Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1908 MARTINSVILLE BULLETIN MARTINSVILLE, No Relief In Sight For State As Searing Weather Continues 4 (P)-As far as the weather fore-, caster is concerned, Virginia residents won't get any relief from the heat spell until Saturday at least. And farmers with dry crops don't stand much of a chance of getting needed water. The forecast promised BULLETIN Continued From Pare 1 The pulpit of Fieldale Methodist Church will be filled Sunday morning by W. C. Sweitzer, of Ridgeway, in the absence of the pastor.

The Youth Choir of Midway Baptist. Church, Collinsville, will rehearse at 7:30 tonight at the church. Officers and teachers of the Sunday School Dept. of Midway, Baptist Church, Collinsville, will meet at. 7:30 tonight at the church.

The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Fieldale Methodist Church will meet Monday evening at the home of Mrs. George D. Merriman, Field Ave. A The decendants of the late Thomas M. will hold a family reunion on Sunday, Aug.

9, at Pleasant Grove Methodist Church, on the Figsboro Rd. Relatives and friends are invited. to at- Sheriff Joins Hunt For Convicts Sheriff Morton Prillaman and Trooper E. G. Owen joined a large posse this noon in searching for two escaped convicts from the Chatham camp who are believed to be hiding near the Henry-Pittsylvania county line.

convicts are believed to be armed as a revolver was stolen from a home two west of Callands during the night. The convicts, James Springston, of Portsmouth, and Thomas Roark, of Danville, escaped yesterday around 2:30 p. m. They eluded guards who were in charge convicts working on a road between Danville and Chatham. Springston was originally sentenced to serve 18 months on A burglary charge and Roark had grand larceny.

Sheriff Prillaman drawn eight-year term a for said their terms had, been lengthened because they had escaped from custody on two or three previous occasions, Youth Injured In Auto Wreck. William 15, of Martinaville, Route 3, was arrested vesterday by Officer J. Stegall on charge of reckless driving after the youth wrecked his car on Route 609, near Fieldale. Plaster suffered head injury when his car left the road and was badly damaged in a non-collision accident. Stegall said the injury was serious.

The officer said he believed the accident was caused because Plaster tried to round a curve at an excessive rate of speed. VI Awaiting Diploma Of Negro Applicant LEXINGTON (P) Virginia Military Institute says it has been unable to evaluate the qualifications of a Negro applicant for mission to the state -supported, allWhite institution pending receipt of his high school record. Maj. Gen. William H.

Milton, VMI superintendent: declined to disclose whether there was any by which the application must be completed. However, applicants accepted thus far by VMI for the 1953-54 session are required to pay their application fees by Saturday or their names will be dropped from the roll of new cadets. Presumably Sept. 9 would be the last date for any action on an application. New cadets report on that date.

Baptist Church Plans Candlelight Service The Starling Avenue Baptist Church will have a candlelight communion service at 8 p.m. Sunday. The Chapel Choir, under the direction of Miss Ruth Pace, will; provide special music for the serv. ice. Some oil wells cost as much as million dollars to drill.

cloudiness today with a high of 92 to 98 and a chance of widely scattered showers in the south portions. For Saturday, the weather forecast indicated. it: would be -cloudy and continued "quite warm." It was "quite yesterday, In Richmond, for example, it. whs 103 degrees-4 record for the year and also for any July 30 since they started recording temperatures. "Danville had 101.2 degree temperature and Lynchburg thermometers registered 100 degrees -the highest years.

Out in Southwest Virginia, it was cooler. In Bristol it was 94 degrees and that tied the record there tor the year. In Bluefield, W. it was which meant pretty girls in short? would be passing out free lemonade on street corners today. To promote Bluefield's seif-termed air summer, the Chamber of Commerce arranges to serve free Lemonade whenever the temperature goes to 90 degrees.

Meanwhile, the state's farmers especially" in the eastern sections looked skyward in the hope of rain. Some 'crops already! are damaged, some are gone and some need rain to stave off reduced harvest. The damage loss caused by the state's drought previously had been estimated at 50 million dollars. Some estimates have been higher. But Henry M.

