The Vinita Leader from Vinita, Oklahoma (2024)

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If 47717'Irtasxm17 --It CD THE VOMOT 11 EA DE A Published Every Thursday The VINITA LEADER is a Pioneer Newspaper Successor to The Chieftain i Established 69 Years Ago VINITA OKLAHOMA THURSDAY MARCH 7 1957 72ND YEAR-NO 9 Warmer Weather Will Follow Snow Vessels Collide In River Seven Of Crew Missing County Polio Clinics Slated During iViarch i O'Mit e''' 7PII'' 3 a 4i Mk 4 A4-- 444 ti) i 4 ii d'' 4 c4r 4 1 0 4 -1 I Iv ft A 1- 't i 1 )1 "1 1 i Light snow flurries which started here late Wednesday night continu-d in the Craig county arca this afternoon as the state weather bureau predicted a milder storm system rater today anti warmer tem Friday and Satur Navy Gasoline Tender Liberian Freighter Burst In Flames 61 Survive uffire smomoLvil 0BCAMPBELLI Free polio shots will be given to eligible children and exPect ant mothers in Vinita on Tuesday' Alarch 19 and in other Craig county communities on March 26 it was announced today For most of those taking the vaccination it Will be their third and final shot and villn he well in advance of the 1957 they are not ready for the third I olio season inoculation The Craig county chapter Na- Here is the schedule: tional FoundeIon for Infantile Tuesday March high-Paralysis will assist in organizing school gym Will Rogers grade the polio clinics County doctors school Hall-Halsell grade school and nurses will donate their services Sacred Heart academy and River-Mrs Charles Frayser Vinita is in side grade school each at 1 charge of the organization and and Attucks grade school 1:30 planning Tuesday March Oak they are not ready for the third inoculation Here is the schedule: Tuesday March high-school gym Will Rogers grade school Hall-Halsell grade school Sacred Heart academy and Riverside grade school each at 1 and Attucks grade school 1:30 Tuesday March Oak IL to the Middle East Dulles left a short tone later for Australia to see what can be done about communist subversion in Southeast Asia NEA Telephoto) SUS TMO OFF ON Eisenhowe center and Secretary of State John Fmter Dulles lilt confer at the tA'hite House with James Richards who will head an American mission Ketchum Welch and Bluejacket each at 1 Big Cabin 2 and Centralia 2:30 II Children In rural schools will attend the same clinic at which they received their previous shot Price president of the Craig county chapter said that enough vaccine is on hand to vaccinate 1575 if that isn't enough we can order more from Oklahoma City" Teachers Pupils To Present Demonstration At Convention VHS Yearbook Queen Chosen The snow most of which melted on contact 1A)day partially covered the ground early this morning Local Obseiver 11 lsl(xss said the temperature reached a low of 25 degrees early this morning and was still 29 degrees at 12:30 today The high reading Wednesday afternoon was 52 Today's snowfall vas so light that it was presm)ting no traffic problem in this area Storm Moves On United Press said the sudden storm IA Inch brought valuable moisture to western Oklahoma farmlands Wednesday had moved into Arkansas and Louisiana today leaving near-freezing temperatures behind Forecasters said a milder storm system would reach the state later today with a few light snow flurries predicted in the panhandle and in west and south portions of the state through Friday Warmer temperatures are due Friday and Saturday Light rain and snow was ending along the extreme eastern border of the state this morning In the panhandle most of the precipitation ended 24 hours earlier Guymon GOs 27 Guymon had 22 mch of precipitation before 7 a Wednesday and only 05 inch the 24 hours eliding at 7 a in today the state weather bureau rerorted In the northwest Gage had a 48- hour precipitation total of 58 inch and Hobart in the southwest had 51 for the same period Altus had 49 inch during the 24 hours ending this morning Cloudy skies were reported over much of the state shortly before noon today although sunshine had been few earlier The free vaccine is being furnished by the Oklahoma state health department in cooperation with the LT health department Eligibility Cited Eligible for the free shots are persons from three months of age up to and including 19 years of age Expectant mothers of all ages also are qualified Eligible persons also may take either the fIrtt or second shot if readifig dnionstration cifililucted by a Vinita teacher and eight of her first grade pupils will be a feature of the Northeast District Oklahoma Education association convention Friday in Tulsa Senior Class Candidate Wins Over Five Others NEV CASTLE Del March I (IT) A navy gasoline tender and a Liberian frrightvr collided at "the isaveyard of ships" on the Dela it re river today Both ships imiiirdiately burst into names with a terrific