The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)

per 2 STATE SCHOOLS ARE DEFENDED Cut Other Expenses First Is Plea of J. A. Richmond TOUCHES ON SALARIES More Poorly Paid Than Other Employes' lapping functions. "Not Too Many" FRANKFORT, May James A. Richmond, state superintendent of public institutions, speakyesterday before the members the Frankfort Rotary Club, intimated that the other state exshould be reduced before penses the schools are touched.

average salary of state emin administrative work in ployes United States is $1518; in Kentucky it is $2210 a year," Richmond said. "The Kentucky average salary educators is only $1280. Leaving out the superintendents, who are better paid, the average for teachis $1000 a year, and the average rural teacher, the ones who teach three-fourths of our children, receive only a little more than $700 year. Stand Third Only two states pay higher than Kentucky for ordinary employes, and we stand third from the bottom paying our teachers," Richmond summarized. The state' superintendent said he spoke because "there has been a lot' talk not only in Kentucky but thruout the nation that education is costing too much.

That is a serious charge." "I admit," Richmond said, "that education is costing a great deal more now than it did a quarter of century ago. day asked me amnes explain the "A came to the other friends fact that his school taxes were nine cents then, and they are 50 cents now. Due to Demands increase is due primarily to increased demands by the public, created our public school system and who now support it." "I asked this person what the length of the school term used to be and he agreed that the term now is two or three times as long. We have better teachers, not as good always as we should like them to be. We have better buildings, but they are not always in keeping with our needs.

The school population has doubled, altho the census of the state has not. We have many high schools now where we had only a few formerly. "A days ago the statement was made that education was largely responsible for the public debt of the state. I challenged that statement. But, even if it were true, for the sake of argument, for what better purpose could the state go in debt? "Go Into Debt" "Children go into debt to get an education.

Parents go into debt to it to them. "Kentucky is 42d among the 48 states in average expenditures for school child attendance. It 44th per school census child. It is 42d in payment teachers. It is 44th support of school costs other than teachers.

national average annual expenditure per school child attendance is $109.40. Kentucky spends less than half of that, averaging $53.15. Only seven states spend less on the average per child than Kentucky. Thirty-one of the states spend more than $100 a year per child. "The charge is made that our university costs too much, that we pay the professors too well.

The average salary of University of Kentucky teachers is $382 a year less than the average of all land grant colleges in the United States. Figures Identical "Wealth has nothing to do with this. Our state and local school taxes in 1922, the last year for which we have any figures, were 1.74 per cent of the wealth of the state, and this figure was identical with the average thruout the United States. "The school people of Kentucky," Richmond continued, "are entitled to defend themselves against unfair and often misguided statements this character. is less waste and more service for the dollar invested public schools than in other agency of our state government.

There is no graft in There is some ne waste, due to over- "We do have too many trained teachers. trouble that we not, have too many low grade certificates in Kentucky. That is due to our certification laws, which are among the lowest in the nation. We will see that condition cleared up until the Legislature gets down to the fundamental position that the schools are for children and not for the teachers. "Until then, many of these teachers will go to their local trustees, which are their uncles or in-laws, and for other considerations which are patent and inflict themselves en the school children of Kentucky.

"The government of Kentucky has not been educationally conscious. We look upon our schools too often as a political agency. We even want to put partisan politics in our schools, which is unwarranted and vicious. "Until our schools become professional, we will not make the progress we deserve. Our schools must be kept inviolate.

They are responsible for the destiny of this state." PUPILS ARE HONORED Scholarships Awarded Students of Blessed Sacrament School Two pupils of Blessed Sacrament School, South Ft. Mitchell. were awarded honors in the scholarship examinations held at Villa Madonna Academy May 21. The four scholarship was awarded to Bresser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Bresser, Virginia-av, South Ft. Mitchell. Ruth Fedders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Fedders, Altavia-av, won the one-year scholarship.

YOUTH HELD IN SLAYING MOREHEAD, May Pierce, 22, was in Rowan-co jail here today on a murder charge growing out of the shooting of William Click. 47. Click was killed at Three Licks. A knife was found near his body. Pierce, arrested on suspicion at first denied connection with the shooting, but later, according to officers, confessed and contended he fired in self-defense.

VACANT HOUSE ENTERED Newport police discovered Thursday, Fifth-st, that a belonging vacant to house Mrs. at 504 Dixie W. Reynolds, Ft. Mitchell, had been entered. Bath fixtures had been moved around from their regular places, police learned, Vociety FT.

THOMAS and Mrs. I. B. Stafford entertained with dinner party and an evening of contract bridge at their home in Rosemont and their guests included Mr. and Mrs.

John Eyer, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evans and Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. D. Wheat. Mrs Ben Phister was hostess of a 1 o'clock luncheon, Tuesday at her home on Lockwood-pl and S. Ft.

Thomas-av for the following members of her contract bridge club: Mrs. J. C. Johnson, Mrs. A.

A. Liggett, Mrs. Howard Hess, Mrs. Willian Thompson, Mrs. A.

E. Hart, Mrs. Elmont Bankhardt and Mrs. Lee Ross. Mr.

and Mrs. L. H. Wilson of Rossmore and S. Ft.

Thomas avehave as their guest their son, Carlisle Wilson, and Mrs. Wilson and family of Kansas City. The Ft. Thomas Men's Club has a taken over the Hiland Theater for Thursday and Friday evenings, May 26 and 27. The feature picture will be Richard Barthelmess in "Alias the Doctor." Pupils of the Jewell Fieger Dancing School will present specialty numbers during the intermission between shows.

Those participating in the program will be Misses Martha and Eusan Hart, Marlyn Reeder and Wanda Velkey. The Woman's Guild of the St. Andrews Epicopal Church will serve the regular monthly dinner Thursday from 5:30 until 7:30 p. m. in the dining room of the church, Chalfant-pl.

and S. Ft. Thomas-av. The committee, which is headed by Mrs. Wolfe and Mrs.

