Has revelation prophecies been fulfilled? - Answers (2024)

Answer Number 1 But Please Also See The Exhaustive Answer Number 2 That Follows Answer Number 1On revelation 1:1-3,

"Things which must shortly come to pass"

John believed that the things that he wrote about would happen soon, within his own lifetime. After nearly 2000 years, believers still believe that "the time is at hand" and that the events described in Revelation will "shortly come to pass." Not fulfilled yet.

1:7, " Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen." Not fulfilled yet..

3:11, 22;7, 12, 20; John quotes Jesus (2000 years ago) as saying, "Behold, I come quickly." Not fulfilled yet.

6:13, "And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth...." This may never be fulfilled, since stars will never fall to Earth.

21:11, "And there was no more sea." This may never happen, since we cannot destroy matter. There will always be water on Earth.

22:6, "Things which must shortly be done" All of John's prophecy is to happen in his lifetime or some time sooner. Not fulfilled.

John, rev 22:19 Amen. Having a prophecy. I was looking for questions to john rev 19-22 in his belief of a coming angel. In relation to the question 17:1 the spirit 17:3 being a man carried john into the wilderness to show him the judgment of the harlot and what was to become of her. John spoke of a woman with a mystery written on her forehead and that of the beast that burnt her. It itself was a prophecy what happens if the harlot was also a prophecy herself, being carried into the bush and set alight by the beast, but then stood in a line arguing with the beast into which she, the harlot was then shot. Awakening from a dream only to look in the mirror to realise she had a mark on her head the size of a twenty-cent piece. Shocked at her finding and in complete confusem*nt she approched the man that shot her. For 23 months this scar/birthmark remained until it faded. There are only 22 chapters in the revelation. A prophecy that John states, 20 is gods will. 19-20 After the harlot is seen burning the people morn for the loss of her, then a stone is thrown into the sea. The bible is of hope and faith. 22 Amen, hurry i am coming quickly. 20-22 'till the true words of God are spoken. Could the stone in which he wrote be of an asteroid the harlot dreams? could it be that the harlot and the beast are both still alive. People say that the revelation has already accured, I believe we are in the revelation now the last chapter of the bible it's about love, forgivness, hope, faith and life. The writting of a name in the harlots dreams on a piece of paper of a man over and over again, the dreaming of him. Life goes on. The bible will go on.

The Exhaustive Answer Number 2 Concerning The Book Of Revelation

The Most Accurate Interpretation: Book Of Revelation-Pt 1

You Won't Understand This Part Unless You Read & Study Part 1 First. The Bible uses the words signified (Revelation 1:1) and sign (Matthew 24:30) informing Bible obeying Christians the Truth about Jesus Coming Again, Judgment upon sinners and Heaven's Eternity (John 4:24; John 3:16). Please read all the Bible scriptures (King James 1611AD version), pray for the Holy Ghost, take your time and allow the Holy Ghost (with God's Bible) to teach you correctly (2 Timothy 2:15). The Book Of Revelation Can Now Be Fully Understood.

Please begin with Revelation Chapter 1 Verse 1.

The Revelation Of Jesus Christ, Which God Gave Unto Him, To Shew Unto His Servants Things Which Must Shortly Come To Pass;

God Gave Jesus The Revelation To Be Given To Jesus' Servants Of Thing Which Would Come To Pass.

Jesus Sent This Revelation To John Through Jesus' Angel

Jesus Signified This Revelation To John Through Jesus' Angel Praise God!! The Bible World Signified Means The Symbols (signs) Given In Prophecy Not To Be Understood Until God Or Jesus Released Its Correct Interpretation Praise God!

And He Sent And Signified [it] By His Angel Unto His Servant John:

Who Bare Record Of The Word Of God, And Of The Testimony Of Jesus Christ, And Of All Things That He Saw.

Blessed [is] He That Readeth, And They That Hear The Words Of This Prophecy, And Keep Those Things Which Are Written Therein: For The Time [is] At Hand.

Those Who Read This Prophecy Of Revelation And Keep The Things Written In This Prophecy Will Be Blessed. Praise God!

John To The Seven Churches Which Are In Asia: Grace [be] Unto You, And Peace, From Him Which Is, And Which Was, And Which Is To Come; And From The Seven Spirits Which Are Before His Throne;

Asia Is The East Or The Kingdom Of Light. The Kingdom Of The Son (sun) Jesus Christ (malachi 4:1-10; Mark 16:2).

The West Is The Kingdom Of The God Who Dwells In Darkness And Who Gave The Ten Commandments To Israel. The Light Came Out Of This Darkness (genesis 1 :1-14; John 1:1)

God Has Seven Spirits Before His Throne

Jesus Sits At The Right Hand Of God's Throne

Which Is Another Name For God The Father (matthew 6:9)-So These Seven Spirits Can Actually Mean God Or The Fullness (7) Of God's Holy Spirit

Thus The Spirit God Of Darkness (the West) Sent This "revelation" To Jesus (the Asian King Of The East-New Kingdom Of God) Who Sent This Revelation To Apostle John By Way Of Jesus' Angel. Hallelujah!

And From Jesus Christ, [who Is] The Faithful Witness, [and] The First Begotten Of The Dead, And The Prince Of The Kings Of The Earth. Unto Him That Loved Us, And Washed Us From Our Sins In His Own Blood,

Praise Jesus We Christians Are Washed Clean From All Our Sins Because Of The Precious Blood Of Jesus. Praise God! Praise God! Thank-You Jesus. We Are Holy Because You Are Holy! Hallelujah! Thank-You Jesus!

Jesus Christ Is The Only Member Of The Godhead Who Actually Died (colossians 2:9).

God And Jesus Loves Us Humans So Much That Jesus Died So We Can Become Followers Of Jesus Christ Or Christians (john 3:16; 1 John 4:8; Hebrews 13:5-6).

And Hath Made Us Kings And Priests Unto God And His Father; To Him [be] Glory And Dominion For Ever And Ever. Amen.

Behold, He Cometh With Clouds; And Every Eye Shall See Him,

The Bible Statement "cometh In The Clouds" Refers To Jesus Taking The Authority Of God The Father Upon Himself. It Was God The Father Who Always Appeared In Dark Clouds (the Thick Black Gloom, The Darkness Of God, The Black Clouds Of God) (daniel 7:13-14; Exodus 19:9; Exodus 20:21; 1 Kings 18:45; Genesis 1:1-5; Joel 2:1-10; Isaiah 45:6-7).

