. May. Col. Wm.

T. Smith in his letters to Messrs. John Coon and George May gives a brief account of the last hours and sad fate of young May, calculated to excite strong feeling of regret at bie loss, and sympathy for the interesting family reaved of a kind and affectionate husband and father. died on the ninth of February at Morgan's Camp near the Mogane Creek on the line of the Tebuantepec route across Mexico. This camp is situated in the mountains about 45 miles from Su chil.

He was engaged there in charge the books, pay rolls, of the contractors of the wagon road across the Isthmus. The road had been completed for the passage of carriages on the fourth of February. He had resided in this city nearly all his life, baving been do born in Cherry Valley N. Y. From his boyhood he bad shown great talent for literary pursuits, and had always been a contributor to the newspapers of this city either as editor or correspondent.

During a residence in New York in 1847, he corresponded regularly with this He afterwards associate editor and was interested in the proprietorship of the Herald. Subsequently be edited the Express and the Daily Clevelander. He corresponded after leaving here for Tehuantepec with this paper, and his letters were always characterized by their cheerful tone and lively descriptions. He has hosts of friends here, as his warm beart and gay temper won strong attach mentsand all will most beartily unite in a heartfelt sympathy for the little family of mother, broth ers, sisters, wife and little ones bereaved by this sad ristation of death. We give the letter of W.

T. Smith, with particulars of the death of poor William. SOCHIL, Isthmus of Tehuantepec, February 13, 1857. Mr. George May, Dear Sir: -It is my painful duty to communicate to yourself and family the distressing intelligence of your brother William's death.

He expired last Monday evening at six o'clock, after a short illness of about five days, at a camping place for the employees upon the road, about forty miles south of bere, of congestive fever. For some days previous, however, be bad been troubled with an affection of the bowels, whicb bad much weakened his system. During the last three days of his life, be was wholly uuconscious of what was passing as well ag of' his own gituation. I arrived at the encampment the evening before his death and passed the night there. He failed very rapidly, and save the expression of a wish to write to his wife, exhibited no sign of conciousness.

Words of condolence under such a burden of grief, would seem to his family and yourself but a mockery of woe, and I forbear to attempt the ex pression of my feelings, suffice it to say, that everything in their power was done by those who were encamped with him, to save him while hope lasted, and afterward to render his last bours 88 comfortable as possible. He Wa8 buried in his usual suit of clothes, upon the summit of a bill near where be died, and his grave well-marked and protected as the means in the wilderness would permit. I expect to be in Cleveland in April, when I will give you such further particulars as you may require. In the mean time, sympathizing most deeply with you in the loss of one who was my most esteemed friend, I remain Your most ob't serv't and friend, Wv. T.

SMITH. English SAD girl '19 RESULTS years OF of age, Jeannette Sinclair, pretty by Dame came to to this city over a month ago. Being of depraved habits, she fell in with her own kind, became very druuken and was sent to prison for thirty days as a vagrant. 0p Tuesday she was discharged, and on Wednesday night being stupidly drunk, ale lay down on au ash pile near glass factory. Her clothes caught fire from the amouldering embers, and unable to rescure berself, she attracted assistance by her cries.

She is now in the Western Pennsylvania Hospital, in 8 very critical eituation. She says she has lived for the last two years in paper. Some of the readers of the above article, which was published by our evening cotemporary, have been led to suppose that the unfortunate woman reierred to was the same Jeanettee Sinclair who was arrested in this city last summer, and with her companion, who had attempted suicide by poisoning, was released by order of the Council. Friends who, at that time, interested themselres for these unfortunate women, and hoped for their reform and restoration to lives of usefulness, have been grieved by the intelligence. But we are glad to know that the mentioned by the l'ittsburgh paper is not the same one who was released by our City Council, and who has since given evidence, by an orderly life, a determination not to disappoint high bopes which bad arisen concerning her.

We have the best of authority for saying that she has returned to the performance of her duties 88 8 wife, and her husband, while willing to forget and forgive, has reason to bless the mercy that liberated her at the right time. SELF- PROTECTION AGAINST The introduction of the Water Works into the city will furnish to private individuals not only the opportunity of adorning their grounds with beautiful fountains and continual verdure during the annual drought of dog-days, but of lessening the dangers of fires to a very great extent. The city thorities have already almost superceded the uses of the old widely separated reservoirs by placing bydrants in those streets favored with water-pipes. The water pipes for the benefit of private houses, gardens and fountains are, as we see, being put down at the residences pp many of the streets not devoted to business. Almost all those who take the water will obtain hose for the purpose of selfdefense against tire and for irrigating the grounds.

It is suggested that if the residents of a neighborhood should choose a uniform size and qunlity of bose, a combination of forces in case of tire, would result in pntting it out in its first stages, and before the fire department could get to the spot. Our Are department is efficient iu every respect, but in nine cases out of ten, the well directed efforts of few neighbors with the present abundance of water and a few bundred feet of hose to the nearest hydrant, would save us from many a destructive fire. A union of those in up town streets in this affair would materially lessen the losses by tire and the expenses of insurance. Spring BUSINESS. -We begin to see signs of returning activity which makes our wholesale merchants look as complacent as a summer moraing.

The sidewalks of Water street are every tell the previous day's sales, and labors of the morning piled bigh with packages of goods which clerks gas-light after other people have gone to bed. The signs of a fair demand upon the stocks of our wholesale dry goods, leather, boot and shoes, hardware grocery merchants, perer were brighter at this season of the year. The trade which they have attracted by the facilities which our railroads througb Obio and Indiana afford, and by the full stocks of goods and liberal terme, has been secured as a permanent and reliahe one. The sales in the leading grocery houses those during of the February, corresponding bowed month large last increase year, and over we understand that this month is not less encouraging. MYSTERIOUS Mr.

James C. Gibsen, of Buffalo, gentleman of about 50 years of age, cams to Cleveland from that city last week and arrived here on Friday evening. He was engaged on business for the Great Western Despatch Company. His family have heard nothing from him since that date, and great pains bave been taken to find bis whereabouts. It is feared that some calamity has befallen him.

Any person having any intelligence of. bim since the 13th, will do a favor by reporting it to his son, C. H. Gibson, at present stopping at the Angier House. AT FOR THE BANNING, who bas been delivering lectures before the Ladies of Cleveland, will, at their request, lecture at the M.

E. Church, Erie street, on Tuesday a afternoon, st 2 o'clock, March 24th. We hope a large numbor of ladies will be ip attendance. I a 6 A A A A SPECIAL NOTICES. Messenger's London Cordial Gin.PUREST AND MOST DELICIOUS TONIC BEVERAGE EVER KNOWN.

SPECIAL NOTICES. customers with she heat Patent Leather Boots, Fine and Dou. ble Soled Caltskin Boots, best Water Proof Cork Soled Boots of the very best stock. livery thing in the line of Boot maxing done on the shortest notice at his store, NO. 17 ONTARIO STREET, Opposite Champlain Surcet, Cleveland, REGISTER.Toledo via 6:85 MET DEPARTURES.

M. 8:16 r. M. 7:00 P. Toledo via 8:20 L.

Shore Train, 10:00 Piusburgh 'Train. 2:50 abouing. 6: 8:20 1:16 6,16 ARRIVALS. A.M. 2:66 P.

M. M. Toledo vis 2:40 8:45 L. Shore 6:05 Toledo via Saudusky. 9:43 Pittsburgh Trail 2:45 5:80 Conneaut 11:18 Citizens wiling conveyance to elther of the above Trails or boats will be called for by the Couches of Stevens' Omnibus Line, by leaving their address at the Omnibus Office No.

b1 Superior street, uext door to Weduell House. Dec 5 1 or BACHELOR'S HAIR DYE Onginal Reliabie, True and all question the fades or fails to dye brown or black, true to nature, without the least, injury to akin or hair. Made and or applied (la Line private rooms) at BACHELOR'S old established Wig Fectory, 283 Broadway, N. Y. A counterfeit article La out W.

wil possibly deceive unless special notice is taken of the steel engraving with Wim. A. Retchelor upon it. Sold by W. INK Druggist, C.eveland, Ubio, mar 3 dim of four year's cured by CARTER'S SPANISH IF SUNOFULA SALT RHEUM MIXTURE.

WOOSTER, Wayne County. Ohid, 1, MEsARS. BENNETT Brees: for four jears past beeu 8 flering from Scro. in its worst form wIthout Anding Ly relief from our be st physic laus, I was solicited by a friend to to try Carter's Spanish Mixture. It gives me p'easure do state that before A labing the first bentle, the dis vase re axed.