explosion Five hours later the tender sion of San Francisco sank blocking the main ship chiumel to Wilmington Del Philadelphia and Trenton The freighter the Elna blazed for hours before the flames were brought under control by coast guard vessels and a Philadelphia fire boat Estimated Seven Missing The coast guard reported 61 survivors and listed an estimated seven missing all of them from the Mission of San Francisco The Ntission carried 45 men and the Eitia 23 Among the missing was the mission's captain William Allen Galveston Tex The Mission did not carry a pilot because Allen was licensed for the Delaware river The only fire-fighting equipment aboard the Eliot was a garden hose one of the survivors told the United Press Both vessels exploded in a sheet of flames upon impact rocking homes on both sides of the river and awakening persons as far away as Maryland Nearly Cut In Two The Mission was nearly cut in two by the impact The missing men all of them believed to be ships officers were asleep in the general area of the point of impact The Mission is navy-owned but operated by a civilian tanker corporation and is manned by civilian merchant marine iicmmen Although the coast guard would not confirm that any of the missing were dead Eugene McKenna 33 Providence I said "everybody In the middle of the ship must have been killed" Langley Cubs Scouts Honored Doctrine's Final Okeh Due Today Blue And Gold Banquet Is Held In Hall Of VFW Post Mrs Bill Lewis will conduct the demonstration with the help of these students: Neil Hester Sahgie Frayser David Brown Connie Bryant Jo Marlene Enyart Kathy Best Debbie Ilesket and Janet Frits To Write Song They will present an experience story do creative writing and reading and also will write a song The demonstration will be presented at a departmental meeting to be held in the Eisenhower elementary school Mrs Cliarles Frayser will provide the transportation for the Vinita group Schools in Vinita Ond mrxst Craig county communities will be closed all day Friday while the teachers attend the convention IKLAHONIA City will get a new whopping big $35 million dollar to an announcement made yesterday Harold Schmidt vice president and chief engineer for Western Electric said the plant will employ 3500 to 4000 people requiring of course location near a metropolitan area But he said there were many reasons for locating the plant at Oklahoma City Schmidt said the result was "a balance of many things not the least of which are religious civic and cultural life of a community" That's something to think about Industry today isnt interested in locating in a community that isn't on its to go forward for civic development but always with a goal for its people of growth spiritually and culturally It is the only hope of the world LIINCE so many missed the last chamber of commerce meeting we would like to pass on two brief "gags" that Glen Ward told the crowd He defined the "upper crust" as "a bunch of crumbs held together by their own dough" Ile told of the Australian bush man who got a new boomerang and wept try'ng to 2t: old one away WE agree with Mrs Hattie Mae Lachenmeyer columnist publisher of the Cushing Citizen on raising first class postage to five cents She writes: "Five cents to write somebody 'I Pia fine how are A nickel to decline the annual banquet of the Society for the Preservation of Relics of the Spanish War? An extra tax on each bill? "No thanks If letter writing is a declining art this kills it Prices it right out of the market Five cents postage is the excuse we reluctant correspondents have been looking for for years "The proposed rate may balance the postal budget But what's the use of a Post Office Department if only the extravagant can afford it? If we're going to have deficits let one be here Mail is the poor mans long distance call We all like to get it though answering it may be something else again" WASHINGTON March 7 house today stamped final and merw helming congressional approval of President Eisenhower's Middle East resolution The roll call vote was 350 to 60 Miss Kay Bailey member of the senior class at Vinita highschool today was named queen of the 1957 yearbook Miss Bailey daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Bailey 222 Bell st and her classmates sold yearbooks totaling 123 per cent of the class quota The attractive queen whose picture will be used cn a full page of the yearbook due to be issued in May is 17 years old She has dark brown eyes and black hair Runnerup for queen honors ws Miss Janell Ka daughter J-t of Mr and Mrs Floyd Kapp 471 7IF Brewer at Miss Kapp is a member of sophom*ore class Other queen candidates were: Misses Mary Sue Calldn junior class member KAY BAILEY Sandra Patty freshman Saundra Spradlin eighth grader and Sandra Raines seventh grader Principal Gus Conner said a