This Is Why The Religious Leaders Became Infuriated With Jesus When Jesus Warned Them That He Would "come In The Clouds". Jesus Was Once Again "making Himself God" (matthew 26:64; John 10:33).

The Bible Signifies Or Symbolizes God's Deep Darkness (god's Presence) As The Well (bottomless Pit/Grave/Death). It Is Dark Clouds And Great Winds. It Is An "evil" (horror/fearful/terror/) And Terrifying Place (genesis 15:12; Matthew 26:64; Isaiah 45:6-7; Genesis 28:11, 16-17).

Notice How God's Deep Dark Presence Is Often Associated With The Sun Set (night, Evening) Or The Sun Going Down (genesis 15:12; Genesis 28:11-17).

Notice How Jesus Met The Woman At Jacob's Well During The Sixth Hour. Notice How The Word "journey" Is Described Toward

Jesus (john 4:6). Notice How The Woman Described The Well To Be "deep" (john 4:11). Notice How Abraham Fell Into A "deep" Sleep As Soon As The Sun Set (sun Went Down-Genesis 15:12-15).

The Bible's "sixth Hour" Is The Time Period When Jesus The Sun Of Righteousness (malachi 4:1-10; Mark 16:2-King Of The East (sunrising)) Took His Journey (or Sleep-"Death") Into The Deep Dark (well) Presence Of Father God Almighty.

How Do I Know This? Let's Turn Our Bibles To Acts 10:10-16. Notice How It Was The Sixth Hour That Peter Fell (or Went "down") Into A Trance (or Deep Sleep). Notice How The Heavens "opened" And Peter Was In The "presence" Of Jesus (god).

Now Let's Go To The Blessed Cross With Our Savior Jesus Christ. It Was At The Sixth Hour That Jesus Promised The Criminal Paradise (luke 23:43).

The Bible Associates The Word "paradise" With God's Presence (revelation 2:7).

The Bible Tells Us That The Cross's Sixth Hour Was Passover (john 19:14).

Moses And Israel Passover Out Of Egypt At The Dark Midnight Hour Of 12am (exodus 12:21-23, 29-31).

The Nation Of Egypt Has Always Signified (symbolized) The Deep Dark Presence Of God. This Is Why The Bible Associates Egypt With Jesus' Crucifixion On The Cross (revelation 11:8).

At The Sixth Hour Jesus Told The Criminal That They Would Enter Paradise That Day. As Soon As Jesus Said That The Deep Dark Presence Of God Appeared Until The Ninth Hour (luke 23:43-44). As We've Studied That At The Deep Dark Presence Of God The Sun (son Of God) Always Sets (darkens) Or Goes Down (luke 23:45).

We Humans Will Never Understand What Fully Happened During This Time Or How God Did It. But By Certainty (as Jesus Said "verily" Luke 23:43) Jesus And That Criminal On The Cross Entered The Paradise Dark Deep Presence Of God (revelation 2:7; Joel 2:1-10). Acts Chapter 10 Implies This "journey (john 4:6) Was Done By Thought (acts 10:9-17).

The Apostle Paul Gives Further Information On Journeying (traveling) To The Paradise Presence Of God Almighty. Paul Wondered If He Traveled "out Of Body (thought)" Or Not. Paul Was Given "revelation" Just As The Apostle John Was Given. Paul Also Began To Be Buffeted (beat Up Abused-Mark 14:65) By "evil (messenger Of Satan)". Anyone Reading The Psalms Will Realize That David Also Visited This Deep Dark Presence Of God (psalm 69:1-4, 14), Received Revelations About Jesus Christ And The Cross (psalm 69:9, John 2:17; John 69:21; Matthew 27:34), And Was Afflicted (psalm 119:67) By "evil" Demonic Princes (psalm 119:161; Daniel 10:13; Ephesians 6:12; Revelation 1:5; Isaiah 9:6).

The Information We Just Learned Will Help Us Better Understand The Book Of Revelation And Any Prophecy That Really Comes From The Holy Bible's God. Without Understanding The Meaning Of "clouds", Any Darkness, The Deep (bottomless Pit, Well, Etc) And Sun (jesus Christ Sun (son) Of Righteousness (malachi 4:1-10; Mark 16:2) Our Prophecies Will Be False. These Type Of

Prophecies Not Defined By Bible Signification (symbolisim Revelation 1:1) Are Not From God (but God's Enemies Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew 25:41, 45).

And They [also] Which Pierced Him:

We Must Remember That The Bible Is God's Holy Book About His Son Jesus Christ. The Entire Bible (everything In It) Has Something To Do With Jesus Christ (luke 24:27).

The Bible's God Tells Us That He Is Responsible For All Good And Evil (isaiah 45:6-7). The Bible's God Uses Both Good (jesus) And Evil (satan) (the Light And The Darkness) To Mold His People Into His Will For Them (romans 8:28).

The Bible Even Tells Us That Jesus Created The Darkness And Principalities And Rules Over Them (colossians 1:15; Ephesians 6:12). We See The Connection Between Jesus "the Light" And The Deep Dark Presence (the Depth) Of God In These Scriptures: (genesis 1:1-5; John 1:1-5; Proverbs 8:22-31; 1 Corinthians 2:6-16). Remember That It Was God Who Incited Satan (evil) To Attack Righteous Job (job Chapters 1 And 2).

God's Deep Dark Presence Is The Shadow (psalm 91:1-2) Of God Or The Shadow Of Death (psalm 23:4). It Is Also God's Secret And/Or Hidden Place (psalm 18:11). This Deep Dark Presence Of God Is God's Sea (waters, Great Waters, Flood(S) (genesis 6:11-Psalm 104:25-26). The Deep Is The Real Secret Or "mystery" Of God. The Deep Is The "heart (love)/womb/belly" Of The Earth And Is Often Feminine (revelation 17: 1, 5, 7-8, 15). Notice That It Was God Who Threw Jonah Into The Deep Sea/Floods (jonah 2:3). Jesus Referred To The Sea Jonah Was Thrown Into As The "heart Of The Earth" And The "belly (womb) (matthew 12:40). Notice

How Jonah Called The Belly Of The Great Fish He Was Thrown Into As "hell" (jonah 1:17; Jonah 2:1-2).

