Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

AND BEST-AS USUAL CHRONICLE, MONDAT, NOT. F. It I THREE WABASH COUNTY TO LACK FUNDS WARASH, Nov. to ase for money is going to be one of the big problems for. sebool and ocher in Wabash county to battle over in the near future.

Garfield, Smith, county treasurer, anounced today that every indicapoints to approximately half of taxes in the county being allowed to delinquent this year. On the pring taxpaying period, more 45 per cent, went delinquent. Fer the fall period the delinquency be much larger. addition to this taxing unit Sials, are getting advance draws their money almost as fast as it is collected by the treasurer, Up to the present. time than 000 of the fall tax has been admost of this has been to par school teachers, hack drivers other salaries which were due ended when last the May.

spring term of school The Wabash school board has obtained $22,800 in order to retire pay scrip issued last spring and which falls due this week. Salaries of teachers for the present term are so far capaid. Noble township schools have been advanced Waltz township, Chester township, and Lagro township, $2,100. It was said practically all of this money was for back bills. The city of Wabash has been te pay bills which been held up from month to since last spring and for Story of all city of these workers.

advance draws' being made it was said there will be very little left to distribute January, and how the taxing units meet their bills after the first year is something officials will to worry about. 3 I. O. 0. F.

BRIEFS Mississinews Lodge No. 96, 1. 0. 0. will hold another of its son's set-together meetings tonight at 7:30 p.

First-degree work will be conferred of canlates. Several visitors are expected from lodges of neighboring cities. Talks and round-table disPassion will be held following the degree work. A special meeting of the branch of the Grant Encampment, No. 66, LOO.

F. will be held Friday night, and a special program of entertainrent has been planned for the evePlans will be discussed at the meeting for a full season program of the organization. Regular meeting of the Marion Rebekah Ledge, No. 247, I. 0.

0. be held Tuesday night, at which Ricers will be nominated. WARASH NAMES BOARD TO CHECK FORECLOSURES WARASH, Nov. E. Eikembary, local attorney; A.

L. Urschel North Manchester business man; Frank Wolfe, J. A. Ireland and 'Eugene Hoch, farmers of the county, were today named on A committee to work with state officials in an effort to prevent farm mortgage foreclosures in Wabash coasty. Efforts will be made to bring the farmers who owe mortgages and who hold the mortgages torether bag enough to permit the government loan agencies chance and if possible have the mortpart extended.

SHOW FILMS TONIGHT moving picture program for the Y. M. C. A. boys' department will be held tonight in the social rooms at 7 p.m.

TEAT WHAT. LIKE ANDTAKE BELLANS WHEN FOOD DISAGREES -the las prompt Sin Bell Hot 1897. Trial in proof-25c. BELL-ANS 2 INDIGESTION The Unknown BLOND 14 1 Coming here soon! Dramatic, entertaining, mysterious NOT A MOVIE (SWAYZEE. REPORTS Mr.

and Mrs. Claude Galbreath and children entertained the following Saturday, at dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mook, Mr. and Mrs.

John Baily of New Hope, 0., and Mr. and Mra. Asie Smith and daughters. Azel Hiatt met with a minor dent Packing Co, Wednesday His at knee this found Swayzee to be dislocated. The Christian Endeavor held Halloween party Monday evening at the home of Alice and Billy Barker.

The blue side lost and the whites won. The contest closed on Sunday, Oct. 8. Dainty refreshmente were served to the following: Madeline Meeks, Alice Mary Mowrer, Irene Lyons, Thelma Lewark, Melvada Mowrer, Rosella and Oletta Tygart, Glendora Lyons, Leo Lyons, Walter Reynolds, Richard Pratt of Pt. Isabel, Marion Howell of Jonesboro, Otie Lyons, Burnedine Tygart of Clarence Cates of Sweetser, Roy Abernathy, Glen Meeks, J.

Guild McClain, Billy and Joe Barker, Mrs. Minnie Meeks, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Barker and family. The Loyal Sisters of the chutch will hold market in Glen Woody's store window the first Saturday before Thanksgiving.

Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hiatt left Monday for the lakes, returning ThursSirs. Glen Small was hostess to the L. S.