Taylor, crop statistician. said the situation is so confusing, it's difficult to hit upon a definite figure for: the loss. Colored News Mr. and Mrs. James Akridge and daughter, Elizabeth, and Mr.

Mrs. Joseph Akridge and family spent last weekend in Norfolk visiting Mrs. Hattie Edwards and daughter, Rosie Mae, and Mrs. Hastie Mason. The Willing Workers Club will Zion Holiness Church this weeksponsor two services at the Mt.

end; The First will be at 7:30 tonight when Rev. Sandy Schoefield and Chorus will a program. At 3 p. m. Sunday, Rev.

Almeda Millner will preach. 40 To Attend Kiwanis Camp The Kiwanis Club will send 40 boys to Lee Ford Camp near Ridgeway sot Bob McCutcheon, chairman the club's underprivileged childrens and charity reported during meeting last night at the Club Martinique. McCutcheon, in a report of the committee's work during the past year and plans for the future, said that 20 boys will go to the clubsponsored camp the first week and another group the second week. Counselors will be W. K.

Putney, Dou Clark and John Ran Smith. A similar program was sponsored last year. The chairman also discussed improvements made at the camp and medical. and surgical care provided for indigent youths. Funds for the projects are raised through the annual' Henry County Exposition, slated this year for August.

The committee works on $3,500 budget, McCutcheon stated. N. R. Burroughs, club president, said during the business session that the Roanoke Kiwanis Club will be host to the inter -club meeting of the Second Division on Aug. 12.

Senator Harry F. Byrd will be guest speaker. Patrick Trooper Moved To Martinsville Area. Trooper R. W.

Jessee. who has been stationed in Stuart for the past five and a half, years, has been added to the State Police Force in the Martinsville area, Sgt. James Jessee will assume his new duties H. Barnes reported today. in this area tomorrow, it was said.

He is making preparations to move his family from Stuart to Martinsville. ville. NORFOLK ISLAND Norfolk Island. 400 miles northeast of New Zealand, is one of the few spots discovered by European explorers which was previously uninhabited. Fuji, sacred mountain of Japan, last erupted in 1707-08.

As. from the huge crater's eruption settled six inches deep on Tokyo, 60 miles distant. Li 8 TE thought it was an odd trail! That isn't road mapit's your fever chart!" Another Battery Of Speakers To Address Rural Affairs Meet MISSING GIRL Melvelene Sisk, 18, the daughter of Mrs. Ruby W. Sisk of near Stultz has been missing from her home since Monday, July 20.

was alighting from Shea lathe Square Monday evening and since then, no trace of her has been found. She is five feet two inches tall, weighs 115 pounds, and was wearing brown checkered, pleated skirt, yellow and green striped vest, white blouse and white strap sandles. She has dark brown hair, brown eyes and dark complexioned. Anyone having any information of her whereabouts is asked to contact her mother at 5803 or the City Police. Short Skirts Win Backing Of Carnegie PARIS (P) -Hattie Carnegie, big wheel tin American fashions, plumped for Christian Dior's new short skirts today.

But like a lot of others here for the annual showings, she's sure her customers will like them, 1 A "Very beautiful and full of wonderful ideas," said Hattie of Christian's new collection, which tured the shortest skirts almost to the knees in recent years, as well as bosom emphasizers, loose waistlines and shaped skirts. Hattie said she'd be buying Dior's numbers for her New York I shop, a mecca for the well-dressed lady with money. "However, I don't know whether American women will take to short skirts," she added. That summed up the sentiment among a lot of American buyers. None of them would dare go home without their quota of Diors, but they just weren't sure: the American woman would feel as impelled to have them on her hangers.