The Deep Dark Presence Of God Is "evil" And Hell For Anyone Who Is Not Covered By The Precious Blood Of Jesus Christ (romans 5:9; John 3:16). Hell Is Great Eternal Fire And God Is That Consuming Fire (deuteronomy 4:24). Father God Is The Deep Darkness (exodus 20:21; Psalm 18:4-5, 8-13).

Notice How Noah's Flood Of The Deep Began At The Sixth (genesis 7:11-12).

Notice At The Sixth Hour That Peter Began To See All Kind Of Strange Beast And Things (acts 10:9-12). Notice How These Same Type Creatures Are Seen In The Deep Of Psalm 104 (psalm 104:25). Psalm 104 Describes Father God, His Presence, His Angels And Those Things Which Exist In His Deep Sea Presence (psalm 104:6,19, 20, 25).

Notice How Many Of These Scriptures Mention The Deep Dark Presence Of God With The Sun (son Of God Malachi 4:1-10) "setting" Or Going Down (during The Sixth) (psalm 104:19). In Other Words God's Deep Presence Of Terrifying "evil" Could Not Be Dealt With (atoned For) Until The Sun (son Of God) Set (went Down). Jesus Did "go Down" Into The Deep Dark Presence Of God At

The Cross' Sixth Hour (luke 23:43-45).

Notice How God Hailed Leviathan After Satan Tested Job (job 41:1-End)

Notice How Psalm 104:25-26 Mentions Leviathan In That Great Sea (which Is God-The Deep-Psalm 104:6).

Leviathan Has Always Been A Major Part Of God's Deep Presence. We Must Remember That Jesus Christ Suffered God's Full "evil" Judgment On The Cross. The Judgment Was So Bad That Jesus Continually Cried Out (luke 23:43-46).

Thus When God Said That He Would Punish That Piercing "serpent" Leviathan This Was A Direct Prophecy To Jesus On The Cross (isaiah 27:1).

Jesus Is The Sword And The Word, (john 1:1; Revelation 19:15). It Was Jesus Who Was Pierced (revelation 1:7; John 19:34-37). It Was Jesus Who Was Wounded (bruised) And Broken (isaiah 53:5; 1 Corinthians 11:24).

God's Prophet Compared Jesus Being Pierced To An Opening Of Revelation (luke 2:35). The Words "thoughts And Hearts (heart Of

The Earth (matthew 12:40)" Biblically Link To God's Deep Presence (psalm 92:5).

Notice How The Word Of God (jesus) Is Associated With Piercing(S), Souls, Spirits, Thoughts And The Heart (hebrews 2:11-12).

Remember That Jesus Compared Himself To Moses And The Serpent In The Wilderness (john 3:14).

Moses Is Best Known For His Rod (staff) That Turned Into A Serpent Before Egypt's Pharaoh (exodus 7:10), The Healing Serpent In The Wilderness (numbers 20:17-21; Numbers 21:49), The Red (blood Of Jesus) Sea (great Presence Of God) And Deliverance From Egypt (escaping The Deep Dark Presence Of God Through The Light Of Jesus-Revelation 11:8).

Are We Beginning To "see" (discern) That The Bible's Terms Of "good" And "evil" Are Relative To God's Eternal Purposes For Humans?

At This Point I Invite You To Do Personal Research. You Will Find That Psalm 104 Is About God's Entire Creation In His Fiery (psalm 104:5; Deuteronomy 4:24), Deep (psalm 104:6)Dark Presence (psalm 18:8-12). You Will Also Find That Psalm 104 Was Influenced By The "hymn To Aten" Written By Pharaoh Akhenaten. This Is Amazing As Pharaoh Akhenaten Believed That He Was

The Son Of The Sun. Akhenaten Is Known For Writing About The Deep Darkness (secrets Of God) And About His Sun God.

It Is A Fact That The Nation Of Egypt Must "rise" Again Before Jesus Comes Again (revelation 11:8-9, 11). Remember That The

Deep Dark Presence Of God Is The Bottomless Pit, Hell, Evil, Death Or Grave (psalm 23:4; Psalm 18:5-12). Read All Of Matthew 23. Jesus Kept Comparing Jerusalem (israel) To Graves And Sepulchres. This Is A Signifying Or Biblical Symbolism To God's Deep

Dark Presence. Egypt Is The Earthly Symbolism Of God's Deep Dark Presence. That's Why There Is So Much Supernatural History With Egypt, Under Ground "secret" Assemblies (thus The Deep), Many Prophecies And Much Worship Of Sun (jesus-malachi 4:1-10; Genesis 1:16), Moon God (joel 2:1-10; 31; Genesis 1:16,). Notice That After Talking About The Graves Jesus Said That Israel (jerusalem) Would Most Certainly "cry Out: Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord" (matthew 23:39). Egypt Will

Represent The Deep Darkness Of God And Will Play A Major Role In Israel Crying Out To Its Father God (luke 23:43-46).

The Day Of The Lord Began At The Sixth Hour When Jesus (the Sun/Son) Set (went Down) Into The Deep Dark Presence Of God. That Is When Jesus "came In The Clouds (of God) And Took Kingdom Authority From God" (luke 23:43-46; Joel 2:1-32; Matthew 24:27-30; Daniel 7:13-14; Matthew 28:18).

Let's Review Matthew 24:29-30:

The Sun (genesis 1:16, 18) Light (daystar-2 Peter 1:19) Darkened-Jesus Is The Sun Of Righteousness (malachi 4:1-10; Mark 16:2)

And The Son (sun) Did Go Dark At The Sixth Hour When Jesus (and That Criminal) Entered The Deep Dark (evening, Night) Presence Of God (luke 23:43-46). This "paradise" Presence Of God (revelation 2:7) Is The Same Location Which Paul Entered (2 Corinthians 12:1-7).

The Moon (god-genesis 1:16-18) Did Not Give Her Light-God's Deepness Is Usually Feminine. This Is Why Jesus Called The Deep The "heart" Of The Earth (matthew 12:40). Notice How God's Deep Is Compared To Wisdom Which Is Feminine (proverbs 8:1, 22-30). Notice How "woman's Hair" Is Associated With The Bottomless Pit (which Is God's Presence-Revelation 9:1-2, 8). Biblically Speaking All "light (jesus)" Was Canceled Or Consumed As Jesus (the Blood) Was Swallowed Up Into This Bottomless Pit (deepness) Of God (joel 2:30-32; Revelation 9:1-2).