Jack Tibbatts, announces that it will be prepared to serve a large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterson, for the past year, have returned who have been residing in Dayton, to Ft. Thomas and have taken an attractive apartment in the Eleanor on S.

Ft. Thomas-av. The Fann Circle of the First Baptist Church met Wednesday afternoon at home of Mrs. I. Stafford in Rosemont.

Mrs. Will E. James, chairman, presided over the meeting. Among those attending were: Mrs. Jack Evans, Mrs.

W. E. James, Mrs. Oliver Hunter, Mrs. Charles Amburn, Mrs.

Joseph Hichenbothem, Mrs. Sam Frank, Mrs. Everett H. Lively, Mrs. Hewins, Mrs.

Charles Schriver and Mrs. Calvin Weakley. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 5, at the home of Mrs. Hively with Mrs. Hewins as the assisting hostess.

Miss Harriet Campbell, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Will B. Campbell of N. Ft.

Thomas-av, arrived home Wednesday from her studies at Georgia Wesleyan, Atlanta, Ga. LUDLOW Mr. S. D. Webster passed a pleasant visit recently with his daughter, Mrs.

Harry Davis, and granddaughter, Vivian, of Highway-av. Miss Agnes Woeste, bride-elect of Mr. Anthony Molique of Covington, was the guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower given recently by her sister, Miss Marie Woeste, at her home on W. Oak-st. The following guests enjoyed the affair: Misses Marie and Lillian Molique, Rose, Ann and Charlotte Molique, Erma Becker, Angela Welps, Marion Walters, Vera Lockhorn, Rose Niehaus, Marie Woeste, Dorothy nd Lynette Schwartz, Veronica and Marie Hubbert, Gertrude and Loretta Ossenbeck, Mary Schlaper, Jean and Gertrude Veeneman, Viola Martin, Catharine Holfsen, Florence Williams, Kathryn Morrisey, Nellie and Lorena Hayden, Marie Schumacher, Ida Walters, Messrs.

Anthony Molique, George Schulte, Charles Donovan, Paul Meiering, Ralph Moore, Ed Gregory, Paul Schunder of Cleveland, Charles and Frank Hellman, Andrew Veeneman, Ferd and John W. Rolfsen, Ed Stephens, Joseph Rolfsen, Jim Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woeste Mr. and Mrs.

A. Molique Mr. and Mrs. Earl Banks, Mr. and Mrs.

Ben Woeste and children, Dolores, Virginia and Loraine, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woeste Jr. and children, Arthur and Donald, Mr. and Mrs.

R. C. Walz and daughter, Pauline, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert and the honoree.

NEWPORT Eureka Lodge Knights of Pythias sponsor a euchre, 500, and novlotto at the K. of P. Hall, 709 Overton-st. Mrs. Della Solomon is general chairman of arrangements the affair.

Mrs. Leslie Collins entertained at home with a stag party and shower in honor of Mr. William Braun, whose marriage to Miss Catherine Collins was announced recently. A midnight supper was served the following young guests: Messrs. Harold Yeager, Herbert Walz, Joe Mayar, Carl Braun, Victor Boyd, Harry Meier, Edward Meier, Bobby Collins, David Young, George Young, George Collins Charles Schroeder, Donald Lawo, H.

Stempel, Ralph Habink and Harry Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Braun parents of the host, and Mr. and Mrs.

George Collins, parents of the recent bride, assisted in extending courtesies. Misses Louella Thompson and Sudie Harris entertained recently with a surprise shower in honor Miss Lillian Alexander of Newport, bride-elect of Mr. James Ritchie Bridgeport, Conn. The evening was whiled away with bridge, after which the honoree was presented numerous lovely gifts and dainty refreshments were served. Enjoying this pre-nuptial affair were: Miss Katherine Boltz, Miss Evalyn Greisenkamp, Miss Mamie Richardson, Miss Mary Tobin, Miss Mary Jackson, Miss Margaret Estes, Miss Pluma Cobb, Miss Dorothy Philips, Miss Jeanette Owens, Miss Catharine Fitzsimmons, Miss Julia Burns, Miss Lenita Litzendorff, Miss Florence Eckert, Mrs.

Horace Pike, Mrs. Charles O. Harrison and Miss Alexander. The couple are planning to some time in late June, no definite date being set for the ceremony. The bride-to-be is a member the faculty of the Arnold Street School, Newport.

The Cincinnati Graded Union Elementary Sunday School teach- will have the annual spring party a Tuesday. All Cincinnati members are to meet in the Dixie Terminal at 9:45 a. m. and go in a to the home of Mrs. Florence Hugle, 832 Central-av, Newport, where they will assemble at 10:30 m.

Mrs. Elsie Schwed, worthy matron, and Mrs. William Busam, worthy patron, presided over the regular meeting of the Gertrude Chapter O. E. S.

the first part of week. Following the business session, the sketch, "The Breach Promise Suit," was presented by Men's Club of the Walnut Hills Chapter. The Ladies' Aid Society of the St. Paul Evangelical Church will serve p. m.

at the church, 24 E. Eighth supper Thursday A from 4:30 until street. The following committee is in charge of arrangements for the affair: Mrs. Viola Knobloch, Mrs. Alma Greenholz, Mrs.

Florence Fausz, Mrs. Minnie Fausz, Mrs. Anna Foederer, Mrs. A. Feistner, Mrs.

Al C. Guenther, Mrs. Katherine Greenholz, Mrs. Sophia GauMrs. Margaret Goodfriend, Mrs.

Mary Geyer, Mrs. Mary Grimes, Mrs. Emma Glier, Mrs. Emma Glass, Mrs. May Godwin, Mrs.

Emma Hotz, Mrs. Winnie Hansjuergen, Mrs. Charles G. Hoffman, Mrs. Idella Henley, Mrs.