Reds Charge New Violations MUNSAN, (P) The Reds cused the Allies today of two new truce violations but a U. N. spokesman said the charges were not serious. The accusations came as the Korean Military Armistice Commis-1 sion and other truce groups met at Panmunjom. The Communists made their 11th and 12th complaints of Allied truce violation in the 4-day-old truce at the hour and 46-minute meeting of the U.

armistice commission. The commission is charged with policing the demilitarized zone across Korea. Public Notices Sealed Bids will be received the De partment of Highways, Room 400, Central Highway Office Building, 1221 L. Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia, until 10:00 A. Thursday, August 13, 1953, for the following: PRIMARY PROJECTS -Alterations and Additions to Fairfax Residency Office Building in Fairfax, Virginia.

Alterations and Additions to Norfolk Residency Office Building at Norfolk, New Restdency Office Bullding at Warsaw, finia. New Residency. Office Bullding Wise, Virginia. New Residency Office Building at Wytheville, Virginia. New Residency Office Building at Ashland, Virginia.

Route 32. Modification of Operating Equipment of Lift Span--Newport Bridge. Rt. 29, Proj1871-13, 1.08 MI. Var.

.12 Mi. S. of Motley 1.70 Mi. Motley Rt. 11, Proj.

1898-03-04, Wythe, 1.00 Mi. Bit. Pen. Top de 378 Mi. W.

Mi. W. Wytheville. Rt, 301, Proj. 1840-04.

Greenville Cem. (Emporia), .31 Mt. Var. Conc. Bit.

Mi. S. Int. Rt. 58-Int.

Rt. 38. Rt. 301, Proj. 1874-04, Prince George, 3.90 Mi.

Bit. Conc. Base, Bit. Top Bridge--Pr. George-Suasex Co.

Mi. S. Petersburg. Rt. 50, Proj.

1030-01-02-03-06, Fauquter Loudoun, 2.19 MI. Grade, Drain Bridge 2.84 Mi. W. 40 19 Mi. 440.

w. Co. Line. Rt. Proj.

1992-11. Tazewell, Bridge Widening In Bluefield. Rt. Proj. 2130- 02.

Fauquier, .47 MI. 36-24x8" W. B. Bit. MI.

W. Int. Rt. 17. (Marshall; 41 MI.

W. Int. Rt. 17. Rt.

60, Proj. 2143-10. City of Richmond, .20 Mi. Bit. Bit.

Top-500' South of Denny Street Carlisle: Avenue (Government Rt. 360, Proj. 1349-01, King Queen, 4.20 Mi, 10" Stab. Base, Bit MI. E.

Mattapont River Bridge MI. W. Int. Millers Tavern), Rt. 5.

Proj Charles City. 2.37 Mi. A 20x8'1 Stab. Base Bridge- Mi. E.

Henrico-Chas. City E. Henrico City C. L. Rt.

523, Proj. 3693-63, Warren, MI. W. B. Bit MI, 'N.

of N. Fork Shenandoah River- MI. N. of N. Fork Shenandoah River.

Rt. 10. Proj. Alleghany, .44 MI. 10' Stab, Base MI.

N. of Rt. MI. N. of R.

615, Rt. 20-A. Proj. 4005-01 NO. 20.

Amharat, 1.13 MI. Reint. Conc. Pavement-34 MI. of Rt.

N. End Bridge: over James River. STATE PLANT MIX livering and applying Bituminous Plant Mixed Materials tollowA: Tons Bituminous Plant Mix Material; 1.800 Tone Asphalt Cement; 17,150 Gala. Bit. Mat.

1 Salem, Richmond, Butfolk and District. SECONDARY PROJICTS-Rt. ens, Prof. 1306-10, Appomattox, 3.43 MI. 14" VAr.

Stab, Base--Int. Rt. 1Oakviller MI. W. of Wreck toland Creek.

Rt. 607. Proj. 1317-07, Carroll, 1.23 MI. 16'x6" Stab.

Bane. Bit. 8. Int, Rt. 721 (Near Galaxi Inter Rt.

602. Rt. 636, Proj. 1324-04, Cumberland, 3.65 MI. Var.

Stab. Base, Bit. S. C. L.

