Best Bot Lane Champions–Ultimate Patch 13.14 Tier List (2024)

League of Legends is nearly 14 years old. In all that time, Riot has continuously updated their beloved MOBA with innumerable patches, hotfixes, and new Champions. Thus far, they’ve amassed a character roster of over 160 individual Champions–an impressive feat.

However, for the uninitiated and even some intermediate players, it’s easy to become lost. Each patch can drastically alter how the game functions, shifting the meta left and right uncontrollably. Not all Champions are good in every scenario, and that is why players came up with the concept of Tier Lists to keep themselves up to date with what works and how well.

This article will look at the best Bot Lane Champions in the current 13.14 patch, their many quirks, strengths, and potential weaknesses. We sourced the information for this article from, an excellent site, and we thank them for their work.

What you can expect:

  • A comprehensive tier list of all the best Bot Lane Champions.
  • A detailed overview of each of them.
  • The author’s input on the subject.

Table of Content

9. TwitchBest Bot Lane Champions–Ultimate Patch 13.14 Tier List (1)

Tier: A

Win Rate: 50.7%

Pick Rate: 4.3%

Ban Rate: 2.6%

One Champion that doesn’t need a special introduction is undoubtedly Twitch. Only a few other Champions have been able to maintain their strength and popularity. Yes, yes–Riot Games artificially inflates particular Champions to sell skins and all that jazz. But Twitch’s case is different. He isn’t your e-girl’s favorite Champion, nor do you see him in some anime compilations on YouTube. He’s simply a good Champion with a simple and robust kit. Almost like old Riot Games knew how to design Champions to last.

Twitch does incredibly well in the Bot Lane. He’s recently switched from being an ADC to a roaming Support, which enraged many players (including this article’s author). However, he seems to be back in his traditional ADC role and is dominating there. He uses his incredible mixed damage to beat most opponents effortlessly and does wonders when paired with the proper Support.

His early game is a bit slow compared to other popular ADCs, but his late game is the absolute best. Once he reaches that crucial point, and you’ll know when it happens, Twitch can decimate an entire enemy team in just a few auto attacks. He’ll emerge from invisibility and start barraging his opponents with his Ultimate’s piercing bullets until all of them are dead. Those few that manage to survive the onslaught will probably die to the ticking poison.

AP Twitch is also an option though most players reserve that build for the Support role. But the possibility is always there since items like Nashor’s Tooth can still work well with an auto-attacking Twitch. Whatever you want to do, the doors are open for you with Twitch. We highly recommend him.

8. Miss FortuneBest Bot Lane Champions–Ultimate Patch 13.14 Tier List (2)

Tier: A

Win Rate: 50.54%

Pick Rate: 7.2%

Ban Rate: 1.8%

With the changes introduced by Patch 13.14, Lethality Champions have made a major resurgence. And while that resurgence is generally seen among the Lethality Assassin bunch, ADCs such as Miss Fortune have also enjoyed the benefits of such a state in League. She’s among the more popular Champions, if a bit outdated and old, that maintains her popularity in spite of all odds.

Miss Fortune’s high base damage and team fighting qualities are just some of her many characteristics that make her so popular among the players. She’s most people’s first *wink* and those that try her out once usually stick with her for a while. We see this reflected in her 7.2% pick rate and extremely low ban rate. These two stats usually go hand in hand and impact each other, but that’s nowhere near the case with MF.

She’s insanely easy to learn and master and she’s quite fun to play. Where she lacks is mobility. And when I say lacks, I mean she has literally none. Once you catch her she’s dead. No amount of extra passive movement speed will save her from a single slow or stun. Immobilizing her is just as good as killing her.

Nevertheless, MF can be an impactful and seriously powerful ADC if you play your cards right. Her being easy to play and understand is a great help, especially for players just starting out with the ADC role. Give her a try while she’s hot and I guarantee you won’t regret it.

7. NilahBest Bot Lane Champions–Ultimate Patch 13.14 Tier List (3)

Tier: S

Win Rate: 51.49%

Pick Rate: 2.3%

Ban Rate: 3.0%

Like Zeri, Nilah is another new ADC that has shaken up the Bot Lane. However, unlike Zeri, she isn’t really popular. Riot Games made her obscenely overpowered on release and then nerfed her into the ground. But even that didn’t stop her from reaching this high on the Tier List. Her many strengths are just too much to be obsoleted by simple nerfs.