F. Hanseman, Mrs. William J. Harker, Mrs. Anna Horacker, Mrs.

Emma Hosking, Mrs. Sue Huber, Mrs. Lillian Huber, Mrs. Elizabeth Huber, Mrs. Henry Immegart, Andrew Jibb, Mrs.

John Kohlar, Mrs. A. Klump. Repular weekly card party of St. Cecilia Auxiliary will be held Friday night at 315 Washington-av.

Games of euchre, novelty, lotto and will be played. There will be door prize. The committee in charge consists of Mrs. J. White.

Mrs. Margaret Delmont and Miss Johanna White. All classes at the Cote Brilliante School were called assembly period Wednesday afternoon for the flag presentation exercises conductat that time by the Keturah Moss Taylor Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Newport, with Mrs. Arch B. Furnish, regent, in general charge.

The presentation speech was givby Mrs. Robert Rowe, custodian flags for the chapter, and the acceptance by a pupil of the school, Gayle Marz, The salute to the flag and patriotic songs completed this bicentennial program. Mrs. Robert Sutton, Mrs. J.

Hicks and Mrs. Thomas Carothers comprised the Committee on Arrangements. A musical and miscellaneous program sponsored by Newport Mothersingers and the Newport High School Band and Orchestra, under the direction of Mrs. Winston Mills and Professor A. Scholl, will be presented Thursday p.

m. in the Newport High School auditorium. In addition to the band and orchestra, mothersingers, schools of Newport will participate in the rendition of the following program: Newport High School and, march, "Men of Ohio," Henry Fillmore: Senora, "Spanish Waltz," Joseph Nathan: welcome, Professor A. Owens; Boys' Glee Club, Miss Emma G. Fennell, director, "How Do You Do," "I Love a Parade," "The Tree in the Wood," "The Father of the Land We Love," "Good Night Ladies." Miss Dorothy Eppstein of dance, Fourth-st after School will do a specialty which the Ninth-: School will sing "Captain KiddThat's Me." A specialty dance number Naomi and Bonnie Scheer will followed by numbers by the Girls' Glee Club, "George Washington," "Kentucky and "Mother." Frank Smith will play a harmonica solo and the Arnold School will stage a program, directed by a Miss Sudie Harris, with Miss Mary Tobin as accompanist.

The York Street School is to stage a minstrel show, with Franklin Grossheim as interlocutor, Miss Marion Parsons, coach, and Miss Bessie Rudd accompanist. Other numbers include: Guitar solo, Ralph Prince; tap dance, Billie Jones; Glee Club, "Welcome, Sweet Springtime" (Rubenstein), "Funny, Isn't It?" (Emma Leota Wright); high school orchestra, "Opera Gems" (Mackie-Beyer), "In a Persian Market," intermezzo scene (Albert Ketelby); sketch, "The Doll national Dairy Council of Cincinnati, directed by Miss Iola Dunn and Miss Helen Rose, Cote Brilliant School; Park Avenue School, Bicentennial Revue, with Mrs. Walter Heim, accompanist; Newport Mothersingers, "Invitation of the Bells, Chimes of Normandy (Planquette), "Come Where the Lilies Bloom" (Thompson); selection, finale, Newport High School Band, "MarchNoble Men," Henry Fillmore. A concert will be given on the lawn of the high school by the Park Avenue Drum and Bugle Corps from 7 until 8 p. m.

The boys are sponsored by the Park Avenue A. and Miss Dora Cumming, and directed by Mr. Ed Beck of the COVINGTON Miss Lula Rusk of the Dixie Highway entertained with a dinnerbridge at her home Tuesday in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clore, Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Stewart, Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Rusk, Horace Rosebloom and Miss Mary Garvey. LOANS TO Interest Rates Approved 30 88 Cents Cost Only do not in advance interest on Plan. HEmlock 2458 FAMILY FINANCE CORP. CA Kentucky Institution ADAMS BLDG. 5TH MADISON COVINGTON VONDERHAAR STETTER FUNERAL DIRECTORS Not the Best Because the Biggest But the Biggest Because the Best ALEXANDRIA, ALEXANDRIA 97 DAYTON, NEWPORT, South 2642.

South 5795 EXPLAINS IDEA BEHIND RELIEF C. F. Welsh Speaks to Newport Rotary Club Work done thruout 'the winter and spring by the Campbell-co Relief was outlined by C. F. Welsh, director, Wednesday at a meeting of the Newport Rotary Club.

Welsh was introduced by Lucien Minor, program chairman. "The prime function of emergency relief," Welsh stated, "is to provide food, clothing and shelter, but there are other fundamental problems. It is necessary to give some consideration to the preservation of morale. We believe we have achieved splendid results in both forms of relief. "In the past week 660 families have been provided with food and 60 extra baskets of food were donated in special relief; 325 loaves of bread were donated; 61 milk tickets distributed; 84 families were given clothing, and 43 pairs of used shoes and 10 pairs of new footwear were given to needy boys and girls.

Eight temporary jobs were secured and one permanent position given thru the employment division. Twenty men were employed on county roads for four days," the speaker pointed out. A report on the state Rotary conference held recently at Middlesboro was given by June Thompson. The annual "back-to-school" program of the Rotarians will be held next week at the Newport High School, it was announced by Howard J. Little.

Boys from both Protestant and Catholic high schools will attend. CINCINNATIAN IS HELD ON ROBBERY CHARGES Had Articles Stolen From Erlanger Home, Police Allege James Tindle, alias Fred Williams, Cincinnati, was bound over to the grand jury on two charges of robbery Wednesday by Judge John B. Read in Kenton County Court. Bond was set at $2000 on each charge. He was arrested two weeks ago on Third-st, Covington.