Int. Rt. 2.02 45. 630, Proj. 1362-08, Nelson, Mi.

Stab. Base, Bit, S. T. .11 MI. N.

Int. 617 (Near Rockfish -Int. Rt. 6. Rt.

653, Prod. 1387-01-08, Southampton. ,66 MI. 16'x0" Stab. Bare Bridge 15 Mi.

W. Nottoway 643, River-, 45 M1. E. River. Proi.

1392- AT Tazewell. 109' Bridge near Falla Milla, Plans and Apecificationa on file the Richmond and Local District Offices, Proposal cuaranty shall be certitied check or bid bond in the amount in schedule on back ol proposal form. Bid Bond to be on form furnished by the Virrinie Department of Highways. The Commission reserves the right to reject any or all. proposals submitted in response to this advertisem*nt, and tA waive technicalities an It deem best tor the interest of the State BLACKSBURG Another battery of speakers was on the schedule here today at the closing day's sessions of -the annual Institute of Rural Affairs at Virginia Tech.

Among those scheduled to address the Institute were Dr. James of the U.S. Public Health Service in Washington; Dr. George W. McKinney Robert Fentress and James W.

Dodd, all of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond; and several other prominent speakers. The Institute closes tonight with a pageant depicting the history of agricultural extension work in Virginia, At last night's sessions, the In- heard speech by an official of the' U. S. Department of Agriculture and saw awards presented to two Virginians for mak-! ing outstanding contributions: to agriculture. Recelving the awards were Robert S.

Graves of Madison County and Waverly S. Green of Nottoway County. They were presented 1953 certificates of merit for contributing to the state's farm program. Graves was cited for pioneering in use of effective methods growing, harvesting, packing, storing and marketing apples and peaches. Green has taken an ac.

tive part in promoting scientific developments to Improve the status of the farm people, VPI officials said. Firemen Drive Back Wild Ponies To Home On Assateague Island CHINCOTEAGUE, Va. -Chincoteague's volunteer firemen were busy today doing the reverse of what they did just two days agodriving a of shaggy little ponies back to Assateague Island. On Assatearue, the some 100 ponies that weren't sold at auc-tion will: graze andmultiply--until it's time. next year to.

go. through the annual: pony penning routine again. Obituaries REV. WILLIAM D. 'ABSHIRE Funeral and burial services were conducted today at Boone Mill for Rev.

William D. Abshire, 62, a minister of the Church of the Brethren n'd lifelong Franklin County resident who died Wednesday in a Roanoke hospital, He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Flora Mills Abshire of Boone Mill; four sons, three daughters, two brothers and three sisters. MRS. E.

N. ROTHSCHILD Mrs. Estelle Rothschild. 32, died Baltimore, at 12:15 p. m.

Thursday, native of Henry County, she was the daughter of Mrs. Maude Woodall Eanes and the late Jack R. Eanes. She had lived in the city and County for. most of her life and was.

a member of the Ellsworth Street Baptist Church before leaving Martinsville. for: Baltimore several years ago. She is survived by her husband, Morris Rothschild, and a Ralph N. Rothschild. both of Baltimore; her mother, Mrs.

Jack Eanes of Martinsville; two sisters, Mrs. Lee Pfarr of Essex, and Mrs. Robert E. Scott of Martinsville: and five brothers, J. Carroll Eanes, Louis C.

Eanes, Charles Eanes, Robert A. Eanes: and -Justice D. Eanes, all of Martinsville. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday in the McKee Funeral Home Chapel.

The body will arrive in Roanoke early Saturday morning and will be brought to McKee Home to Await funeral services. Burial will be in Roselawn Burial Park. Rev. George E. Simmons will conduct the services.

MRS. ANNIE R. BRIGHTWELL Mrs. Annie Reamey Brightwell, former resident of Martinsville, and sister of Mrs. Daisy R.