"the Sign Of The Son Of Man" -revelation 1:1 Uses The Word "signified" Informing Us That God Uses Signs And Symbols. God's

Revelations Will Be Revealed Only By His Holy Ghost. "christians" Seeking To Make Undue Fame And Fortune From God Will

Preach Sheer Falsehoods (matthew 7:15, 22-23; Genesis 41:16).

So "jesus Coming Again In The Clouds" Would Only Be Seen By "sign" (matthew 24:30) Or "signification (revelation 1:1). It Is The Clouds That Signify That Jesus Entered The Deep Dark Presence Of God (psalm 18:5-12) During His Sixth Hour On The Cross (luke 23:43-46). This Is When The Day Of The Lord, That Day Of Darkness Began (joel 2:1-32).

Let's Review Before Going Further. Egypt, Pharaoh, Leviathan And Serpent(S) Are Essential To Understanding God's Bible Prophecies Correctly (revelation 12:9, 15; Revelation 11:8; Isaiah 27:1).

Leviathan The Serpent Dragon Is A Serpent Like Jesus (john 3:14; Isaiah 27:1).

Leviathan Is "piercing" As Jesus Was Pierced (isaiah 27:1; Revelation 1:7).

God Prophecized That He Would Punish Leviathan And It Was God Who Punished And Forsook Jesus (isaiah 27:1; Luke 23:43-46).

Jesus Is The Great Sword (word) Of God (hebrews 4:11-12; John 1:1). The Great Sword Of God Is Biblically Associated With

Leviathan (isaiah 27:1). Notice How God Hails Leviathan After Satan's Test Upon Job Concludes (job Chapter 41).

Notice How God Says That Bruised And Broken Staff Which Will Be Pierced (or Bruised Rod-Jesus Was Bruised And Broken For Us (isaiah 53:5; 2 Corinthians 11:24) Is Egypt (isaiah 36:6). Notice How Egypt's Pharaoh Is Associated With All Of This. Notice How

The Bible Always Associates Jesus With Egypt (hosea 11:1; Matthew 2:8-15; Revelation 11:8).

Notice How The Bible Word "pierce" Which Is Always Associated With Jesus Is Also Greatly Associated With Egypt (numbers 24:8; Isaiah 36:6; 2 Kings 18:21).

Notice How The Bible Associates The Word "deceiver" With Egypt's Pharaoh, Satan,

And Jesus (exodus 8:29; Revelation 12:9; Matthew 27:63).

We've Biblically Proven That The Bible's God Is A Deep Dark Presence Associated With Floods, Waters, Seas, Death, Hell, Clouds, Bottomless Pit, Wind, Thickness, Gloom, Fire, The Grave And Many Other Significations (revelation 1:1-Metaphors, Symbols).

At The Sixth Hour Somehow Jesus And That Criminal "left" The Cross And Entered The Deep Dark Presence Of God (luke 23:43-45). If You Need To Review The Previous Paragraphs, Praying For The Holy Ghost, Looking Up Every Bible Scripture, And Taking Your Time Until You "see" It Then Please Do So.

So Yes God Did Consume And Judge Jesus In His Deep Fiery Hell Like Sea. Thus God Did Judge Leviathan In The Sea (isaiah 27:1).

Notice How Leviathan (the Beast Anti Christ) Is Associated With The Sea (revelation 13:1). Notice How The Beast Would Have A Head (kingdom) Wound (death) But Heal/Resurrect . Just As Jesus Did (revelation 13:3).

Notice How The Beast Has Images Established (revelation 13:14). Do You Not Know That Humans Are Images Of God And Christians Are To Be Images Of Christ (gensis 1:26; 2 Corinthians 4:4).

The Two Horned Lamb- Is Jesus The Lamb Of The Bible (revelation 13:8-11)?

We Must Remember That God Has Always Been In Control And Would Never Abdicate His Sovereignty To Anyone Else (isaiah 43:10-11).

We Must Also Remember That The Entire Bible (even The "bad" Parts Or Parts We Humans Fail To Comprehend) Is Entirely About God And His Son, Jesus (luke 24:25-27; John 3:16). I Must Mention The Holy Ghost Who Comforts And Helps Us (john 14:16).

Remember That God Uses This "beast" To Judge His Enemies (revelation 17:1, 13, 16-17). Jesus Is God's Judge (romans 2:16; 2 Timothy 4:1).

Notice How God Is, Was And Is To Come (revelation 1:4). Notice How The Beast Was, Is Not And Shall (come) Ascend Out Of The Bottomless Pit (which Is God's Deep Dark Presence).

I Thank God, Jesus And The Holy Ghost For Fully Explaining This From God's Holy Bible (god's Word). If You Understand All Of This Then You Are Ready To Receive The Most Fullest And Accurate Understanding Of Revelation. I Give God All The Glory Honor And Praise For Making His Wisdom Known To His Servants On Earth. Glory Be To God The Father, God The Son, And God The Holy Ghost. In The Precious Name And Blood Of Jesus Christ. World With Out End.

Please continue to visit this website or research "Revelation Gary Colin" on the web for more God inspired information about Bible Prophecy and the book of Revelation. This article covered Revelation 1:1-7. We'll continue with its conclusion in the near future.

This article can be freely edited and utilized as long as credit it given to its author Gary Colin.


You Won't Understand This Part 2 Unless You Read & Study Part 1 First. The Bible uses the words "signified" (Revelation 1:1) and "sign" (Matthew 24:30) informing Bible obeying Christians the Truth about Jesus Coming Again, Judgment upon sinners and Heaven's Eternity (John 4:24; John 3:16). Please read all the Bible scriptures (King James 1611AD version), pray for the Holy Ghost, take your time and allow the Holy Ghost (with God's Bible) to teach you correctly (2 Timothy 2:15).

Please read and study "The Most Accurate Understanding (Interpretation): Book Of Revelation-Part 1 before reading or studying this information. You willnot understand any of this information if you don't study and understand how such information was discerned through Holy Ghost and God's Holy Word (Revelation 2:7; 1 Peter 1:20-21).

Part 2 returns to Revelation Chapter 1 and begins with verse 8:

Rev 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

It's important to note that Father God is the Almighty. Father God is also the Alpha and Omega. Father God is the beginning and the ending. Father God is the "which" of the Bible (Matthew 6:9). Father God is the "which is, which was, and which is to come". Father God is also the Great "I AM" (Exodus 3:14). Later we will explain why this knowledge is important.

