The Story of Fritz Westmyn: The Turning World (old, crusty, abandoned) (2024)

Chapter 1-2: Pokemon of the Lake

Sitting here in Socials with Reika and Thatcher...I find all I can do is stare out the window and sigh. I can just barely make out the edge of the lake outside. It never occurred to me to actually try and catch that Pokemon there. But seeing that 'Cronus Aporon' want to do sort of lit a fire inside me. Now I feel I have to get it. I'm sure I can do it. But the problem, of course, is that class is currently in-session, and come lunchtime, if he's anyone meaningful at all, he'll be right on it. I don't know if I'll be able to do anything then...

On the subject of the classroom itself, I'm surprised it's able to fit 200 or so people in it without feeling cramped at all. It's not nearly as spacious as the setting for the class prior. Large black desks are lined orderly in the room, seating around 5-6 students apiece. The chairs outnumber the students in any case. It just so happens that the three of us were among the ones who got stuck by ourselves, but then again, it makes it kind of cozy. By contrast, I spotted a few desks that were willfully overstuffed by large groups of chattering friends. At the very front of the room is an elevated section, where the teacher sits from behind his polished wooden desk. The fanciest fixture in the room, I might add - the walls are a plain white and the floors a patchy beige. There's a blank whiteboard, and hardly any decor on the walls aside from maps of the country. It is as the very definition of bland.

"Hey," Thatcher said, poking me with a pen, snapping me back to reality. "What's the matter?"

I sighed while continuing to stare outside the window. He silently nodded, I guess to show that he understood the message.

Reika, on the other hand, took a far different stance on the matter. She continued to write on the small assignment we'd been handed, not looking up at me as she advised, "Fritz...look. Just don't bother, okay? You're only going to make things worse for yourself. Trying to talk him down was bad enough."

"Coming from the great Reika Easton, that means something," Thatcher snickered.

"Thatcher!" she giggled, not bothered by his wisecrack in the slightest.

"But..." I crossed my legs as I mumbled this...wait! Just got an idea! I stood to my feet and made my way to the front of the class. I stepped up and spoke to the one in charge.

"Mr. Yamaguchi, may I be excused to go to the bathroom?"

The teacher of this the beginning of Socials Class he announced himself as 66, but from his face you'd think he was at least 40 years older. Dressed in a formal double-breasted red and white waistcoat with matching dress pants, he has horribly wrinkled tan skin spotted with dimples and bushy gray eyebrows that dwarf his crescent eyes. I'm unsure if he's just skinny, or if the ridges on his skin are simply giving his arms a boney semblance. The only hint of youth on this man was that he still had hair on his head, albeit only a tiny amount at the very back.

"Yes," he said in a calm, scratchy voice. "But do not take too long. There is much to learn in my class." His mouth curled as if he'd been ingesting nothing but lemons, a revolting sight that aided in the next phase of my act.

"No promises..." I groaned as I dashed off holding my stomach. I almost actually needed to go there...

I hurriedly left, made a right through the hallway, passing by a set of washrooms and a class marked as History, and turned left down the nearby flight of stairs to the main floor. From here, I left the building via the backside exit.

I wasted no time in taking in the sight of the outdoor battling grounds as I made the counterclockwise jog round the school. It wasn't too long before I made it over to the lake. I don't know if it's hanging around, but I think I can draw it out. I went to the shoreline and reached into the water, retrieving one of the numerous rocks. I then hurled it as far as I could throw it...

...and nothing.

I repeated this process. Again. And again. And again. I tried a few different things. Skipping the rock across many, many times, trying to throw it just over the surface, throwing it about where I initially saw the creature, and so on.

It was more or less fruitless...and I'm not even sure what I was trying to accomplish with this approach. Luring it out with them somehow? Maybe I should've brought a Water-type of my own, ugh. Is this even worth it? Maybe it is better to try to go for it when I'm better prepared...I mean, who's to say it'll show itself for Aporon too? May as well turn around and go back. I've spent enough time out here, anyway...


Half expecting that to happen and half not, I managed to jump out of the way just in time. I nearly lost my balance as I tried to whirl around straight after to stare down my foe, ending up in a full squat. All right, let's get this bad boy. I retrieved the Pokemon I had in mind from my pocket, standing to my feet as I released it next to me.

