The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

7 SPORTS THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1948 SPORTS Buffalo Team Beats Springfield Indians, 4-1 Largest Crowd of Season, 9504, Sees Bisons Keep Home Record Intact; Trudell Scores Buffalo, N. Nov. 21 (A)-The Springfield Indians' hopes of scoring 8 week end sweep over the 'rugged Western Dicision clubs of the American Hockey League were ruined here tonight as they suffered A 4-1 metback by the Bisons. at the present time the hottest team in the loop. Largest Crowd A crowd of 9504, largest of the local season, saw the Bisons maintain their unbeaten status on home ice and reginter their ninth victory in their last eleven starts.

The Indians goal, coming at 18.10 had the built first a 2-0 period lead, was ader fashioned Bisons by Rene Trudell. He whipped up the right at top speed and drilled BIll Warwick's perfect pass past Connie Dion from point blank range. It was a picture play. Otherwise, Dion was the boss. He had a comparative rocking chair job as his mates offered him excellent protection.

He was called upon to only 17 saves. Phil McAtee, the Indians' goal guardian, had 35 stops to hia credit MCAtee took the ice a cut right cheek, suffered previously. The Murdo McKay. Fred HuntGeorge Targeter employee, the Eddie to their old, Each member of this power- -packed ensemble drove the disc past the huay The other Buffalo score went to Art Lessard, the large detenseman. McKay, the league's top scorer in the last statistical table, opened the scoring at 15.01 of the first period, lifting the puck over Mc.A tee, who had been brought down hy a succession of whistling Hunt set up Pargetews tally at 15.1%.

just 14 seconds later, working the puck down the right boards and passing over in front de the cage. Trudell's score broke. the sequence. Lessard's goal came eight seconds before the buzzer when Floyd Curry's shot was deflected in the net. Hunt racked 11p the Anal goal of the game at 12.30 of the second.

It WAS 28 foot shot after McKay had gained possession of a faceoff. Only three penalties marked the game. Curry was expelled in the second perlod, and Vern Kaiser and Leo Gravelle were sent off together a bit later for what the officials charitably termed roughing. The CourteauTrudel- Warwick Time appeared to carry most of the Indians' power and gave Dion his most anxious moments. Another famiMir face, that of Hub Macey WAS seen among those of sevPral other former Bisons on the Springfield squad.

Ile played his first game with the Indians the preceeding night. Faced by a shortage of defensem*n, Hector (Toe) Blake, the Bison's coach put on the skates for the second straight game and played left defense. The former Montreal star gave the fans a demonstration of FL poke- chocking and, sharp passing. Summary: RUFFALO (1) (1) Dion, McAtee Tasmard, rd Tottle Johnson, 1d Id. Conn Agar.

Courteau Curry, rw rw. Trudell Mackenzie, 1w Warwick Buffalo spares: H. Blake. "Finkbeiner. McKay, ant.

Douglas, Cooper, Lewis. Gravelle. Springfeld spares: Macey, Schmidt, Allen, Andrew, Curiek, Summerhill, Jonce, Mc- a Murdy, Kalmer. Referees: Teddy Graham And Patsy Callighen. First Period 1-Buffalo.

McKay (Pargeter. Hunt) 15.04 2-Buffalo. Pargeter (Hunt) 15.18 Trudell (Warwick) 18.10 4-Buffalo, Leasard Curry. Agar) 19.32 No penalties. Second Period 6-Buffalo, Hunt (McKay.

l'arseter) Kaiser. to 12.30 Penalties, Curry. Gravelle. Third Period No scoring. penalties.

Saver: MoAtee 35. Dion 17. Loses Teeth but Blanks Wings Detroit, Nov. 21 (AP)-Bill Durnan lost A couple of teeth from a blow in the face by the puck tonight but accident failed to deter slick Montreal goalie, who blanked the Detrolt Rod Wings 3 to 0 in a National Hockey League game before 13,714 fans. It.

was Durnan'a third shutout over Detroit this season in four meet. inga. A partially -deflected shot from the stick ant Detroit's Jerry Couture whacked Durnan in the mouth with A minute and a half left to play in the opening stanza, Referee kill Chadwick declared the 10-minute between periods intermisalon right then to permit the Montreal goalie to recover and he did a pretty amart job of hanging on un.der the difficulty. Summary: MONTREAL (3) DETROIT (0) Durnan, E. Lumley Reardon, rd.

Quackenbush Laycoe. 1d. Stewart Reny, Abel Carveth, Howe Russault, Pavelich Monteal spares: Harvey. Bouchard, Riopelle, Harmon. Richard, Fillion.