Rev 1:9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. Anyone going to Heaven will face some type of test, trial, affliction or tribulation. The Holy Scriptures indicate that it is God not Satan who instigates these test. Satan can merely do what God allows him to do (Matthew 4:1; Deuteronomy 8:2; Job Chapters 1 and 2; Isaiah 45:6-7; Matthew 16:15-28; 1 Thessalonians 1:6).

Rev 1:10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

If you haven't done so already it is strongly reccomended that you read and study Part 1. You won't understand anything about the "Lord's Day Of Darkness" until you read and study Part 1 (Joel 2:1-10; Luke 23:43-46). The apostle John was "taken" by the Holy Spirit into the Sixth Hour of Jesus on the Cross. This is when Jesus entered (John 19:14) the Deep Dark Presence of God which is Paradise (Exodus 20:21; Luke 23:43-46; 2 Corinthians 12:7; Revelation 2:7). Please read and study Part 1 for fuller supporting Biblical proof.

God's Presence is Thick, Deep, Gloom, Cloudy Darkness and God has a Great Strong Voice which shakes mountains and is often accompanied with a Trumpet Sound (Exodus 19:9, 16, 18-20; Joel 2:1-10; Isaiah 45:6-7). We must remember that the Book of Revelation is about the "Lord's Day" (Revelation 1:10). The "Lord's Day" occurred at the Sixth Hour Of Jesus On The Cross (Joel 2:1-36; Luke 23:43-46). So the book of Revelation is showing Christians what occurred when Jesus entred the Deep Dark Presence of God (Luke 23:43-46; Revelation 2:7). Please read or re-study Part 1 for any Biblical support that you need. Please pray for the Holy Ghost to help you and look up all scriptures. You must study to show yourself approved (2 Timothy 2:15).

Rev 1:11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send [it] unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.

John was honored to actaully hear God's Voice. Praise God! Now God describes Himself as the "first and the last". We will consider later why god continues to use these descriptives to describe Himself. The Biblical number 7 has to do with God's Rest (Sabbath). Jesus and all the ancient pre-Jesus followers entered God's Sabbath Rest (which is called "To day") after Jesus entered God's Deep Dark Presence during the Sixth Hour of the Cross (Luke 24:43-46; Exodus 20:21; Joel 2:1-15; Genesis 2:2-3; Genesis 8:4; Psalm 95:7-12; Hebrews 3:7, 11). This is why at Jesus' death "graves were opened" and those in the graves (tombs) entered the Holy City (or Heavenly Jerusalem-Mount Zion (Matthew 27:50-53; Revelation 21:1-5; Hebrews 12:22; Galatians 4:24)).

The Bible word "Asia" represents the East. The Bible's "East" represents the "location" of Righteous Jesus Christ the "Daystar" and "Sun of Righteousness" (Malachi 4:1-10; 2 Peter 1:19; Matthew 2:1-2; Mark 16:2). Please study or re-study Part 1 for fuller understanding. Always pray for the Holy Ghost to lead you and look up ALL Bible Scriptures (2 Timothy 3:16).

So These 7 Churches are all the Christians who will fill up Heaven under the Kingdom Of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the King of the East (Asia).

These 7 Churches are: 1) Ephesus, 2) Smyrna, 3) Pergamos, 4) Thyatira, 5) Sardis and 6) Phildelphia and 7) Laodicea

Rev 1:12 And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;

The Bible word "turn (turned)" and "repent (repented)" have the same connotation. That connotation is "change" and God bringing things back to Himself. It is by the Kingdom of Jesus Christ that God will bring everything back to Himself (1 Corinthians 15:23-28). When Jesus entered God's Deep Dark (Clouds) Presence at the Sixth Hour on the Cross (Luke 23:43-46; Exodus 20:21), the "God the Father Kingdom" ended and Jesus' Kingdom began (Daniel 7:13-14; Matthew 28:18-20).

This is why John "turned (the Kingdom change) and saw Candlesticks. Jesus' Christian Church is the Candle Light of the World (Matthew 5:14-16). These "Candle Sticks" couldnot begin ruling in Paradise (the Heavenly Presence of God-Revelation 2:7; 2 Corinthians 12:1-7) until the "7th" entering into God's Sabbath Rest. Please review the above paragraphs for supporting scriptures.

Rev 1:13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks [one] like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

The Bible word "midst" will always mean authority. God is the authority and the center (or midst) of everything. This "Son of Man" is seen greatly in the Book of Daniel. The word "like" implies "likeness" or "image". All Christians are the image or likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). All Christians are the Son or Sons of God and are One with God (John 10:30-34; John 17:17-21). This is why the "Son of Man" came with His Angles (Pre-Jesus Israel and Post Jesus Christians) when He took Kingdom Authority (Daniel 7:13-14; Matthew 24:30-31; Matthew 25:31). Jesus Christ is God's High Priest. All Heaven Bound Christians Are Kings And Priests of the Most High God (Revelation 1:6).

The Book of Daniel shows these "Heaven Ruling" Christians who are images or simultudes of God at Daniel 10:16-18, 21. Please remember Michael the Archangel of the Lord (Daniel 10:21). Michael's name means "Who Is Like Unto The Lord (Exodus 15:11)" or "Who is the Likeness of the Lord" or "Who is the Image Of The Lord".

Rev 1:14 His head and [his] hairs [were] white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes [were] as a flame of fire; Flesh and Blood can not enter Heaven. Spirit can enter Heaven (1 Corinthians 15:50; John 4:24; John 3:3-5). God is a Consuming Fire (Deuteromony 4:24) and He makes His angels "spirit" and "flames of fire" (Psalm 104:4). These become God's "eyes". Whiteness is a symbol for God the Ancient of Days (Daniel 7:9). Once again Heaven Bound Christians will become the Image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). Psalm 104 describes God's Heavenly creatures (Psalm 104:4) and those "evil" creatures in the Deep Darkness of God (Psalm 104:6, 20-27; Acts 10:9-12; Isaiah 45:6-7; Exodus 20:15-21). It's important that you do research and find out which Egyptian Pharaoh influenced the writing of Psalm 104. Egypt will play a major role in Israel (Jerusalem) accepting Jesus as their Messiah (Matthew 23:39; Revelation 11:8).

Rev 1:15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.

The Bible's "feet" symbolize the Priest of God (Revelation 1:6). This is why Jesus washed Peter's feet and talked about cleansing (which is atoning) (John 13:5-9). Bible "hands" symbolize Angels, Bible "head" symbolizes Kingdom rulership, and Bible "feet" symbolize priests.