The face and legs of this one are a grayish cyan, the latter adorned with tiny bright hooves. They aren't the only part of its body to match though, as its long, rounded ears and tail are also the same color - both alternating twice between a dusty teal and golden brown. Again, the latter of these has decor; in this instance, a translucent garnet that sparkled on both the inside and the outside. Its most distinguishing feature by far, however, is the fluffy, bulging mass of cotton enveloping its entire body. I can count at least three tones to it: plain white, a corn-colored yellow, and last and least, a dark goldenrod. The Pokemon stood ready, the bumpy gem on its tail raised high as he stared down its foe.

The reason why I hadn't used him to begin with was for practicality purposes. But with nothing to lose and everything to gain now, I gave the word, "All right Mareep, let's see what you can do! Thundershock!"

From within the packets of its fleece burst a jolt of electricity, arcing out to hit...the shoreline opposite us.

Okay, wow. That went pretty far. But um...not really where I wanted. After an awkward pause, I was more specific, "Thundershock on that Pokemon. Not on the other side of the lake." I know it's not his fault, but still.

"Gkh!" His second attempt hit my leg instead. Not enough to hurt, but enough to make me cringe in discomfort. The blue thing broke out into uncontrollable laughter. Geez, now I feel even more discomfort. Was it just patiently watching this entire time? No wait, it actually moved in closer. Is it taunting us?

A volcano erupted in Mareep's beady black eyes. He made a shrill bleat. His entire form momentarily burst into a golden light as a massive Thunderbolt surged out of his body and in the direction of an oblivious Pokemon of the lake.

This...didn't find its mark either. But it was only about a foot away, and water conducts electricity. So close enough? What matters is that it's now floating silently, jaw agape on the surface of the lake like a reed hanging from a lilypad. Mareep was left panting after that move, but seems to be pleased with his efforts.

I retrieved an empty ball from my pocket - a green one with red patches - and much like the stones prior, gave it a good toss. Upon contact with the Pokemon, it burst open, sucking in the form of the snake-like creature, and falling with a light splash to float on the surface of the water. It shuddered silently, the only indication that it was doing so being the ripples generated from the motion. It halted eight seconds after and remained still. Got'em! And conveniently, its mocking of Mareep by moving forward to make aiming easier allowed for an easy and mostly-dry retrieval.

I gave the downy sheep a quick pat on the head before recalling him, slipping both capsules back to their designated locations. Having accomplished what I set out to do, I retraced my steps and hustled back to the school.

As I went into the building, a quick glance at a display situated on the wall on my left revealed that I was out there for only eight minutes. Didn't feel that long, but all for the better. I went up to the second floor and back into Socials class.

"I'm back," I whispered to my friends as I sat down.

"What took you so long?" Thatcher queried.

I grinned. "Let's just say that thanks to my Mareep, Aporon won't be getting a hold of that Pokemon."

"You lied to go capture a Pokēmon?" Reika's shocked at this. Not in her usual way either, this was her reacting like I had just done something really, really wrong.

"No, I did have to go to the bathroom. I just figured there were more important things to do," I slyly presented a variant of the cover story I planned to use, in case I was questioned about it.

It was honest, but didn't placate her. "I don't like liars, Fritz..." Better not respond to that, to avoid aggravating her further. But it's not like I did something inexcusable...right? At least from the expression Thatcher had, I could tell at least one of my friends supported me.


The rest of Socials Class passed without incident or note. The subject of my sneaky preemption was dropped in favor of the assignment. We had to make a map of the country, and I probably did horribly, but that's okay.

When the class ended, it officially marked the start of lunch hour. The three of us left the impressive and massive main building of Rukh's University. Despite this facility being a reasonably modern one, its exterior was granted a turn-of-last-century design. Only the windows looked anything close to recent on this structure.

On either side are two smaller, similar-looking buildings. More contemporary, they're a ruddy brown color with whitish tiled roofs. The left of these from this point of view are the dorms for first year students. Straight ahead, one could make out the front gates of the University, where two further buildings stood. The right acts as the cafeteria, whereas the left was once a school shop, but apparently closed down this year. Presently, the building is in continued disuse. But the most notable part is situated in the middle of all of this.