Robertson, Chamberlain, Doherty, 'Lach, Reardon. Detroit spare: Kelly, Reiw. (lee, McNab, Horeck, Pile, Mauthier, McFadden, Morrison, Couture. Referee. Chadwick: ick; linesmen, Babco*ck and First Period 1-Montreal, Riopelle (Harvey) 4.20 2-Montreal, Lach (Reardon) .10.03 Penalties, Stewart 2, Harvey 2.

Chamberlain, Moadell. Second Period No scoring. Penalties, Enio, Abel. Harvey. Third Period 3-Monireal.

Reay (Carvoth, Fillion). 12.12 Penalty, Reardon. Gets Car, Anyway Atlanta, Nov. (A) Hays McKinney, tubby Georgla Tech guard who wanted a new automobile bad enough to break a leg, Is feeling much better today. McKinney has received a gram from an Atlanta auto er promising delivery of a new car as soon as ho gets out of the hospital.

The dealer earlier this year told McKinney that delivery (he'll still have to pay for the car) waited only for there Gadsden, guard to score down. Yesterday McKinney broke his right ankle in The Citadel game on an attempt to score but didn't score. After X-rays showed the ankle the dealer wired, "I alli among 20,000 friends felt very badly about your unfortunate inJury. Will have your car ready for you H5 soon as you. are able to drive it." Agawam Brownies Hand -A' Tyler Aces 19-0 Defeat Stregthen Claim to Western Semipro Football Crown In Decisive Fashion 50 LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON--Ken Strong, left, is well remembered by football fans for his brilliant place-kicking duties while with the New York: Giants.

Now there's another Strong coming--young Ken, Jr. The 16-year-old gridder plays right halfback for St. Paul's School of Long Island and does all his team's punting and placekicking. Rangers Hand Bruins First Home Defeat in Six Games Tony Leswick Scores Two Goals in Leading New York's Winning Attack for 4-1 Triumph Boston, Nov, 21 (AP) -Tony Leswick countered twice, once without assistance, to pace the New York Rangerg into a 4-1 win over the Boston' Bruins tonight before a 13,900 crowd at the Boston Garden. It was the host club's first setback in six home starts.

Escape Shutout Despite being out-shot by a 24-20 margin, the Rangers got rolling in speedy fashion and held the upper hand until late in the finale, when the Bruins took advantage of a penalty to escape a shutout. Alex Kaleta countered during the first five minutes of play, deflecting in Neil Colrille's 40-foot sizzler for the Rangers initial goal. Leswick hooked loose puck in the second period and beat goalie Frankie Brimsek from 10-feet out to clinch the game. Don Raliegh more than settled matters early in the finale with another undssisted goal, about three minutes before Leswick scored again after rushing with Edgar Laprade and the heads-up Colville, whose defensive play was outstanding throughout. The Bruins were held scoreless for more than 51 minutes and, after Dunc Fisher drew a minor penalty, Milt Schmidt ruined Chuck Rayner's shutout hopes by banging in Jimmy Peter's assist.

Summary: RANGERS (4) BRUINS (1) Brimsek Colville, rd. Flaman Moe, Id. Henderson Lorade, Schmidt Kullman, Peters Leswick. Dumart Boston spares: Sandford, Warwick, Babando, Egan, Crawford, Kryzanowski, Ronty, Peirson, Smith, Harrison. New York spares: Raleigh, Lund.

A1- bright, Shero. Morris, Slowinaki, Fisher, Stanowaki, Kaleta. Referee, Primeau; linesmen, Mepham and Munday. First Period 1-New York, Kaleta (Colville) 4.05 Penalties, none. Second Period 2-New York, Lerwick 5.07 Penalties, Moe.

Morris, Sandford. Third Period 3-New York, Raliegh (unassisted) 3.44 York, Leswick (Laprade, Colville) 6.36 3-Boston, Schmidt (Peters, 11.44 Penalties, Babando, Fisher. Blackhawks Tie With Leafs, 3-3 Chicago, Nov. 21 (P)--The Chicago Blackhawks were shoved back into last place in the National Hockey League tonight as they played to a 3-3 tie with the Toronto Maple Leafs who thereby moved into a fourth place tie with the New York Rangers. (3) CHICAGO (3) Broda, g.

Henry rd rd. Nattrasg 1d 1d, Gadaby Kennedy, c. D. Bentley Meeker. rw rw, Mostenko Lynn, Iw Iw.

R. Conacher Toronto spares: Watson. Boesch, M. Bentley, Klukay. Ezinicki, Costello, Gardner, Barilko, Mathers, Taylor, Juzda.

Chicago spares: Goldham. Dickens, DcCaig, Stewart, J. Conacher, Rodnar, Hamill, Guidolin, Prystai, Brown. Referee: Gravel; linesmen, George Hayes and Doug Young. First Period 1-Chicago.