Any Bible reference to "furnace (burning)" refers to our Consuming Fire God (Deuteronomy 4:24). Christians are the "water" of the Bible. When Jesus made wine (Matthew 25:48) from water (John 2:1-10), he was symbolically showing how humans would become Spirit (John 3:3-6; John 4:24). God's "Beginning" is Jesus' Kingdom. Jesus' Kingdom (the Holy City Jerusalem-Revelation 21:1-5) began with humans (water) on the Cross (Matthew 27:51-53). During The Sixth Hour Of The Cross, Jesus Entered (Passed Over Into) The Deep Dark Thick Gloomy Fiery (Furnance Deueronomy 4:24) Presence Of God (Luke 23:43-46; John 19:14; Exodus 19:16, 18-20; Exodus 20:21).

God always Refreshes Himself during His 7th Day Sabbath "Rest (Death/Sleep)". This is the "turn (turning)" or "change" (Exodus 31:17).

This refreshing, renewing of God The Holy Ghost is the Regeneration that Jesus prophesized about (Matthew 19:28; Titus 3:5).

The Bible word "gat" means God's Fiery Regeneration (Psalm 116:3; 1 Kings 1:1; Exodus 24:18). God gave me the name "gat" in 1992. He waited 10 years until 2002 to explain what "gat" meant.

Study science and chemistry. You will find that the word "GAT" is chemical used for regeneration.

This is why one like the "Son of God" stood with the 3 Hebrew boys whom the angry King had thrown into the furnace after heating it up 7 times hotter. The heat and furnace symbolized our fiery God (Deuteronomy 4:24), "seven" symbolized God's 7th Day Sabbath Rest where God Regenerates (GAT Exodus 24:18) Himself (see above paragraphs for supporting scriptures), and the Son of God (Jesus) with the 3 followers of God (who symbolize everyone entering Heaven) symbolize the Oneness which will occur during Regeneration (Genesis 1:26-27; John 17:17-21).

The Apostle Peter confirms that we Christians will partake of God's Divine Nature (2 Peter 1:4).

Read Genesis 1:1-4. There you see God the Father (the Darkness), God the Son (the Light), God the Holy Ghost and "waters" which are Heaven bound humans. Did you notice the word "Deep" (Genesis 1:2).

Whenever the Bible uses the word "face" or "countenance" it is referring to God's Presence (Genesis 1:1-4).

Rev 1:16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance [was] as the sun shineth in his strength.

God's Right Hand is Jesus and Is Salvation to repentant sinful humans (Psalm 18:35; Mark 16:19). We've already learned that Jesus is symbolized by the Sun and the East in the Bible (Malachi 4:1-10; Mark 16:2; 2 Peter 1:9). "Seven" symbolizes the entrance into God's Rest and the Regeneration (Titus 3:5; Matthew 19:28).

Whenever the Bible uses the word "face" or "countenance" it is referring to God's Presence (Genesis 1:1-4).

Jesus is the Word (or Mouth) of God (John 1:1) and is the Sword of God (Hebrews 4:11-12).

Whenever the Bible uses the words that mean "two" (such as double) it is referring to Gentile Christians and Christians from the Nation of Israel (Jerusalem).

The Bible word "edge" or "cliff" etc referred to the "end". The "end" occurred (from God's perspective) when Jesus passed over (John 19:14) into God's Deep Dark Presence-Which is Paradise (Exodus 20:21; Luke 23:43-45; Revelation 2:7; 2 Corinthians 12:1-7) during the Sixth Hour on the Cross (Luke 23:43-45).

Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:

Earlier in these versus we saw God the Almighty Father identify Himself as the First and the Last. Now we see Jesus using the same identification. Yes Jesus is God (Revelation 1:11; John 5:18; John 10:30-34).

When Christians die they will be Saved (Right Hand) and raised up by Jesus the High Priest (feet).

Rev 1:18 I [am] he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

It is Jesus who has the Keys to Everything not Peter (Matthew 16:18-19). Christians can ask Jesus for these things and receive them (John 16:23). And YES Jesus really did die! But He will never die again. HALLELUJAH!

Rev 1:19 Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;

The keyword here is "hereafter". The hereafter began when Jesus entered (Passed Over To) God's Deep Dark Sabbath Rest Presence of "To day" during Christ's Sixth Hour on the Cross (Luke 23:43-45, Exodus 20:21; 2 Corinthians 12:1-7; John 19:14; Hebrews Chapter 3 and 4; John 14:30; John 13:7; John 1:51; Matthew 26:64; Luke 22:69).

As you can see much of Revelations events occurred during the sixth to the ninth hour at the cross. Praise God! God I give you Glory. You are Awesome! You are so Wise! It is we who have sinned and not you! We have not followed your Holy Bible asking for the Holy Ghost to lead us. We have attempted to make you serve us. But it is we who must serve you through the leadership of the Holy Ghost. Forgive Father God. Help us repent and obey you so you will give us the Holy Ghost of understanding (Acts 5:32). We ask this of You in the Name of Jesus Christ and in His Precious Blood. Amen! Hallelujah!

Rev 1:20 The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.

God's mystery is not human marriage (Ephesians 5:29-34). God's mystery is His secret hidden (Romans 16:25; 1 Corinthians 2:7; Ephesians 3:9) place called "the Deep (Psalm 69:1-4)". The Regeneration of humans into Divine Nature (2 Peter 1:4) will occur in this fiery deep. A further mystery of this deep (bottomless pit) is that "she" is wisdom. She is female (Proverbs 7:4; Proverbs 8:1, 20-36, Revelation 9:1-2; Joel 2:1-15; Revelation 9:8; Revelation 17:3-5, 8). Yes the "marriage of the Lamb" will occur and did occur (Sixth Hour of the Cross) in this Deep. This is the marriage mystery that the Apostle Paul alluded to (Revelation 21:1-5). This is why Jesus used the term bride "chamber (Matthew 9:15)".

So Revelation 1:20 is actually saying: "Jesus' Church (the stars) began entering God's Secret (Mystery) Deep on God's 7th Day Sabbath (To day) which began during the Sixth Hour of Jesus' Cross. It was Jesus' Shed Precious Blood which gave these humans the "right hand of salvation". These Christians are the Light and Candlesticks of the world. These Christians become Spirits like Angels when they enter Heaven (John 3:3-6; Psalm 104:4; Matthew 22:30). The truth is that the "7" Christians really are the angels the churches and the candlesticks (Matthew 5:14-15; Matthew 22:30; 1 Peter 2:5). All supporting Bible scriptures are in the above paragraphs. Be sure that you are praying for and asking for the Holy Ghost to help you get God's understanding and that you are looking up and studying every scripture(s). Your human and physical intellect is not match for the Spirit of God!