I ten ordered two more bottles; a. 4, with Leartfelt gratitude, I state :0 you that two bottles of you ex cellent preparation has entirely cured me. The third bottle I gave to a irlend who had been suffering with salt Rheum for a length of time, and be, like myself, owes his restoration to health to the virtues of Carter'. Spanish Mixture." You are at liberty to use this le. ter in any way you may think proper, if it will benefit the afflicted.

Your obedient servant, mars lid JOSEPH ROBINSON. A CLARK'S FEMALE PILLS.The great English' rewedy, prepared from a Preecription of Sir J. Clarke, M. Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. painful and daugerous disorders to which the female constituThe da invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those tion is subject.

It moderates all excess and removes all obetructions, and a speedy cure can be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES. it la pecullarly suited. It will, in a abort time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each boule, Price Que Dollar, bears the Governmant Stamp rot Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits.

CAUTION. These Pills should not he 'aken by females that are pregnant during THE FIRST THREE MONTHS, as they are sure to bring on Afiscurriage: but at every other case, they are perfectly sate. Sole Agents for the United States aud Canada. I. C.

BALDWIN CO. Rochester, N. Y. N. B.

One Dollar and six pottage stampe enclosed to any authorized agent will Inaure a bottle of Pills by return mail. GAYLORD HAMMOND, Wholesale and Retail Agenta, Cleveland, Ohio, and by Druggists In every town in the United States. dec16d DR. CAVANAUGH'S PILE SALVE -Testimony is being constautly furnished the proprietors of the efficacy 01 his SALVE, from every quarter where it has been Introduced. Read the following of recent date, addressed to him.

1. DIAM Ind. Nov. 8, 1856. We will take pleasure in recommending your "Pile Sulve" as we know it is all you represent it to be, by trial.

Very tru yours, C. U. BUTLER CO. Having used your "I'le ferl that I can cheerfully TENN. No Novemter 3, 1856.

recommend it to all persons suffering with that distressing complaiut-P'iles. Respectfully, W. M. SHELTON. sale wholesale and retail by Huthinson Palmer, Cleve land, 0.

feb12i4 d3m IF THE IMMENSE MASS OF TEStimony in favor of Ho. fland's German Bitters, convinces us that the article la all it is lepresented to be, ard in consequence we advise a trial of it by those afflicted diseases for which It is recomm Lded. R. CHATFIELD, said LOW ELL, Dodge Nov. 1, Over a year age I sent some money to you from Canada, and recelved some of your German Bitters, which I used and great relief from.

My health has improved to such a degree, that I ain a ain able to a tterd to my business. A large number of dyspeptics in this neighborhood have had to send to Milwaukee for the medicine. An agent here would sell large quantities, as I know it to be a sure cure." Samuel Moore, Platteville, James L. Manville, Jeffer. BOD, WIN.

Holden, Kemp Janesville, and others In that State, have also expressed their -pat confidence la the The voluntary testimonials of bundreda of distinguished fession al men, eminent physicians and cheries, must convince prothe word that Mes enger's LONDON CORDIAL GIN un rivaled as a diet drink, intuit ly or la delicacy a.d rich. ut as of flavor to any Holland or other English Gin The beneBus a derired throug. its agency are surprising and. its ord.nary use is sure guarantee against prevalent complaints of the sea. ton.

It Is a delicious stimulant, with tonic, diuretic ting properties. and invigora in: a It of the cannot intoxicate ur less grossly abused, chin pound known concentrated essences of the best and be. purest tonica to modern Pharmacy, together with the finest qua ity of the Italian uutper berry, all distilled grain, thus bestowing an expulsite and unrivalled aroma. with the Uplike other alcoholic beverages, Mt seenger's dial Gia is a practical advocate of Temperance, Cor. London riencing the benefcial as no one expo wholesale effects of ita gentle stimulation, and tonic qualities can be addicted to indulgence in vile deleterious spirituous mixtures, whose evil con rend their consumption a curse upon society and order.

quencer Over a thousand medical cerifcaus testify to its curing Gout, Rheumatiam, Deb lity, and obstructions ot the in Urinary ryana, Gravel, sp eps'a, and Fever and Ague. Be sides it is a Certain preventive against maladies generated from using bad water. To travelers ou Southern or Western rivera it is an abrolute necessity. Messenger's London Cordial Gin is put up in pint and quart bottles at 50 ceuts and al each with labels bearing our own sly. nature, also our names on the war, without which none can be genuine.

R. E. MESSENGER, Sole Importer. 68Fulion st, New York, 140 Lineolo at Boston. W.

'ONABLE HATTER, 138 Superior Street. HA'T MANUFAC TELEY is now Manufacturing the Spring Styles, at 188 Supeor FIRST F. MC GUIRE, who it will resubered, took the First Premium a Fine Stitched Boots, at the late State Fair, la prepared to fit 1 virtues of the Hitters. See advert'sem*nt. General Hail Road.

Ticket Office. NO. 61 SUPERIOR STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE WEDDELL HOTEL. "Through Tickets, for all the principal Cities and Towns in the United States. Also Local Tickets, to Way Stations On all hal' Roads leaving Cleveland.

7- Odice hours from 6 A. M. to 9 P.M. D. HORTON, Agent.

Cleveland, Feby. 18, 1857. 178dly LEY'S MAGICAL PAINEXTRACTOR ION and PaIN Ar a an ble as Fire and Heat. Inflammation produces pain, and pain produces 1 WLerever there is unnatural beat throbbinz or rednete, no matter whether it is caused by fever burt, a sure' poleon, a heumat'em, pl en, call, burn or ting there is A hundred book or a thousad sermons cannot alter or change the conclusion. To relieve pain, and re store nature, must be subdued.

To accomplish tuts, the No ta of ibe physician are always directed. Thous Abus of phyticiale, and tin thousand of the and most ci persons who have used DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACT are convinced, and admit that its control over infammati is most wonderful and immediate, instantly al. laying the pain, neural.z ng poison, extracting morbid tions and forci nature to resume her course, relewing and brallog. No bu scald, sore, or ailment la too severe to lel to its soothing and curing induence. Apply it Immediately and the cure has commenced.

NO PAIN EXTRACTOR 16 GENUINE unless the box has upon It a Steel P'late Engraved Label with the signaturce of C. CLICKENER proprietore, and HENRY DALLEY manufacturer. Price 25 cente per boI. NY All orders should be addreased to U. V.

CLICKENER 76 Barclay, 222 Greenwich Street, New York. DR Sold DRUGGISTS in 4 Neveland throu by zhout the GAYLORD United States. W. dec17d3m FISKE and TY TEELY LEARY P'ATTERN for Gentlemen's NEW Dress QUAR: Issued, together with a large invoice of Paris Haws of late styles, Including the celebrated Cambridg: Soft Hats (a new waterproof article) in various colors, and for sale at our counters on ly. LEAKY Leaders of Fa bien for Gent's Hate, 8 4 aud 5 Astor House, New York, ma: 9 135 HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION Fire-Proof Safes.

WITH PROOF HALL'S the same PATENT that were awarded POWDER- sera rate Medals at the World's Fair, Lot don, 185L, and the World's Fair, Dew York, 1863 and are the only American Sate that were awarded Medule do the London Wor'd's Fair. These Safes are now admitted to be superior aDJ ever of. fered to the public; and the subscritars challenge the world to pro uce a justance of hose Safes falling to preserve their conlento through the hottest dres, or a burglar picsing the leck. The eub-erit ers anu their agents are the only persons author. Razed to, nake and sell Herring's Patent Champion safe, with La shr'a l'a tent P'owder Lucks.

8. U. HERRING Green Block, 125, 137, and 189 Water and 2w 261 Broadway, cor. Murray St. Y.

NOTICE -N, CHAMBERLIN has been appolnied Freight Agent of the New York Central Rail Road lu New York, in place of Jobu H. Moore, resigned. or 4fice of the Company in New York, 207 Broadway corner of Fulton Street. j21d1m WHALEBONE TAX SKELETON SKIRTS. co.

ARSON. -D. W. Babco*ck, who, with the woman who ougbt be his wife, bas figured more or less extensively in the police reports of this city for some years past, has arrested the said woman, his mistress for alleged burning of A house belonging to him. The case is set for bearing ou Monday next.