Sisters, Thursday at her home on South Washington street. The business hour was held, after which short program was given. Lunch was served to the following: Mrs. Mary Galbreath, Ellen Mitchell. Ethel Gilmore, Verdia Barker, MatLottie Cunningham, Lucy, McGriff, tie Cunningham and children, Grace Lyons, Ella Small and Miss Thelma Lewark.

RICHLAND BRIEFS Margaret. Cora Darby, Hers. Mary Templin and son Myron, Miss Ruth Lawshe, Raymond George, Mr. and Mrs. George Hardacre, Mr.

and Mrs. Orval Mast, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde: Renbarger, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Tricolet, Fernie Tricolet, Mr. and Mrs. Orang Fansler and daughter Audra, Mr. Mrs. Bud Hullinger and Mr.

and Mrs. Vernon Foltz. Mr. Mrs. Burl Woodmansee.

Mt. Vernon, N. returned to home Thursday morning after spenling several days with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs.

Russel Rennaker are the parents of a 10 pound boy, born Oct. 29, named Russel Brooks. Mrs. Elizabeth Rogers of Awboy entertained 8 Dumber of friends from here with her son Charles Rogers and son Paul from Lima, as the honored guests. Those present were Mr.

and Mrs. Roy Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowman, Mr.

and Mra. Grayston Bricker and son, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bowman and daughters, Mr. and Mra.

Leland Rogers and children from Kokomo, Mr. and Mrs. Harrold Rogers and children, Mr. and Mrs. Justice Rogers, Mrs.

Nettie Rogers and children. AfterDOOD guests were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Greer. Mr.

and Mrs. Lewis Fox and baby Markle were Sunday dinner guests of Sir. and Mrs. Carl Bowman. and Mrs.

Walter Haynes and Mr. and Mrs. William Hullinger entertained number of friends at their home Thursday evening with fish fry. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.

Myron Darby and daugh- daughters of Knox, were week end guests of Mrs. Myrtle Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moore and children also were Sunday dinner guests.

Rev. and Mrs. George Sixt of rion, called on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whitlock Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Burl Woodmansee of Mt. Vernon, N. were supper guests Wednesday evening of Mr.

and Mrs. Kenneth Kritzer and son. They returned to their home Thursday morning after spending several days with relatives. Mr. and Mrs.

Ora Highley and children entertained a number of friends at dinner Sunday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Roach of Greentown, Wm. Jacob and children Ruthanna, Esther, Jimmy and Paul Henry, Mrs.

Belle Jacob, Albert and Glen Jaccob, Lewis Julian, Mrs. A. W. Julian, Mr. and Mrs.

Kenneth Gardner, Mrs. Bessle Hudson and son DeMurl, Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Jacob and daughter Thelma, Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Highley and daughter Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whitlock and daughter Phyllis Ann, Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Julian and children Ralph, Ruthanna, Donald and Margaret. Mrs. Lewis Mrs. Lloyd Powell, Misses Mary Brown and Ilelen Bowman, Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Stout, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowman, Mrs. Joe Powell and son Paul, Mr. and Mrs.

Wm. Belle, Mr. and Mrs. John Price, Robert and Maynard Wolfe called on Mr. and Mrs.

Gerald Powell Sunday afternoon. Lowell, the four-year-old son of Mr. and MrA. Carl Malott is seriously ill at his home with pneumonia. Mr.

and Mrs. Kenneth Powell and children were Sunday dianer guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Fansler and laughter. Marvio Lee Burqker spent Thursday evening with Mr.

and Mrs. bur Highley and children. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gardner were supper guests Thursday evening of Mr.

and Mrs. Earl Whitlock and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker were given an old time belling and ride In calf wagon Thursday night.

The Brotherhood and Missionary meeting at Richland Chapel Wed. nesday erening was largely attended. A pot luck supper was served, followed by a number of reels especdally for children on the life of children In other countries, also a ber of reels for adults on conditions on the Mexican border, given by Rev. Reese of Amboy. Rev.

Ross Jackson of Miawi, gave the principal speech of the evening. Mrs. Kenneth Powell and Mrs. Reed Smith spent Wednesday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Ora Fansler. Mrs. Mary Templin spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Folls.

Mr. and Mrs. Ora Highley, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gardner were dinner guests Tuesday of Mrs.

A. W. Jullan and son Lewis. Rev. and Mrs.

Geo. Sixt of Marion were. supper guests. Mr. and Mrs.