Nilah utilizes her whip as the primary weapon. This is important to note because her attacks do not behave like the usual basic attack. Instead, they have an in-built ‘cleave,’ meaning they strike several opponents simultaneously. All it takes is for the enemies to stand close enough to each other, and you’ll be whipping them to death simultaneously.

Nilah’s incredible kit has a ton of healing, damage, defenses, and so much more. It’s perfect for team fights and skirmishes against multiple opponents. Nilah can go straight into the entire enemy team and use her W’s invincibility to dodge all attacks and mitigate spells. Her Q and Ultimate provide her with massive healing and damage, meaning Nilah often comes out unscathed, even from the most intense of battles.

Her teamfighting potential is incredible. There are only a few other Champions that can match it. Nilah single handedly wins fights in the late game with her obscenely strong whip, especially when combined with items like the Ravenous Hydra. All that cleave stacks up for some incredible AOE damage–and that’s only on her basic attacks.

Nilah is currently a fantastic ADC, which is reflected in her brutal 51.49% win rate. Like Karthus, the match pool isn’t too big, but still not far from reality. It’s unsurprising, considering how impactful she can be in a match, and a good Nilah can almost guarantee a victory.

Go ahead and give her a try. We guarantee that you’ll like her.

6. KarthusBest Bot Lane Champions–Ultimate Patch 13.14 Tier List (4)

Tier: S

Win Rate: 53.22%

Pick Rate: 1.8%

Ban Rate: 9.1%

No Champion has changed his primary role as much as Karthus. Starting out so many years ago as a popular Mid Lane Mage, Karthus has pretty much become the most versatile Champion in League of Legends. We see him in the Jungle, on Mid, as an ADC, Support… pretty much anything that comes to mind. Some Champion designs are just so good, and it’s no wonder we find Karthus this high on the Tier List.

Karthus has lost some of his popularity as an ADC pick due to how the meta has shifted in the past season or two. However, he’s still just as good. He can bully his enemies with low cooldown spells, high AOE damage, and that wretched slow that reduces enemies’ Magic Resits. Paired with a high-damage AP Support, Karthus can do quite a lot on the Bot Lane against most matchups. But, of course, there are counter-picks there that make life hell for Karthus and most other Champions, such as Seraphine.

Karthus can use his global Ultimate to impact other Lanes massively. He can pick up kills or assists from across the map and use the extra gold to dominate against his Bot Lane opponents. Karthus’ damage in the late game is also nothing to scoff at. He can one-shot most squishies, and his low cooldown Ultimate will be enough to decimate the entire enemy team. Combined with other AOE Champions, Karthus can be part of a formidable roster that is hardly stopped in their onslaught.

The 53.22% win rate is telling. Though it’s drawn from a small pool of games, it’s not too far from reality. We suggest that you give Karthus a try and see how it goes. You can always change roles with him if Bot Lane doesn’t seem to work for you.

5. XayahBest Bot Lane Champions–Ultimate Patch 13.14 Tier List (5)

Tier: S+

Win Rate: 50.24%

Pick Rate: 16.8%

Ban Rate: 7.1%

Since her release, Xayah has been a dominant force in the Bot Lane. She’s one of those Champions that, no matter what Riot Games do, will always be strong. For at least the last 5 patches, which goes even farther back, Xayah has been in the S+ tier for the Bot Lane. If that isn’t enough to tell you of her strength, we don’t know what is.

Her kit is loaded with so many different quirks that naming them all would take too long. All you should know is that it all functions on a system of fallen feathers that Xayah can retract to deal massive damage. Her auto-attacks, abilities, and everything else revolves around said feathers, and only a good Xayah player knows how to utilize them fully.

She has a ton of mobility and synergizes well with most traditional and off-role Supports. Her long-range and high base damage allow her to poke enemies and stay safe almost always. After level 6, going all in on her becomes incredibly difficult and even impossible at times due to how her Ultimate works. Also, those insane feathers can root you along, dealing massive damage and giving her even more ways of escaping the fight.

Xayah works incredibly well in rosters that have a lot of CC. If your allies can keep the enemies at bay, you can use Xayah’s many abilities to dish out massive damage in quick succession. Escaping from Xayah’s relentless feathered attacks is challenging in such circ*mstances, and getting close to her isn’t an option.