The history of this couple is a living example of the truth that way of the transgressor is hard. Unable to live apart and quarrelsome when togetber, their troubles are the source of constant litigation the expense of which is mutually borne, and the results of which are often fines upon one which are paid at the pense of the other. LARCENY. -A box of shoes 3 was stolen from the walk in front of the store of Seymour Childs on Water street last evening. As the thief with the goods in his arms, was passing down Superor street, about eight in the evening he was met by the watchmen, who, without being ment aware to that look the at bim property with was his stolen, load, when paused he 8 sud- modenly discovered their character of palicemen, and dropped the box and ran away as fast as his legs could carry bim.

They pursued him but unsuccessfully. The goods were recovered. LET CONCERT OF THE HIGH SCHOOL. -The time for the High a School Concert has been fixed upon, and it will come off on Monday evening pert.The children and young people will be assisted and directed in their concert by Professor ABEL, whose previous concerts in this city bare met with the most flattering receptions. The place of the entertainment will be the Hall in the High School building.

As the object is a good one, it is to be hoped that all interested in the progress of the scholars -and who is not -will encourage the enterprise by their presence. ET POLICE The cases disposed of in Police Court this morning were: Jackson Cramford for intoxication, was fined one dollar and costs. Peter Gable for disturbance, sent for five days to prison. "John Rohneck and John Rhoneck, for assault and battery--discharged. BANK OF NEW CASTLE FAILED.

-By dispatches received by Bankers of this city, we are informed that the BANK OF NEW CASTLE has stopped payment. The money has been current here, and is in general circulation, although considerable distrust has been exbibited. DISSOLUTIONS. MR. Fender, S.

D. McMillan McMILLAN, Arthur, Ne (of York, the haa late this firm day be of code 8 partner in house, and the busineSs will berea'ter be conducted under the following style of GORDON, McMILLAN CO Cleveland, 0. FELLOWS McMILLAN N. Y. W.

J. GORDON co. Cleveland, February 2, 1857. 1220210 DISSOLUTION. CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOfore exis'ing under the Arn.

KENDAL DE WITT, 8 by mutual cousent this day dissolved. EP: DE KENDALL, WITT. Cleveland, February 28, 1857. H. D.

having asuclated with him CHARLES A. C. A. WILLARD and JAB. W.

CA' SON, will coLtinue the by Gooda business at the old stand, No. 123 Superior St, and No. 2 Public 'Squa. under the style and Arm of H. D.



Cleveland, March 2d, 1857. J. H. DE WITT wi'l open, on the let of April, in Morrison's Block, No. 1 Purlic Square, a TRIMMING AND RIBHON STOKE, in connec ion wi the snufacture and sale of MANTILLAS and CLOAKS.

Under the 011 drin this branch of the burines we conduced by Mr. De Wit, and he will hope bi devoting bis whole attention to it, and by ke pine a con plete assortmeut of these goods, to meet the wants of this conununity. J. II. DE WITT.

Cleveland. Feb. 28, 1857. mar4 j19 8w CO-PARTNERSAIP NOTICE. FORGE goclated with DAVIS RAPHAEL CO.

PRIXOTTO. HAVE The THIS will he continued at the old stand, corner of Superior and Water and No. 8 Water Street. The name of the Erm will remain the same. GEORGE A.


just received the following very desirable SPRING GOODS, f. cIn Manufacturers and Importera, CO18 sting of 5000 ards Fancy Dress Silks yards Fou ard Sitks: 6000 yards Black Si ka, best make; 3000 yards Fan Poplins; 9009 All Wabi De spring colony: 1001 Stella Shawls Dissolution. THE limited Co.Par: nership heretofore ex. Millan 1sting 'ohn New York City, between D. K.

Fenner, 8. D. Mc B. Arthur and Oliver B. Tweedy.

under firm FENNER, McMILLAN ARTHUR, this day by its own lim tation. Either of the ger eral partners will sign the name of the firm in liquidation of its adaira, D. K. FENNER, McMILLAN, General Partnere J. B.

ART UK. 0. B. TWEEDY, Special Partner. New York, Feb.

1 Co-Partner-nip Notice, 500 yards Broche, Long and Square do too yards Centen Crape Shawls; 5000 jarde Irish Liuene, all yards W. Shirtings, all prices; 10.000 yards Fancy De Laines, eeautitul goods: 60,000 yarda Fancy Prints, all styles; 944 Embroidered Emproidered Collars, very Are 2000 C'ambric and Swiss Bands: 220 Cartons Fancy Bonnet Ribbans; Spring Mantillas, latest styles; With a bott of FRINGES, GIMP3 AND OTHER TRIMMINGS! Engiiah Hosiery. of which will be sold cheap. 21 HARNEY. mar20 154 Superior Street.

$475 Dwelling House Will on buy leased a ground, No. comfortable St. Clair Street, west of Erie, ALEX. GARRETT, mar20 190 1m No. 50 Water St.

HENRY SNYDEN. Court of Common Pleas, againat Curaboga County, MICHAEL FRY. Def't. Ohio. THE said Michael Fry, Defendant, will take notice that sald Henry Snyder, Pla'ntif, on the 1C1h day of March, 85T, died his petition in said C'ourt as ainet sald Fry.

atating that on the 21th day of March, 1856, cald defendant, at Olmsted, in said County, unlawfully assaulted the Paint tr bu etabhing him with a knife upon the left side, by means whereof Plaintiff was dangeroualy ard dieab ed for the space of 40 weeks, Plaintid neces-arily exper ded a large sum of money for me lical attendance, watching, in to be cured of said wound. Plaintid asks judgement for $1000 Said Fry is further notided that upon the bowing of Plain' if, that raid F. has absconded with the inteut to defraud his an order of attachment Las been made againet bim in sa'd case. Said Fry is nottfed to answer said petition by the 16th day of May, 1857. J.

M. COFFINBERRY, mar20 j39 6w Attorney for Plaintiff. 30,000 Rolls of Wall Paper." TATHICH MUS'P BE SOLD WITHIN Sixty days. They have heen bought at low Agure, and will be wold at New York prices. They con-let of every va lety of style; varying in price from 8 cente to $1 per roll.

Also on hand a magnitcent assortment of GOLD and VEL VET BORDERS. This establishment bave no be rents to pay and keep no dead beads. Remember the place. DOWNIE': Corner Wood and Rockwell Stree's. Pal-ting and Graining done in every variety and style.

mar20 J92 8m DISTRIOT COURT OF THE UNITED For the Northern District of Ohio. In Admiralty. THEREAS, a libel WAS filed in said 10th day of March. 1817, by William Ran dall. against the schooner W.

H. Willard. her tackle, al. leging hat there le due to him from raid schooner the of Fourteen Dollars and eon centa, and interest thereon from June 10, 1856, for wages accrued to him as ariner ou hoard of sa'd schouer in the months of May and June, 1856, and pray. ing that the said schooner may be condemned and sold to pay the demands of paid lihollanta.

Now, therefore, la of the monition, under the seal of said Court, to me directed ard delivered, I do hereby give pub'ic rotice to all pers no claiming the said schooner, in any manner Into rested therein, that they be and appear in the said let Court at Civeland, on the dras monday in April next, at 10 o'clock A (provided that gall te day of furls diction, otherwise en the frat day of jurisdiction then and there to Inter pose their clairs, and make their al legations in that beball. 8. Marabal N. FITCH, D. Ohio.

WILLEY CARY, Proctors for Libe lant. to gear COURT UNITED STATES. For Northerd D.S Ohio. In Admiralty. WHEREAS, 16th 1 day libel of was 1857, filed by in Joel said E'lis and Arch'bald bourn.

partuers under the drin of Joel Ellie her tacale allegit that there is due to them from sal.i Co. of Chic go, J1 14 against W. II. Ward, schonner. the tum ot Fifteen Dol'ar and Lively ant tor furnlebed to hr fu the ur nth Sep ember, 1856 ur.d praying tha.

the said so oner may ta. be condemned and sold to icy the demands of said libella Now. t. eratore, in pursuarce of the menidon, und the seal of said Cour, me ted aud del vered, I do hereby give public notice to al p' tool hiux the so.d schuoner, or in apy marrer interested therein, that they be and pear in the Bald Dis irt Court, at Clare aod, OD the drat Morday of April, 1867. at 10 o'circe A.

that shall be dav of juria icilo if rot on the next of furls liction ther af er.) then and there to interpose their cla aud to their legations In that J. W. FITCH. U.S. Marshal N.