Cletus Warnock and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Darby and daughter were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, INDIANA'S TREES RACCOON INDIANAPOLIS, Nov.

graced the tanbark ring at the InThoroughbred hunters often have diana state fairground horse shows but it was a mule belonging to the state board of agriculture which captured the latest prize in a hunter class of her own. The mule named Kate treed 8 raccoon! When Roy Baldwin, an electrician, passed he found the mule, pawing the ground at the base of tree and beying skyward. Looking up he saw the frightened raccoon. Baldwin called the state conservation department which took charge of the raccoon. The mule was locked up in her stable again.

COLORED NOTES Gov. (Paul. V'. MeNutt, WAR the guest speaker at closing mass meeting and membership drive of the fifth annual conference of the state convention, National Association for the Advancement of Colered People, held at the council chamber of the City hall Sunday afternoon. Rep.

Henry J. Richardson, Indianapolis, the only race citizen who has been member of the general assembly in 40 years, introduced the governor, who gave a vital message. Other distinguished speakers and persons present were: Mayor Jack Edwards: Arthur Green, ter; Attorneys R. L. Bailey and F.

S. Ransom, Indianapolis; A. C. McNeal, president of Chicago branch, and his executive secretary, Archie L. Weaver, a former Marion man; Clifford Townsend, lieutenant governor: Rev.

M. J. Battle, Rev. 11. K.

Stewart, Dr. W. T. Bailey and Rohert Kiley, all of Marion. Splendid music WAR furnished by the local N.

A. A. C. P. chorus under the direction of Mrs.

Clarence Black, and Mrs. Claude Watkins, pianist. Members of the Ambassador Forum, youth division of the organization, served as ushers. Mra, F. K.

Bailey, wife of Dr. W. T. Bailey, Marion, re-elected state president, ably presided over the meeting with an attendance of 800 persons. Other officers named were: First vice-president, Mrs.

L. M. Ramey, Anderson: second vice-president, Mrs. V. T.

Lewis, Indianapolis; secretary, Miss Faith Brown, Kokomo; treasurer, E. E. Williadson, Kokomo; tive board, Mrs." A. Turner, Muncie. and Attorney F.

S. Ransom, Indianapolis. Indianapolis named the place for the 1934 meeting. A lecture will be given this evening at Bethel A. M.

E. church sponsored by the Zella I. Johnson Missionary society. Mrs. J.

W. Roberds, this city, will be the speaker and will talk on the subject, "The Holy City." There will be no admission but a free will offering will be taken. A special invitation is extended to all local missionary 80- cieties. The public is invited. An indoor carnival will be held this evening at the I'.

A. Payne school, Thirty-sixth street and Western avenue. A broadcasting program consisting of short stories, poems and mixed quartets, will be provided. Also booths of fish pond. bingo and popcorn have been arranged.

The general public is invited. The meeting of the Ambassador Forum, youth division of the N. A. 1 A. C.

which was to have been held tonight. will be on Tuesday Nov. at the home of the supervisor, Mr. W. T.

Bailey. South. Adams The auxiliary unit of the Russel Weaver post. No. 166, American, Legion, will meet Tuesday at p.

m. at the home of Mrs. Flora Newsome. 1 South Nebraska street. This meeting is of vital portance and every officer 'and member is asked present.

Members the: Amanda Smith club will observe their annual "Arniistice Day" program Friday after noon the home of Mrs. Tate Reed. South Gallatin street, Miss Aleat a Cases, a recent graduate of Eureka beauty College. Toledo, O. is the city for an itdefinite stay.

and is at the hont of Mr. and Mr. Fred Jones, 3022 South Nebraska street. Friends may make by calling phone 546. Mis.

Casey is a Marion young woman and has achieved much success AN a beautician. A program of interest will be giv. en Sunday, Nor. 12, under the at spices of the Sigma Gamma The sorority. A prominent local citizen will be the main speaker.

place will be: announced later. WABASH REPORTS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowler entertained with a party at their home. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Goodlander, Mr. And Mrs. Roll Ohmart, Mr. and Mrs.

