Farm Girl Inspirations: Homemade DISHWASHER DETERGENT that works like a charm! (Non-toxic, Borax-free recipe). (2024)

Farm Girl Inspirations: Homemade DISHWASHER DETERGENT that works like a charm! (Non-toxic, Borax-free recipe). (1)

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty done with pulling glasses from my dishwasher that look all cloudy and gross. When I go to the trouble to clean my dishes, I want that glass to glister like diamonds in the sun! Don't you? If cloudy glass is all I'm gonna get from store-bought electric dish soap, then forget it.That's how I came to making my own, folks.

Then something happened while creating a homemade electric dish soap recipe: I learned a little-known secret about making a DIY recipe work. It has to do with chemistry (which I'm no wiz at, let me tell ya, but lucky for me, this is pretty basic). Now today's your lucky day, because I'm going to let you in my secret!

Watch and learn, my friend. Watch and learn.

Farm Girl Inspirations: Homemade DISHWASHER DETERGENT that works like a charm! (Non-toxic, Borax-free recipe). (2)

See this glass? It just came straightfrom my dishwasher. Yep. Load afterload, my glassware looks amazing!

How to make and use homemade electric dishwasher detergent with success...


(Makes one batch that will supply 50-60 loads, depending on how rounded your tablespoons are)

25-35 drops tangerine essential oil(or your choice)

Distilled white vinegar

Ingredient Chart (the what-for of each ingredient)

The beauty of this recipe is that it's all-natural and non-toxic, unlike so many commercial brands. Even many store-bought brands that claim to be environmentally friendly and green often contain harmful chemicals you'd rather not have on your dishes. And it's hard to trust the labels: Companies aren't required to tell you everything they put into their products, so you might believe it's safe when, in reality, there may be something harmful lurking inside. With homemade detergent, you know exactly what's in your dishwasher detergent. Check out what's in this recipe and why:

Washing Soda:

  • Purpose:Cleanserandwater softener. Soft water helps avoid the mineral deposits that can make glass appear cloudy. Washing soda is 50% more effective than salt, baking soda, or Borax when it comes cleaning power and water softening ability (so there's really no need to add these other things).
  • What is it?Sodium carbonateis a PH regulator, as well as a food additive used as an acidity regulator, anti-caking agent, raising agent, and stabilizer.
  • Is it safe? Naturally!

OxiClean Laundry Baby Stain Soaker:

  • Purpose:Stain remover. Helps remove mineral stains and deposits, and hard water spots from glass and metal. Works to remove food stains from plastic cutting boards and other plastics.
  • What is it?Sodium carbonate peroxideandsodium carbonate(powdered hydrogen peroxide). It releases oxygen when water is added. It's made from treating baking soda with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Is it safe?Yes.This productscored an A by the EPG(Environmental Work Group). Only the Baby variety is recommended here, as it contains only two ingredients that are both eco-friendly, and no other ingredients. (Other OxiClean products may contain ingredients with higher risk factors, and are therefore not recommended).

Citric Acid:

  • Purpose: Water softener. Helps eliminate mineral deposits and hard water build-up from your dishes. An antibacterial and antiseptic. Helps remove stains, such as coffee and tea.
  • What is it?A crystalline acid present inlemonsand sour fruit.
  • Is it safe? Two thumbs up!

Distilled White Vinegar:

  • Purpose:Rinse aid.Helps remove residue (that white powdery stuff) from dishes.
  • What is it?Acetic acid and water. A mild acid used for cooking, baking, medicinal, and cleaning purposes.
  • Is it safe?Positively!

Essential Oil:

  • Purpose: Natural, non-toxicfragrance.
  • What is it?All-natural, fragrantplant-based oil.
  • Is it safe?Absolutely.(Just make sure it's Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, and you're good to go.)

See? All good stuff!

Now here's how to bring all those goodies together...

Step 1: In a large (10 to 16 cup capacity) canister, combine 4 cups washing soda and 4 cups OxiClean (baby variety). Mix well. Cap with an air-tight lid and set aside.

Farm Girl Inspirations: Homemade DISHWASHER DETERGENT that works like a charm! (Non-toxic, Borax-free recipe). (3)
Combine the washing
soda and OxiClean in its
own large, air-tight

Step 2: In a separate large mixing bowl, mix the tangerine essential the citric acid with a fork until well blended. Place the scented citric acid in its own quart size mason jar or other air-tight canister. Do not mix the citric acid with the washing soda mix, as the citric acid will makethe mix harden into a firm impossible-to-use lump, because it draws moisture to itself. Also, as I explain in a moment, it's important for the citric acid and washing soda to be kept separate during the cleaning cycles in your dishwasher in order to see clean dishes.