total of 509 yearbooks were sold during the campaign "The campaign stopped just in time" Conner said "since we had ordered only 510 copies" Israel Surrenders Gaza Strip To UN WASHINGTON March 7 (U111)--The house planned today to give final congressional approval to the Eisenhower Doctrine for the Middle East house leaders predicted the Odoctrine would pus by about Spendi 60 to 60 pending May Be 3 The house has already passed the doctrine once But the senate modi- Sl lied it Rather than have further owed Ike Says delay the administration said the senate version is acceptable That WASHINGTON March 7 nTrn assured rapid house action WASHINGTON March 7 (11P) Five ReElected To Rotary Board SH 82 Projects To Be Let This Month Blue and gold banquet and monthly pack meeting were held in Langley for Cubs of Pack 96 and Boy Scouts of Troop 96 and their families About 50 persons attended the dinner-meeting held in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall in Langley The hall was decorated in blue and gold with centerpieces relating to the theme of "Onward for God and My Country" Charters and awards were presented by Dryden Carman institutional representative to these committeemen: Roy Ryan committee chairman Herman Ruonavaona correspondent: Paul Ilacutt Cubmaster Keeling McGauhey Scoutmaster: Mrs Joan Carman den mother of den 1: Mrs Marjorie Ryan den mother of den 2 and Mrs Gladys Sands assistant den mother lIacutt conducted the bob cat ceremony and presented pins to Orville and Jerry Hill Johnny Loux and Ronnie Large were recognized for their faithfulness as den chiefs for the three months that the Cubs have been organized Next pack meeting will be held Wednesday March 27 By UNITED PRESS Israel announced Way it had surrendered authority in the Gaza strip to the United Nations despite a growing threat that Egypt would demand control of the area Jerusalem radio broadcast a proclamation by Col Matityahu Pe led commander of Israeli forces in the Gaza zone turning over control to a UN police force hi the first such action in history The bulk of the Israeli forces withdrew before dawn and only a handful of liaison troops remained to complete the last details They are to be out before sun-down Evacuation of Sharm El Sheikh on the Gulf of Aqaba is set for Five directors of the Yinita Rotary club were re-elected at the organization's luncheon-forum Wednesday noon Re-elected were: George Schaefer Dr A Jones 'collard Rich Lester Davis and Bill Fowler Bennett Kay was named to the board to succeed Wade Zumwalt The board will meet later to elect officers for the new year beginning July 1 Alex Yorman program chairman at Wednesday's meeting discussed shade and ornamental trees The state highway commission is scheduled to open bids Tuesday March 26 for two major bridge projects on SH 82 south of Locust Grove in Mayes county it was announced in Oklahoma City today The work including 4653 miles of grading and drainage is estimated at $232826 according to Commission Chairman IL Tom Kight Jr Claremore The steel-concrete bridges 28 feet wide will be built on Spring and Snake creeks The Spring creek bridge is estimated at $105939 and the Snake creek project at $115190 The grading and drainage project is estimated at $194997 Kight said a paving contract estimated at $114190 will follow later on the 4653-mile stretch of SH 82 President Eisenhower said today it might be necessary to slow up federal spending on some projects in order to relieve inflationary pressures In his first news conference since Feb 6 Mr Eisenhower said he has ordered an intensive review of the budget to determine whether spending for certain projects could be slowed down to achieve a budget cut for fiscal 1958 He did not identify the projects His budget for fiscal 1958 calls for spending MS billion Mr Eisenhower said he did not anticipate being able make any substantial cut which would cause material reduction of federal services or in any way affect the defense and national secuhty of the nation However as the two-month drive to get the doctrine through congress drew to an end a group of democrats called on the ailltiliistration to produce a positive long-range Middle East policy They called the doctrine a stop-gap measure Other congressional news: Democratic farm leaders hoped to push a bill through thE house to expand soil bank benefits to farmers in most sections of the country They faced stiff opposition from republicans who were backing a bill to extend soil bank subsidies to rnidwest corn growers only Both bills appeared headed for defeat Spending House republicans said the White House has given concrete evidence of its intentions to try to cut President Eisenhower's $718 billion budget They a statement by Budget Director Percival Brundage that his office is taking a new look at the budget to seek possible