D. Bentley (Moslenko, R. Conacher) 2.16 2-Toronto, Ezinicki (Watson, Gardner) 10.15 Penalties, Kennedy, Meeker, Ezinicki 2 (one a 10-minute misconduct), Lynn, D. Bentley, Brown. Second Period 3-Toronto, Kennedy (Meeker, M.

Bent0.27 4-Chicago, Gadaby (Prystal, Guidolin) 4.51. 5-Chicago, J. Conacher (Stewart, Bodnar) 11.05 Penalties, Meeker, Gadaby, Conacher, Kennedy, D. Bentley. Third Teriod 6-Toronto.

a Guidolin. Klukay (Kennedy, Meeker) 17.191 Penalty. FIRST IS TOPS--Ted Harrison sent the Berkshire Prep football team through its first undefeated and untied season. Harrison made his first season of coaching a tremendous success. At Yale he played baseball, hockey and football.

When he entered the armed forces following his graduation at New Haven, Harrison passed up a professional baseball con- St. Louis Downs Pittsburgh, 5-3 St. Louis, Nov. 21. (AP) St.

Louis Flyers tightened their hold on first place in the Western Division lot the American Hockey League by handing the Pittsburgh Hornets a 3-3 setback here tonight. The defeat dropped l'ittsburgh to third place AS Buffalo moved up second by heating the Springfield Indians. Summary: ST. LOUIS (5) PITTSBURGH (3) Shirley, Bastien Mariucci. 1d Backor Olson, Kemp Grosso, Migay Gladu, Ceresino Licardi, r'w.

rw, Mackell St. Louis spares: Simon. Milligan. Grigg, McComb, Trigs, Black. Sullivan, Doran, H.

Backor, Tustin. Pittsburgh spares: Samis. Fautka, Sloan, Benson. Langelle, Smith Kobussen, O'Flaherty, Dawes, Metz. First Period 1-St.

Touts, Doran (Milligan, Sullivan) 15.09 Penalties, Doran, Pautka, O'Flaherty, Black 3 (one major), Dawes 2. (one major), Metz 2. Second Period 2-St. Louis, Grosso (Licari, 706 3 Pittsburgh, Migay (Machell, Ceresino) .......11.27 Penalty, P. Backor.

Third 'Period 4-St. Louis, Grosso (Olson, 1.35 3-Pittsburgh, Ceresino (Migay, Psutka) 6.38 6-Stl Louis, Grosso (Gladu, Marlucci). 13.55 Ceresino (unassisted). 14,44 8-St. Louis, Licari (Grosso, McComb).

19.48 Penalties, Sloan, Milligan. Semipro Football Acorns 12, Thompsonville Greys 0. Agawam A. A. 19, Tyler Aces 0, Stafford Olympics 23, Rockville Legion 0.

Chicopee Falls Braves South Hadley Traders 0, Unity Wildcats 32. Westfield Red Rocks 0. Palmer A. C. 7, Mt.

Carmel CYO 6. Chicopee Cards 20, East Long. Kagles 0, Green Devils. 24, West Side Pilots 0. U.

S. HOCKEY LEAGUE Dallas 4, 1 St. Paul 2, Minneapolis 0 Kansas City 4, Omaha 1 Stage Set for Youngsters' Jamboree at Pynchon Park The stage is set for the Springfield City Amateur Football Leagues' big jamboree program under the lights Pynchon Park tomorrow night and it promises to be a very and colorful affair. John L. Sullivan, who directs the leagues throughout the city, has come up with this tripleheader football idea a3 a means of deciding championships among the youngsters and also to raise money which will be turned over to such organizations as the Springfield Boys' Club and the South End Youth Center, An admission fee of 60 cents will be charged.

The program calls the Ruth Elizabeth Aces to meet the Chicopee A. A. at 6.45 in the opening game and they will be battling for the Novice League championship. Following this game, the Blunt Park Rangers and Rinky Dinks will get together 7.13 for the Cub League- championship. The third contest will pit By ED TOOLE Pittsfield, Nov.

21-The Agawam Stafford Scores In First. Battle With Rockville Registers Touchdowns in All Four Periods to Win 25 to 0 Rockville, Nov. 21-Stafford Olympics drew first blood in their Tolland County championship series here with the Rockville American Legion eleven at Legion Field, scoring in all four periods to gain a 25-0 decision. The Olympics are opportunists from start to finish. In the first period they recovered a Rockville fumble on the 20 yard line and Roy Connors went around left end on the first play to reach pay territory.