Police charge he had articles in his possession believed to have been stolen from the home of Hully Hahn, Erlanger. He also is suspected of having participated in the attempted robbery of the home of Paul Childs, Erlanger. Lee Johnson, also of Cincinnati. arrested with Tindle, is being held in Covington jail on a city charge. FORESTERS MAKING PLANS FOR OUTING Annual Picnic of Group To Be Staged July 9 at Coney Island Arrangements are being completed for the annual Foresters' picnic to be held July 9 at Coney Island.

Henry J. Kruse has been elected general chairman of the Outing Committee. Kruse has appointed the following committees: Albert Hoff, publicity; Paul Meyer, Chester Fenker and Steve and Albert Hoff and Edgar Gramer, athletics. next meeting of the Foresters will be held Wednesday at 8 p. m.

at the Immaculate Conception Hall, Fifth-st and Central-av, Newport. ARRIVAL POSTPONED Naval Training Ship Is Held Up By Chicago Canal Dredging Mayor Joseph F. Pieper, Covington, received notice Thursday that dedication plans for the naval training boat which were to held in Cincinnati June 5 have been postponed until June 26. The delay was occasioned, it was stated, by the incomplete dredge operations in the Chicago drainage canal thru which the vessel will pass en route here from the Atlantic coast. The boat can make 50 miles a day, it was reported.

REALTY TO BE IMPROVED The Kenton Realty Co. is spending $6000 to improve four of its dwellings located at 432, 434, 438 and 440 Greenup-st, Covington, according to a permit granted Thursday to Herman Hitch, manager of the company, by Abner E. Foster, building inspector. Mrs. Evelyn Maxwell who underwent a major operation at the Booth Memorial Hospital has returned to the home of her grandmother, Mrs.

Anna Quisenberry, Latonia. MAY 26, 1932. CONTINUED From PAGE ELKS FROM THRUOUT STATE ARRIVE HERE colonial costumes. Prizes will! be awarded the largest delegation marching, and also the best decorated auto and float depicting Washington's era. The parade will start at 6:30 p.

m. The formation and line of march is as follows: First Division: Police, grand marshal and aides, drum and bugle corps and firing squad of James Wallace Costigan Post of the American Legion, Newport; Legion members, Albert W. Boers Post, Bellevue and Dayton; Ladies' Auxiliary, city and county officials. This division will form on -st, between Second and Fourth streets. Other Lodges Join Second Division: Ashland Elks' Band, out-of-town delegates, Newport, Bellevue and Dayton Aeries of Eagles, Knights of Pythias of Campbell-co.

Division will form on Columbia-st, between Fourth and Fifth streets. THIRD DIVISION: Band, Newport Commandry No. 13, Knights Templars, Campbell-co Masonic bodies, Loyal Order of Moose and auxiliaries. Division forms on east side of Columbia-st, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Fourth Division: Robert E.

Corps Bentley Spanish of Post American Cincinnati, War campo Bugle Veterans, ladies auxiliary, G. A. and Confederate Veterans, all Odd Fellow organizations in Campbell-co. Division forms on west side of Columbia-st, between Fifth and Sixth streets. High School Band in School Fifth Band, Division: Newport High School High Newport boys and girls, Order of Foresters, Knights of St.

John and auxiliary, Newport Knights of Columbus, Newport mail carriers and clerks. Division forms on north side of Sixth-st, between Columbia and York streets. Sixth Division: Junior Order Band, all Junior Order Lodges of Campbell-co, Daughters of America lodges in Campbell-co. Division forms on south side of Sixth-st between Columbia and York streets. Seventh Division: Schild's Band, Covington Elks, Covington Moose, Covington Eagles.

Division forms on Fourth-st, between Columbia and Central avenues. Eighth Division: Gasdorf's Band, Newport and Cincinnati Elks, Boy and Girl Scouts, Hoop-De-Doo Social Club, Baby Milk Fund Association. Division forms on Court-pl, between York and Columbia streets. Ninth Division: Park Avenue School Drum and Bugle Corps, Newport school children, ParentTeacher Associations. Division meets on Monmouth-st side of Fourth Street School yard.

Tenth Division: Bellevue High School Band, school children of Bellevue, Dayton, Clifton, Southgate and Woodlawn. Division forms on Monmouth-st, between Second and Fourth streets. The line of march will be from Fourth and York streets, east to Overton-st, south on Overton to Seventh, west on Seventh, to Washington, south on Washington to 10th, west on 10th to Monmouth, north on Monmouth to Third, west on Third to York, south on York to Eighth, west on Eighth to Centralav, south on Central-av to 10th, west on 10th to Brighton-st, where parade will disband and go to GOHI Ball Park for wrestling bouts. RETIRED FARMER DIES Frank Campbell-co, Steffen, Ill Lifelong Four Resident Months of Frank Steffen, 64, retired farmer and lifelong resident of Campbellco, died Wednesday at his home, Steffen-rd, Alexandria, following an illness of four months. Besides his widow, Mrs.

Flora Steffen, he is survived by six sons, Victor, Frank John, Albert, Andrew and Herman; five daughters, Mrs. A. L. Wolfzorn, Mrs. Chester Gray, Mrs.

Robert Steffen, Mrs. Albert Keller and Mrs. George Jenner, and 10 grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 9 a. m.

at the home, followed by requiem high mass at St. Mary's Church, Alexandria, at 9:30 a. m. Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery, Alexandria.

RECOVER STOLEN AUTO Newport police recovered a car Thursday that had been stolen Wednesday night from Clifford Reekers, Sixth-av, Dantonor The car was found at the Sixth-st and Central-av, Newport. A tire and a wheel had been remover, police said. Strawberries and Summe Ratermann's UnCAN Are Delicious! Get your fill NOW. We have the SINGLE CREAM, 3 DOUBLE CREAM or the DOUBLE CREAM already WHIPPED! For Health and Economy Use More Dairy Products. "umme atermann: Latonia Springs Dairy HEmlock 0520 or 3852 Deliveries All Over Northern Kentucky Bigger Savings in Sets! Lifetime Guaranteed GOODYEAR Full NEW Supertwist LOW SPEEDWAY Cord CASH PRICES! PRICES Tires Oversize Price Each in of Each Pairs Tube 29x4.40-21.