The Student Square (actually more of a rectangle) is between the main buildings of the campus, marked by the many steps leading down around the perimeter. It's very well maintained - not a single weed is growing between the cobblestone. Various places to sit are strewn about, both formal and makeshift. Decor, including a few sculptures of Pokemon, a working fountain, and rows of planted trees added to the Square's atmosphere. The framework for a new building on the right side was the only eyesore on an otherwise friendly and inviting place, yet may have been reason enough as to why not a lot of our peers were hanging out here.

Reika spoke up. "I need to eat. Let's go to the cafeteria." She marched off in its direction, neither Thatcher nor I following her lead.

"I don't think that's...if that's something we," said Thatcher as he adjusted his glasses.

She halted in place and turned to face him. "Why not?" she curiously asked.

"I overheard some girls talking in class...they said...the food in the was bad." That must have been when I was out at the lake.

Reika snorted. "That's probably just THEIR opinion," and with this assertion again started towards the cafeteria.

I stepped in to clear the air. "He meant that it was spoiled, Reika. As in, the food isn't safe to eat."

She spun around with a "What?!" and stamped her foot in frustration. "But I'm hungry!" Her reaction didn't surprise me, given that we hardly were given time for breakfast. What I'm wondering though is how it even happened.

"It's all right. I got it covered!" A joyous Thatcher took off and reached into his black backpack, unzipping one of the larger compartments. He put both arms inside, feeling and reaching around for the contents within. When he found what he was searching for, he came up with three sub sandwiches in his hands. "Ta-da! Right from my father!"

"Wow!" Reika beamed.

"A salami, ham, and cheese sandwich for you, Reika!" he said, proudly presenting her with the meal stated. "Fritz, are you okay with a BLT?"

I shrugged. "Sure."

"And I'll take this tuna sandwich."

After a short period of searching, we sat down close to an ornamental clock tower. Only around eight feet high, but with a working timepiece and speaker (for the school's 'bell'?) in it. A plate on the side noted it's a scale model of one that actually used to be here. Reika joined Thatcher on a bench, while I chose to sit on a curb across from them. "My father makes the best sandwiches, Fritz! You'll love it!"

"Well, let's see." My eyes widened as I took the first bite. The tomatoes had been dried, yet somehow retained all of their natural flavoring. Though it had been stored in a temperature-controlled bag, the lettuce was as fresh as the day it was plucked from the Earth. The bacon was tender and crispy, with just the right amount of spice mixed in. The tangy mayonnaise, sweet butter, and semi-sour mustard blended perfectly, yet left just enough slack so that each condiment could be sensed individually. Most of all was the bread. It was tough and hard to get into on the outside, giving the sandwich a solid sturdy feel, making each piece feel like it meant something, yet soft and fluffy on the inside, with a rich texture that just didn't befit whole wheat bread. He really wasn't kidding! I just couldn't help myself, and began digging in as fast as I could, being careful not to miss a bit of the flavoring, drop too many crumbs, or choke.

I guess I went a little too far, because Reika gave me a disgusted look. "Fritz, I know it's good. But you're eating like a pig who hasn't had food in a week."

I got down the sizable bite I had taken, wiped my mouth, and humorously replied, "I haven't."

My response garnered a laugh out of my friends. Thatcher stopped his chuckle partway to inquire, "Wait, um, seriously?"

I looked at him with a slight smile. "If you want to call what I had food." Which got them to laugh again.

We continued to eat. I was too absorbed in the filling meal to talk further, and though I can't speak for my friends, their not talking may have indicated a similar view. It was only as Thatcher finished that he began to speak.

"I can't wait for the next class!" he said with ripe anticipation as he put the wrapper in his bag.

"Why, what's so special about the next class?" I'd been done with mine for a few minutes, but Reika is still working on hers.

Thatcher closed his eyes and smiled. "It's Art class. That's where I'll be able to do it..." he began in a mumble, before breaking into a determined proclamation: "That's where I'll be able to start on the road to accomplishing my dream!"

