Blurred Lines - Chapter 51 - Quellas - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

June 5th, 2006

Four days till the wedding

House by the lake

He holds his head with both hands. Crookshanks is lying down close to his feet. The cat misses Hermione. It's been a day but Harry can see how her absence affects the animal. He keeps meowing, following Harry everywhere.

"I know, Crookshanks." He whispers.

Harry searched for the samples the entire day. He's exhausted. He went to each and every night club in wizarding London. If Pettigrew made a deal with Ludwig, maybe the samples could be hidden in those places. He read thirty minds. He usedVeritaserumas if he owned an infinite well of it.


He closes his eyes, thinking about her. He has no idea what she's doing or thinking. And he misses her so damn much.

An apparition sound makes him raise his head. It's Chiara.

"Hey." She sits in front of him inside the kitchen - their favorite place in the house. "Anything?"

He shakes his head, taking a sip on the beer he's drinking. "You?"


She was in Italy. Searching the night clubs there. They have no idea if the samples are in British territory or not, so, it was worth a shot.

"Do you think we'll find them? Be honest with me."

She inhales deeply. "We won't find them, Harry." She says calmly. "You know we won't. Chances are almost zero if we don't get a solid clue. So… what do you wanna do?"

He's relieved to have Chiara by his side. Her sincerity and friendship are keeping him minimally sane.

"She won't marry him." He states.

"We don't have invitations for this wedding. And from what Bellatrix told us, there's no way of crashing this party. Not even under the Cloak. How exactly do you plan to stop the wedding? Maybe we should focus on this. We only have three entire days left. I think we should waste them on something concrete, something we have some control over."

Before he can answer, other sounds come from the living room. Ron, Ginny, Draco and a very pregnant Luna.

They all shake their heads in disappointment. Their searches were like Harry's. Useless.

So, he decides. "I want to crash this wedding. How do you think I can do that?"

Draco lets out a sound through his mouth. "From what I'm hearing," The Malfoys are family, so, he knows what's happening at the Mansion by the sea more than anyone else. "the security will be insane. I don't think spells will be able to breach the wards. The only way inside is the invitation and there's no way of magically fooling it. It's enchanted to be with the person that it was addressed to." Harry sets his jaw. He's not getting one, of course not. "Auntie Bella told me that Riddle used ancient magic to keep Hermione inside the Mansion. She'll only be allowed to step outside when the ceremony ends."

Harry bangs a fisted hand on the table. They tense a bit.

"Then," He says through his teeth, "get me a f*cking invitation."

"Harry, don't be delusional." Ginny says bluntly. "We're forbidden from stepping there now, only on the day before the wedding. Riddle is onto us. And Bellatrix can't do a thing with him breathing down her neck. To be honest, she's focused on keeping Hermione sane."

He widens his eyes. "What? Did Bellatrix see her? Did she tell you something?" His eyes go from Ginny to Draco, his heart beating fast.

Draco exhales heavily. "It- Because of my mother, auntie Bella was allowed to leave to visit Malfoy Manor. I was there and I talked with her while my mother was doing other stuff. She told me about the ancient magic and… yes, she saw Hermione." Draco gulps. "We know her. She's facing this with her head held high, but auntie Bella said that it's clear how lost and broken she seems." Harry closes his eyes. "Not just that but… from what I gathered, this wedding is how Riddle is punishing her for the interview and the interrogation. He knows Hermione doesn't want to marry Asmodeus. It- from what Hermione said to auntie Bella, she had a nasty fight with Riddle."

Harry lowers his head. Crookshanks meows. "f*ck." He whispers. Then, he yells. "f*ck!" He's so angry. With the situation, with Hermione for leaving to meet her father without him-

"Harry!" Chiara calls his attention. "There's no use in being angry. We need to think!"

"There's nothing to think." He says coldly, burning inside, "I'm gonna crash this wedding and I'm gonna stop it."

"We still have three days to look for the samples." Ron states. "I don't think we should give up on this."

Harry inhales deeply, then he rises from the chair, not wanting to discuss this any further. "Guys, thank you for this. Yes, let's keep looking." His voice is barely coming out. "I need to rest, okay?"

He doesn't wait for answers. Harry climbs the stairs, Crookshanks on his heels.

Each time he enters their bedroom he expects to see her there. Or reading on the armchair. Or on their bed, naked. Or coming out of the bathroom-

He bites hard on his lower lip not to cry. To imagine that she's trapped inside the Mansion, having to be with Asmodeus-

If that stronzo touches her-

He looks at his hand. It's literally on fire. It's odd that it doesn't hurt, but he can feel it, like a blanket, a glove. He sits down on the bed, his eyes on the hypnotizing flames. How much this power can do? Could this fire burn the wards around the Mansion by the sea? Could this be the answer? The how he's crashing the wedding?

However… he doesn't want others to know about this. He's not sure why, but he wants to keep this a secret. It's an advantage that he can't treat lightly. Hermione was right in keeping him out from the dungeons. He knows he would be beating the sh*t out of Ludwig now, totally lost in the bloodlust and burning up the entire Ministry.

Riddle can't know. Not yet.

If Harry's not mistaken, from the way Matteo reacted… this is something that would also mean a lot to Riddle.

A study group.

That's how Matteo said he met Riddle.What were they studying?Ancient myths? Ancient magic? Why? How?Who's that woman?

He extinguishes the fire from his hand, watching while it turns to ashes and falls on the floor. He needs to think of another way to enter the Mansion and destroy the wards. He crumbles down on the bed, some tears falling from his eyes.

Crookshanks comes close to him and he hugs the cat, caressing his fur.

"I'll bring her back home, I promise."

June 6th, 2006

Three days till the wedding

Mansion by the sea

She's watching the sea.

Its violent waves and uncertain movements.

Just like her.

That's exactly how she's feeling inside.

The place is amazing, she can't deny that, though. The Mansion is the most beautiful one she ever stepped inside and she always wished this could be her permanent home in the future… after all, as Riddle Heir, this will belong to her eventually.

She sighs.

All the most important Purebloods will be there to witness the sole Riddle Heir tie herself to Asmodeus Pettigrew.

She looks down to her lap. The engagement ring Asmodeus gave her is shining bright and she plays with it. Then, her hand naturally goes to her neck, where the necklace should be. But she left it in the closet inside their house. Something told Hermione that she shouldn't meet her father wearing that… she wonders if Harry found it-

It's so painful to think about him, yet, Harry is the only thing she can think of.

Hermione can't imagine how much he's suffering. She did this to protect him and she'll go through with it. But he'll know that she's going to be tied to Asmodeus for only Heavens knows how long. Harry will know that on the night of the wedding, they'll have to consummate the marriage-

She shuts her eyes, gritting her teeth.