As things stand, Xayah is a fantastic Champion that will probably remain so for a long time. Learning and mastering her isn’t as complex as other high-skill cap Champions. It’s also probably wise to do so since her longevity means she’ll always be part of the meta, no matter how drastic the changes. So, be an intelligent fellow and give her a spin.

4. EzrealBest Bot Lane Champions–Ultimate Patch 13.14 Tier List (6)

Tier: S+

Win Rate: 50.27%

Pick Rate: 23.4%

Ban Rate: 10.5%

Always a popular pick at any level of play, and especially among the highest ranked players, is Ezreal. He’s a versatile, insanely mobile, hybrid ADC that loves incessant ability spam and killing people from across the map. Ezreal is, by design, a great Champion no matter what happens to the game’s systems. However, he’s performing exceptionally well in Patch 13.14.

Don’t be fooled by his relatively balanced Win Rate. This is a result of his high complexity and steep learning curve combined with a huge pick rate. Most players simply do not possess the skills necessary of utilizing Ezreal to his fullest and they end up losing, driving his stats down. In actuality, a good player will win most of their matches with Ezreal as he’s basically one of the most powerful Champions Riot has ever designed.

His low cooldowns allow him to spam abilities in place of his auto attacks. He’ll rarely utilize his basic attacks other than for farming. And even then most good Ezreal players use his Q as an extra attack. It applies all on-hit effects, so it’s basically a glorified and more powerful auto-attack.

Ezreal also possesses insane mobility that allows him to keep a distance, chase escaping enemies down, and get out of dangerous situations. His E is a low-cooldown Flash and when combined with the actual Summoner Spell, it makes him quite an elusive bastard.

I never got into playing him because I was always scared of his skill shot-oriented nature. I like playing Bruisers and meathead Champions that don’t require too much thinking because I’m as much a meathead as they are. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t the perfect person for Ezreal, so make sure to give him a try. Just be aware of his complexities and test him out in Normals before moving on to Ranked.

3. DravenBest Bot Lane Champions–Ultimate Patch 13.14 Tier List (7)

Tier: S+

Win Rate: 50.25%

Pick Rate: 7.1%

Ban Rate: 23.0%

Draven is one of those ADCs that are brutally strong right off the get-go. His axe-spinning Q gives him such tremendous damage that it’s hard to quantify. From level 1, Draven is capable of dishing out considerable damage and that only grows as he starts leveling up. Once Draven purchases a solid damage-enhancing item, such as the BF Sword or similar, his Q-infused attacks become insane.

This allows him to effortlessly bully his opponents in the Bot Lane. Paired with an aggressive Support like Thresh or Leona, Draven can autopilot most of the game. Getting kills in such circ*mstances becomes an afterthought, and his passive gives him a ton of extra gold for each. All of this combined, and boom–you have a Draven with three items at minute fifteen attacking your Bot Lane inhibitor.

Draven’s late game is beyond comparison. He’s one of the heaviest-hitting Champions in League of Legends, easily outmatching the likes of Vayne, whose whole reputation relies on their base damage. Draven’s Q is just that good, and all other spells are just complementary. The global Ultimate of his is an excellent tool for picking up kills or assists across the map, but it’s hard to land and best reserved for close-range encounters. Having an extra tool to execute running enemies is better than eyeing a distant target that’s impossible to hit.

Draven is a fantastic Champion that has remained unchanged since his release over a decade ago. We can notice a pattern here–the best Champions were designed during Riot’s prime between 2009 and 2014. Champions were built to last and not to be reworked or significantly changed only weeks or months after release. We can only hope for a return to such times, but it’s wishful thinking.

But we digress. Go out and give Draven a try–you won’t regret it.

2. AsheBest Bot Lane Champions–Ultimate Patch 13.14 Tier List (8)

Tier: S+

Win Rate: 51.37%

Pick Rate: 14.8%

Ban Rate: 9.7%

One of the oldest Champions in the game, Ashe is very much akin to Miss Fortune in the way she’s presented to new players. Most pick her up as one of their first Champions ever and a great number of them just stick around. Ashe is an easy to learn, versatile Champion that can cover both the ADC and Support positions.

She’s hit a rough few years due to a lack of proper build paths. Right now, however, Ashe has plenty of opportunities and items to pick up for maximum efficiency. We’ve rarely seen her excel as an ADC, but she’s back with vehemence as the second-best ADC in Emerald and above.