D. Oblo. WILLEY CARY, Proctors for mar. 2wd NEW SPRING GOODS, AT Best, Freeman 03 SUPER' 'OR STREET. A and e.egunt a reeciving of and the la'est opening styles of a DRESS large SILKS comprising Plain Black very large stock of the lest fabrice, Bigchoir's and the univer-ally admired B.

T. S. Hesvy Klack Brocude and Ptriped Silk. Rich Striod and P.aid, in colors, do. A beautiful and wed selected stock of Embroideries.

Ducal Rubea, something new tor travelling Dresses. March ly. KID ssortment of ch 88 -This elegant Kid day loves, received, at a full mer19 BEST. FREEMAN CO. CLICQUOT'S Grand Vin de CHAMPAGNE 100 B.

SENTS, pinte." co quarto." For sale by HAUSMANN. ADIES' COLLARS WORTH $1,25, soiling for 75c. T. EARLY 1415 160 Superior REAL ESTATE. Rouse Jennings, REAL ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENTS, NO.

59 SUPERIOR STREET, FOR LAND- SALE In OR Jefferson, Ashtabula ('ounty OLio. Acres acre? SAW under MILL cultivation; premises. balance heavy timbea. A good the 2 Barn, large Orchard, and abundance of Water. Will exchance part for other property.

40 ACHES IN EAST CLEVELAND. -8 miles from city; 10 acres fiber; fine Orchard; small House; good Bard Will excha ge for City Property. 400 ACRES IN PUTNAM COUNTY, OHIO timber; talance prairie. Will exchange for City Property. ST.

CLAIR near Medical -House and large House, well Anished. Exchange for Westera Landa A VACANT LOT- On Birch Street, West Side. WOOD acres choice timber land. near Road. Exchange for a stock of Hardware, Boots and Suoes other goods.

KINSMAN handsome co'tage; nearly large and Bolshed in good style, with a large lot. Sell at a figure tor cash. ALS A TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE A GOOD HOUSE and one acre of Land, with Stable, and Ori amental Trees. $2600. MILTS, number of Grist and Saw Mills; well located SALE OR -STEAM In different parts of the State.

To Fell or exchange. WOOLEN -At Birmirgham, Erie County, and at Paris, Portage County, in good order, and doing business. ONE ACRE LOTS On Kinaman Street, opposite the inary. FINE RESIDENCE Centrally located on Prospect Lot 42x198 finished 11 rooms; Gas, HOUSE AND TWO ACRES OF LAND--At Bainbridge Ceutre, four miles south of Chagrin Falls. For sale or chaoge, cheap.

TAVERN Several Tavern Standa, at different points, from to twenty mles from the city. To sell or change. lot, beauti ully situated; good o. chard and every con verieuce. Price $2.000.

Alec, OLMSTED FALLS A fine residence, TWENTY ACRES ADJOINING THE VILLAGE.Good productive soil: convenient and well Anished bouge; large orchard; ever thing in gond condition. Price $4 000. BEREA VILLAGE -Sixteen acres of Land, well watered, Ang Orchard, large Brick House, well Anished, good out buil. Price $3000. NEWTON FALLS Twenty-ive acres of Land: elegant bcuse with every convenience: grounds teautifully laid out.Lawn Park.

A princely residence. PAIN convenient honse and lot, near junction L. S. and P. H.

Railroad. Price $1500. FIVE TO TWENTY ACRES OF LAND Well situated on the St. Clair Road, four miles from the city. $180 rer acre, ELEVEN ACRES IN EAST CLEVELAND- Say mile from the city line: comfortable ard convenient louse, good barn, orchard, Price $3,000.

Will exchange for property. teb27 ROUSE JENNINGS. TOWA LANDS FOR SALE CHEAP. 250 ACRES IN WORTH COUNTY, at $2:50 per acre 160 ACRES ACRES IN IN IDA FRANKLIN COUNTY COUNTY, $2:75 per acre. per acre.

feb23 Estate Agents. ROCSE JENNINGS. SALE OR A FINE FARM of 120 acres, beautifully situated, 25 mi'es east Madison, Wisconsin. Will erch ange for ty Property. TEN ACRES OF LAND ON KINSMAN ROAD- Short distance the Cemetery, Sina House, Fruit Trees A QUARTER OF LAND, Henry County, Ohio, heavily timbered stream of water runniug through it.Price per acre.

A bargain. A NEW BRICK HOUSE AND FOUR ACRES LAND, in Brooklyn, two miles from the city: house commo dious and well Fruit Orchard; good Barn, and oth-. conveniences. A FINE RESIDENCE, with arres of Land, In Collamer, on the Plank Road, a good barn, abundance of Fruit and every convenlence. HOUSE AND LOT ON GROVE STREET- -Lot 40x100 feet, to an alley; small House.

Price $600. Will exchange for a ama'l farm. A GOOD BRICK HOUSE AND LOT, on Irvine Sfreet, Let 88 feet front House well built, and is a barg in at $1400. FINE RESIDENCE ON GRANGER Lot 150 fect; two story frame well Anishei; considerable Fruit; Stable, ill exchange for a good fariu. A LARGE LOT ON BELMONT STREET- Runving alley 80 feet on width.

A god House ou front, and a doub House oft rear of lot. Price $1300. A BARGAIN. Lot on St. Clair 32x150 feet to an alley; gord two story House with basem*nt; weli Also, emall tenement on the alley; well, cistern, well fenced and in good repair.

NICK LIVILE HOUSE AND FIVE ACRES of LAND -k ch black oil, with orcoard and a great variety of Fruit, On Play Roa 1, miles west of the city. 0700. A GOOD TWO STORY HOUSE, with a large lot on Euclid street. Will exchasge for good Railroad Stock, or Bonds. $5,500.

A GOOD STORE, and a large, Ane dweiling house adjoining In a large and growing town, on a Railrcad, about 24 miles from the city. 69 FEET ON SENECA STREET, near Superior, to rent for 20 year. 10 OF EXCELLENT LAND. about a mile east of the city line. Ve desirable ra residenCe or gardening.

at 8,5 VI. 4 GOOD HOUSE AND LOT, ou Prospect strreet 42:00. THE STOnE No. 17. Superior street now oc upied a Mar ble Hall.

The saloon Extures will be 8' ld, to be removed, very low. Public Square. ion given April 1st STORE IN ROUSE's Block, corner of Superior street and feb26 jidly Superio- street. FOR COAL LAND--A Farm of 100 acres, with feet velu of Coal, in Coshccion Coun'v. miles from the 0 10 Canal.

Farm is well improved wi.h A Ane opportunity for an investmeut. 35 per ac. A PRICK HOUSE AND 1 OT -On the read from Seneea stre. South. A new Cottage miles from Superior Stre Chea; TO A large Store with basem*nt on South side Public Square.

8 good Store on Ontario betweeu ruble pect et. GARDEN STREET Houses and Lots to exchange for a tar. PROSPECT SIREET-83 eral Gne residenc sin good loca One new br ek in Arst etvla with mudoru improvementa, EUCLID STREET'-A large b.ick house i1 goods y'u with large lot ou Erie Stre 47,000. JENNING, 09 Superior St. FOR Land, near SALE Milan, OR Erie Lty; EXCHANGE one of the -140 best Farn Acres 8 in Count Will exchange for a Vessel.

LEASEHODD, 10 1 EARS, with a goud House, on Ontario Str et. $7,20 very cheap. ROUSE AND LOT on Root Street, West Side. Price $4,10. Cash.

200 ACHES TIMBER IN SUMMIT the Oh! Cana', A at per acre. A FINE RESIDENCE -Centrally located Brick Houte, large and convenient. Anished all modern barn; large lot all in complete order, Price Terms easy. AN ELEGANT HOUSE aud 8 acres of Land. on the north side of Euclid Street; groubds well laid out and under high state of cunivation; House new and large, with every mode convenience and improvements brick barn; green house in perfect order, comprising one of' the most desirable resi.

dences fu country; tering asy and low. ROUSE JENNINGS, Real Estate and Insurance Agenty. BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, ATWATER BUILDINGS, East Side, COLUMBUS BLOCK, West Side," CLEVELAYD, OHIO. FOR SALE. House ana Lot on Detroit Street, near Pres hi terian Church Lot 48 by 160 feet fronting on two Ilas a good well and cistern; house in good repair.

Will offer it low till April 1st, 1857. FOR SALE wo vacant Lots on Clinton Street. atuated direcuy east of the real leuce of the late Capt. Reuben Turper.Each Lot has two fronts. Size, 59 by 132 each.