In the second Roger Webber slipped around right end from the 15-yard marker for the second Stafford touchdown and made it standing up. The third period score was the result of a line plunge by Bull Ostrowski, who hurled his 235- pound bulk through the Rockville forwards for 20 yards to lift the Stafford score six more points. Final scoring came in the fourth period when Walter Muriatori intercepted Dombek's pass intended for Brennan, and with the help of some timely blocking, ran 75 yards for the touchdown. The play only 30 seconds from the final whistle. The second of the series is scheduled for Thanksgiving Day afternoon at Stafford Springs at 2.30.

Stafford also booking in Manchester next Sunday. Summary: STAFFORD OLYMPICS Ends--Baxter, Zigm3nd, Dadalt, Auprimo, Tencha. Tackles -Burke, Ference, Fitzgerald, Bruce. Guards -Bellante, W. Ducharme, Me zio.

Hosey. Centers- Mackovich. Backs- Pallardy, R. Ostrowski, Ducharme, Muratori, Connors, Harmon, Lewis, Webber. LEGION ROCKVILLE Enda- Brennan, Reinhold.

Tackles--Ames, McCarthy, Kolsen, Virk. Guards--Lee, Richards, Stutz. Centers- Solan. Backs--Rich, Say, Dombek, Steele, Curtis, Driscoll, Tomko, Chase. Olympics 8 6 6-25 Touchdowns, Connors, Webber, Ostrowski, Muratori.

Point after touchdown, Ostrowski (placementi. Referee. Phelps: umpire, Orin: head linesman, Dorsey; field judge, Ferris. Time, 12- min. periods.

Caps in Splurge But Get Only Tie 2-Indianapolia. Podolaky en 9.48| Haven. Wehster (White, Denis) .14.16 Penalties, Bloomer. Dewabury, Denis, Woit. Sprond Period 4-Indianapolis.

(Gover). 314 Reid (Mackay) 4.02 6-Indianapolis, Mackay (Waites Gover) 4.33 7-Indianapolis, Glover (Mckay, Reed) 6.28 8-New laven, Johnaton (Glaude, Rozzini) 12.26 9-New Haven, Glaude (Rozzini, Johnston) 13.38 10-New Haven. White (Lancien) 13.23 Penalties, Wolt. Rozzini, Mackay, Hrymnak, Third Period No scoring. New Haven, Nov.

21 (AP) Even though Indianapolis tallied four goals in little more than "three minutes of the second period, the Capitols forced to be content with Ave-all tie in their American Hockey League battle against the New Haven Ramblers tonight. New Haven went in front, 241, in the opening session of the game witnessed by a near capacity crowd of 3700. Then. with Calum MacKay, 21- year-old star from Port Arthur, getting a sizzling pace, the Caps found the range and put on display brilliant scoring drive. MacKay opened the splurge with A low shot that sneaked into the cage.

Then, Gerald Reid took MacKay's pass to register 48 seconds later. MacKay tallied again, another low one, after 31 seconds elapsed. Fred Glover brought the spectacular rally a close by slashing MacKay's rebound into the net. Summary: INDINA POLIS (5) NEW HAVEN (3) Sawchuk, Francis Nicholson. Hrymnak Fogolin, Lancien Simpson, C.

Gordon Morrison, rw. Rameden Podolsky. lw. lw, Brown Indianapolis snares Dewabury, Melong, Wot. Lundy.

Reid, Glover, Mackay, Heller, Haidv. New Haven spares: Glaude, Bloomer, Rozzini. White, Denis, Johnston. Davies, Webster. Referees, Mcley and McLean.

First P'eriod 1-New Haven, White (Denis) 5.40 Penalttes. White, Fogolin, Podolaky. GAMES ARE INVITED Rival Market of Chicopee has scheduled a basketball practise for tonight at 8 at the Chicopee High School gym. Rival Market is seeking games with semipro clubs in Western Massachusetts and a schedul efor December and January is now being arranged. Turners Falls Aces, Russian Americans, Puritan Diner, Orchard Vagabonds and other teams of their caliber are preferred.

Fort games contact Manager Joe Banas, White Chicopee or call him at Chicopee 1158-J between 5 and 6 p. m. Hockey Last Night's Results LEAGUE Buffalo Springfield 1. Providence 9, Cleveland 2. New Haven 5, Indianapolis 3 (tie).

St. Louis Pittsburgh 5 (tie). NATIONAL LEAGUE New York 1, Boston 1. Montreal 3, Detroit 0. Toronto Chicago 3 (tie).