They should have had more time to find the samples. More time to be together. More time to think of another way out of this.

But no. Her father played his cards and he did it well. Asmodeus also. Her only advantage at the moment is the fact that she can't have children.

It hurts deep to think that on the night she was supposed to be with Harry and Bellaverde to perform the Ritual she'll be marrying Asmodeus.

Hermione raises her head and brushes some tears when someone enters the spacious room she's in.

It's Bellatrix and… Sally.

"Hermione!" Sally comes to her and they share a tight embrace. "I'm so sorry."

She closes her eyes. There's nothing she can say to that.

"How did you get in?" She moves back to look at Sally.

"My father. He made a scene." Sally shrugs. Bellatrix gives Hermione a half hug and sits down with them. "But I can't leave now. I must stay here till the wedding. I think he'll do the same with the others." She's talking about Ginny, Draco, Ron…

"Have you seen Harry?" Her heart is beating so fast.

Sally shakes her head. "No, but I saw Ginny before I was allowed here. They're looking for the samples. Harry's… dealing with things." Hermione purses her lips. She hopes he doesn't deal with things recklessly. "And…" Sally takes something from her pocket, "I was able to smuggle this in. You can send him a message, Hermione."

Hermione takes a paper from Sally's hand. It's similar to the memos they use at the Ministry, however, this one won't fly away to find Harry, he probably has its paper twin with him, waiting for her words. One message, just one way. He won't be able to send an answer. She closes her eyes, wondering if Ginny is with him, holding the other half of the paper. There's a billion things she could say. Like, don't be reckless; Don't burn the city down; Promise me you won't do stupid things…


She writes down her message.

House by the lake

He's looking at the paper. His vision blurring. It's like he can't see forms anymore, everything is becoming one thing-

"I think very soon now." Ginny says. She's sitting by his side. They're alone in the kitchen. "I mean, Sally surely is with her." She glances at her watch.

Harry gulps. "When the rest of you-"

"The day before." She says. "We- the moment we step inside the Mansion we won't be able to leave or talk to you anymore, Harry. We need to organize ourselves. Are you going to search the mountains?"

They'll divide themselves today to search the samples in the nature. Caverns, lakes, mountains, forests and so on.

He nods. "I- Gin, give me the location to this Mansion. I need to see the place."

She lets out a sound. "You can't get too close, Harry, you know that. What if someone sees you there?"

He wets his lips and squeezes the necklace in his hand. He found it inside their closet. Hermione probably forgot when she went to meet her father that morning. Even if the notion is silly, holding the necklace calms him. It's like he's closer to her.

"No one will see me. I'll be under the Cloak."

Ginny still resists giving him the location, but before he can try convincing her again, words begin to appear on the paper. Harry tenses and Ginny clears her throat, turning away and giving him some privacy.

He's shaking.

He imagined a million things Hermione could write to him, but his heart shatters when he reads:

Loving you is the best thing that ever happened to me.

I'll continue to love you until we die, love.

And even after that, I'll keep loving you.

That's it.

Holding the paper and the necklace, Harry sobs. Angry and sad. Ginny tries to give him some comfort, but he feels like nothing can soothe him. He's desperate.

"We could just kill Asmodeus after the wedding." Ginny says, half joking, half serious.

Harry snorts, brushing away his tears and shaking his head. "Hermione doesn't want that. We- there's already a fair share of blood in our hands, don't you think?" His heart is squeezing inside his chest. "And if he's murdered, my identity will be revealed… but if it comes down to this, if that is the only way out, I don't care. I'll kill him." He's dead serious and Ginny inhales deeply, her eyes on his.

"I'll give you the location. Be careful, okay?"

He nods. "Thank you for this."

Outside the Mansion by the sea

It's just like Harry imagined. A huge Mansion in the middle of nowhere. There isn't another house close by and he can't deny that the place is beautiful. Even from afar he can be sure that the vision from those balconies at the front must be breathtaking when the sun is setting.

But the sea is not that friendly here. It's violent and cold. Ruthless.

Crossing his arms and with a fair distance, he walks around the Mansion. It's the middle of the night and he knows that the Cloak protects him, but even so, he muffled all sounds he could possibly make. The same with his smell. He has no idea how far the protections around the place go.

Many lights are on inside. He imagines that the guests are arriving. After all, in two days Hermione Riddle is getting married. He inhales deeply and keeps walking.

He can't stop thinking about her words. He can't stop thinking about their love. From the start they were destined to burn in the fire they lit when they first touched. From the start he knew he was in her hands when he saved her from that bullet. He knew she would consume him.

He gladly accepted it.

And now, after everything, he'll just stand there while she marries another man?


She'll be angry with him, but he won't allow this. He prefers stopping this wedding and having her giving him a lecture than letting her be in a marriage that will make her suffer every second of it just to protect him. He's had enough.


Chewing the inside of his cheek, he looks down to the ring on his ring finger. He transformed her necklace. It's golden with the black core, but there's a white hexagonal form in it. Her words. The folded paper there with the core of the tulip.

Harry sighs. And apparates.

June 7th, 2006

Two days till the wedding

Mansion by the sea

She's not allowed to leave the premises but at least she has liberty inside, so, Hermione keeps walking from one room to another, doing her best to avoid guests. She doesn't want to talk with anyone. She doesn't want to see anyone. And she's justifiably tired of being inside her room.

To her utter relief, the Mansion is indeed huge and she chose a side of the place to wander that's still voided of guests or people for that matter. Every living area is dark and unattended for. And when she reaches a spacious dark room filled with couches, she sits down.

Closing her eyes, she tries to relax. She knows it's impossible but she needs to clear her mind, she needs to think properly. Not knowing what Harry is doing is driving her crazy. She barely sleeps thinking about him. And when she does fall asleep, she has nightmares. Those same nightmares that have been plaguing her since she was a child. Legs. Masks. Screams. Light and darkness.

But what really worries her is… what Harry might do. She begged him not to do something stupid and she really hopes he keeps his word.

Since Sally arrived and she sent out that note, there hasn't been any other contact with the world outside and this is giving her an anxiety that's becoming unbearable. At least the others arrive tomorrow and she'll be able to ask about him. Ask what he's doing, how he is.

Hermione bites on her lower lip and crosses her legs under her on the couch. She controls her breathing. Inhaling for three seconds. Holding the air for three seconds. Then she exhales for three seconds. And another three seconds she waits before filling her lungs again. She does this repeatedly until she finds some peace inside herself. She does this until she can't hear a thing anymore, until she's totally focused on her power and magic.

Yes, her magic is still off. She can tell. And she dreads this is never going away. She dreads this might be a permanent side effect. Because… why is it taking so long to heal? It's unexplainable. Specially with the bond she shares with Harry. They're healing each other all the time, why not this?