Price $20 per foot. 101 feet front on Cuyahoga River: la newly docked, plank. and feuced. I koown as the old Red Warehouse It HOUSES TO Several Houses to Rent at various prices, possession to be given April lat, 1857. Vacuut Lots 111 all parts of the city, which will be sold on terms to suit, if to partics wishing to improve.

dtf March 4. J18 tf For tne very Great Bargains yet to be sold off from RUSH STILL CONTINUES.IVISON'S STOCK. I bave yet on band some very nice Goods which must be sold within the next two weeks, and therefore will be offered at PURCHASER'S OWN PRICES! Come along at secure some nice OuGs at "VERY LOW PRICES! S. HYMAN, Corner Superior Street and l'ublic Street. NEW BOOKS.

DOWNING'S $1,50. F. FRUIT sale -LAST by mart J. B. COBB CO ELLIOTT'S $1,:5.


F. Stansbuy: M. 25c. mar9 B. COBB CO.


marg J. B. COBB CO. DARLOR DRAMAS, DRAMATIC SCENES for home a nosem*nt, adapted, to Sc boo Exhibitions. The Pieces are new and short, requiring only about fifteen minutes in the representation.

Price marg J. B. COBB CO. PUTNAM feb28 FOR MARCH, J. B.


CO's. THOMPSON'S REPORTER for March 2. at feb2s J. B. COBB CO'S.

Sunday School Books in Libraries. PUBLISHED BY UNION. THE AMERICAN SUN LIBRARY, NO. 1, AN $10 00 LIRRARY. NO.

2, 100 do 010 00 LIBRARY, NO. 3, do 0 00 LIKRARY. NO. 4. 100 do $10 00 JUVENILE LIBRARY, No.

1. 75 VOLUMES. 00 do do No. 2 75 do CHILD'S CABINET LIBRARY. 8) do VILLAGE LIBRARY No.

1, 24 do 00 do' do Na. 3. do do do No. 31 do 00 Also the HYMN BOOKS and QUESTION RO AS published by the American Sunday Sc.oul Union. For sale J.

B. COBB CO. feb 24 Aner can House. ANUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY A FOR 1857-A Fear Book of Facta In Science and Art. Received at inar? J.


EARNING ABOUT RIGHT WRONG. -Being a 12w Vol. fo Mr. Aubor's. Popula: Juvenile Se ries.

Price 50 cents, marlo J. B. COB Monday, March 9th, 1857. NEW BOOKS FROM HARPERS Received to-day by C. S.

BRAGG CO. AND SERIES Dreigna prepared execution Juited States.By HISTORY OF THE INVASION A AND CAPTURE Gulvert Vaur, Archiu OF WASHINGTON, and of Events which preceded Followed. By John BRIGADE MAJOR AND INSPECTOR, Columbian Brigade in the War of 1812. Toe Arth and last book in HARPER'S BEAUTIFUL FUTURE BOOKS for the Nursery. By Abbott.








SCOTT, HOLT. JOUN CARLISLE, New York Market. New York, March 21. FLOUR- -Market dull and lower, sales 4:00 bbis at45 860 super Stave $6,10 extra do superior westera $6 2 6,5 extra do Canadian heavy, sales 500 bbls 150 ex ra. WHEAT Market dull and prices unchanged.

RYE-Qu'et at the same. OATS CORN- ower, sales 20,000 mixed western in store at 70. Buoyant, sales at for state and western. PORK- Unchanged sales at tor mess prime. BEEF -Buorant.

with good demand, CUT DRESSED ME HOGS- Have advarced to Declined LARD-Heavy at saces 500 boxes long ribbed middles at 11. Lower, sales 300 bbis at STOCKS Firmer and in fair quest. -In good demand and firm at 7 per cent on call and short Chi STERLING 111 do bonds demand at NY CF94; Reading Va 63 without 92; Gal ('hi 93: Panama (196: 0 68 Pitta Erie Mil Mias 101 Erie vonds Del Hudson NY of 71 S). Cleveland Pittsburgh Railroad. REST SPRING ARRANGEMENT.

Trains Run Through to Wheeliug Pittsburgh, marty Superior ucder the American Land in the 1 est. 18.000 000 receiveed from Catalogne in. Price, just 65 to (10 per acre-'or cash and AND AFTER MONDAY MARCH 9th 1857, Trains will be run daily as foliows: LEAVE CLEVELAND. 7:45 A.M. Mail Train, stop: at al Way Stations arrives at Pittsburgh at 2:25 P.

M. and at heeling at 4:15 P. M. 2:45 P'. M.

Express Train, stops only at Hudson, Ravenna, AlBayard, Salineville, ville and P.M. pool, and arrives at at 8:40 P. M. tiona. Accommodation Train for Ravenna and Way Sta.

LEAVE 9:45 A.M. land Train, stop War Stations, arrives at P.M. at 4:50 P. and Wheeling at 3:55 P. M.

Salisbury, East Rochester. Moultrie and Winchester Train, stors at War Stations except New arr 1:45 ver P.M. at Cleveland 9:50 P.M. and Wheeling at LEAVE WHEELING. 9:15 A.

M. Mail Train, stops at Way Stations, arrives at Pitta burgh at 2:25 and at Cleveland at 4:5) P. M. 1:35 P. MI.

Accommodation Train, st: at Way Stations arrives at at 8:40 P. Mr. and at 9:50 P. J. Hudson at 14:00 Accommodation A.

M. Train stops at leaves all Kavenna at 9:23 eve land at 11:15 A.M. Stations, and arrives at All Trains elop at Euclid Street Station. Tuscarawas Branch. Wa Train leaves New Philadelpbia 7:45 A.M., Dover at 8:05, with Train nesburgh at 9:25.

Arrives at Bayard at 10:20 connecting Main Live, for Cleveland, Pitteburga and Wt eel. ing. Leaves Barard at 1 45 P.M. ('n arrival of Train from U. P.

and Wayne neeburgb at 2:46 M. Arrives Dover at 4:00 and Now Puiladelphia 4:15 P. and No Wheeling change of Cara between Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh. Connections. Trains connect at Hudson tor Cuyaboga Falls, Akron and Millersburgh.

Trains connect at Cleveland with trains to and from the East West and South. Fort All trains connect at Alliance with the Trains of Pittsburgh, biana, Salem, and Chicago Railroad, for Enon Valley, Canton, Massilon, and Waster, and at Rochester for Pittsburgh, Philauelphia, Baltimore and New York. Tickets can be purchased at the off -es on the Line, also at Roads. all the priapal Ticket Ufces of the various connecting Fare to the Eastern Cities as lew as by other Routes. Supt'a Office, U.

P. Railroad, J. DURAND, Cleveland, March 6. 1866. Superintendent.

THE MOFATT LIFE PILLS PHENIX this sea on of the tue humar sys tem requires puriAcation. To dwellers in c'ties that one thing needful is manifes.ed by the palld cheek, sunken eye and falter. ing etep. These are the pre ursors of fever, ague and dy spap sia; and these symptome spotld be attended to ins.anter by giv ny mode rate doses of the pills, rollowed by the medicirca, baving stood 'he test of twenty years' expert. enco, can Le relie: upon as the bust eventatives as well as re: stora'ives.

Sold by the promletor, W. B. Motfat, 338 Broadway, N. and by Gaylord Ian mond, Wholesale Agents in Cleveland. rarI6 d1 Damaged Nails for sale at a Bargain.

I Nails NAVE which ON were dal ITAND ged by A the LARGE reeut flood, LOT which OF I will sell (n favorable terms. Deulers and bu kiers will and it for their interest te give we a call at this time. feb9 dtf F. CAREY. Bags Bags Bags! CONSTANTLY 251b8 ON HAND FLOUR Seamless Sacks, 2 and Burr Manu actured, and for sale by GEO.

HOBART, JR. CO. mar 2 J15d2w H- Block Cleveland. 1-4, 1 4, 8, 10 1-4 SHIRTING -Bleached and Brown. tuar? TAYLOR, GRISWOLD CO.

ADIES' VELVET, SILK, SATIN AND BONNETS at' HALF PRICE! feh3 EARLY CO. 160 Superior Street. Chance to Make Money. of Groceries for sale and Store for lease, one of the best places in the city for a Provision Store. Will he cheap.

St. Clair Ulinton Nts, Nu. 251. Good reasons will te giveu for Selling. at the store, B.