Please ensure that you have prayed over, asked for the Holy Ghost to help you understand. Also be sure that you look up, study and understand all the scriptures. Your human and physical intellect is not match for the Spirit of God!

If you fully understand this accurate interpretation of Revelation Chapter 1 then you should easily be able to understand the entire book of Revelation. In fact, the entire Bible is about God, Jesus the Holy Ghost and God's desire to share His Divine Nature with human Sons and Daughters (2 Peter 1:4; Genesis 1:26-27; John 17:17-21).

This article can be freely edited and utilized as long as credit is given to its author (Gary Colin).

The Most Accurate Interpretation: Book Of Revelation-Pt 3

You can now fully understand the Bible Book of Revelation. Be sure to read "

The most accurate understanding of the book of revelation" and "The most accurate interpretation: book of revelation-pt 2" FIRST before reading this section on Revelation Chapter 2. You won't have the Bible Scriptures or the Holy Ghost of interpretation if you don't walk with the Spirit (2 Peter 1:20-21; Galatians 5:16).

Let's begin with Revelation 2:1:

Rev 2:1 Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;

The seven golden candlesticks is the entire "body" of Christ's Church in Heaven. These "stars" include Abraham and his seed (Genesis 22:15-17; Matthew 5:14-16). To "walk" is to rule or lead. The Bible word "midst" means authority. Right hand means God's Salvation who is Jesus Christ (Psalm 18:35). Seven is the number of God's Sabbath Rest. This is when God Rest (Bed/Grave) at the End, Refreshes (Repents) and Regenerates Himself with the Heaven Bound (Genesis 2:2; Exodus 31:17; Titus 3:5-7; Matthews 19:28). Anyone entering the Bible number 7 will be in the Lord's Day (Revelation 1:10).

Rev 2:2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: Rev 2:3And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.

Church 1-Ephesus- Jesus commends this Church for consistently labouring and not tiring out.

Rev 2:4 Nevertheless I have [somewhat] against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Rev 2:5Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

Jesus sees everything we do. God wants our whole heart, whole soul, whole body, whole mind and whole everything (Mark 12:33).

Rev 2:6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. Rev 2:7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

Paradise is the Presence and Authority of God (Luke 23:42-46). Paradise is the Midst and the Deep Dark Presence of God (Exodus 20:23). To learn more about God's deep, dark presence study parts 1 and 2 of this Revelation study. Thus the Deep Dark Presence of God is Eternity (tree of life). Keep in mind that God has already identified both Him and Jesus as the "First and Last". Now we see Jesus identifying Himself as the Spirit or Holy Spirit. Yes, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are One (John 4:24; John 10:30-34). Anyone who enters Heaven will share in this Oneness (John 17:17-21).

Rev 2:8 And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive; Rev 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.

Church 2 Smyrna-Father God is the "Which" of the Bible (Matthew 6:9). Once again Father God is telling you that it was His Blood shed on the Cross. In Acts 20 you once again see God and the Holy Ghost professing Oneness with Jesus' Blood on the Cross (Acts 20:28).

Bible "Blasphemy" means to denote Oneness or Equality with God (John 10:33; Mark 14:61-64; Matthew 26:63-66).

Rev 2:10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast [some] of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. Rev 2:11He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

Most Bible researchers would agree that the "second death" is eternal damnation (or "destruction" away from God's approval). I've already stated that Father God is the "which" of the Bible (Matthew 6:9) and He also is the Hallow, Deep, Darkness, and/or Bottomless Pit. Don't be surprised that God associates Himself with the Angel and Angels in these following verses. Bible researchers know that the Old Testament God was always associated with the "Angel Of The LORD". This Angel even had God's Sovereignty to forgive sins(Exodus 23:20-21). ( (Matthew 6:9-10; Exodus 20:23; Psalm 18:9; Matthew 9:11; Revelation 9:13; Revelation 9:14-15-18-notice Revelation 9:20-"neither" is "nether" is the Darkness of God-Exodus 19:17-nether; Exodus 19:9). Thus when you understand that God is the Deep Darkness (Exodus 20:23; Psalm 18:8-9), the Pit/Grave/Death (Psalm 18:5), The Devouring/Consuming (Hell) Fire (Deuteronomy 4:24; Psalm 18:5) you then realize that the Second Death is God. God is the Only One Who Can Kill (Hold You, Imprison You) You in "Hell" (Matthew 10:28). This is why the word "which" (God the Father Matthew 6:9-10) is next to the words "Lake of Fire" and also next to "the Second Death" (Revelation 21:8).

The Second Death is Eternal Burning in the Fiery God (Deuteronomy 4:24). If you understand this you will now better understand Revelation Chapter 9 as God is also the Bottomless Pit and any angel or angels with "which" describing them. God is the "which" of the Bible (Matthew 6:9-10). The Second Death has no hold on Christians as they saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Anyone who enters the Deep Dark Presence of God is Biblically viewed as "falling" or being "cast" down (ascending and/or descending-Romans 10:7; Ephesians 4:8-11).

Rev 2:12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;

Church 3 Pergamos-We now see God the Father "Which (Matthew 6:9-10)" identifying Himself as the Spirit which saith things to the Churches (Revelation 2:7). The Trinity is a solid Biblical teaching. People should just pray for the Help of the Holy Ghost and study the Bible instead of following their own intellects (John 3:1-16; John 4:24).

The Sword of the Bible is God's Word (Hebrews 4:11-12) and is Jesus Christ (John 1:1).

The Bible word "edges" means End. The End is the Lord's Day (Joel 2:1-33). Jesus came at the End, died on the Cross and Entered the Deep Dark Paradise Presence Of God (Luke 23:43-46; Revelation 2:7). We have been in the "Day of the Lord" ever since the sixth hour of the cross (John 19:14).

The Bible number "two" or any double connotations refer to both Israelites and Christian who have obeyed God and have the "Blood" of Jesus to enter Heaven.

Rev 2:13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, [even] where Satan's seat [is]: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas [was] my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.

IMPORTANT!!! You MUST read Parts 1 and 2, Pray and ask for the Holy Ghost to instruct you, and look up all the Bible scriptures. If you don't do that you won't understand most of Revelation.