Grunting, she concentrates on her left hand, exploring the bond a bit, trying to understand. Since Harry's phoenix powers came into the scene, she can feel it different. It's like the magic is burning. All the time. Not to mention the new way she felt what he was feeling. But she's almost sure this only happens when they're close. And it's a one way thing. Harry hasn't felt her emotions at all so far.

She opens a tiny smile, though. Feeling the bond gives her the sensation that she's closer to him. It's almost like he's touching her, his strong arms embracing her, protecting her. His lips on her skin, his deep voice in her ear…

Hermione opens her eyes. She doesn't wanna marry Asmodeus. She doesn't wanna tie herself to this awful man. She doesn't wanna have sex with him.

"f*ck." She whispers, lowering her head and trying to stop some tears.

She goes back to concentrating on her magic and on… healing herself. She hasn't told this to her mother but when her father visited her that morning and announced what was about to happen, they… dueled. For real. It was the first time Hermione lost it completely. It was clear that if her father was doing that, it meant that he knew exactly how to punish her, so, pretending that she didn't love Harry was useless.

She threw spells at him and Riddle responded with the same ferocity. They almost destroyed the house. Hermione lost the duel and got hurt real bad. And as her father used to do when he trained her to exhaustion, he only healed her partially. It's up to her to finish the healing. She has been doing it, but it's taking a lot from her… she's sure he's also using Moritz's powders. It's the only explanation she can find to why it's so hard to stop the pain all over her body.

When her father realized he had won the duel because she couldn't even stand on her own feet anymore, he leaned to her and whispered something that- She wets her lips. Her father said that her power is always going to be his. He's the one in charge of her life and choices. She's a Riddle and she's going to marry Asmodeus. He knocked her out then and when she woke up she was already at the Mansion by the sea.

She moves one finger to press against her temple, trying to stop a headache. She knows that these five days prior the wedding are a sad*stic torture. Her father wants to drive her mad. He wants her to feel powerless, useless. He wants her to face reality and be aware that there's nothing she can do to change this.

Yes, she could try to escape. She could fight everyone inside the Mansion. But Asmodeus has leverage. He has the samples, he has the means to expose Harry and she's not going to let that happen. This is Harry's decision.

And knowing that she's protecting Harry is the only thing keeping her sane.

But she's been entertaining a few ideas… she knows Asmodeus is also there, at the Mansion. He hasn't sought her out yet, but she knows he will and she can't help wondering if there's something she can do to change this situation. When he first revealed to her that he knew who Harry was, that he had the samples and such, she was so nervous and surprised that her reaction was accepting his terms, playing his game, bending to his rules. Now, maybe…

She concentrates on finding magical signatures. Hermione can recognize Asmodeus', so, she seeks him out. The number of guests in the Mansion surprises her, all their signatures flowing naturally, magic filling the house. Her mother and Sally are inside a room with Sirius and Eleonora. All the counselors are here now. And Hermione has no idea who's taking care of things at the Ministry. If her father left someone in charge, she has no idea who it was.

"Come on."

It takes her so long to find Asmodeus that she can't help wondering if he's using a powder to conceal his signature, however, when she finally does find him, she realizes why it was so difficult. He's just a few steps away from her. Walking to this exact same room right now. Probably searching for her.

Hermione gulps, taking a deep breath and preparing herself.

When he opens the double door, she magically lits up a few lamps scattered around. She moves her legs from under her and crosses one over the other, relaxing and trusting that this might work.

Asmodeus spots her the moment he steps inside. He shakes his head and closes the double door behind him, pocketing his hands.

"Future wife, I was looking for you."

He's wearing a t-shirt and some jeans. She's only in a simple dress.

"Indeed, future husband." She says the words with such spite that they burn in her mouth. "We do need to talk, don't we?" She moves her hand, motioning to the armchair in front of her. "Sit. I won't bite, I promise."

He scoffs, walking slowly to her. Up close Hermione notices how… incredibly exhausted he looks. The black and huge bags under his eyes are a clear indication-He's not tired. He's-She can recognize an addict when she sees one. Asmodeus sits down in front of her, his hands meeting over his stomach, his legs stretched out, his feet touching hers.

"So, excited for the honeymoon, dear?" He asks in a nasty way, his eyes undressing her.

"How much are you using, Asmodeus? You look awful." She says bluntly. He makes a face, flinching slightly. "Is this all for the high? The rush? The amazing feeling of being indestructible? Just for you to feel like the worst crap ever when you're not under the influence?"

He clicks his tongue, "You have no idea what you're talking about."

"I may have some."

"Don't act like you care."

"I don't." She says simply, squinting. "I'm just curious if it's worth it. You're ruining yourself. And for what?"

"You should be happy, Hermione. I'm finally as powerful as you always wanted me to, as you always needed me to be."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, please. You always treated me like sh*t because you saw me as an inferior man and wizard. Don't even try to deny it."

"I won't. You're inferior." In reality, most people are… except Harry. Her soulmate.

He raises an eyebrow. And chuckles. "At least it seems like we can be honest with each other now. Which is nice for a change."

"Indeed." She takes a deep breath. "What it's going to take for you to release me from this obligation, Asmo? We can make another Vow, any other deal you might want-"

"No. I wanna marry you." He visibly gulps. "Don't you see it, Hermione? f*ck. I've loved you for years, I was by your side all this time-"

"I have a soulmate." Her voice shakes. "I- it wasn't all a lie, Asmo. But you can't ask me to willingly choose you when I have a f*cking soulmate."

"f*ck him." He hisses. "I want that filthy Half-Blood to suffer. He deserves it. And you'll forget him eventually." He shrugs.

Hermione furiously kicks his feet that are touching hers. His expression turns ugly, angry. She's sure hers is mirroring his.

"Let me be clear about something, Asmodeus. You want to marry me? Fine. Let's marry. But don't you ever think that I'll love you. Don't you ever think I'll make it easy for you. I'll make your life miserable. Because nothing else will matter to me than to see you suffer!"

He leans forward on the chair. "I didn't expect anything else from you, Hermione. At least you'll be paying attention to me!"

"You're pathetic." She narrows her eyes. "What do you think will happen? You really believe I'll forget Harry?" She snorts a sarcastic chuckle.

Asmodeus is furious. She can see the way he clenches his jaw and fists his hands.

"You'll relearn how to love me-"

"I never loved anyone in my life before Harry. I just didn't know." She wets her lips. Her throat is dry. "I'll ask one more time. Don't you wanna make another deal? Any other-"

He rises fast from the armchair and moves into her personal space, his hand squeezing her thigh, his face close to hers.