A. BRAGG, TAKEN THE SHOP FORmerly occupied by 'James Benneti, in rear of Para n's Block and Commercial louse, where he intends carrying on the HORSE SHOEING BUSINESS, Strictly on the cash system. Having has twenty year's experience at the business in the business, leela contideut that be can give cntire Horses shod on the notice and particular attention pald to Shoeing Fancy Horses. for new and 75 cents for setting. For the Improvement of Stock, Mr.

Brags will keep NAPOLEON MORGAN and Youse GiFFORD MORGAN. March 13 ly TRY US AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. Weil Krother, OPENED THEIR WELL assorted stock MEN'S AND BOYS' COTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, AT 38 SUPERIOR STREET, Under the American Iouse, and i-vite the pub ic to an early Beauty of Material, Superior Work and low Prices will be found at WELL BROTHER'S ALEX. GARRETT 8m Real ate ent, bu Water St A MAILS. RRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF Dor, New York, Buffalo, Albany, Erie, Canada, Rochet ter, Syracuse, Portland, 5:30 A.

M. and 6:20) P. M. CLOSE, 7:00 A.M. and P.

M. Dur, Painesville, Ashtabula, Conneaut. way, 9:55 P. M. CLOSE, 7 A.

Mi. DUE, his and Balsmore, 7:30 A. M. P'. M.

DUE, Washington, 4:45 P.M. CLOnE, 1:30 P. M. DUE, Akron, Millersburgh, 11:14 A. M.

8:80 P. M. DUE, U. P. way, via Pittsburgh, Hudson, Steuben ville.

Kaval Wellsville, 4:45 1'. M. 6:30 A.M, DUE U. M. viz: Warren, Youngstown, Chagrin Falla.

P. M. CLOSE, 6:00 A. M. Dux, Columbus and Cincinnati, 7:35 A.

M. and 2:55 P.M. CLOSE, 6:80 A. M. and 5:80 P.

M. DUE, Manafield, Mt. Vernou, Newark, 2:55 P. M. 7:00 A.

M. DuE CLOSES, 5:30 Zanesville, P. M. Wheeling, P.M. DUE.

Chicago, Milwaukee. Burlington, 1:80 A. M. DUE, U. P.

C. R. Vin: Wellington, Deleware, 9:20 CLosE, 1:80 P.M. 7:30 A.M. C.

T. R. North, viz: Sandusky, Elyria ULoar, 2:00 P.M. DuE, Toledo, P. M.

9:43 P.M. CLOSE, 9 DUL, Mad River R. viz: Timin, Dayton, 1 Xenia, 8:43 P. M. C.

7 A. A T. R. R. way, south, via Norwalk, Oberlin 8:43 P.M.

8:00 P.M. Ft. 7:00 A. Wayue, MI Bugyrua, 0:20 P. M.

CLOSE, Dux, 9:20 M. CLoSE, 7:00 P. M. Dur, St: Lodis, 9:20 P. 1 M.

CLose, 9 P.M. Louisvine, Nashville, 9,55 P.M. 6:30 P. M. DUE, Detroit.

9:43 P. M. CLosE, M. DUE 0. P.

viz: Salems, Wooster, 4:45 P. M. 6:80 A. M. DUr Medina, Brunswick, Parma, 4,90 P.

M. CLor. 8:00 A. M. DUE, Rock port, Dover, (Monday, Wednesday and Fri day,) 9:00 P.

M. DUE Euchd. and East Cleveland, and 10:00 A. M. Thursday, and Saturday.) 4:00 A.

M. 1:80 P.M. DUE, ads worth, Granger inkley, (Tuesday land Fri lay.) 5:00 P. M. Wednesday and Saturday.

5:80 A. M. J- Jopley, Tues. 5:00 P. M.

6:80 A. M. At the Depot Administrator's Sale, IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT pursuaut to an orde: of sale lasued by the Probate Judge ot Cuyahuga County, and stare of Obl, to us directed, an the care of G. W. Lyrde aid Win.

Givens adininistrator: swainst Sus Hu' chirga aud rs, ou petiton to sell remi Late, we tue underel: ned, expose to sale at publ ver due, at the duor of old court ou the square in Cleve and, on be 23d day uf Februar, 1857, between the neurs f2 and P. M. of day, all the equi a' le inte. cat of' the estate Benjamin R. Hut deceased, which la the right to a e.

in fee a nuple from E. Cable, alter the payment of the insta rents, as per coutr ct sale from said Crable to said Hutch. luxe, 1sth of February, 1856. an I taxes with annual interr80, Which salt lard and premi ex are described as cllowa: Situated in the Townabip of Newburgh in said County of Cuyahuga, a State of Obio, and being par of original Lot No. 321, and bounded as follows: West wardly by the Cleveland Chagrin Fal's Plank Koad, and being about $0 rode on said road, running 10 rods each way on fald road om the centre of the house on said prem East about forty rods to the contemplated Water Cure road; the Norther ly and Southerly lines bein parallel with cacti other and also parallel witn the line adjoin de Morgan's farm ou 1 bc Norta pontaining ave or land being, subject to survey.

The equity of sald estate appraised at $600. Purchaser tO the estate of Hutchings against pay menta to Cable, and taxes on said property: G. W. LINDE, GIVEN, Administrators, Dated January, 23. 1857.

This sa'e is adjourned to the 21st day of March, A. D. 1857. between the hours of 2 and M. O' day, at the sane place.

G. W. WM GIVEN, Administrators. T'ated February 23, 1857. J66 4wJ mar 16 RUIT CA SELF- SEALING AIR TIGHT CANS, for preserving Fruit bles, requiring Mo wax, solder, or cement.

Quart, lon, and gallon sizes. For male by SMITH KELLOGG, Railroad Block, 84. TELEGRAPHIC. LATEST NEWS FROM NICARAGUA. Arrival -the Steamer Tennessee.

MARYLAND DELEGATION AT WASHINGTON. Chief Clerk of the War Department. NEW YORK, March steamship Tennessee from San Juan via. Aspinwall, March luth, with 260 passengers, arrived this P. M.

Shc connected with the Sierra Nevada. The latter boat passed the Orizaba Feb. 23d, 100 miles below San Francisco. All well. The Tannessee left San Juan, March 7th.

The Saratoga was lying there also. Walker's position was unchanged. He still Rivas. The Allies remain at St. George.

Walker had attacked the latter place twice without effect. A party of Rangers under Col. Cayces bad been attacked by Costa Ricans and driven into San Juan. Col. C.

left again on the 7th with a party of recruits from San Francisco. The failure of Col. Sackridge's attempt on Castillo was owing to the cowardice of Col. Titus, who led the attacking party. Titus subsequently left Sackridge and went over to Riras.

Sackridge's main force is on Carlos Island, a short distance from Castillo, and be has also a garrison at Serrassigua. The Aspinwall Courier says, while Titus was besieging Castillo, he held a parley with the enemy, who agreed to surrender provided be would permit messengers to pass his lines to inform Gen. Mora. He agreed to this, but next day was attacked br 8 large force under Mora, and driven back with loss. Titus, with other officers, went down the river in the steamer Rescue, to Greytown, when the boat was seized by an English officer, who offered protection to any one who wished to leare Walkar's service.

Titus used insulting language to the officer, and was seized and carried on board the English frigate Cossack, but was subsequently released. The allies made two attacks on Rivas, March 4th, but were repulsed. The British steamer Clyde, arrived at Aspinwall on the 8th, from Greytown, with 30 deserters from Walker. The U. S.

sloop of-war Saratoga, was still at Greytown, and the St. Diary's at San Juan. The sloop-of-war Decatur, arrired at Panama 00 the 9th. Dates from Valparaiso and Callao are to the 26th ult. Several vessels were loading guano at the Chinchas under the contract with Veranco.

The Veranco party in Peru were making little progress, having been defeated in A counter rerolution at Tura. The frigate Loa was at Paita, out of provisions and seamen. Veranco was planning at attack Wuxillo. The Tennessee came orer toe Isthmus of ma in two hours and a half. WASHINGTON, March 20 -A large delegation from Maryland had an interriew with the President this morning, relative re to the appointments for that State.

At their caucus last night it was agreed to recommend Judge J. T. Mason, Collector, though it is understood the President had previously desiguated bias for the office. The delegation were not agreed as to the rotation pohcy. Wu.

R. Duokard, of bas been appointed Chief Clerk of the War Department. COME AT LAST! DIAT LARGE STOCK OF IRISHI TINen ENS and LINEN GODS of every description of' iny portation. These ods are of the Ceiebrated ate of a Owden uh Be repu'ation for making tre rel LAIN OUS el that it would be sux r. du us to say anything in ru ard to their qualities.