"You want to be an artist?" I have to wonder. How is art relevant at a Pokemon themed school? Do you like, use your Pokemon to make art? How can you even make art with a Pokemon?

"Oh, no. That's not it," he quickly responded. "I mean, real art is part of it, but, that's not it. What I really want is to be a Pokémon Coordinator! Just like Maribel Capdevila!"

"Okay," I slowly said. Truth be told, I had no idea what or who that is. But it sounds quite normal, and so like I'm about to admit that much. "I've heard of them before, but don't actually know what they do. Like, what are their goals, and stuff?"

"The goals of a Pokémon Coordinator..." he confided, "Is to make their Pokémon look beautiful. They get dressed up all cutely, then go up in front of crowds of people, trying to look cooler than anyone else! They have all sorts of fancy competitions in Contests. But they have to be tough, too! Since in most contests, you have to have special battles. Magnificent duels...showing off smart and elegant combinations of moves..." He was entirely bedazzled as he gave me the lowdown.

That might explain his choice of wardrobe. I am wondering though: did he make it himself, have someone else do it for him, or is he just good at mixing and matching clothing?

"I hope one day, I can be as good as Maribel..." He sighed happily as Reika shook her head, albeit positively. "Say, Fritz," Thatcher asked, "I was wondering something. How did you come to be here? And what's your dream?"

"Huh? I'm...not quite sure what you mean?"

"What do you mean you're not-"

"HEY!" Reika's words were interrupted by the shouts of a frantic young man. "YOU GOTTA COME SEE THIS!"

He ran off after saying this, his loose red shirt erratically wafting through his haste alone. The three of us looked to each other. I shrugged, stood up, and moved to follow. I glanced back at my friends after a few steps, who had decided to do the same. He led us around the construction site, between the main building and that smaller one, and then straight forward from there. It was around that time that it hit me where he was taking us.

"Where...are...we...going?" gasped Thatcher.

"I...don't...know..." Reika heaved. Even though a jog didn't drain her stamina earlier, a full-on sprint seemed to be wearing her down.

"There's only one place we could be going," I said. It wasn't long before my suspicions were confirmed, but the reason as to why we were headed there was nothing like I had expected.

In the middle of the lake swims a massive serpent. Its body is armored by coarse, thick scales that appear as though they might only yield to hard bludgeoning. The length of it is comprised of countless segments - tinted a desolate beige on its front, and a cold, dark blue on its back, lined with off-gray fins so sharp and rigid they might shred through metal. But what stands out most of all was the head of the matter. Though a creature of the deep, a fire resonates in its already-scarlet eyes. Its jaw - from which two white whiskers dangle - is wide enough to devour a man in one bite, and though only a few fangs sprout from its gums, they alone seem capable of tearing food to pieces. And if their pointed form is not enough to placate the masoch*stic, several spines on the side of its face and a pointed dragon's crest above its eyes serve as decor to the furious guise of the destroyer.

"That-" Reika stuttered as she took a preliminary step back, "THAT'S A GYARADOS!!"

An equally intimidated Thatcher recoiled into his jacket. "There really is a Gyarados in the lake!"

"But it's huge!" I turned back and said, more composed than my friends. "Something like that wouldn't be able to survive in there!" It's here though, so there has to be an explanation.

Thatcher gave his take on that matter. "He...he must have really made a Magikarp mad, then!"

Makes sense. Despite facing such a demon of nature, Aporon seems unconcerned. In fact, his cool appeared to be rubbing off on the rest of the student body, as they're watching his Pokemon battle the behemoth in awe. Its mug is no less ugly than its foe's, but not for being a hideous terror. Almost shell-shaped, 7-8 pink tentacles flail about behind its rugged emerald form like poisonous snakes. Two odd eyes - both merely a ring within a ring - are unblinking to any verbal or physical threat its opponent presented. From within its jaw shines an ethereal golden light. Besides all that, this oddball seems very serpentine as well.

"A Cradily?" Thatcher asked plainly. "How did Cronus get a Cradily?"

"His family's friends with scientists from Cinnabar Island, remember?" Reika said. "He probably bought the fossil from someone and had them restore it!"