"Give up. I have you in my hands, Hermione." She doesn't move, except her left hand that discreetly goes behind her back… "Don't you forget that I have people ready to release his true identity to the press in case anything happens to me, don't you forget why you're doing this." He moves even closer, his mouth on her ear, "Maybe the only thing you'll have is the liberty to think of him while I f*ck you-"

She shoves him hard and Asmodeus stumbles back, a crazy smile on his face. She rises from the couch and without doubting her decision, Hermione points her wand at him. He squints and opens his mouth, but she's faster.

"Obliviate!"Asmodeus' eyes go blank and he sways in place… She looks down, glad that her spell didn't fail, but at the same time, unsure if this is the right thing to do- Hermione moves her wand again. He needs to forget the truth about Harry. Using a bit of theImperiusinfluence, she commands it so, "You never found a thing on Harry D'Angelo. He's just a foreigner Auror who was sent here to help. You didn't see me kissing him. We never made a Vow. I changed my mind about marrying you and you'll cancel the wedding."

She gulps and lowers her wand. Asmodeus still has his eyes lost on the horizon. Hermione waits. She should have done this sooner. Now she can't be sure if it's going to work, she can't tell if her command is enough to erase everything he knows about Harry or-

Asmodeus moves, blinking, his eyes set on her and he raises an eyebrow. She inhales heavily. It- the way he's looking at her, maybe-

Then he laughs.

"Nice try." Hermione purses her lips. "This will never work, don't even bother, Hermione." He takes steps to her, closing the distance between them. Her obliviation is so strong- it-

"Why these powders are so strong? What makes them so incredible? So powerful?"

He shrugs, one of his hands going to her forearm and squeezing. "Doesn't matter. I'm protected by them and you'll have to deal with your fate, darling." He forcibly kisses her cheek.

She moves away from him and he scoffs. Then, without another word, Asmodeus leaves her.

Hermione hugs herself, wanting some warmth, needing some comfort. She scrubs her cheek and grits her teeth, tears are falling from her eyes. And the hopelessness fills her.

It fills her completely.

House by the lake

He's getting drunk. And he's not proud of it, but he's lost. He doesn't know what else to do. The others will leave for the Mansion tomorrow morning and he only has half a day to talk with them.

It's not like Harry hasn't thought of a plan. He has. But it's not… ideal. It's actually crazy. Batsh*t crazy and each time he thinks about it he can hear Hermione's voice telling him not to be reckless.

Harry closes his eyes and leans on the table, resting his head over his crossed arms. Crookshanks is walking in circles close by. It looks like the cat is also thinking about a plan.

An apparition startles him and Harry looks up. Chiara is coming from the living room.

She raises an envelope for him to see.

"I got an invitation."

Harry widens his eyes.

"What?" He rises from the chair fast and takes the envelope from her hand. The paper is thick and embroidered with fancy details. Harry takes the invitation and his eyes burn at the words there: Hermione Riddle and Asmodeus Pettigrew invite you to-blah blah blah."How?" He asks Chiara, still not believing. Her name is written in bold enchanted letters at the top of the invitation.

"My guess is that Hermione pushed for it to happen."

He nods, agreeing. Some relief takes over him and he uses a simple spell to sober up. He sits down with Chiara, his fingers on Hermione's name at the invitation.

"It eases my heart knowing that you'll be there with her." He whispers.

Chiara sighs, taking his hand and squeezing. "Do you want me to say something to her?"

He looks at the ring on his finger.

"Tell her… not to be angry with me."

Chiara snorts and tilts her head, amused. "You have a plan." She states.

He wets his lips, nodding once. "It's… crazy."

That makes her laugh. "Of course it is." Chiara crosses her arms. "So, are you sharing?"

"Okay, so," He exhales heavily, "Maybe we should wait for the others." Chiara agrees. And they share a look, "What do you think she's doing now?" His voice is thin.

"She's thinking about you, Harry."

He gulps and his chin trembles. He doesn't want to cry. And to his relief, the others arrive, all at once. Oliver is also there, which is… perfect.

They talk about the searches and, as Harry imagined, no one succeeded in finding the samples. He was expecting this.

But then, he takes a deep breath and says, "I have a plan. I don't think you'll like it, but I'm open to listen any other plans you might have. However, I think this is the best option."

There's a beat of silence from them.

"We're all ears, Harry." Ginny says.

"Good." He nods.

And then, he begins to explain.

June 8th, 2006

The day before the wedding

Mansion by the sea

She's yet again watching the sea. Hermione stands inside her room, alone, her mind empty. For the first time ever it feels like she… gave up.

And maybe I really did.

Knocks on her door make her turn around to see… Ginny, Chiara and Luna.

She cries. Openly. They each give her a tight hug.

"How are you?" Ginny asks, holding her close.

Hermione snorts, shaking her head. "I- tell me this is all a nightmare."

She can see their pained faces, but Chiara raises an eyebrow and says, "I have a message from Harry." Hermione's heart beats faster. "He told me to tell you… not to be angry with him."

An alarm goes off inside Hermione's head and she perks up immediately.

"What's he planning?" She asks with some eagerness. The others look down, except Luna. Luna keeps observing Hermione. "Luna?"

Luna sighs and then she begins to talk, "We were with Harry yesterday, Hermione. And he has a plan, but he asked us not to share it with you."

"What?" She widens her eyes, outraged. "You can't be serious!" She looks at Chiara and Gin, waiting. "Come on!" Hermione grunts and turns around from them, at least now she's not mopping anymore, now she's… angry with Harry. She snorts a chuckle.Oh, love, f*ck you so much.She thinks this with a heart full of love.

"Hermione, we'll keep our word to Harry." Ginny says.

"Why? Because you know that what he's planning must be ludicrous and I'll try to stop it, right?"

Not a word from them. Until-

"But there's something else." Luna says, her hands over her big belly. "I-" Hermione frowns, even Chiara and Gin seem surprised. "After you all left yesterday, I went home with Ron, but I couldn't sleep. There was something nagging me, an itch at the back of my brain. And you know how connected I am to these kind of signals and such. Well, I- I slept even so, because I'm pregnant and exhausted all the time, but then it came to me in a dream." She takes Hermione's hands. "I remembered a conversation I had with Asmodeus months ago." Hermione is barely breathing.

"What conversation?"

"We were at Draco and Ginny's. Do you remember? That dinner?" She asks Gin, who barely nods. "It was before he proposed to you, Hermione. Well, I- we were alone for a few minutes and I asked him if he had any plans for the next day. I was just trying to make some conversation, you know how we barely talk to each other and such." Hermione moves her hands in front of her, begging Luna to speed up, give them the information at once. "Yes, okay, right. He told me he was going to visit Hogwarts." Hermione opens her mouth. "And we began to talk about our years there and what we liked the most. And he told me that his favorite place ever was the Room of Requirement."