cuts Troopers Checking Vehicles For Safety State highway patrolmen with the cooperation of local officers are conducting a vehicle check in the Craig county area The campaign which began Monday will continue through next Wednesday About eight per cent of Oklahoma's traffic accidents in 1956 were caused by defective vehicles according to Trooper Bob Green Troopers who set up safety lanes at different locations each day are checking drivers' licenses and inspecting brakes lights windshield wipers horns tires window glasses ain mufflers Vehicles found to be in satisfactory condition are issued black and white stickers to be placed on the windshield Junior Farm Bureau Will Meet Tuesday Junior Farm Bureau of Craig county will meet at 7:30 Tuesday in the county courthouse annex A business session and program are planned Howard Hale president said A film "Unconditional Surrender" the must recent movie on polio will be shown by Bennett Kay Hildebrand will discuss the economic outlook for the coming year All members and prospective members are urged to be present Hale said Lions Serving Pancakes Today Pancakes will continue to be served until 6:30 today by Vinita Lions club members who are staging the annual event to help raise funds for the summer baseball program Pancake Day began at 6 a today at Wilson's Grand cafe with suveral hundred persons being served by 1 Lions club members are doing all the preparing and serving pancakes and coffee to washing the dishes Tickets are 25 hnd 50 cents Dairy Princess Entries Sought Entries are being sought in Craig county or the annual dairy princess contest in Tulsa according to Bennett Kay Vinita chamber of commerce member Eligible to enter are girls under the age of 21 who are daughters of a dairy farmer The candidates who will enter competition June 18-20 in Tulsa may sign up for the contest with Kay or the chamber of commerce office Sheriff To Oe liver Burglar To Prison Craig County Sheriff Jim Ince received committment papers today for a confessed burglar and planned to deliver him to the state penitentiary in McAlester this afternoon to start a three-year term George James Lane 24 an xconvict from Joplin Mo had entered a guilty plea in district court here a few days ago He was charged with burglarizing the Welch school Two of his stepsons were implicated in the burglary The older step-son Donald Webb 19 pleaded guilty and will be sentenced April 26 The younger boy 15 was proled to juvenile officers in Joplin Former Convict Is Hunted As Suspect TULSA March 7 (UP)---Oflieers were searching today for an ex-convict who is believed armed in connection with some recent holdups in this area lie was identified as Orville Carter 23 hose last address was in Tulsa Police said Carter is wanted at Okmulgee for grand larceny Bartlesville and Collinsville for armed robbery and Tulsa for strong armed robbery Controlling Interest In Pryor Bank Is Sold PRYOR March 7--Nolen Jacobs former Pryor resident who now lives in Muskogee this week purchased controlling interest in the First National bank here Jacobs' bid high of eight submitted was $2420663 for 71 per cent interest in the institution He plans to move his wife and two children back to Pryor where he will actively manage the bank The bank was founded early in the century by the late A Graham The majority interest in the bank was part of the Graham Medical Society To Meet In Miami Soon Demos Urged To Re-Build Program NEW YORK March 7 (71!) Sen John Kennedy tD-Mass) called on his fellow democrats in congress today to re-establish the patty's leadership by building "a progressive program any democratic candidate in 1960 can run on with pride and hope" That candidate probably will be facing Vice President Richard Nixon Kennedy said in a magazine article He is "a tough skillful shrewd opponent" who is "far from being the pushover some democrats smugly expect" Kennedy wrote And he will have the advantage of four more years of a build-up which "no single democratic hopeful can possibly receive" Woman Faces City Charge Of Speeding A local woman motorist charged with traveling 43 mph in a 20-mile speed zone in Vinita at 3:25 a today will appear in city court Friday morning The police department said the woman was stopped by city officers on Wilson st City police during the past 24 limns arrested two other persons on charges of being drunk in a public place legion Home School Tour Planned Sunday Legionnaires and auxiliary members in the First district will drive to Ponca City Sunday to tour the American Legion home school Vinitans wishing to make the trip will meet at the Legion hut at 9 a Sunday Transportation will be supplied for those without cars The tour will start at 1 Legionnaires are asked to bring cash contributions and auxiliary members are to bring pillow cases and sheets Members