Standings 1 AMERICAN Division) LEAGUE Providence Pts Hershey 19 12 25 New Haven 12 15 Springfleld 14 12 Philadelphia 12 Washington 14 2 42 (Western Division) St. Louts 28 Buffalo. Pittsburgh Cleveland 20 Indianapolis 20 NATIONAL LEAGUE Pts Boston 16 Detroit Montreal 13 37 Toronto 30 New York 10 28 Chitago 9 32 Games Tonight AMERICAN LEAGUE No games scheduled. NATIONAL LEAGGE No games scheduled. Falls Braves Win Over Traders, 7-0, In Annual Contest Gain First Leg On Trophy; Blocked Kick Brings Only Touchdown A South Hadley Falls, Nov.

21-The Chicopee Falls Braves won the first leg on the James Downing Trophy here this 'afternoon by defeating the Chicopee Braves, 7-0, in the annual battle between the two rivals. The teams played to a. scoreless tie last season. Benefit Affair The contest was a benefit affair for the South Hadley Childrens' Christmas Fund and a crowd of 1500 was on hand for the well-played affair, The only score in the game came in the third period and was the result of a blocked kick. It was St.

Cyr who blocked the South Hadley kick and Mamulski scooped up the ball and went about 20 yards for the touchdown. Landry kicked the extra Summary: CHICOPEE FALLS BRAVES Enda-Deady, Mamulaki. St. Cyr, Burnham. Guards--Gerard, Jurek, Madei.

Hurst. Centers-Pajar, Maroney. Backs-Sears, Dowd. Hurley, Gorjec, Pasterczyk, Root. L.ynch.

Landry. TRADERS Ends--O'Connell, Kareika. Tackles- Bissell, Baker. Guards--N. Sullivan, Pronovost, Lecca, Goss, Ford.

Center-Taugher. Backs- J. Sullivan. Germaine, Epperson, Dion, Whalen, B. Sullivan.

Braves 0. 0 1 0-7 Touchdown, Mamulski. Point after touchdown, Landry. i Referee, Mulqueeney; umpire, Duhilo; head linesman, Meacham. Time, 12-min.

periods. Adams Five Tops Russian-Amerks Adams, Nov. 21-The St. Stanislaus basketball team opened its season here this afternoon by handling the Russian-Americans of Springfield a 48-47 setback. The home team had to come from behind to win for the Springfield team led at the rest period, 24-23.

A basket by- Jim Anton finally decided the outcome. McAndrews was high man for St. Stanislaus with 16 points. Draduck and J. Lagunowich topped the Russian-Amerks in scoring.

Summary: St. Stanislaus merks Jasinaki It 0 A. Saab Lag'ch rh Ih 1 2019 Konat If J. Lag'ch 1h 13 Anton rf N. Lag'ch 4 Beliveau rf Piligian 4 Ji'Andrews Draduck rf Zabek 2 Klepoch 11 0 Zaloga lb 1 Sanecki rb 3 Skrocki rb, 0 0 Totals 20 8 48 Totals 21 5 47 Score at half time; 24, St.

Stanislaue 23. Referee. Sanecki: umpire, Kopec. 10-min. periods.

Reds On Spree, Sink Barons, 9-2 Providence, R. Nov. 21 (P)Uncorking their strongest attack of the season, the Rhode Island Reds defeated the Cleveland Barons. 9 to 2, in an American Hockey League game tonight before a 6718 crowd. The Reds, boosting their Eastern Division lead to six points, broke the game wide open with a three-goal blast in the second period and then picked up five more tallies in the finale.

Though nine goals, Roger Bessette. Cleveland. goalie, was one of the game's outstanding performers. Carl Liscombe blasted home a wicked 25-foot drive at 16.44 for the lone first period tally. Les Brennan.

Cleveland was in the coop at the time. PROVIDENCE (9) (LEVELAND (2) Bennett, Bessette Michaluk, Wares Summers, Holota Allen LaPlante, Stoddard, Leswick Carse Kapusta, Providence spares: Fraser. Liscombe, Bedard, Chad. Hamilton, McGill, Stanley, Arcand, Reardon. Scherza.

Cleveland spares: Davidson. Sprout, Buller. Brennan. DeMarco, Wycherley, Hextall, Ruasell, Kelly, Solinger. Referees, Smith and Davis.

First Period 1-Providence, Liacombe (McGill Hamilton) 16.44 Penalty, Brennan. Second Period 2-Providence, McGill (Chad, 5.28 3-Cleveland, Hamilton) DeMarco (Davidson, Kelly) .10.30 Chad) La 10.36 4-Providence, Hamilton (McGill, Providence, LaPlante (Kapusta, Penalty, Hamilton. Summers) ...19.54 Third Period Arcand) 6-Providence, Bedard (Fraser, 4.47 7- Cleveland, Kelly (Solinger, DeMarco) 8.19 8-Providence, Stanley (Stoddard, Kapusta) ...10.07 9-Providence, Liscomb (Fraser, Bedard)' ...13.38 10-Providence, 'LaPiant' (Stanley, Kapusta) .....15.33 11-Providence, Kapusta (Stoddard, LaPlante) Penalties, Hextell, Arcand. Mention Baker For Loop Post Salishury, Nov. 21 (A)-The Eastern Shore Baseball League will function next year.

but it will have to change its name. Chambershurg, and Frederick, granted meeting here today. franchises in the Class circuit at el Robert P. Leonard, lcague secretary, said the board of directors of the Class loop will reconvene in Rehoboth, next month to discuss the new name. He said another item to be taken care of then is the election of successor to Dallas D.