"Oh, f*cking sh*t." Hermione whispers, needing to sit. Chiara and Gin support her. She holds her head with both hands. "He hid it inside Hogwarts. I-" She's at a loss of words. How this never crossed her mind is irritating.

"Hermione," Luna continues, "No one knows this, but I apparated back to the house by the lake. I told Harry. I'm sure he's going to look for the samples there."

Chiara and Ginny are baffled.

"If he finds them, it changes things." Chiara whispers. Hermione looks at her, she's thinking hard about something.

"We'll know when the time comes." Luna says.

They share a look between themselves and suddenly Hermione is furious.

"You need to tell me what he's planning!" She's trembling. "He's not gonna do something incredibly stupid, is he?"

It doesn't seem like they'll tell-

The door opens.

Ron, Draco and Sirius enter the room. Hermione takes a moment to hug her best friend and her cousin and then she's already demanding answers from them.

"It's good to see that your spirit can't be broken, Hermione." Sirius kind of mocks her, raising a hand and asking for silence. "We won't tell you the plan, you can't worry about this. You have to behave naturally and expect this wedding to happen. It's the worst case scenario." She's about to protest, but Sirius raises his hand again. "Ron told me about what Luna remembered. I'm confident Harry will find the samples now. If anything, Dumbledore is there and I'm sure the old man has some wise words to share." Hermione crosses her arms. "Relax. We're here with you and that's what matters. Harry is fine." She wets her lips- "Trust us."

She sighs, resigned and annoyed.

"Fine." They relax, but she raises a finger in the air, "But I want to be clear about something. If you're putting yourselves in danger for me, because of this wedding… I won't accept that. It's not worth it. If whatever plan Harry came up with is too crazy, I don't want you going through with it. Someone needs to be rational here, and I've been this person my whole life, I'll continue to be."

There's some tension in the air. It confirms to her that their plan is indeed insane. Hermione wants to scream at them.

But, they don't budge. And it warms her heart. Hermione moves closer to them.

"I- Thank you all." She says. "I love you."

"We love you too, crazy woman." Chiara mumbles and they share a teary laugh.

Since she woke up at the Mansion, it's the first time she allows herself to… hope.


He sent a letter to Dumbledore. Harry never stepped inside Hogwarts and he has no idea how to. So, he watches the Castle from afar while he waits for an answer from the Headmaster.

Harry barely believed what he was hearing when Luna appeared in the middle of the night. It's very possible that Pettigrew hid the samples here. It's the most protected place in the UK.

Shifting his weight from one foot to another, he wonders what this Room of Requirement is. Luna explained but he can't imagine a place like this. Of course magical rooms are common, but not like this one. Is it possible for him to imagine the same thing Pettigrew did? The same hiding place?

It seems like an impossible-

He puts one hand over his heart when an apparition sounds by his side.

It's Dumbledore himself.

"Harry Potter."

Harry opens and closes his mouth a few times, unsure.

"Dumbledore. I-"

"I got your letter." The old wizard says slowly, as if savoring the words. "I was invited to the wedding, you know?"

Harry widens his eyes. "Had no idea."


There's a brief silence. Harry moves a bit, uncomfortable. He wants to ask how Dumbledore knows who he is. He wants to ask if his parents talked to him before they died. He wants to ask if he knows something about this power Riddle was after. He wants to ask Dumbledore about the phoenix and-

"Can I go in?" He points to the Castle. "Search for this thing that I need?" He didn't give Dumbledore details, but he's sure the old man knows what's happening.

Dumbledore seems… amused. He tilts his head.

"Do you really want to do this?"

Harry frowns. "Yes." He says sharply, a bit irritated. "And I don't have much time, so, I would appreciate a lot if you could just let me do this."

Even with the beard Harry can see that the man is smiling. "Of course." He opens his arms. "But you and I both know you don't actually have to do this." And he winks at Harry.

Then he disappears.

Making a face and totally confused, he apparates closer to the Castle. Indeed, there's nothing stopping him from going. However, it only hits him that he has no idea where to go when he steps inside. The Castle is huge. Luna explained a few things but…

Students are observing him. Harry ignores them, going straight and then turning into a corner and climbing some stairs-

It begins to move. He holds on the rail, swaying.

"Great. f*cking great." He mumbles. A few paintings start to laugh at him. He makes a face.

But when he steps out of the stairs, he stops in front of a painting of a big fat woman.

He clears his throat. She's looking at him with some disdain.

"I- I'm looking for the Room of Requirement." She opens her mouth and begins to sing an opera. Harry closes his eyes, sighing. "f*ck, lady, can you just tell me-"

"Harry." He turns on his heels, Dumbledore is there again. Smiling.What an irritating little smile."Follow me."

Exhaling heavily, he follows. Dumbledore guides him through infinite halls and stairs. Harry has no idea where they are. But he doesn't say a word. His mind is wondering if by now Hermione already met with the others. He's wondering if Chiara gave her his little message. And it brings a discreet smile to his face. To imagine that Hermione must be angry with him exactly because he asked her not to be. But it's fine, if this can distract her from the reality of what's about to happen-

"We're here."

Harry crosses his arms.

"It's a wall." He says, squinting. Maybe Dumbledore is insane. For real.

The old wizard clicks his tongue. "Is it, though?" Then, with another wink, he walks away.

Harry watches him go, his mouth hanging open. "Crazy old man." He murmurs and turns to the wall.

Luna told him there would be a door-oh, right. I have to…

He closes his eyes. And thinks about the Room. He thinks about what he wants, that he needs to find the samples-

Harry opens his eyes and the door is right there, etched into the wall. Huge. He blinks a few times. And snorts, a bit incredulous and excited. This could be it. Harry feels this is the closest they've ever been to finding the samples. He knows Luna can be more quiet, and because of that people think she's not listening or paying attention. It's not an absurd to think that Pettigrew maybe told her without noticing what he was doing, imagining she wouldn't share this with anyone else.

But all his hopes go down the drain when he opens the door. In a daze he steps inside. The room is endless. Packed. Completely packed with the most various things he ever saw.

Harry begins to laugh. Hysterically.

Shaking his head he crouches, both hands covering his face. He keeps laughing. This is absurd. Chances that he will succeed are almost zero.

f*ck, love.A flash of her dressed in a wedding dress crosses his mind and he stands tall, fisting a hand. She won't marry thatstronzo.

Gulping, he raises his wand and does the only thing he can right now. He tries summoning the samples.

Of course nothing happens.

Harry grits his teeth. And then, determined, he begins to search.

June 9th, 2006

Wedding day

Mansion by the sea

She didn't sleep. Hermione spent the whole night talking with her friends. Since they got here things have been easier, but as she watches the sun rising in the horizon, her heart squeezes inside her chest.