Farm Girl Inspirations: Homemade DISHWASHER DETERGENT that works like a charm! (Non-toxic, Borax-free recipe). (4)
Place the citric acid in its
own air tight container.

Step 3:Store the vinegar in it's own bottle. For convenience, keep a bottle near the other two containers dedicated for the purpose of using in your dishwasher. Do nothing to the vinegar. This recipe is so simple, you'll use it just like it is, plain.

Farm Girl Inspirations: Homemade DISHWASHER DETERGENT that works like a charm! (Non-toxic, Borax-free recipe). (5)
Do not add essential oil
to the vinegar. It should
be used plain.

Now for the method--The little known secret that makes all the difference...

Did you know that if you mix washing soda and citric acid in water, they neutralize each other? That's because washing soda (sodium carbonate) is analkalinebase, while citric acidis acidic. You've probably seen before how baking soda and vinegar react when combined: The mix creates a fizzy, frothy explosion and when it's all over you're left with a flat neutral liquid. It's the same when citric acid and washing soda combine with water: It produces a similar kind of reaction. There's a bunch of fizzing as the two create carbon dioxide together, and when it's over, they're both neutralized.

What does this mean for your dishes? It means that when combined in water inside your dishwasher, both the citric acid and the washing soda lose their poop and can't do they're cleaning jobs anymore.

So here's the SECRET: You have to keep them separate. Letthem do their jobs individually (Here I am thinking I'm so smart, and you probably already know this don't you)!

Here's how to set your dishwasher up with your homemade products:

Your dishwasher should have three reservoirs: A pre-wash compartment, a larger compartment for the main wash, and a rinse-aid compartment. Fill the reservoirs as follows:

  1. Put 1 tablespoon of the washing soda / OxiClean mix in the smaller prewash reservoir.
  2. Put 1 tablespoon citric acid in the larger main wash reservoir.
  3. Fill the rinse-aid reservoir with the vinegar. You will only need to refill this every now and then when it runs low.

Farm Girl Inspirations: Homemade DISHWASHER DETERGENT that works like a charm! (Non-toxic, Borax-free recipe). (6)

That's all there is to it! Now run your dishwasher the way you normally do. This recipe and method have been working beautifully for me for some time now. And I would expect it to work for you in the same way, however, some variables, such as the hardness or softness of your water could change the outcome for you. So here's some tips...

Tips to help your dishes shine:

  1. Remove food and grease residue before loading dishes in the dishwasher. I keep a little scrubby sponge at my sink. I put a little soap on it and give each dish a quick scrub and rinseto remove dried on food or lip-stickbefore loading.
  2. Washporcelainenamel by hand. This recipe could cause some porcelain enamel finishes to oxidize and lose their luster. I've had mixed results with porcelain enamel, so I wash mine by hand just to be on the safe side.
  3. Always start with spot-free, unclouded glasses and dishes. If your glasses are already cloudy with mineral deposits, or covered in residue by some other detergent, don't expect this recipe to magically fix them. You should soak them in vinegar and scrub them with a non-abrasivescrubby to remove existing build-up first. Then you can put them through your dishwasher with this recipe and they should come out in as good of shape as they went in.
  4. Use a heated drying cycle, as this gets rid of water that could leave spots. (I like the heated dry option, but you may like how air dry works better. I've heard recommendations for both, so you'll have to decide which you prefer).

Don't you love thatempowered feeling you get when you learn to make your own cleaning products that really work. It feels awesome to pull gleaming glasses from my dishwasher now, knowing they're radiant all because of my homemade product (that works better than store-bought)! You should really try it!

What're you still doing here? Go make some electric dish soap, silly!

Seriously. Go.

Until next time...

Joy--Fearless Farm Girl,

"Farm girl: it's a verb, because it's what you do."