Aporon's Cradily is swimming in a circular pattern around its target. Many torrents of water are being loosed from the lips of the massive dragon, but all of them are missing. Cradily is periodically responding with some blasts of its own - well, explosive blasts. Initially glowing orbs or chestnuts that it spat from its jaw, but burst upon contact. A classic Seed Bomb. Slowly but surely, the Cradily is nearing its foe. Aporon's gaze lowered, and he grinned craftily. Anticipating the moment they reach close-range?

Maybe. But then the Gyarados swung its entire body at his Pokemon, sending it clear across the water and to the shoreline near its trainer. Before Aporon could even get a word out, and before it could even get to its...foot? Feet? A blue flame had escaped the mouth of the dragon and enveloped the...umm...

"What's Cradily supposed to be, anyway?"

"I...think it's a barnacle?" Thatcher replied. "B-but what was THAT?" he yelped, referring to the move the Gyarados just used.

"Dragon Rage. An attack that pierces the target's defenses."

The inferno had kicked up a generous amount of dirt and smoke, making it impossible to see what had happened. The spectators are leaning forward tensely, expecting the worst...

...but when the dust settled, there was not an unconscious Pokemon lying there, but one who'd hobbled back upright and it laughing!? The Gyarados let out a gasp, then a roar of frustration as many students cheered their hero on.

"So that's how it is," Aporon dryly said to the dragon. "Cradily, Ancientpower!"

The green sea creature glowed with a mysterious white light. A number of rocks quietly materialized from nowhere, illuminated much the same way. Then, upon their wielder lashing forth like a general commanding his troops, the rocks shot out. The shattering impact of each caused its target to wince in pain.

Not liking this one bit, the very agitated serpent opened its maw. A golden orb quickly formed within, and a giant laser shot out moments later. Yet shock would come to it for the second time in a minute as Cradily fell flat onto the ground, the beam missing cleanly and singing the earth around twenty feet away from its intended target. And right after that, another Ancientpower was quickly readied and unleashed upon it as it recovered. More cheers. But this Gyarados isn't done just yet. Likely realizing fighting from fifty or sixty feet away isn't doing it much good, it's racing to shore to face its foe head-on...!

"Watch out, Cronus!" shouted a male student. "It's coming right for Cradily!"

Aporon just chuckled, a confident glint in his eye the only recognition of the statement. "Cradily, stand strong!"

That got a reaction out of everyone. To say it was wholly positive isn't exactly true. Despite the shock, they seemed to trust and believe in this guy's strategy - whatever it was. I'm not so sure, though.

"Bad move..." I whispered. I just have this feeling.

"Huh? Why do you th-" Thatcher started to say, but before he could finish, it happened.

When Gyarados reached the place where Cradily stood, it again swung its body across. But this time, the barnacle was ready for it, and stood firmly in place as contact was made with its upper half, whipping it into the ground. Cradily was immediately up despite impact and moved to launch a least, that's what I think what his plan was? What instead happened was Gyarados, upon realizing it didn't send its foe flying, had stopped, twisted around, and looked it dead in the eyes. Though gaze as still as ever, the body language of the Cradily showed terror. From this distance, the Gyarados' Hyper Beam simply couldn't miss its mark. The barnacle was consumed and slumped over unconscious within a small crater, multiple burns covering its body.

Aporon was unfazed at this, fluidly recalling his Pokemon. The crown jewel addressed the heaving dragon, "You're stronger and smarter than I thought. Good! Good." He retrieved another Poke Ball from his belt. "Now, prepare to face a Pokémon that is a true master of the water!"

The Gyarados hatefully slammed its head down in reply before he could send it out. Aporon saw it coming and ran to the right to evade it, but the monster jerked to the left, knocking him away, along the ground, and into a tree. He didn't get up...

The student body flew into spontaneous trepidation.

"Cronus was beatened?!"

"No! No! Nooo!"

"What are we gonna do?!"


"We have it to I mean we gotta get out of here!"

While some are rushing to the aid of the fallen trainer, a majority agreed with that last one. People are scampering away in all directions - a few even summoning bird Pokemon and escaping into the skies. A fleeting glance to Reika, and we both knew we're on the same page - we shouldn't stick around, either. We took off...stopping on the spot when we turned and noticed what was missing.