Culver, retiring loop president. Among possibilities mentioned for the job was Frank (Home Run) Baker, former major league slugger who now owns several farms in this area. TICKETS ON SALE Tickets for the Cathedral HighWestfield High football game. which will be played in Westfield Thanksgiving-Day morning at 10.30 gO on in this city today at Fenton's Sporting Goods Store. ROCKY MOUNTALN League Games Pts, OP Pet.

Colorado State 3 0 60 13 1.000 Western State 46 13 .667 College 1-2 19 67 .333 Colorado Mines 0 3 13 45 .000 Brownies strengthened their claim to the Western Massachusetts a semipro football championship this afternoon by scoring a 19. to 0 triumph over the outclassed but determined Tyler Aces at Wahconah Park. By making and capitalizing on the breaks, the Harmon Smith- coached club scored twice in the second frame, held off a determined Aces onslaught in he third and came "back for another. score themselves in the final quarter. Brignoli's Punts Help Throughout the first quarter the defenses of both elevens were impenetrtable and the punting of Hank Brignoli kept the play in the Aces' territory.

With the close of the period rapidly approaching the Berkshire champions attempted a bit of razzledazzle and their end-around play backfired around the 32. On the fourth down Ed Shibley crashed through to block the kick and ball went out of bounds on the Aces' 12 the stanza ended. Resuming play Hank Drewnowski, slashed off tackle to the one- foot line but here the Aces stiffened drove Agawam back to the 8-yard line (O take over on downs. Unable to make headway Dale Long was called upon to kick and the ball carried out to the 10. Determined to score the Brownies dipped into Coach Smith's bag of tricks and came up with a guard around play that saw Tommy Aithison go clear to the eight.

Hank Drewnowski bucked forward to two. At this point Joe Pisano entered the fray for the first time and mediately skirted the end to score standing up. The attempted plunge for the extra point was futile. Again capitalizing on the breaks late in the same period Agawam on its way for a second tally. On exchange of punts Dick Powers touched the ball but as it got away from him Walt Drewnowski gained possession for the Smithmen on Aces'.

42. Once more the Brownies displayed their power with Aithison or a guard around going to the before a dash of dazzle by Hank Drewnowski produced a first down on the 30. On the next. play Stu Safford faded back and Walt Drewnowski, who gathered the ball at the 20 and continued to the 11 before being driven out bounds, Two plays later the same aerial was duplicated into the end zone for the score. An attempted pass for the point was no good but the Agawam gridmen were in the van 12 to 0.

Lone Threat Of Aces The Aces' lone major threat came in the third quarter as they launched sustained drive that appeared destined for a score. Gaining possession on a punt at their own 46 Coach Louie Russo's gridsters put their offensive into high gear. With Eddie Paris doing the most of the ground work the Aces chalked up first down after first down to the 20. His brother Bill then cracked the middle of the line to the 11. this point Agawam presented A stonewall defense and took over on dowes with the Berkshireites but two feet short of a first down.

Again in the final period Agawam asserted its mastery. Long punted Frank Grasso a'. the Agawam 30. On the play Bill laris was knocked cold on top of Grasso, who had remain under the injured player una doctor could be found in the stands and he ordered the Aces' back the hospital. Once more Aithison carried on guard around and lugged the leather clear up to the Tyler Aces' 40 before being brought down.

Drewnowski and Lou Gonet alternated in registering first downs up to the 20. Swinging wide and twisting his way Pisano advanced to the 14. Gonet was again to register another first at the seven. Continuing the sustained drive Hank Drewnowski bulled his way to the three setting up another Aithison play that saw the Brownies' guard score. A pass from Safforde to Walt Drewnowski was good for the additional point making it 19 to 0.

With but less than two minutes remaining in the game Agawam threatned once again. Safford intercepted an Aces' pass on the 25 and his way to 2-yard line. Gonet was short of the goal by few feet but a fumble on the third down cost the additional score. For the outweighed Aces Dale Long and Al Bianchi were standouts the defensive stalwarts. Summary: AGAWAM Ends--R.

Deforge, Gaskina, W. Drewnowski Tackles--Marx, L. Deforge, Green ShibCenters Harrigan Raciot. D. Backs- H.