$3.95 $3.83 .91 29x4.50-20. 4.30 4.17 .91 30x4.50-21. 4.37 4.23 .91 28x4.75-19 5.12 4.97 .94 29x4.75-20. 5.20 5.04 .91 29x5.00-19 5.39 5.23 1.00 TRADE 30x5.00-20 5.45 5.29 1.14 31x5.00-21 5.56 1.16 IN 28x5.25-18 6.15 5.97 1.02 old 31x5.25-21 6.63 6.43 1.16 your Reg. Cl.

3.57 3.46 .86 tires for new Expertly Mounted Free 1932 Seiler Motor Car Co. Goodycar 1324 and 1205 Madison. HE. 3734-7992. Tune in WSAI Goodyear Radio Weathers Program Wednesday, 8 P.

M. GUARD ALLEGED GIRL MOLESTER Mob Violence Averted as Prisoner Is Removed Special to The Kentucky Post. OWINGSVILLE, May Feeling was running high here today as citizens of the eastern section of Bath-co gathered about the courthouse and the jail in a a threat a a to lynch Herbert Spencer, 30, of Ratliff, Menifee-co, charged with criminal attack. The possibility of Spencer's hanging by an angry mob narrowly was averted Wednesday night when local officials, removed him under heavy guard to the Fayette-co jail at Lexington. The man will be held there until the unrest is ended.

Spencer was so afraid of the crowd that he asked the officials not to take him before Judge Clyde Alexander in the County waived Court for ination from his cell in the jail and examining trial. He examwas held pending the October term of the grand jury. Spencer is charged in a warrant with criminally attacking Miss Lola Thomas, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.

W. Thomas, Licking Union, last Thursday. COOL THEATER Air Conditioning System Is Installed at Hippodrome The Hippodrome Theater, Newport, has completed installation of an air conditioning system, it was announced Thursday. The conditioned air is brought into the theater at various points, thereby not producing a chilling effect. The entire operation is automatically regulated by electric control.

Air conditioning has become one of the most important factors in modern motion picture houses, it is claimed. TRIAL IS CONTINUED Man Charged With Failure to Stop After Accident in Boy's Death Charges of failing to stop after an accident against Isaac Moremond, 379 Tower Hill-rd, Ft. Thomas, were continued one week Wednesday night by Judge John E. Smith in Ft. Thomas Police Court.

Moremond's car, it is charged, is the one which struck and killed Russell "Sunny" McHugh, 4, of 37 Sterling-av, Ft. Thomas, as the boy was attening cross the street near his home last Sunday. SENTENCE IS COMMUTED FRANKFORT, May sentence of George Watkins 20. convicted in Christian Circuit Court of wilful murder, was commuted yesterday by Governor Ruby Laffoon. He was sentenced to from seven years to life.

CARD PARTY TO BE GIVEN A card party will be given Friday at 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. at Notre Academy, W.

Fifth-st, Covington, under auspices of the Old Faithful Club of St. Joseph Heights. Frank Gillespie will have charge of the affair. Euchre, lotto and 500 will be played. LADIES TO HOLD RITES The Ladies' Aid Society of St.

Mark Evangelical Church, 38th-st and Park-av, Latonia, will meet Thursday at 7:45 p. m. at Ashland and Southern avenues, Latonia, and proceed in a body to the home of Mrs. Henry C. Brand, 2827 Ashlandav, who died Monday.

Services will be held at 8 p. m. Make Sure It's Not Your Eyes Neglected vision causes many ills and unhappiness. Have your eyes tested by our Expert Optometrist. Lenses compounded quickly and accurately.

MOTCH 613-615 Madison Ave. Jeweler and Optician 75 Years in Covington Jos. B. Schnippering, Optometrist READ THE Classified Columns OF THE Kentucky Post DAILY AND SUNDAY Your name and automobile license number appearing in the Classitied Columns entitles you to a COURTESY CAR WASH SEILER CAR MOTOR CO. 1205-11 and 1324-34 Madison.

Good Until Used HUGENBERG GLINDMEYER F. Hugenberg. E. Niemeyer. B.

Glindmeyer FUNERAL HOME 40-42-44 W. SIXTH ST. HEmlock 0292. Funeral Directors Allison Rose FUNERAL DIRECTORS Home-Seventh and Scott Blvd. HEmlock 0141-0146 JOHN W.

CHARLES G. John N. Middendorf Sons MODERN FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE 917 Main St. HEmlock 1718. 2 Death Notices BRAND- Julia (nee Gildehaus).

beloved of Henry G. Brand. Tuesday, May 24. 1932. at her home.

2827 Ashlandav. Covington. age 68 years. Funeral services Friday. May Evangelical 27.

2:30 p. from St. Marks Church. Latonia. Interment in Highland Cemetery.

DICKHAUT- -Olive Lee (Hee Jones) beloved wife of William W. Dickhaut, Tuesday. May 24. at her home, 1904 Scott-st. Covington, age 67 years.

Funeral services Friday, May 27. at 2 D. at the residence. Interment Highland Cemetery. GRAY--Sadie (nee Hildebrand), beloved wife James R.

Gray, Wednesday, May' 25. 1032. residence 520 Elm-st, Newport. Funeral Friday. May 27, from residence.

with requiem high mass at Immaculate Conception Church at 9 a. m. Interment St. Stephens Cemetery. REIDLING- William formerly of Covington.

Wednesday. May 25. at Dayton, 0.. beloved husband of Edith Reidling. Services from residence, 324 S.

Broadway. STEFFEN- beloved husband of Flora Steffen (nee Schulty), Wednesday, May 25, aged 64 years. Funeral May 28, from residence. Steffen-rd, Alexandria, Ky. Requiem high mass at St.