She wants Harry.

And she's so afraid of what he might do.

Tonight is the full moon. It should be the night of the Ritual. Instead, it's the night of her wedding to Asmodeus- She bangs one hand on the window, furious. Then, she flinches. She's still hurt from the duel with her father.

And now she's bleeding.

"Great. f*cking great."

She uses a simple spell to stop the blood from oozing from a cut on her hand. There was a shard in the window. Sighing, she tries to calm down. There's no use in stressing about what's going to happen-

The door opens and she stops breathing for a second.

Her father is right there. Riddle squints, his eyes on the hand she's holding, some dry blood tainting it. Hermione doesn't move and he closes the door behind him, locking it.

"Hermione." He greets her. It's the first time they're seeing each other after their duel. To think how he subdued her gives her the worst chills ever. "We need to discuss a few things."

She crosses her arms, silent. If it wasn't for her frail magic because of the potions and the fact that her father is clearly using Moritz's powders, she knows her chances would have been a thousand times better at that duel. And deep down this gives her a good sensation. To know that he's, in fact, destructible. To be sure that her and Harry can end him together.

"Not gonna talk? Don't be childish." He makes an ugly face. She doesn't react. "Fine, have it your way." He waves a hand, showing how little he cares. "Maybe this is better because I just want you to listen to me." His tone is… dangerous. "I guess this goes without saying, but I'm very disappointed at you." She snorts, shaking her head.

"Shocker." Is the only thing she can say.

"You stepped way over the line, Hermione. An affair with D'Angelo." He's barely opening his mouth to talk.

Hermione inhales deeply.No use in denying it anymore.Her father is stating this as something concrete. And she's pretty sure he knows. Everything. Except that Harry is a Potter. And this is a mystery for her-

"Was it a surprise for you, father? He's my soulmate." She says through her teeth, "I love him."

It's an… unbelievable moment. The ire in her father's eyes-

"I raised you better than this!" His eyes are crazy. "The D'Angelos hate us! They're a threat to our family and you go and open your legs-"

"Don't you dare speak to me like this!" She yells. He's slightly surprised by her outburst. "What I share with Harry is way bigger than anything else in this world and I'll not stay silent while you diminish our love." She's furious. "You can make me marry Asmodeus but reality won't change, father. If it were my choice I would be with Harry and I'll make this clear at every chance I get. Maybe I'll have some fun giving interviews from now on." Her tone is suggestive.

He hits her with magic. It hurts. But she laughs.

"You can keep hitting me, threatening me. I don't care anymore." She doesn't even bother to raise a shield around herself. "You're finally getting what you always wanted, father. A daughter that truly hates you. I wanna see you in the gutter." She's talking through her teeth. The hate similar to what Harry feels engulfing her. Her left hand is burning. "I wanna see your downfall up close, with my own eyes. And it will happen. Don't be mistaken, I'll be there. Laughing."

Riddle doesn't react. But it doesn't make her anxious. She's… at peace. Because every word she said is true. Every little emotion there is true. And now she can't stop.

"You've ruined my life for too long. I finally had enough. I don't f*cking care if I'm a disappointment to you, you like it or not, I'm your daughter. You want it or not, you have to protect me and keep my image clean, don't you, father? You have to pretend that you care because I'm the only thing in your rule that people don't completely spite!" Riddle sets his jaw. "I make you look more like a human than a psychopath that only cares about power. You need me. And even if it took me long enough to realize this, I'm going to take full advantage of it now. Starting tonight, right after the 'I do'." She smiles wickedly. "I have a lot of things to say about you to the press."

Riddle snorts.

"I'm… surprised." He says slowly. "I thought you would never grow this back bone, Hermione. I thought you would never have the courage to act up to who you truly are." He crosses his arms. "It took you long enough and I have to say that your whole speech now was good. You're learning. However, what separates us is something crucial. Something that will be your downfall." He takes a few steps to her to speak in a lower voice. "I don't care about anyone. You're right. I don't love anyone. But you do. Oh, you love a lot of people, don't you? Friends. D'Angelo. Your mother." Hermione gulps. "Maybe hitting you won't be of use to me anymore, but I surely can torture a lot of people to get to you, can't I?" He chuckles coldly. "Maybe I do need to protect you because you're my daughter and people care about this, but I really wouldn't mind killing a few Weasleys or so-"

She throws magic at him and he lets out a sound of indignation and pain.

"Now, now…" He shakes his head. "I won't hurt you today because we have a big night ahead of us. But I'm glad we can finally be this open with each other." He pockets his hands and walks to the door. "The wedding reception is starting soon and I expect you to behave like the happiest bride in the world. Be kind to our guests and loving to your future husband. The ceremony will happen later tonight, closer to sunset. You should thank Sarah for the effort she put into this." Hermione purses her lips, furious. Her father seems amused. "Do not forget that I own you, Hermione. Your soft heart is your weakness and I'll make good use of it."

She doesn't cry when he leaves the room. She doesn't crumble down.

Instead, Hermione looks at her left hand. It's so hot. Burning up. A hotness that it's deliciously spreading throughout her body. It must be close to the sensation Harry felt when he faced Matteo. But she's not literally in flames. It's like a shadow of the power. But she enjoys it immensely.

Sitting down, she inhales deeply. Things will never be the same anymore. Not after this conversation, not after tonight.

And she's glad about it.

It's almost like this is happening to someone else. Hermione can't accept reality. Yes, she's talking with the guests. She's smiling and behaving, just like her father told her to. Not to obey him, but to keep her image intact… she'll need these Purebloods eventually. They'll have to choose her.

Even so, though, inside she's far away from this Mansion, far away from these people.

Asmodeus has a hand on her waist. He's talking softly and treating her lovingly. It all gives her a permanent gag reflex. The party; the many Pureblood families that her father is blackmailing smiling as if this is a glorious celebration; her friends having to fake happiness; her mother walking around with permanent worry in her eyes; and mostly the way her father keeps laughing and toasting to the couple.

Fleeing crossed her mind countless times.

But she has to think about Harry. About her mother and friends. This wedding is for them. This sacrifice.

She downs the glass of champagne in her hand and it immediately vanishes, some house-elf magically taking care of it. Another pops up in the air by her side and she takes it, drinking more slowly, trying to pay attention on the conversation.

Someone calls Asmodeus at the other side of the room and he excuses himself. She looks at the guests in front of her. An old couple.

They come from traditional Pureblood families that have a long connection to the Riddles. They're also another one her father is blackmailing.

"Hermione, dear." The woman makes a face at her, worried. "Are you okay?" Danna is her name and she has kind eyes. Which seems out of place inside this room.