Hodges of this city, died at 8 a. m. today In Lynchburg following a week's illness. Funeral arrangements were incomplete today, although it was announced that burial rites will be conducted at N. C.

the former home of Mrs. Brightwell. WILLIAM L. NICHOLS William Levi Nichols, 44, died Thursday at his home at Calloway: Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Annie Moran Nichols; a daughter four sons, his parents, Mr.

and Willie Nichols, of Calloway; three sisters and five brothers. Funeral services conducted at 2. p.m. Saturday Mountain View. Church of.

the Brethren, near Calloway, with burial to follow in Mountain View cemetery, near Rocky Mount. Remodeling Work To Begin Soon The Oakley Apartment building at 25-27 Broad street will be converted into a business and office building with remodeling work to begin at an early date, A. J. Evans, new owner of the property. announced today.

Evans with D. E. Nelson of Roanoke purchased the property last year from Mrs. Goldie Oakley, and recently Mr. Evans acquired Mr.

Nelson's interest in the building. The building was erected about 20 years ago by Ernest Li, Oakley. At present it contains apartments and two office suites. Evans said that the entire building, with the exception of the top floor, will be converted into business office suites with air -conditioning, tile flooring and other modern equipment and facilities. At.a later date, It there is a need, the upper floor will be converted into office space and two additional floors will be constructed.

68 Marriage Permits Issued In 6 Months Sixty marriage licenses were issued -during the first half of 1953 by Jesse D. Clift, Martinsville. circuit court clerk, it was reported today. This is six less than the total of 74 granted here during the first six months of 1952. Licenses issued here this year went to two out-of-state couples and the remainder to persons claiming Virginia as their home state, Koreans are fond of whale meat, which looks like beef.

A total of 47 ponies were sold yesterday at prices ranging from $75 to $100 with a few going Proceeds go the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Department, which stages the pony penning each year. as the highlight of its week -long firemen's carnival to raise funds. The ponies, of unknown origin, are driven across the 400-foot channel between Assateague and Chincoteague and then are ed through the streets of Chincoteague on the first day of the annual event. They go on the auction block -mostly. for.

children's pets or breeding purposes--the next day. Then they're returned to Assateague to live their own lives until it's time to go through the whole routine again. Accused Pastor Denies Charge WASHINGTON-(P)-The The Rev. Jack Richard McMichael, confronted by man who accused him of being 'a one time Communist, today told the House UnAmerican Activities Committee: "I don't know him." The accuser was Manning Johnson, a middle-aged Negro. He was a few feet from the young Methodist minister, shortly after McMichael repeated his testimony of that he didn't recall the man by name.

"It I were to see him perhaps I could tell you it I ever saw him McMichael had said. Chairman Velde, had an aide bring Johnson into the room. When McMichael said he didn't know him, Johnson said: "take good look." took a good McMichael replied. 'I don't recognize him by his name or by his Ike Reported Against Theater Tax Relief WASHINGTON-(A)-President Eisenhower was reported by a Republican senator today "to have reached a reluctant not to sign a bill to wipe out the 20 per cent movie admission tax. Congress passed the measure week ago.

It would cost the Treasury an estimated 100 million dollars a year in revenue. More than 70 per cent of the families in the United States own automobiles. The Kaufmann Door ALL ALUMINUM STORM DOOR Also Kaufman All Aluminum Storm Windows Vulcan Screens Modernfold Doors Ludman Jalousies Pella Venetian Blinds it Flintkote Roofing Siding. Aluminum Wire (All Widths) F. B.


$299.95 $3.50 A Week Buys 11 Cu. Ft. $439.95 THE FAMOUS REF REFRIGERATOR Electric Ranges OWN ONE FOR AS Home Freezers LITTLE AS Water Heaters Complete Kitchens A DAY ON DISPLAY AT4 24 METAL WORKS, INC. YOUR METER MERCHANT ONE BLOOK BAOK OF POST OFFICE 26 S. BRIDGE ST.

PHONE 4153 OR EKEDAL .4 1 SEA FOOD MARKET 110 Fayette St. (Across From Jobber's Pants) Phone 9608.

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)


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