Marys Church at 9:30 a. m. GEORGE B. J. Linnemann Sons FUNERAL HOME 25 East Eleventh-st.

HEmlock 0557. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 8 Lost and Found BEAGLE HOUND--Black and brown, in Ft. Thomas: anwers to name Mickey; child's pet. G. R.

Trimbur, 17 Rossmore-av. Ft. Thomas: reward. 9 Notices A BIG REVUE -Covington Library, May 28. Olive Vail.

SOuth 3440. BENEFIT novelty lotto. euchre. 500: for elderly lady, Heidel Hall, May 27, afternoon and evening. Mrs.

Witte. CHICKEN DINNERS--By appointment: we cater to clubs: $1 plate. Latonia Springs Camp. Madison-pike. HE.

3253W EUCHRE, LOTTO AND 500-Given by Jubilee Bros, at Heidel's Hall. 21st and Russell. Thursday. May 26. 8 p.

door gift. Tickets 25c. LOTTO--At Heeg's Hall, Friday, May 27: evening only: 5c card. LOTTO HALL--For rent. Call South 3720R.

NOVELTY lotto Thursday, May 26, evening only. Ninth and Saratoga; special every 10 games: tallies 25c; door gift. Lil Schmitz. NOVELTY LOTTO--For benefit of unemployed family; May 27, 3508 Decourseyav. afternoon and evening; special gift $5.

Mrs. Wright. 10c NOVELTY LOTTO- Friday. Newport: May 27. 8:15, at 11th and Central, door gifts and special.

Mrs. Lucas, Mrs, De Voto. 10e NOVELTY LOTTO-11th and Central, Newport. Saturday, May 28. evening only.

6 door gifts, one special. Ida Chalfont. 10c NOVELTY LOTTO- Friday May 27. 1030 Washington-av: evening only; door gifts. Henrietta Hodges.

10c NOVELTY LOTTO--Ninth and Saratoga: Friday evening, May 27: 4 door gifts. Mrs. Stricker. 10 Business Services SPECIAL LOW PRICES On wallpaper and labor. Expert workmanship.

Let us in give an estimate Samples shown home. J. H. MOORE 312 PIKE STREET. Store, HE.

4775. Dixie 7566 WALL PAPER, 1c to 25c NO HIGHER Discounton Hanging F. H. STROTMAN Banklick. HEmlock 1716.

1213 Write for Sample Book. wall papers and firetclass ARTISTIC workmanship at reasonable prices. F. MOORE JR. HEmlock 0668.

ROOM papered 2 or more $3. A HEmlock 4944J. FENDER--Paper hanging, 7305. painting; A. prices reasonable HEmlock AND CLEANING-WALLPAPER.

HEmlock PAINT 6456. WINDOWS. PAPER HANGING- -Papers furnished aud hung. $4.75 room complete. DIxie 7324.

Very reasonable: firstclass work: samples shown. HE. 7410. PAPERHANGINGPAPER $3 room; samples shown. HE.

4479J. HANGING: firstelass; guaranteed; RADIO REPAIRING--Tube testing 5877J. at your home free. HEmlock 6636M. WALL PAPER hanging: all work 4859J.

guaranteed. R. Landrum, HEmlock WINDOW SCREENS MADE TO ORDER. 52 each. HEmlock 3086J.

19 Situa'ns Wanted, Female HOUSEWORK--By week best or of day. by references. middle-aged widow with Address S-8. care Kentucky Post. 20 Wanted to Rent 4-ROOM BUNGALOW- Rosedale Garage: by preferred.

two adults; Latonia or HEmlock 6187. 21 Rooms and Board ROOM AND BOARD Private family; all conveniences, W. 18th. HE. 59847.

22 Furnished Rooms COVINGTON-9 nice rent; furnished rooms: bath. electric; cheap adults preferred. 12 West 15th-st. COVINGTON-3 rooms and radio furnished cheap. first 191 East 8th.

HEmlock 4617J. COVINGTON- Very desirable housekeeping rooms. HEmlock 2139M. COVINGTON-1045 Madison: bath. HE.

1526W. light housekeeping: private COVINGTON Modern room, tile bath: good location: private family. HE. 4052R COVINGTON -Newly furnished HE. 7614J.

room; conveniences; reasonable. COVINGTON-9 rooms light housekeepinz: $5 week. 429 Russell. COVINFION-108 East 8th: nice modern sleeping room; $3.50 COVINGTON-2 rooms. first or second floor.

610 Sanford, HEmlock 0061J. COVINGTON-Larce light sleeping, rooms: 3640J private family: good logation. LATONIA rooms, nicely furnished: very chean. HEmlock 1425. LATONIA- lovely clean.

modern 31481. housekeeping: $6 week. HEmlock 23 Unfurnished Rooms COVINGTON-416 W. 11th; 2 rooms: gas. electrie.

water: $11. COVINGTON-3-room modera flat: 528 Russell. $15. SOuth 2797M. COVINGTON- large rooms; upper: prirate bath: $14.

1817 Garrard. COVINGTON- rooms: second floor; modern. 226 E. 12th. Adults.

unfurnished rooms; modNEWPORT-9 ern: adults. 511 E. Seventh-st. 24 Apartments, Unturnish'd BEAUTIFUL 4-room upper. Northeast cor20th and Denver-st.

HEmlock 4575. crew BELLEVUE-: large rooms. cupboard. laundry: S16. SOuth 148KM furnace.

CLIFTON-14: 15th-st: 2 rooms. kitchenet: strictly modern: reasonable. COVINGTON- East 20th: 3 large rooms. second floor: modern: uewly papered: 520. HEmlock 0520.

for COVINGTON-3 light rooms. electric $14. E. corner Emma and Bakewell. Inquire in grocery.

East 10th. 322 West Robbins: 3 rooms each: cheap. with moving allowance. SOuth 5298M. Loan 13 Money to Loan 13 Money to PERSONAL LOANS confidential service.