"I-" Hermione clears her throat. "Just natural cold feet, I guess." She opens a sincere smile.

Danna smiles back, then she turns to her husband. "Do you remember when we got married, darling? You were so nervous, sweating like a pig."

Hermione involuntarily laughs. She was not expecting this. The couple shares a knowing look and she can't help wondering for how long they've been married. She estimates they're close to ninety-years-old and they probably tied the knot very young, so… seventy years?

f*cking sh*t.To be with someone for seventy years… her mind goes to Harry and she immediately shuts it down. Thinking about him is getting more and more painful as the ceremony approaches.

And suddenly the old couple is leaning closer to her, their heads down. In a low voice, the man says:

"We loved your last interview." He widens his eyes at her in a pointed way. "Our whole family loved it."

Hermione moves a bit back, blinking. The whole family old Lazarus is referring to is as traditional as it gets and… they're on her side. They look around themselves, as if afraid someone heard them.

Danna clears her throat and Hermione finally reacts.

"I- did you?" Her tone carries the insinuation of a secret and she opens a discreet smile. "Maybe I should give more interviews, then." She hints, trying to be sure if she's thinking the right thing or just fooling herself.

"Indeed, dear." Danna says, vigorously. "The press loves you, you know?" And the old woman gets a bit closer to her, her wrinkly hand touching Hermione's forearm. "Don't hide behind your father anymore. People want to see you, Hermione."

She gulps, opening a smile. This is very unexpected. But also amazing.

And in the crappy situation she's in, it gives her a new kind of strength. It's a breath of fresh air. She nods at them. The couple smile and steers the conversation to other subjects, but she barely pays attention.

Dumbledore just entered the room and it's impossible to stop her impulse. She excuses herself and walks to him with a determined stride. Asmodeus is watching her from the other corner of the room and she sets her jaw. His eyes go from her to Dumbledore. He seems tense and her hopes skyrocket. Maybe the samples really are hidden inside Hogwarts. Maybe Harry will find them. Maybe this nightmare will be over soon.

She stops right in front of the old Headmaster.

"Dumbledore." She's nervous. "How are you, it's been a while."

"Hermione." He says fondly, a simple smile on his face. There's kindness in his eyes. "I'm fine, fine." He waves a hand. "What a beautiful reception. Are you nervous for the ceremony?"

She makes a face. "Not at all." Her eyes scan the room, Asmodeus is walking to them. "Dumbledore," She takes a step closer to him, "Could you tell me if-"

"He was still there when I left." He says fast and then he clears his throat, moving a bit back and smiling at Asmodeus. "Ah, the groom."

Asmodeus greets Dumbledore, his arm around Hermione's waist, pulling her closer to him. She grits her teeth, annoyed. But her mind is on Harry. And as they start to talk about some bullsh*t she's not even listening, her heart beats faster.

He's there.

Her throat is dry.f*ck.This can go three ways. He can find the samples in time and stop the wedding. Or he can find them too late. Or not find them at all.

Hogwarts was such an obvious place. And it crosses her mind again how she did not think about it at all.

"I'm sorry to interrupt." Bellatrix says, Hermione raises an eyebrow at her mother, "I need the bride for a second."

They walk in silence. Hermione has no idea what's happening, but she follows her mother to the second floor and then inside a room. Bellatrix closes the door and murmurs a spell to protect the place.

"Since the ceremony is getting closer, I need to tell you about the plan."

"He's at Hogwarts. Dumbledore just told me." She blurts out. "Searching for the samples. What if he finds them?"

"We can't count on that." Her mother says, shaking her head. "Hermione, I know you want him to find them, I know you want to cancel this wedding, but we both know that chances are extremely low." Bellatrix holds her arms, looking into her eyes.

Hermione wants to cry. But she takes a deep breath and says, "Tell me."

Bellatrix gulps. "If it comes down to what Harry is thinking… it- it will be War."

She sighs and murmurs, "He's just so stubborn."

"I can't tell you everything, but you have a choice on this." She tilts her head, "You can choose to pretend that you're not with Harry on this madness, or you can… publicly take his side."

She gulps. "What's the plan?"

Bellatrix tenses. Hermione can't believe this. Is Harry really planning on crashing this wedding and then what? And how?

"Doesn't matter." She continues before Bellatrix says anything, "I've had a talk with father earlier. I- we already are at War, mum. If Harry is crazy enough to try something tonight, I'll take his side. I'll always take his side." Her words are firm, but she's shaking a bit.

She knows what it will take for him to go against Riddle in front of everyone and stop the wedding. He promised her he wouldn't do it, but she knows better than this. She knows him. And she knows that she would do exactly the same if their roles were reversed.

"Okay. Okay." Bellatrix looks down. "And I'll always take your side, sweetie. So, I guess we're about to… f*ck up this wedding, huh?"

Hermione snorts a small chuckle. They share a tight hug.

"Thanks, mum. I love you."

"I love you too. Be ready for anything, okay?"

She nods and they walk out the room. And just before they separate, Hermione says:

"I need to thank Sarah for all of this, such an effort, right?"

And they share a laugh. It echoes inside the empty hall.

She never imagined herself in a wedding dress. Which is crazy. But maybe the many years of sorrow and thinking about the impossibility of having children always stopped her mind from wandering that far.

However, here she is.

And the dress is like a dream. She looks like an angel. Ethereal.

If not for the groom this would be perfect.

Her head turns when the door opens. Her bridesmaids walk inside. Gin, Luna, Sally and Chiara.

"sh*t, crazy woman, you look absolutely gorgeous.Dio Mio.How unfair to the rest of the female population in this world."

Chiara's words bring a smile to Hermione's face. But also tears.

"No sign of him?" She asks, her eyes on Gin.

"I'm sorry, Hermione." Ginny shakes her head.

She sighs and looks down.

"Will you be by my side?" Hermione asks in a low voice, raising her eyes to them, seeing the utmost respect and admiration reflected there.

"We will." Sally says firmly.

Outside the Mansion by the sea

It's getting darker and he can already see the moon. It eases his heart. He can smell everything, hear everything. He feels stronger.

He's ready. Ready to do what he should have done some time ago.

The Mansion is all lit. Bright lights and music. The many guests are talking excitedly inside. All Pureblood families.

Harry inhales deeply. He's searching her scent. He knows the ceremony starts soon and he needs to know how she is, he needs to-


It's like coming home.

First he smells her. Her unique perfume and natural scent. She's closer than he imagined. Then, he pays enough attention to hear her heartbeats. She's nervous. Anxious. Angry. Afraid. Someone is talking to her and he realizes it's Chiara's voice.

A column of smoke by his side takes his attention away from the specific room Hermione is in. He turns and says:

"Easy. Just a bit longer."