"Thatcher! You have to run!" Reika wailed.

He stands paralyzed in fear of the horror before him. The Gyarados let out a primal roar, spewing its blazing breath into the air triumphantly. He didn't hear her.

"Thatcher, please!" she begged.

Again, no response. I know what has to be done...even given the dangers involved. I searched my pocket for a particular Pokemon. When I located it, I nodded to myself. Its container in hand, I turned around and stepped towards the lake.

"Fritz!" screamed a hysterical Reika. "Are you retarded?! That's a GYARADOS!!! You just saw what it did to-"

I ignored her words. This isn't a time to run away. This is a time for action! If I don't do something, Thatcher might get killed by that thing! I cast down the capsule before me, and from it materialized a walking mass of blue spaghetti. No, seriously. Its round 'body' consists of nothing more than vines of varying thickness. Two beady retinas peer out from within a dark hole in the middle. It has no legs - only two feet on which it wears red and white sneakers.

"A Tangela?" Reika berated. "WHY WOULD YOU USE A TANGELA? Why not Mareep?!"


It's not something I wanted to spring forward so soon...I was hoping I wouldn't have to at all...but right now, it looks like I have no other choice. It's what I brought it for, after all...just in case. Tangela turned to me expectantly. I shook my head and told it, "Get its attention first!"

Tangela shook exuberantly. Per its demand, a vicious hurricane of leaves and twigs surrounded itself. Tangela squealed as it sent the contents of the vortex flying towards the serpent. Though they merely glanced off its hide, it served its purpose. The Gyarados turned its attention away from its celebration and towards that which dare attack it. It swam near and snapped forward, attempting to devour Tangela. But my Pokemon was much faster, and dodged on the left side effortlessly, and back when it swung towards it. I took a deep breath before I yelled my next word, right into my friend's ear.


He finally snapped out of his stupor, and backing away slowly at first. Then he broke out into a full out sprint. I acknowledged him, and took another step forward, staring at the challenge in front of me. Reika let out a gargle of disbelief.

"Wait, what the HELL?" She had a slight hint of thanks in her voice, but it played second fiddle to her confoundedness. "You're still going to-"

"Reika!" I snapped, with more anger than I meant to, startling her slightly. Thatcher slowed to a stop and peered back, shaking. I got some control back before I explained part of my reasoning to her, "Think about it. We can't just leave this thing alone. What could happen if nobody does anything here?"

Her face showed realization for a moment, but quickly returned to its chastising nature. "Y-you SERIOUSLY aren't actually to try to-"

"No," I interrupted. Try? There is no try. "I'm going to!"

I tuned everything out as Tangela again looked back to me, still in a game of cat and mouse. This time, I gave the confirmation it sought. With this, two particularly thick vines untwisted from its body to wrap themselves around the Gyarados! With a short run leading up, Tangela proceeded to reel itself in at an incredible speed, colliding feet first with the Gyarados, and actually sending it staggering back several meters. Those who remained gasped around me. A second bout rang out when the Gyarados flailed a little in attempt throw Tangela off, only to get crashed into again when it whipped Tangela out sufficiently far enough for it to gain the needed momentum. The impact was top-first that time, but sent it reeling even further towards the center.

The Gyarados went into a panic, gaining me some cheers of my own! Nice! It's thrashing wildly about and spitting water and flame into the air at random. This tactic almost worked - one of Tangela's vines broke off in the struggle. That didn't seem to slow it down though, as it quickly brought out another, and when unable to wrap it around, used Power Whip instead. With each crack across its scaly spine, the Gyarados let out an anguished growl. And uh-?


It just dove underwater. Tangela was pulled down with it.

And then it was quiet. A little disturbing. When all you've heard for 4-5 minutes has been the cries and sounds of vicious battle, it's kind of odd when it's just like, gone.

Breaking the silence, Thatcher stammered, " it..."

He didn't get to finish his question, as the serpent - I guess when it saw how shallow the water was in comparison with its new size if Thatcher's theory is correct - soared high out of the lake. It landed on the asphalt with a thunderous crash that kicked up dust and rocks, and sent many remaining onlookers fleeing.