No security or endorsem*nt required. Quick, KENTUCKY FINANCING CO. COVINGTON, KY. 417 MADISON AVE. CASH Quick, confidential service.

Steady employment. No endorsem*nts. No mortgages. See us NOW! Employees Finance Co. 416 Scott Cov.

IF SO, COME Need TO SEE US Money No ness Indorsers strictly Mortgages. All busi- Con- No fidential. Kenton Brokerage Co. 315 Scott Covington, Ky. for working people MONEY ds.

QUICK we SERVICE require 580 no SECURITY. no INDORsem*nT sou CAD get it TODAY. on Four signature HARVEY CO. 428 Madison Covington 1522 Neave-st. Cor'gi'n, S.

R. Galloway. RELIABLE MAN wants work caring lawns and flowers by the day or steady. HEmlock 4039J. NEED Glad service to to be you.

of $5 to $50 in 15 MONEY? minutes. THE FAIR CO. COVINGTON 17 Female Help Wanted COMPLETE BEAUTY COURSE tO start: positions guaranteed CHerry 9404 NEAT APPEARING PROFESSIONAL crew workers. Mr. Gibbens, 317 Scott-et.

Corinzton. 18 Situations Wanted, Male PORTER. chauffeur or any housework: ref. USE POST WANT ADS-RESULTS 24 Apartments, Unfurnish'd COVINGTON- Banklick: rooms: ing the for ers a in of a and cold water: modern except 220. first floor, modern: neighborhood.

803 Willard. 1607J. COVINGTON-833 W. Ninth: 3 rms. porch, second floor: hot water: perfect condition.

HEmlock 0855. COVINGTON 3-room flat: Philadelphia. cheap. 940 York. Apply 913 COVINGTON 3 rooms: modern: 2037 Pine: $13.

HEmlock 7913R COVINGTON-3 rooms. modern; $15. Russell. CHerry 0629. COVINGTON-1345 Maryland: 3 rooms, front; new paper: Jaundry; $15.

rooms, kitchenet: pribath: modern. HEmlock 2715. COVINGTON-6-room modern first or secCOVINGTON-4 garage. $25. rooms, modern.

415 W. SOuth 5673J Fifth. downstairs. HEmlock 6918. COVINGTON-2 moderh flats: 3 roomg and bath.

$15 $18. HEmlock 4704R. COVINGTON-111 E. 15th: 3 rooms first floor: bath, porch. HEmlock 3403, COVINGTON- 722 Madison-av: 4 rooms.

$28; reference. HEmlock 4214J. COVINGTON-2 4 adults. rooms, HEmlock redeco- 7380 rated: reasonable: COVINGTON-5 rooms, first floor: mod606 Sanford. HEmlock 6366.

COVINGTON-2 or 3-room flat: bath, 0091J. gas, electric. 330 17th. HEmlock COVINGTON-642 Philadelphia; 3 rooms: 5534J. cheap.

SOuth COVINGTON-3 rooms, kitchenet: adults: screens. shades, garage. 404 22d-st. 3 or 4-room: decorated: private. 509 Tenth-av.

SOuth 3942J. W. LANDMEIER. 2811 Rogers-st. license No.

459.510, call at Kentucky Post for Seiler courtesy car wash ticket. FLAT-526 Madison: three rooms, bath; $18 month, FLATS- No. 3 E. Fourth: two and three rooms: to $17 month. MITCHELL.

Pleasant Ridgeav: 4 large rooms, second floor: English type St. Louis; new. never occupied: adults. MElrose 9841. LATONIA Colored flat: 3 rooms, bath: 3620 Decoursey, rear, Phone VAlley 0815 W.

28th. HEmlock 3 0815. rooms, bath: $25: first floor. LATONIA-4 rooms: modern; corner 39th and Huntington. HEmlyock 4602R.

LUDLOW-3 rooms: strictly modern. West Oak and Helen. SOuth 6879. LUDLOW-4 rooms. bath: reasonable.

Alberta. MODERN 3-100m apartment, second floor: 220 Pike-st. $18. NEWPORT-414 Columbia: 3 modern rooms, second floor: private entrance: key on 1st floor. S.

E. corner Central-av and 6th-st. NEWPORT-Park-av and Nelson-pl: Frigidaire, 3-rin. janitor: $30 HIland 0112J. efficiency; porch, heat.

NEWPORT-3 rooms, modern; $25. SOuth 1621.R. NEWPORT-524 Lindsey: 3 garage: rooms, $18. first floor: nice yard; modern: NEWPORT-CLIFTON condition: 2 adults. large 121 rooms; 15th.

modern; Al to be had at the price asked. HILLS--One of the few choice apartments HEmlock 5973R. ROSEDALE-5 private rooms: entrance: $20. 4522 modern; shades. screens.

Decoursey. HEmlock 3099J ROSEDALE-3-room St. Louis; Vermont. garage: reasonable rent. 4331 modern: ROSEDALE pri.

3901 entrance, Huntington, shades. SO. 3 1516M rooms, ROOMS Second floor: 608 MainTHREE $13. WEST COVINGTON-5-rm. Highway.

flat: SOuth all 2868. con4-ROOM modern: first floor; garage; reaveniences. 1336 sonable, 618 Garrard. AVon 5209R. 25 Houses for Rent OR 6-ROOM HOUSE Very reason- Phone able rent; good neighborhood.

MAin 0413 AVon 9354R. MODERN frame house with reasonable. garage, 3906 Glenn-av. Latonia; rent Queen Ann. Owner.

BELLEVUE-5-room BUNGALOW-5 rooms, modern. 1022 CHerry 33rd, Latonia. Apply 316 Byrd. COTTAGE-5 rooms; new Inquire paper: 517 West modern. except furnace; 12th-st, Newport.