Ashe’s high pick and ban rates also reflect her presence in the community. Her passive slows on her Q are well known as some of the most effective in general. With her W she can add to the slows to make them even more unbearable. Where Ashe shines truly is her Ultimate, which is a global arrow that can stun a Champion for a few seconds at a time. Those nearby will also be slowed (who would’ve guessed). Her lacking mobility is counteracted by her insane utility. She can dish out enough slows to make herself seem blazingly fast.

Ashe is, as I’ve said, an easy pick and very simple to learn and master. However, I sincerely doubt that her position of power will last for much longer so pick her up while she’s hot. Just watch that she doesn’t melt.

1. Kai’SaBest Bot Lane Champions–Ultimate Patch 13.14 Tier List (9)

Tier: S+

Win Rate: 51.21%

Pick Rate: 43.2%

Ban Rate: 28.4%

Kai’Sa avoided a much needed nerf once again in Patch 13.14. Her Pick Rate is the highest in League of Legends. You’ll be facing Kai’Sa in every other game at least, if not every single one. She’s among the strongest Champions ever designed and is extremely frustrating to play against. I’m a fan of hers, that much is true, but come on Riot–you gotta do something about her.

Statikk Shiv buffs have enabled her latest build that has propelled both her win and pick rates. Riot Games seemingly wish to avoid nerfing an entire item, thus impacting all Champions who favor it, in order to offset a single strong ADC. We’ll see what their plans are for the future as it seems that they again empowered Statikk Shiv in Patch 13.14.

In general, Kai’Sa is a fantastic ADC that can switch between AD and AP at a whim. Statikk Shiv and Nashor’s Tooth is her standard combination, giving her an upgrade on all three of her abilities right off the bat. It usually took much longer for her to get to this power spike, but here we are.

She can keep a long range and spam her W for massive damage, or come in up close and personal and wreck people with on-hit effects, her burst Q, and blazing attack speed. No matter what build path or playstyle Kai’Sa players opt for, they’re most likely to succeed in Patch 13.14. Don’t miss out on the fun and give her a try as soon as you’re able. I know I will.

Author’s Comment on the Bot Lane Situation

The Bot Lane has become a chaotic and hectic cesspool of experimental builds and picks driving me insane. I am a Top Laner, and the affairs of Bot never really bothered me. However, some recently popular picks, including the Top Lane, have become a nuisance map-wide. The emergence of Support Twitch has single handedly ruined my Top Lane experience, leading me to pause playing until it goes away.

And it seems like it won’t. And similar builds keep coming up. Roaming Supports have always been part of the game. But you never really saw a Support go Top at level 2 to gank the Top Laner. It simply never happened before. There were always goofy builds, but I have no idea what Riot seems to be doing with the Bot Lane.

Melee ADCs, Champions like Nilah, updates leading to Support Twitch, etc., all show that Riot Games has zero idea what they’re doing with the Bot Lane. I’d like for them to finally come clean and offer a concise plan for the Lane, but their experimentally-oriented brains do not wish to do so. They always throw the most heinous and stupid updates and releases into the Bot Lane and make the rest of us deal with it. I hope they change their ways and see about balancing and offering proper releases for the Bot Lane and enhancing the experience of other Lanes, such as Top.

A Top Laner’s Perspective On What’s Best

I will also quickly comment on what ADC I think is best. Of course, take this with some salt since I’m a Top Lane Main. My opinion–Draven. He’s a versatile and hard-hitting Champion that you could do a ton with, even if you were a beginner. No matter how skilled you are, Draven almost plays himself with his high base damage and auto-attack reliance.

All you have to do is become an expert at catching axes. If you want to explore other Lanes, such as Top, but love Draven a lot–you can go play Draven Top. I’ve done it numerous times, and it has been a blast. Draven is among the most fun Champions I’ve ever played in League of Legends, and he’s rarely matched in this regard.


League of Legends is a growing game with an ever-changing design. Each patch brings something new to the table but often shakes up what was there before. With so many Champions in the game, the advent of Tier Lists helped players to keep track of what works in any given patch. The Champions above are representative of the Bot Lane’s best. If your favorite Champion isn’t on there, let us know below.

Best Bot Lane Champions–Ultimate Patch 13.14 Tier List (2024)


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