Ugh. And looks like it's figured a way to get Tangela off - slamming its entire body downwards, sandwiching Tangela between itself and pavement. Tangela kept its hold, but was stunned. Gyarados pulled itself upright, and once again flung itself down. My Pokemon wasn't crushed a second time, but was whipped into the ground particularly hard. Its grip is beginning to weaken...I need to get it out of there! Ideally, in an advantageous manner.

And I know just how to do that! I timely ordered, "Tangela, let go!"

Hearing the command, Tangela dropped its vines as the Gyarados was winding up for a third slam. The momentum of the upswing sent it airborne. Perfect! The dragon crashed down without Tangela. It let out a roar of frustration as it attempted to figure out where it went, failing to notice its aloft foe shadowed against the sunlight. This is it!

"Tangela, SOLARBEAM!"

Tiny particles of light flowed into my Pokemon's body, gradually tinting it a golden hue. Initially it was merely a translucent radiance, but it exponentially hastened to become more and more opaque. The Gyarados twisted around at the moment the charge reached its apex, just in time to see its fate. A column of energy, the size of Tangela itself, tore out of the mass of vines with such force that it bolstered itself a little further into the air. The sea serpent had no warning and no chance to respond. An ear-piercing howl of pain cut through the grounds as the beam enveloped its midsection. It defiantly tried to remain upright, despite its twitching body and scrunched eyes.

Then it was enveloped in a red light? Cronus Aporon is back up, head and body held high. He's slightly bruised, but by no means beaten down mentally. He stared intently at the Poke Ball, letting out a silent cheer when it clicked shut. "All right!" he declared, as people cheered. "Thanks for the help!"

As he was approaching to retrieve his new Pokemon, I interposed myself between them. I'm completely bewildered at what just happened. I threw up my arms. "What was that all about?"

The crowd hushed over this confrontation. Reika came to my support as well, giving him a similar look. "You just let Fritz defeat it, then caught it yourself?"

"What was that for?" I demanded. Aporon was entirely unmoved by my tone.

"Well, I did come here meaning to catch it, after all," he clarified, without so much as a self-superior laugh. He smoothly continued, "And I did, thanks to you. Things worked out for the both of us, wouldn't you say?" It's like he truly believes what he's spouting. "It's for the better, anyway."

"For the better?" I raised an eyebrow as I recalled my Tangela. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, sure. You're a good trainer and all, you proved that when you beat that Pokémon. But when it comes to controlling it, I don't think you'd be able to manage it." That again? He had a friendly expression on his face, which was further articulated by his helpful tone. But as he passed me by to collect his catch, he looked me dead in the eye and mumbled, "And I thought told you to stay out of my way."

Aproron went to picked up the red and white sphere where the Gyarados once was. With relaxed mannerisms, he strapped it to his belt, which with that had reached its maximum capacity of six. Just seeing this guy pisses me off. As he was about to walk away, I decided to address him further.

"Okay, okay," I flippantly began, "So if I see you being threatened by a giant water dragon again, I should just sit there and see how things play out?"

"HA!" Aporon scoffed. "Don't be so bitter. Besides, everyone here knows you only fought it to save your friend. Maybe impress the girl." He looked to Thatcher and Reika respectively.

"Hey, now wait just a-"

I shrugged. "Yeah, you're right. If my friend wasn't in trouble, I probably would've let you become fish food."

"Mr. Westmyn!" I nearly jumped out of my skin upon seeing a very serious, very angry looking man who came storming out of nowhere. Upon further examination, it's the guy from the assembly earlier. Mr. Wippedman, I think his name was?


"Go over to the principal's office!"

"What for?"


I looked to my friends, who are equally as confused as I am at this moment. Aporon is smirking complacently, and the remaining stragglers are whispering amongst themselves. My eyes pleaded with Reika and Thatcher, hoping that one of them would say something in my defense. Neither spoke up. Guess all I can do is obey as ordered, albeit with great reluctance.

Not the way I wanted things to play out after making that impression...

Last edited:

The Story of Fritz Westmyn: The Turning World (old, crusty, abandoned) (2024)


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.