Howard Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Alber. Mr.

and Mrs. Roy Werten. berger, Mr. and Mrw, Garl Small. Mr.

and Bert Summer land, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyte Summerland, Mr. and Mre. Jay Brown and Mrs.

guret Stucker. Members of the Women's Min. sionary. Sorirty and the Otterhem Guild of the First United Brethren church presented pageant in ohservance of the World's Mission Advancement Day, last evening. Superintendents and, ministers from each Sunday school in Noble township were present held at the Middle Street ternoon for a township convention, church.

IP Mrs. T. La Stitt will entertain the members of the Symposium club at her home on Hill street, this rvening. Bay View Club members were entertained this afternoon at the home Mrs. Glen Grubb.

Mrs. Earl Dale was hostess at the November meeting of her bridge club. Present were Mra. 1). W.

Lynn, Mrs. Leroy Hastings, Mrs. Otto Elliott, Mrs. Arthur Graf. -Mre.

Elmer Mattern. Mrs. Clinton Brady, Mrs. Glen Grubb, Mrs. H.

B. Cowles. Mre. M. A.

Payne, and Mrs. Schmalzried. Mra. Harley Gamble, Mrs. Glen Gamble, Mrs.

Neil Craft. Mrs. H. D. Hartman, Mrs.

C. B. Irelan. Mrs. James Smallwood and Mrs.

Harry Ridgeway were present for A meeting of the Sewing Club. held at the home of Mrs. Fred Martin. Mrs. Sally Yoos has been named president of the P.

R. Club for the coming year, with Roberta Craft, retary, president Alice Morrow, treasurer. Mary McNarney, secLatreian Club members will be entertained Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Billington. A business meeting for members of the Sigma Phi Gamma sorority will be held this evening.

HOLD MOORE RITES Last rites for Charles A. Moore, 59, were held today at the Ninth Street M. F. church. Burial was in the Zion cemetery.

PEACE IS SEEN BY DR. Painting a vicarre in tons in all section nt tre Dr. G. Bromiey of DePaun made a for return to inniting and. Christian 1: hum last night at the First Episcopal churci.

Denouncing the Dess, the tt: per petual disarmamen: and Peace -could not until Human thinking pm pa Imp auditorium: way for the ing which WT hen: unite ttha: pires of downtown First renew miltsocall sutti. ation in deans Tart Europe and the 1.0 Dre. 00 11m dwelled at um in Japan, Lt. Russia, ermin. tries which hr har in years, Describing tin af: the World War 11.

1: toll in Human lives and placing the ninny diture at 033 my said it had failed u. being a war to -aud wat. "World peace will Du. num predicted. "When them mted States ant Amare ani United of 4 Hutth umim the leadership of a aunron The ker WH- Bit Nov.

T. Arnold muriel numbers were a Tart time crani. JONESBORO BRIEFS The Second undur the the church. Friday and decided att tended both dare and Music wan hy the The montere wish to thank tire win 11. any In making instivall Bible and to three win Cop IP the occasion.

Were mule On lowing: Are Food Cake; a Dire Note. Wis haze, Irish and Squash; Corrota: Jay, Charice Lula Fowler, Durnumi. 41 Moore. Squash awl How Win. Faher, ('alert.

Wright, -Webster 'ox. hov mons; Rules, mod! 'No awarde wore mad medal work and other deploys many and A flares her of -visitors from er surrounding towns per was served to almiust a each evening. Misses Helen and Ducilie of Huntington spent and here as guests Mar Mir Enroe and attended tin ball game af the weaRnL. Miss Sarah wIll 10 the Westminster of the Presbyterian churc. night instead of lirs.

ley, because of sickness lunne All members ATt urged two 0114 needle, thread and thinnile. Elbert Risbardson. wan WE TIE fully injured in an aucident at the inter road 13-21 several day ago brought 10 his hoar 01. and Second street. tron.

county hospital. and 01 AT GASOLINE HAS 64 REGULAR ANTI-KNOCK -UP 70? THE SINCLAIR NEW STEPPED GASOLINE 4: 0194 Simian Rat Ca ca nAh. IT TAKES HEALTHY NERVES AMERICA'S STUNT TO BE GIRL GREATEST A SUDDEN NERVE-RACKING swing upward from a racing auto into a hurtling It's all in the day's work for Mary Wiggins, famous stunt girl who also dives on fire into fire and does the It edgy suspension means nerves glide something even in when when mid-air I she smoke while a says, lot." hanging "Camels only never by her give teeth. me ARKS BLEND MATCHLESS Steady Smokers turn to Camels EN TED MARY greatest ed all stunt serves I've tried all the brands. Camels are per She and better in flavor.