Farm Girl Inspirations: Homemade DISHWASHER DETERGENT that works like a charm! (Non-toxic, Borax-free recipe). (7)
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Farm Girl Inspirations: Homemade DISHWASHER DETERGENT that works like a charm! (Non-toxic, Borax-free recipe). (8)Farm Girl Inspirations: Homemade DISHWASHER DETERGENT that works like a charm! (Non-toxic, Borax-free recipe). (9)Farm Girl Inspirations: Homemade DISHWASHER DETERGENT that works like a charm! (Non-toxic, Borax-free recipe). (10)

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Farm Girl Inspirations: Homemade DISHWASHER DETERGENT that works like a charm! (Non-toxic, Borax-free recipe). (2024)


How do you make dishwasher detergent without borax or borax? ›

add washing soda and kosher salt in the OPEN compartment. Fill the second compartment with vinegar and close the lid. Add the dishwashing liquid (and citrus enzyme, if using) anywhere inside the dishwasher. That's it!

How do you make toxic free dishwasher detergent? ›

Mix salt and baking soda and store in a big jar. Use 1 ½ tablespoon (~22.5 ml) per cycle. Do not fill your dishwasher with any additional salt! If you do prefer to fill your dishwasher with additional salt, use only 1 tablespoon of baking soda per cycle.

What is the best homemade dishwasher detergent? ›

In a mixing bowl, add one cup of washing soda, one cup of borax, one-half cup of powdered citric acid, and one-half cup of Kosher salt. Stir well with the wooden spoon to mix and transfer to an airtight container. Label the container.

What is the best substitute for borax? ›

Boost Laundry With Baking Soda

But you can do the same by using baking soda as a substitute for borax. Baking soda can brighten and soften clothing and lower the pH of hard water just as borax does, but it's risk-free and non-toxic.

How do you improvise dishwasher detergent? ›

Just put three drops of liquid dishwashing soap (Dawn, Palmolive, Fairy, that kind of thing) in the soap slot of your dishwasher. Then, fill the slot the rest of the way with baking soda and close it. Your dishes will come out just as clean as if you used a dishwasher tab.

How do you make dishwashing liquid without chemicals? ›

DIY Dish Soap with Castile Soap
  1. 1 cup Unscented Castile Soap.
  2. 6 ounces distilled or filtered water.
  3. 1/4 cup grated Dr. Bronner's Soap (optional)
  4. 1/3 cup Washing or Baking Soda.
  5. 10 drops Essential oil (grapefruit, lemon, citrus blends, and eucalyptus are my favorites)

What is the best substitute for dishwasher detergent? ›

A quick alternative to dishwasher detergent is a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar. Add a cup of baking soda to the detergent compartment and a cup of white vinegar to the rinse aid compartment for an effective, all-natural cleaning solution.

Is it cheaper to make your own dishwasher detergent? ›

Commercial detergents cost as much as 30 cents per load. If you run your dishwasher every day, that adds up to $110 per year. Homemade dishwasher detergents, made with common ingredients found in your grocery store, can cost as little as 4 cents per load, which adds up to only $15 per year with everyday use.

What is a good homemade dishwasher cleaner? ›

Pour one cup of white vinegar into a dishwasher-safe mug. The mug should be about 2/3 full of vinegar. Place the mug upright on the top rack of your dishwasher and then close the door of the appliance. Run the dishwasher on the normal cycle with hot water for extra sterilization.

How to make your own dishwashing liquid? ›

  1. Add salt, washing soda and boiled water into a jug or bowl and whisk until dissolved. 1/2 tsp washing soda, 1/2 tsp salt, 200 ml boiled water.
  2. In a separate jug or bowl, add essential oils to castile soap and stir to combine. ...
  3. Add water mixture to castile soap and stir. ...
  4. Pour into 500ml pump bottle.

Does baking soda work instead of borax? ›

Borax is chemically different from baking soda, but the two products share many uses. Both are useful for household cleaning in the kitchen and bathroom and to freshen laundry. Both are also eco-friendly and green alternatives to commercial cleaning products.

What can I use instead of borax in washing machine? ›

If you have a stain, we recommend pre-soaking them in around 150g of Borax Substitute before going in the washing machine. Or, create a paste with hot water and apply it to the stain before. Some people also recommend adding vinegar or lemon juice to the solution to boost its cleaning power.

How to make dishwasher detergent with baking soda? ›

Squeeze in two to three drops of regular dish soap, the kind you'd use to hand-wash your dishes normally. Next, pour in baking soda until the compartment is full. Then run your dishwasher on the normal cycle. Don't be tempted to use a compartment full of dish soap.

How do you make borax activator without borax? ›

Pour in 1 US tbsp (15 mL) of contact lens solution. Stir it in thoroughly, paying attention to how it changes the consistency of the slime dough. The contact lens solution works as an activator with the baking soda in place of Borax. Contact lens solution is also known as saline solution.


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