of the Ottawa-Craig Medical society will meet the evening of Thursday March 21 in the home of Dr Connell in Miami according to Dr Edward Witcher Vinita whc recently was named president of the organi7ation Dr Terra II Covington internist from Tulsa will be the speaker Wives of the members are being invited to the meeting PROHIBITION REPEAL SOUGHT OKLAHOMA CITY March 7 Prohibition repeal popped up in the house today when two members introduced a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment authorizing state-owned package liquor stores The resolution has virtually no chance of passage this session Local Student Is Second In Contest Miss Herb Heiden Vinita high-school student placed second in the American Legion's district oratorical contest in Miami Wednesday Miss Heiden winner of the Vinita contest was second among seven contestants The winner John McCollough Miami who was runnerup in state competition last sear will compete in the east sectional tournament Thursday March 14 in Sapulpa Miss Heiden is the daughter of Mrs Jo Heiden Vinita Recruits Not Required To Take Army Training Men signing up for the national guard before April 1 will not be required to take six months of training unless they request it ac7 cording to Capt John Adams commanding officer of the Vinita anti-aircraft battery Adams said the new recruits who sign up before April 1 can take all their training with the local battery "Recruits under the age of 182 will be exempt from the draft" he added Second Suspect In Burglary Arrested Irvin Summers Pryor was arrested in Pryor Wednesday on charges he helped burglarize Brown's general store in Ketchum a few months ago Summers was returned here and placed in the Craig county jail to await arraignment in Peace Justice George Zumwalt's court His brother Alvin Summers jr 32 charged earlier in connection with the Ketchum burglary is being held in the county jail Aquarium Society To Meet In Miami STREET SCENES DOTSON RITES TODAY Services were held this afternoon in Collinsville for Roy Dotson 66 Webb City Mo who died suddenly in Vinita Tuesday afternoon T-le was the step-father of Mrs Yirsil Stuart Luginbuel Bathers Funeril Leine was in char4e cf burial in the Collinsville cernetem A meeting of the Aquarium society of the tri-state area is scheduled Friday in Miami with all persons interested in tropical fish invited to attend The meeting will be held at 7:30 Friday in the community room of the Ottawa county courthouse COMING EVENTS March deadline for city office candidates March 9 Deadline for voters' registration for city primary election March 15 Deadline for applying for homestead exemption March county spelling bee for dependent school champions courthouse annex 2 March primary election March for buying penalty-free Vinita dog licenses Benefit Game Is Re-Set For Monday A benefit basketball game originally scheduled here Wednesday has been postponed until 3 Monday in the Vinita highschool gym IMatched are the VHS men faculty members and the Vinita Rotary club The school's Dramatics club will receive the proceeds to help pay their expenses to spring contests AdineAnn will be 25 cents Winter which seemed to be iwer is back with us in full force again today This is National 4-11 Club Week Giveaway: part-setter male dog black and white about two years old Inquire at Journal Jack Taylor drops by early with a news story Jake says when you become wrinkled with care and worry it's time to have your faith lifted Paul Elam jr hurrying up the street World Day Of Prayer Is Planned Friday World Day of Prayer meeting to which all Vinita church women are invited will be held at 2 Friday in St John's Episcopal church corner of Canadian ave and Miller st The Rev Dale Rogers vicar of St John's will be the speaker A social hour will follow in the church's parish house Hereford Group To Meet Here March 22 A meeting of the Grand Lake Hereford association will be held here Friday March 22 according to Craig County Agent Jay Pimple Refreshments will be served at the session planned for 7:30 In in the courthouse annex George Morse American Hereford association field 111P11 will be the Teaker FOX STARTS DRIVE OKLAHOMA CITY March 7 (Up) The house of representatives was told today that old age pension leader Ora Fox has started a drive to collect from $1 to $5 each from old age pensioners by telling them they are about to lose their right to vote ON OBU HONOR ROLL Three students from Vinita are listed on the Oklahoma Baptist university fall semester honor roll They are: Lavera Joann Matthew Lois Maurine Smith and Peggy Ann Na MASONS MEET TONIGHT A special communication of the Vinita Masonic lodge is planned for 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Masonic temple when work in the degree is scheduled.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.