They do not give me edgy it wu be my Te even when I am smoking a lot." IS MORE KNOW FUN thigh dive: cot and on the fire: High into -altitude parachute AB in Eke will that tell rich you the Camel difference flavor and there is mildness. in Camel's And that TO a IT Iva fund that Camels vat her tobaccos. Camels are MORE. made? cos from popular EXPENSIVE than finer, any tobac- brand. other CAMEL'S COSTLIER TOBACCOS NEVER GET ON YOUR NEVER TIRE YOUR TASTE Correct 1 LOADED SHOTGUN READY FOR CORNFIELD THIEVES Fearnon it 3.

await. Pr De corn free. They the Are 1 said: ah: have been 41010 It 35 duns Deal 1: terent. Vi af and MIA. the Bwa Priscilla 47 El it Worn Main 14.

mann. Social H. might All. it Far Tandar ball Th up 114 1. Juba Trouts: I Mare 14 Charter 1: K.

Howell AM wad: Ratter. luward Wand. The 10 1 it will i. 44p: Main fAv a a a inDie. das 1.

lie initial at to time 40 loin machine an and Mr tali Tre A (Clapper at the BOA add at Vin Jumenta Man: ad: vent the 1 hospital today tor Deter Campbell, ed wailing Mr and: and fainily Mart Bruch. era and MaT. of Tarth Main Mitch triked tr Latarette Friday wart until Sunday Him hr her. man at Purdue Mr. and: Mrm.

S. B. called. to tian critical and dead cd B. mary id Eut N.

strut. The was a bay and in curried tP widow and. RICE (t4 two Dina. and Miss Mary M. brothers.

and: carl MoCreary at mesther. and M. ef ant: Bon Mitrheil went LO Saturday and attended the filinoia too: hull came Help Kidneys It Un INSTITUTE TO OPEN TUESDAY 2 Morris Car. Pr Sat 3 to 8 he writ I. -1 SPAR 12 to 3 tout a mOm: throne ant tr A dinner 0 RISCONSIN FARMERS ARE BEYOND CONTROL HARE ITT.

mi. a former Blarkford has resided 111 Cit fur the part where he in ad the tarn burean. are arht far visit the af that probably will farm strike than mint He and the Con The hast at the leaders who A TOUNG MEN'S CLUB TO HEAR T. A. DICUS wit the Young dOc at the 1.

hi 11: A 7 tat bee a Stand ng 1 it Tour b. all ham britte rurt, CHURCH LEAGUE HEADS PLAN MEETING TUESDAY piano fur the M. I prey It tapa will be. day a of various Arid at pr m. at the V.

so dad to see your Erst light! Not a Hit. I smoked I haven't and changed PLAN SCOTTISH RITE REUNION Rite men More than 414 Scottish hers of Marion will augment a large delegation from Grant county which will attend the fall reunion of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. Val. of Fort Wayne. which is to be at Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at Fort Wayne.

While several from this county will ad throughout the reunion, the group is expected to at1 An -day afternoon and nicht AI the feature hanquet: will 3 11. the fairmount Scott: to Masons will exemplity tie tenth 3. gree. Principal Norm an Imrie A member of Cul-prater of the will be. Maj.

t-1 Academy faculty. COLDS Go Thru 3 Stages -and They're Fur Easier Relieved in the First than in the Second or Third! sold ordinarily through 3 the Dry Stage, the first 24 the Watery Seertion Sage, Irma I to 1 and the Mucous to Starv. a The. front in n- 4 waalice f': the treatment for told It It roll nut It. paration to half the A well It dit 13! internal which 1 wint a sol an internal also complete sit shew the four change 11 1pe the homela.

ronibals the cold get 1vin fever in the ho ant guppy farhng and At fort entire tom Anything Iran than that to in. sIting trouble. Get 4101 the Quine at any to Mite and Ask for it hy the full name and refuse a substitute. -Adv. you, Sue.

Were you nervous during Camels all the way, and I never felt worried about nerves since I took your to Camels. is to pre 1 3 A 1-r 4 in.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.