Hav be advantage there i low as they tough 1 all nable 1 to offer them at vey LOW PRICES, as I wi-h to lish a LARGE LIEN TRADE and sball only a -k a reasonab advance on the cost of Importa- tion. I have all from rard in the Barst. Also an ment of BIRD'S EYE DIAPERS of 1 make. Persons intending (0 purch TRISH will be Pure of an article o' PURE FLAX at Low 1. S.

HY MAN. A lare Corner Superior -tract and Squa Let on linen Cambric HANDKER I ErS my 04 Importatiou at cents, the bust eve: sold for that price. NOTICE. CHARLES take no ice LELAND, that of the State of New ford, of tLe l'ounty of in the State of Ohio. d.d.

on the day of March. E57. ble his Petition in the Court of Common within and for the County of Cuvahoga, in said Scats of Ohio. at the ('harles Leland, Aaron l'. Leland, and Pubmit L.eland, ting forth that P.

olatd. nd Submit Leland, in rigu maid Submit, on the 9th day of June. 856, gave a mor' 're t' one an C. Boyles, on following premise situate in 'he or Newburgh, a oga County. 0 10, and known as part of Lot No, 474 in said Township, and by boun-ed on the Souin by land formeriy owned and cupied Isaac ('lark aud Edmund Tavlor: on the East by land formerly award by Brooks; North by land owned Moses Jewett: and West by land owned by said Jew tt and El in Hoomer and (South) by laid lately owned by FAd Homer, con aining 4 liat said mortgage was ven to secure the paymeut of Eight Hundred Dollars according to a certain note referred to iu said mortgage, Dele aud mort gage bare beeen assigned by said Bowles to said plaintid; and praying that said defendants may pay raid sum now clain el to be due with inter at at 10 per c*nt.

amonuting to a 861 25 100thA or that did pr. mi e3 may be so to ray the mum, and the sald Charles Leland is notified that he is required to appear and all swer sald petit on on of before Saturday, the 16th day of May next F. HINGHAM, Att'y. Dated March I6, 1857. mari7 Improvement in Dental Surgery.

NOW' MANUFACTURING FULL Seta and Full Malf Sets, and Partial Seta of Teeth, made entirely of Porcelain, and is the came as that referred to by Professor J. L. C'assels, Chairman of the Committee on Chem. icals, a the product of Chemical action; a'so by Mr. Sturdivant, Chairman of Committee on Metals, in which the lat ter the prepared material from which our teeth are runde la dead-ving the highest commendation, and refers to Professor Casals' which Your tee reccommed that Diploma be awarded to M.

L. Wright, M. of Cleveland, Ohio for the best speci. men of Porcola material prepared, and Terth manufactured from the same. 'The specimens of Teeth, both fuil and partial the seta, kind far cacel in leanty and appar ut usefulness anything of we have seen, and the testimony la favor of their utility, seems to be of the must reliable chara-ter." OHIO STATE FAIR, 1856.

Our Teeth, plate and all, are made from pac solid p'ese of true Porcelain, and sutstitutes a purceiaio for a instalic base. This pad was patented in the States May 2d, 1854, and in the following Detober in England and France. aa w.l! be seen by referring to the Patent Oft Reports. Theretore we eay, any one claiming to use a porcelaln base similar to cura, with the exception of I. W.

Burell Dr A. Wells, Dr. Philiirs and M. L. Wright in the south and wist, 18 either guilty of an Infringement or an If an infringement, tho will be dealt with as the law allows if An imposition let is cure itself.

Our Teeth were not entered at the late State Fair as as of Dentistry, fur reasons known and appreciated bi the State Board, and therefore the Diplomas are under the above head. M. L. WRIGHT (O No. 190 Lake Street, Cleveland, opposite the Marine Hospital.

TO THE PUBLIC, I have for the last year watched and examined with car. or Loomis' new mode of making and netting Artificial Teeth. The Teeth and Plate all being connected and of the same material. Having, as surgeon, been obliged to know much of all the previous modes of and setting teeth, I do not healtate to state that this invention of Dr. is far superior to any other plan, and that his Invention will soon be considered as one of the great professional improve menta of the age.

The statement is made after a long and care. ful investigation of the matter, and obuerving its practical utili. ty. Given at Cleveland Medical College, April 23d, 1855. H.

A. ACKLEY, M. Prof Surgery. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. I have amised quite a number of specimens of Dr.

M. Loomis' naprovement" In It consists of the entire set of teeth, together with gums and the roof of the meuth, being ouc solid piece of porcelain, the whole being beauti'ully enameled with their appropriate colors. The teeth are word with great comfort, there being no cavi. ties for the lodgement of par icles of food, as there must always be in the old method of gold plate setting, however well it may be executed. Among the many advantages are cheapness, durability, and cleanliness and utility in masticating food.

Dr. M. Loomis was, in 1848, it will be recollected, a student of Dr. Wrig and after laboring bard to bring his improve ment to perfection, obtaining letters patent both i1 this country and in Europe, remembered his old friend and preceptor, and gives him an opportunity to share with him in the West. T.

GARLICK, M. D. Cleveland. April 28. 1856.


NO. 16 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND. yd ORAIN ST. -Frame House and Lot, corner Loralu and Union St. Lot 36 he 18 Price 01000.

ALEX. GARREIT. A ma-14 j51 2w No. 60 Water Atreet. Hanging Rock Pig Iron.

125 tons Five BIG Mil: SAND FURNACE, 75 do Hambu do All Nc. 1 hot blast, afot foupdr- ired and for rale low, to save g. by HUBBY, HOGUES CO. mar 7 j40d4 TASES! AM NOW OF. faring a large stock China.

Bohemia, Terra Cotta, Painted Diar5 and Gass at Now LITTENDEN to cal: 29 2 uperior st. MISS SINGING J. NO C. and out GOINGS PIANO. For desires particulars Pupils in bi resh dace, No.9 HURON STREET.


THE Will attend to the purchase of gooda fur COUNTRY MERCHANTS. And give them the earliest information of the state of the For. eixn and Domestic Markets. Strict atte tion given to the purchase and male of Produce and Merchandise for the Northern, Eastern. Western and Sou.

thern Trade. Always on hand for the rale of Flour, Pork, Lard, Butter, Egga, Cheese, Gralu, Hopa Grocerias, Balt, Water Lume, Lique, Plaster, Fish, Ac. PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE Purchased at a small commission on orders for shipment to all portions of this and other countries. ('harves moderate. Refer to Business men and Bankers generally.

February 5. 120 lyd A ON AUCTION SALES. READY MADE CLOTHING. 100 Steam in the Lot; Rail or new. low Frut large ex- ex.

large AT C. MOLLEN, NO. 1 CITY BUILDING ON mercing at 10 SATURDAY o'clock A. next, cons March 21st, Chats. (0 Twerd Coa's, to Overcoate, 50 sting Sarinet of 50 Coats, Not Satand 1pet 60 Cas.

imere Ve to, Irish Libens, Tweeds, Sat. usts -5 READY MADE SHIRTS! Tailor' Trimmicgs of all kinds; These Goops must te gold without reserve. to close a cousigaLent. Terme, Ct ab, Bank able Funds, on day of sale. td AUCTION SALES.

J. P. MERCHANT, HILL, 16 AUCTION Seneca next to the COMMISSION Commercial and House, will is make prepared liberal to sell advances at on Auction, and I solicits consignments goods. He will sell Horses and Carriages, and attend to out door sales. that His patrons experience will lu do the well to business call on will warrant him in saying him.

Regular Sales Tues the days cash for them. Saturdays. Goods Bring will along be sold your at goods if you sale, want to ze on April commiasion. 11tb. J.

P. HILL, private wanted ly A nctioneer. SUNDRIES-200 Tons Pure Lehigh Coal. EASTERN WATER LIME. Warranted.

896 Eboice extra brands FLOUR. 250 HIGH WINES. 20 bush TIMOTHY SEED. 100 CLOVER SEED. are Also, prepared OATS, to dil CORN, orders DRY APPLES, BUTTER, We from store for Flour, Corn, Vata, dc delivered connectirg or with on the track, or at any points on the Rail Roads Cleveland.

Feb. 7, 1857. STANDART, HAM'LTON CU. 8mos 67 River Street toot St. Clair.

OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE or RENT. well One lizhted of those modern Brick Houses, containing 12 room: will board with wih the gar; terant, No. 156 Prospect Street. 'The ow er or -ill se'l cheap. if desired, in payment of the rent, Also, one zo0d PIANO FORTE.