Drewnowski, Napolitan, Grasso, Gonet, Pisano, Borelli TYLER ACES Ends--Flynn, Long, Gallagher, Tackles -Bianchi, Vergatti. Senter Guards-Xerriques, Bunt, Centers-Scutt, Dean -Gaul, W. Paris, E. Paris, Evans Kasuba, Powers, Danis, Everhart Agawam A.A. 0 12 0 7-19 Touchdowns--Pisano, Drewnowski, Aithison; point after touchdown, W.

Drewnowski (pass); Referee Woitoski: umpireMcNeire: field judge Art Fox: head linesman-Meehan. Time: 13 min. quarters. Chicago Bears Swamp Yanks Boston. Nov.

21 -Mashy Frank Minini scored thrice and Sid Truckman tossed a pair of touchdown passes as the power-packed Chicago Bears romped to a 51-17 victory over the Boston Yanks today before an 18,048 crowd, largest of the local National Football League season at Fenway Park. Minini's first trip Into the Yanks' end. zone was made on a 36-yard sprint after recovering Frankie Seno's fumble. He scored the second time on a one-yard end sweep and then caught a 10-yard Luckman scoring pass. That veteran Chicago quarterback, who completed nine of his 21 aerial attempts for 69 yards, also hit Jim Keane with a six-yard throw from the five-yard line.

Bobby Layne. who appeared more eager to run than pass, opened the Bears scoring early in the first period with a 17-yard touchdown overhead to Noah Mulling and ended it in the semidarkness of the last three minutes with a five-yard touchdown romp. PLAYER OF YEAR -Audrey Wagner (above), hard-hitting Kenosha Comets' outfielder and 1948 batting champion. has just been named the All-American Girls' Baseball League of Year." She is She fourth such player to be named for the highest individual award in girls baseball, a distinction given her by the managers of the league. She is a premedical student at Elmhurst College.

Four More Triple A League Cage Teams to Open Tonight Monsanto Takes On Spalding and Armory Opposes Stanley On Doubleheader Card at Tech Monsanto plays Spalding, starting at 7.30, and Stanley Products opposes Springfield Armory on the second Triple A Basketball League doubleheader program of the season at the Technical High School gym. All four teams are making their debuts, the other clubs in the circuit having left the wire last Thursday night when American Bosch defeated BigelowSanford and Gilbert Barker turned back Chapman Valve. New Coaches Spalding is back in the league after an absence of several years and. with Russ Brown as coach and plenty of talent on its player roster, is anxious to make an outstanding showing. The other three teams in action tonight are holdovers from last season.

Armory moving up from the League, but all are in the hands of new coaches. Big Joe Orzechowski is in charge of Monsanto, Joe Kucab has taken over at Armory and Claudios Chistolini now is boss man of Stanley. All are player-coaches and will see plenty of action tonight. Armory is the team to watch this season judging from the players it has on its list. A number of the league's outstanding performers who played with other teams last year are now wearing Armory uniforms.

They include John Dineen. Lou Shapiro, Joe Soskovic. John Jeffries and Roland Roy, all of whom were with Westinghouse a year ago. The Westies are not entored in the loop this season. Others are Frank Izzo, formerly of Indian Motocycle; Bob Tourtellotte, former American International College star; Earl Lyons, who played for General Electric last season; and big Rudy Wojnarowski, former South Hadley High athlete who pitched for the Springfield Riffes in the New England League.

With the exception of Spalding. which will present practically an entire list of new faces to league followers. the other teams in action tonight will be counting heavily on veteran players. The Monsanto team i is built around the the same star players as last year and holds true of Stanley which wound up winning the playoffs of the 1947-48 campaign. South Berkshire Sports Housatonic, Nov.

21--Coach Mike Alphonso a 'of Searles High has completed his basketball and Gold hoopsters will play a slate of 17 schedule for the 1948-49 season. The Blue games. They open on Dec. 3 at Great Barrington against Chatham (N. High.

The balance of the. schedule follows: Dec. 8, Hudson away: 10, Sheffield at home; 14. Pittsfield at home; 17, Chester away: Jan. 4, Chatham away; 7, Lenox awdy; bi, Westfield at home; 14, Williams at home; 19.

Hudson (N. at home: 21, Lee away; 28, Lenox away; Feb. 1, Chester at home: 5. Sheffteld away: 8, Lee at home: 15. Winsted (Conn.) at home: 18, Williams away.

The Searles coach plans to cut his squad to 20 players but as yet has not named his first and second teams. Searles, winner of last year's South Berkshire and County honors will be considerably handicapped this season as Jimmie DelGrande, Frank Khrone and Louis Morelli have been lost by graduation. It is also understood that Jackie Murray, last season's atar forward, will not be eligible to play and Aphonso also will miss Art Cottrell, who recently joined the U. S. Navy.