He must be crazy. But it's a conscious madness.

Mansion by the sea

They're ready to start the ceremony. And while she waits for her father, she gazes at the full moon. It stirs a need inside her. The need to be with Harry. She has no idea what he's doing. If he's still at Hogwarts trying to find the samples or-

Riddle clears his throat by her side.

Hermione doesn't look at him when she puts one hand on the crook of his elbow. He doesn't say a thing.

They walk in silence. Now she can hear the music and the guests. They only stop when they're right in front of a huge double door. It magically opens for them and the scene in front of her is worthy of a Muggle movie.

The room is enormous. All the guests are on their feet, every eye on her. Asmodeus is standing tall right at the front, at the end of the aisle. Bridesmaids and groomsmen also there on their assigned sides. The decoration is impeccable. The flowers and the colors. Candles. The huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The big windows that have a perfect vision to the sea behind Asmodeus and the wizard that's about to bind her to this awful man.

Her father takes the first step, taking her with him. She doesn't wanna move. But she goes. What's about to unfold seems inevitable. However, her heart knows better.

She knows Harry is coming.

And indeed.

Hermione and her father are probably the firsts to see the huge fire outside. It's literally melting the wards. It's not phoenix fire.

It's Dragon fire.


Riddle falters by her side. And they stop walking. The guests take a moment to understand what's happening. But when they turn their heads and see what's just behind-

It's chaos. Utter and complete chaos.

But very few people apparate away. The majority of guests stay, trying to steer from the windows. Hermione can already feel the hotness from the fire that's still trying to destroy the wards. Her father clenches his jaw and she tries taking a step away from him. He holds her close, though.

"You're not going anywhere." He hisses to her, but Hermione laughs.

And she apparates.

She can't apparate to a point out of the Mansion, but she can surely step away from her father inside the room. With a flick of her wrist, she changes her clothes. Black trousers, black sweater. And she searches for her mother, she searches forher people. Hermione needs them to keep a distance from Riddle-

A hand tugs on her hair with force and she grits her teeth. It's Asmodeus. He traps her in his arms and drags her to the little altar.

"Go on! Marry us!" He yells at the officiant.

The remaining families, guests, are looking at them with baffled faces. And her eyes land on her father. He looks murderous.

But before he reaches her, the wards fall down.

Her heart is beating like crazy. Bellaverde roars into the sky, spitting fire.

The Dragon is mesmerizing and Hermione can see how everyone is bewitched, even her father.

But her eyes are not on the green Dragon. No.

Her eyes are on the man coming to her.

Harry's walking firmly, his wand ready and a look of sheer anger on his face. Bellaverde keeps spitting fire behind him. When he reaches one big window, he uses a spell to vanish with the glass.

And then, he's already inside, close to her, at the front, near the main arch where she was supposed to profess her love for Asmodeus.

Hermione can finally breathe.

She apparates to his side, fast. Asmodeus yells.

She knows what's about to happen. Her heart squeezes inside her chest, but when she's right in front of Harry, the only thing she can think about is how much she loves him.

He opens a side smile to her, his arms around her waist in a protective manner.

"I didn't get an invitation, so." He shrugs, his head pointing to Bellaverde outside.

Hermione laughs. And kisses him. In front of everyone.

There's an audible collective gasp.

Then she turns to the guests and yells:

"The wedding is off! Thank you all for coming!"

Of course Peter, Sarah and Asmodeus are the ones who react more violently. Harry is fast to block the spells coming their way.

Hermione inhales deeply and takes his left hand with hers.

Taking a bit of his power, she concentrates and time stops.

The whole room is frozen.

She turns to Harry.

"What's the plan? What now?" She asks him. "Did you find the samples?"

Harry wets his lips, his eyes scanning the room. There's a different glint on them when he looks at Asmodeus and then at her father.

"I found them."

She widens her eyes. "For real?" She laughs, cupping his face. "Love! I-" But his face- he's not sharing her happiness, "What? What is it?"

Her spell might end any second now. Harry shakes his head. "I know I promised-"

The spell ends and people go back to normal. Another spell comes their way, reflecting on the shield Harry put up. Hermione is studying him.

"I'm with you." She murmurs. "Whatever you decide."

He smiles. "I love you."

Hell is breaking loose around them. Asmodeus is yelling that Hermione can't run away from this. Yelling that she needs to marry him, that they made a Vow. Many Pureblood families are still there, watching everything.

Many are looking at Tom Riddle. He's standing there. At the middle of the aisle. Observing Harry and Hermione.

And he finally manifests himself. With a spell, he amplifies his voice:


It's ridiculous. How powerful he is. How people obey him without a thought. Harry interlaces his fingers with hers, squinting at Riddle.

Her father takes a few steps to the front, closer to them. Hermione sees the way he briefly flinches when he looks outside. He feels threatened by Bellaverde.As he should.

"Hermione." He says in a heavy tone, his eyes menacing, "Explain yourself."

She opens her mouth, but Harry takes a step in front of her. His voice is firm and grave when he says:

"She doesn't need to explain herself to you. Not anymore." He whistles loudly and Bellaverde stops flying outside, the Dragon is hovering close to the big windows. "There are a few things I wanna say."

Asmodeus takes two steps to Harry and, with madness in his eyes, he says, "You know very well what happens if Hermione doesn't marry me!" He's practically spitting at Harry's face.

Harry shoves Asmodeus. Hard. He falls on his ass.

"Nothing is gonna happen, you nasty piece of sh*t." And Harry looks at everyone inside. He's talking to them now, "Twenty-four years ago, Tom Riddle and another six Aurors murdered James and Lily Potter." Hermione can see the wide eyes. And the admiration coming from Sirius, Remus, Molly, Arthur. Bellatrix. "He cowardly hunted them down and killed them. Without plausible reason he tried to exterminate the Potters just because Lily Evans was a Muggleborn." Riddle scoffs. They know this is not the reason, but Harry won't reveal this. Not yet. "But that's not the only thing that happened twenty-four years ago." He takes something from his pocket and Hermione sees the samples. Her heart quickens. She feels cold and numb. But this is his decision, after all. He's ready. "All those years ago, Matteo D'Angelo, my grandfather, saved the life of a little boy." Hermione can see that he's shaking. Her father looks… curious. "He saved my life." Harry says louder. "These samples I have in my hands are proof of my real identity and Asmodeus Pettigrew used this to blackmail my soulmate into marrying him!" Some people react to that, incredulous. Having a true soulmate is a big deal. Harry raises the samples in the air. And Hermione stops breathing when he releases the information inside.

His voice is the only thing inside the room:

"I'm Harry Potter, and I won't be silent about it anymore."


Blurred Lines - Chapter 51 - Quellas - Harry Potter (2024)


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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.