COTTAGE-408 month; good Sixteenth: four neighborhood. rooms; bath: $25 416 W. Sixteenth: 3 rooms; COTTAGE bath: $20 month. COVINGTON-5 rooms. newly papered, cheap.

SPRINGS-Grace-av: 4 rooms; 925 Worth. electrie: CRESCENT garden: $16. 2990. DON D. DYE.

License 10 No. 459-448, call Barrington-rd, Mitchell. Kentucky Post for Seiler courtesy wash ticket. tapestry brick: tile bath: THOMAS-125 Strathmore: attractive 5 rooms; hardwood good floors: location: reasonable. HIland all metal screens; rage: 1232M.

dining room, kitchen, breakMITCHELL-AV. 30-7-room brick, ing room, fast nook first floor; 4 large bedrooms, bath, second floor; garage. HE. 5376R. HOUSE-1507 Madison: six rooms, bath: $30 month.

HOUSE-15 W. Fifteenth; six rooms, bath; $25 month, Highway and Hudson-av. HEmlock 7628. LAKESIDE-5-room house; garage: LATONIA--Four and 5-room house, modern; garage. Call 4511 Decoursey.

HEmlock 3418M. LATONIA-111 East Thirty-fifth: cottage, 4 rooms: gas, electric: $20. LATONIA- -Modern five-room house; yard. SOuth 0149W. NEW 9-ROOM HOUSE-2 camps on ground on Ohio River: 118-foot front river; $35 month.

Inquire Mrs. Adams, 330 Pike-st. Bromley, Ky. 4-ROOM SUMMER cottage: furnished unfurnished: suitable for permanent home: opposite White Villa Club. Eichholz, Kenton, Ky.

38TH-ST. 22 rooms, $15: Eastern, 4-room brick. $30: 43d-st. rooms. modern, HEmlock 1620- 10987.

26 Furnished Houses 3-ROOM furnished apartment, consisting of living room, room and kitchen; excellent location; $10 week. HEmlock 0736. 4-ROOM modern apartment; also ing room. 3144 Beech-av. HE.

3543. COVINGT apartment, rooms, private bath. strictly modern; first class condition; everything ished complete: just off Madison-av, rage optional. HEmlock 7040. COVINGTON-2-room apartment: modern: private bath, telephone and radio: onable.

611 Garrard-st. HEmlock 2312W. COVINGTON-2 modern; furnished; car line: adults. HE. COVINGTON-124 West 5th: 2 rooms; vate bath; newly decorated.

LATONIA-3 rooms, newly furnished. rage optional. $10. 3159 Rosina. LATONIA-7 rooms and sleeping nicely furnished.

HEmlock 1425. NEWPORT-3 rooms, furnished or nished. 1 sleeping room. 913 Saratoga. ONE-ROOM modern effciency: porch, private bath: in-a-door kitchen cabinet; stove.

ice box: wood floors. 2801 Decoursey: $20. W. AMMERMAN. HEmlock 6732.

33 Pets, Poultry, PONY- Very gentle: sell cheap, 14487. SPOTTED pony: cheap. Call at and Patterson, Newport. SOuth 35 Household Goods BERNARD SAMS. 338 Delmar-pl.

number 459-517. Call at Kentucky for Seiler courtesy car wash ticket. PREMIER SWEEPERS $9 Community Sweeper BABY Snop. BUGGY- 438 Madison. HE baby REED Simmons Good Will gas range; cheap.

Maryland-av, Covington. SEWING MACHINE and sweeper: $5 also motor. 1307 Greenup, Covington. VELOUR LIVING ROOM SUITEvery little: $50. 713 Greenup, 9x19 FELT BASE walnut bedroom suite; $20.75.

shein. 502 Scott. 36 Sewing Machines SEWING MACHINES AND easy terms. We repair all Call for and deliver. HEmlock 0325 37 Miscellaneous for BARRELS-60-gallon size.

$1.25. Cherry Second and Madison. 37 a Swaps ads offer something You for something you HAVE and Decide what YOU want "SWAP" and call Want Ad Headquarters, HEmlock 1700. to place "SWAP" ad WANTED -To hear from parties who houses for sale or exchange. 4171.

39 Exchange, Real LATONIA-6 rooms. 1 or 2-family; arate entrances: strictly modern; for 5 rooms. HEmlock 1425. 41 Farms tor A. A.

SIZER, 114 Home-st. Erlanger, cense number 459-481. Call at tueky Post for Seiler courtesy car ticket. 43 Houses for ARRIE EDWARDS. 631 Church-st, number 439-50t.

Call at Post for Seiler courtesy car wash INDEPENDENCE-6-room bungalow: trie, garage: $3300: small down ment. HEmlock 1620. LATONIA- -Beautiful new brick bungalow, 5 rooms, tile bath; close to cars schools: $4750: terms. HEmlock LOOK HERE -Substantial home at 48th-st of 6 rooms: modern except nace: lot 62x100 to alley: only HEmlock 8015-0621M-3558-27191 SOUTH FT. MITCHELL-6-room eru: lot 66x150: fruit, shade.

$4850; small payment, bal easy ments. 21 Ross-av. Also or 3 will build house to suit and sell terms. HEmlock 5268M. 50 Usea Cars tor Sale BARGAINS IN USED CARS JOHN HANAUER.

697 SCOTT BLYD. 50a Auto Parts NEW AND USED AUTO PARTS AVE. AUTO PARTS 1028 MADISON. HEmlock 7480. 608 PIKE EEmiock W.

Ft. at car ga- liv- Dixie all nice same to or L. 1808 6 bed- sleep- 2 reas- nicely 7380. pri- ga- porch; unfur- private bed: hardG. Stock HIland Lindsey 6439W license Post 1624.

bed. 1573 each; Used 4-piece makes. Sale Liberty WANT DON'T to your have SOuth Estate trade Sale wash Sale license Kentucky ticket. elecpay- and 5829M, 307 modgarage: payacres: on.

The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.