For mar18 j08 particulars 1 enquire No, 9 south W. side L. FARM FOR SALE-31 Acres of Land sitwith uate st, in ry House Brooklyn township, miles from Clev- land, P'rice :,500, cneshird Farm Barn, good water, with i terest annually down, balance two equai payments and the said rom farm. date, secured by judgment bond meats Also as Houre above. and Lot in the Village of Brighton at 1600 pay.

Enquire M. BROOKE. of I. J. Lockwood, Brighton.

CHEAP Embroidered TABLES. -A large assortment at baif cast. Call and Curtain Muslins which we are cloalt out exrmined. marl3 H. D.

KENDALL 125 Superior St. Clairvoyant Healing Medium. MRS. PHYSICIAN M. E.

for the BECK, treatment of Diseases, CLAIRVOYANT will exam. ine patients resid Between the 190 LORAIN STREET, WEST SIDE, made for hours of and 12 A. M. A charge of $2,00 will be every the subsequent first examination and prescription, and $1,00 for Friday examination. On Mondav, Wednesday and distance can be examined examinations $1,00 Patienta residing at a by a lock hair, or promi.

aLt garment. or symptoms. neckand lace worn by the patient, particulars of loca ion of residence. For such examina ion $3,00. l'ayment invariably in advance.

A 4 mar13 j56 6m F. T. BECK. Cleveland, Ohio. Department of Public Works.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT In the cut at Long bith Point, rto exb Lake bited Erie. on board the vas el moored the channel the hog en wiil rot rep'ared. as available. 30 uch silted up as to be my ger By order. Department of Public Works, THOMAS Toronto, A.

Felruary 0. S.9). 125 3rd HISTORY Mr. OF Abbot's RICHARD Popular I. Biographical New Pr ce tO cute.

Serue.maril J. D. COMB CO. OF THE INVASION AND CAPTURE OF WASHINGTON. and cr wu'ch jar' 1 pre ded and followed, S.

Wi.i 1219 P'ric $1. COBB 1 PLATED GOODS OF ALL. KINDS Ladles, ac, at ns, ILanu'actur Trays, Cake maskels, Spoo: 8, Forks, Soup mard CRITTENDEN'S. 26 Superior St. BLEACHED COTTONS A LARGE AS.

POULTINT, SAWING. MORGAN AND ALL Mana VA kinds of Ornamental and Fancy Scroll works for acturore and done by Piano fel3-v Hew it's Steal. Power Block. HENRY MUELLER 0M. this BRUSHES -The largest Sto.kin Market for sa by HUTCHINSON PALMER.

VAUN'S ARCHITECTURE. VILLAS tiou in the Umted tages. States by a C. Vau, a prepared for cu with 3.0 mar B. COBE 0.

NOTICE IS he Iven HEREBY GIVEN 13 for of the ext te of liab. appoinied and qualidec de 1. St m.or. Cuv c'unty. are hiv.

de c.ared, al persons have a chums again Ante parent tu. with de tic. mage d. immed and all a erso a'ndebted to. ald are il au DAVI Ind-yen 8, March 6 1857 334 -81 To an Whom it may Concern.

NOTICE application IS will be HEREBY made to the GIVEN TR AN Ohio. in behalror Ww. Dickinson, who was corvet dit it.e County, February Ob'a, Term af of aLe the Court Common ad Coralegs tenced eria of Burrlary, and' urt stare aforerald, Md Term, in he to the of the will tor the term of three he or iert of be to procu the pardon of the said Ww. 1. n.

Cleveland. March 6, 1857. O.N ,.7130 BEACH. COMETHING NEW: GAS Green now House article for Sleeping Rooms, Nurseries, Vath Room Kroiling Stead and also Irating an excelleut tick for Baking In act, be Fiat Irons in warm weather. An found ouly at ma16 N.

E. GRITTENDEN, 59 Superior St. Stock VER of WARE. REC'D, a Large Silver Ware, embracing every variety of Silver Salad and Forks, Asparague l'itchera, p- ons. Goblets, Cupa Salts, Pepper Spuons, Also, Soup Lad ea Jelly Spoone, tiravy a Magnificent SOLID TEA SET, all war ranted pure as colo, at taro CRITTENDEN'S, 20 Superior St.

WOOD! E. W. ROBY. rods Co'umtus Street Bridge, and erected ma OPENED A WOOD YARD A FEW keep chivery on (apt hand cially aud a lapled to prepared the to business. furnish customers will in sutly quautities as they mar wish wth FIRE WOODE Of the best quality, either SAWED or Wood of all without descriptions will be kept constantiy ou baud, and orders Ailed delay.

.7 TEED. all The business ail be conducted by the sub: criber. to whom or left orders at should be addressed, either through the feb13 the vilice of Cue May, Bank Street. ('. L.

FITCH, Agent. AND AMERIJ BONNET CAN- A full assortment received thus day. RIBBONS Styli BLACK VELVET RIBBONS -All widths. worr12 125 Superior Street. 11.

D. 1 KENDALL SHIP PUMPS. To Builders and Owners of Steamers, Propellers Schooners and other Lake Craft. subscribers beg leave to call your atpreesly tention for to Vessel the use. Doable Action Force l'umpa arranged exreadily They are very elmple in construction, understood by all, compactly arranged, and not habie to yet out of order, and for cheap great durubillty and power, unsurpassed.

As fire engines they operate perfectly.PRICE Union Pump Works, 118 John N. Y. E. L. DAY, Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO.

where These orders Pumpa will may he be received seen in by operation at the Custom House, the Agent. Also Pumps for Wells and Cisterns, on the same principle. FOUND AT LAST! The Murderers of Dr. Burdell mystery has at levgth leen bU ved by the REMAINS A MYSTERY, BUT A introduction of a new invention, which a may be found at DO In the shape of Just A BEAUTIFUL tie STYLE OF SILK HAT, Introduced, with PATENT FLEXIBLE BAND, Combini the the with we beauty of the We lat, an ot ject ong di sired. and now would a call the aticution of the public to amination the above ar at N.

DOCKSTADER cO. feb27 j6 1'n No. la supertor de Sheet Advice to Husbands and Wives. A LSO TO THOSE C'olored Steel Pla CONTEMPLATING c6 30 Plain Plates Cents, tire of postage. This work aius a dices on the of Mar rage.

celibacy. Instructiona in Courting, with a cure tor love, (f Cohn: it tion, cause of so rility of furly. with many other useful instruc. -1. Old the Freuch Jean Dubois.

HENRY S. G. SMITH CO. Box 4210 Port Odice, A ew Yo AGENTS WANTED. Ja27 Fresh Tomatoes.

APLIN KEFP ON HAND their -vason and ical'y Scald Cans ar a ces put up reso in thei or val They are the ni. ofile. eason. feb2 dtf Valuable country Seat for Sale. un'es nom t.

Court House, on the K'n n. all Road. Jot below the v. Rall-cad 11.3 13 a gieu in.d cement 1'1 thing property.

do 'There de 17 111 the Cu, and avoid he tr xes in City aer. of ani 're selec ton tear ax Fri 'Ir 8'rabl 13 at rain. Ter. a asy', D-. 3 to property taken in part payinent.

Apply on the pa rui 1v P. W. TYLER. US old fashioned hid Jut veceived at BECKWIH'S Car: ot aid Houre Furni-eing St No. YEARS CREDIT- The large Brick Hote.

l-l the 'S illman 1 1 wi.l now be 8 Al amount in bald or Fee red valance go en a ALEX. 4 01 5 Water Strent. 2.25 Pra'rie PAR Lards in Franklin County, Acres good 1:1 few days a- above. ALEX. GARRETT.

mar 16 Jr9d2w 60 ater Street. Steel, Skirt Hoops. THIS NEW STYLE of HOOPS is highly spoken of by Eastern papers on accouut of their durabin. elasticity and lightness, and are cure to take the la cf Keens Ladies and wishing whale one. to secure a few setts, will do veil to bend them as the sale of them will be Very great and the Stock nimited.

mar 16 REITBERG HAU-MANN. REEDS FOR D. KENDALL this day. thar15 1:3 R. JENNINGS, below Bank, VETERINARY Cleveland, Ohio.

SURG'N, Sick and Lame llorees treated on strictly Eciestids Principles. Feb. 17. 163 lyd BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE hrubbery and Situated dowers on in abundance. Price leas by 3,000 than 2 ears av0 ALEX.

GARRETT, Agt. feb 27 j8d1m 60 Water Sue. b..

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

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Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.