The Shamrock quintet of Great Barrington opened its season on Wednesday night in a win at Catakill. N. Y. The Flynnmanaged cagers are scheduled to open their home season on the 30th when they will stack up against Cairo. N.

Y. This Empire State aggregation are. reported to be fast And boasts of wing over the Hudson (N. Black Taxi aggregation, very popular team in this section. Coach Ted Harrison nt Berkshire Prep at Sheffield will be the guest speaker at the Quarterback Club of Pittafield on Monday night.

Harrison is a former Yale athlete, His Berkshire Prep football team this season was outstanding. Many fans from this area will attend the football scrap between the Lee Lions and the Tyler Aces Thursday morning at Pittsfeld. The Shire eleven defeated the Lions earlier in the season by a 7-0 score. Coach John Consolati feels, however, that his team is in excellent shape and hag a good chance to avenge the defeat. Sinclair Gunn, former Williams High and Lenox Prep star, is attending college at Virginia.

The Stockbridge lad is trying out for A berth on the basketball team. His brother, Ray, who at present is a freshman at the University of is a candidate for the freshman quintet. Eighteen candidates showed up for the first practice sessions of the Lee Legion basketball team. The aggregation will be coached by Don Forrest. Among the players fighting for berths are Butsy Crawford, Ray Urban, Don Gibbons and Joe Basinat.

Besides playing league ball the management expects to book several road clube. SACRED HEART DRILLS will hold a practice tonight Sacred Ieart A. A. basketball, team in the Chestnut Junior High School gym starting at 6:30. Sacred Heart goes to Holyoke tomorrow to have a tussle with the V.

F. W. in the Holyoke High gym. b. RIDIN' HIGH -Clarence Picou, the 16-year-old apprentice jockey, who piloted in 13, winners in the last four days of racing at Bowie, took a well-deserved rest yesterday.

Today he'll be back in the saddle again with an eight-mount assignment. The curly-haired kid from the Lone Star State, climaxed another stellar week of riding with a quadruple win on Saturday. Tiverton, R. Nov. 21-Ludlow Lusitanos and Ponta del Gadas cer teams tied, 1-1, in a league match.

here this afternoon, Lusitanos Tie With Del Gadas (Special to The Springfield Union) West Side Title To Green Devils The Green Devils are now claiming the Springfield junior football championship by reason of their 24-0 victory yesterday over the West Side Pilots at Veterans Field. The Green Devils broke into the scoring column in the second period after a drive of 60 yards, Pugliano going over from the 5-yard line. Later Kenny Williamson scored on a reverse from the 30-yard line and he repeated in the third when he a Pilot pass on the 50-yard line and went the distance for score. Final scoring was by Borski, who plunged over from the 3-yard line. The Green Devils play from start to finish, one of the spectacular bits coming from Babe Adgivo, who ran 60 yards before being hauled down from behind.

Agajanian Wins With Field Goal Baltimore, Nov. 21 (AP)-Toeless Ben Agajanian kicked a field goal from the 17-yard line with 35 seconds to play to snatch a 17-14 victory 'today for the Los Angeles Dons over the Baltimore Colts before 25,228 fans in Babe Ruth Stadium. The loss jolted Baltimore's chances for the eastern division title of the All Football Conference. Buffalo went into half a game lead by being idle today while Baltimore and New York were being beaten to tie for second place. Lu Gambino's fumble, one of several which helped spell defeat for the Colts, set up the winning field goal, the fourth of the game tried by Agajanian.

The Colt fullback dropped the ball on his own six and Bill Reinhard of the Dons fell on it. Two of Glenn Dobbs' passes were incomplete and another caught by Herman Wedemeyer resulted in three-yard loss. Agajanian who previously missed field. goal attempt from the 37 and 45 yard lines and one blocked, came in to der game with a perfect boot, ATLASTIC HOCKEY LI R. I.

Scarlets 5, New Yo Ipolitans, the Ramblers against the Little Devils for the Intermediate League crown. All teams competing are well organized, fully equipped and capable of playing surprisingly good football for youngsters. Tommy Whalen, quarterback of the Ruth Elizabeth team, is rated the Johnny Lujack of the league. He's a clever' ball handler and an expert passer. Paul Schortman of the Blunt Park Rangers is another player fans will enjoy watching play.

He's. another ace passer. There are numerous others who have bright football futures with the six teams, Everyone is co-operating to make the event a big success. Springfield Park Department heads as well as all the playground directors will, be on to see that everything goes off hand, smooth manner. city" officials also.

will be present..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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