We've already explained in Parts 1 and 2 that Leviathan the Beast is Satan the Serpent Dragon is God's Judge. We see God encouraging Satan to judge righteous Job at Job Chapters 1 and 2. We see God hailing Leviathan at Job Chapter 41. Leviathan is the Ruler (and Governor) of the Deep/Sea (Psalm 104:20, 25-27; Psalm 104:6). We see God using His Judge the Beast to Judge and Burn Babylon in God's Fire (Revelation 17:1, 7-8, 11; 12-13, 15-the waters (sea) where the whor* sitteth-or "seat of the Beast"; 16-18).

"Antipas" symbolizes Jesus Christ. Only Jesus is Faithful and True like God (John 4:24; Revelation 3:14; Revelation 19:11). As Jesus died (or was slain) on the Cross He did enter this "seat" during the sixth Hour (John 19:14; Luke 23:43-46).

Remember God's Deep Darkness has always been symbolized by the "night", "evening", "eve" etc (Genesis 1:2, 16).

Jesus' Presence was always symbolized by the Sun, morning and light (Genesis 1:3; Malachi 4:1-10; Mark 16:2; 2 Peter 1:19).

While Father God is the "which" of the Bible (Matthew 6:9-10), Jesus Christ-Son of God is the "Who" are the Bible. Amazingly The Archangel Michael's name means "Who Is Like Unto The Lord" or "Who Is The Image Of The Lord" (Exodus 15:11).

Notice how the people shout "Who Is Like Unto The Beast (who is the image of the Beast)" right before a "lamb (they call Jesus the lamb)" builds an image. Wasn't it God who wanted to make humans into His image (Revelation 13:4, 11, 14; Genesis 1:26-27)?

Please Prayerfully study Parts 1 and 2 and look up all the scriptures. I've already explained that the Deep Dark Presence of God (His Secret and Mysterious Place-Psalm 18:11) has always been symbolized by the nation of Egypt. This is why God made Egypt totally Dark shortly before killing Pharaoh's first born and things went totally dark before God took His Firstborn Son, Jesus. This is why Egypt is associated with Jesus's Cross and Crucifixion in the book of Revelation (Exodus 10:21-24; Exodus12:29-30; Luke 23:43-46; Revelation 11:7-8).

Rev 2:14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. Rev 2:15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.

Baal is God's arch Biblical enemy but is also a "god" whom God uses in His purposes. God seldom uses the word "hate", but He repeatedly states that He hates the doctrine of the Nicolaitans. We must watch what we believe and/or teach.

Rev 2:16Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.

This verse really is mentioning the "coming quickliness" of Jesus Christ. He is God's Sword, Word and Mouth (Revelation 22:20),

Rev 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth [it].

Jesus is our bread and manna. Presently Jesus is hiding at the right hand seat of God. Anyone who is in the Paradise presence of God is in "hiding". God's Secret Place (Psalm 18:11) is His Deep Darkness (Psalm 18:9-11; Genesis 1:2).

Father God is the Rock of the Bible (Deuteronomy 32:4) and Jesus is the Stone of the Bible (Matthew 21:42).

Revelation 2:18 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet [are] like fine brass;

Be Sure To ask God for the Holy Ghost, study Parts 1 and 2, and look up all the scriptures. That's the only way you will be able to understand this information.

Church 4-Thyatira

Anyone who is Regenerated becomes One with God. Please reveiw Parts 1 and 2 for all supporting Bible scriptures on this information. This "God Oneness (John 17:17-21)" is the "man child (Son of God)" seen at Revelation 12:5.

These Kings or "Son(s) of God" become Angel like flames of fire (Psalm 104:4; Matthew 22:30) or the fiery "eyes" of God.

Bible "feet" is symbolism for the priest of God. This is why Jesus washed Peter and the Apostle's feet (John Chapter 13).

Rev 2:19 I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last [to be] more than the first. Rev 2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. Rev 2:21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Rev 2:22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. Rev 2:23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. Rev 2:24But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden.

The key word here is "depth". God's Deep (Sea) or "Depth" is His wisdom (Darkness) which is very closely related to Jesus Christ. This wisdom is Feminine (Proverbs 8:1-3, 24, 27, 29-30; Genesis 1:2-4; John 1:1,-5). This is why the Bible now begins to talk about "Jezebel". Keep in mind that Baal, Bel, Beelzebub are all closely related to God's Deep Presence. This is why Baal was a major God in Egypt. Egypt symbolizes God's Deep, Secret and Mysterious Presence (Psalm 18:11; Revelation 11:7-8).

Did you notice that the word "space" is associated both with Jezebel and Babylon the Great (Revelation 17:10; Revelation 2:21). These women symbolize the Deep Dark Presence of God. This is the Bottomless Pit which is Dark and Eternity like "space".

The Bible word "repent" describes the time when God enters His Sabbath Rest and Refreshes Himself. He brings things back to Himself and Changes (or repents). He changes from the "old" father (or wine) to the new wine or "son(s). This is why the word "sons of God" is associate with God "repenting" in the Bible (John 3:1-16; Genesis 2:7; Exodus 31:17; Genesis 6:6-7; Genesis 6:2; John 2:1-12; Genesis 49:33; Matthew 9:17).

The Bed is God's Sabbath (Rest) "Day".

The Bible word "cast" means to be placed in the Deep Dark Fiery Presence Of God (the Furnace) and be Regenerated (Daniel 3:6, 11, 15, 20, 21; Matthew 19:28; Titus 3:5-7).

The Bible word "cast" has the same Biblical meaning as the Bible word "gat". This is the name God gave me in 1992. God waited 10 years before He explained to me (during Bible study) that "gat" is the firey Regeneration where humans become One with the God of Fire (Deuteronomy 4:24; Psalm 104:3-5; Exodus 24:16-18; John 17:17-21; John 10:30-34; 1 Kings 1:1; 2 Peter 1:4).

There is a chemical called GAT used solely for Regeneration.

The Great Tribulation is the Time of Trouble is the Time of Distress is the Appointed Time is the Winepress Is The Treading and many other Bible descriptions. This is the time when God "pulls" or "takes" Christians into His Deep Dark Presence and Regenerates them. These Christians become the virgin "wives" of God (the Lamb). This is why those flood "sons of God" took wives for themselves. During this "Great Tribulation" humans fully become One with God's Spirit and Righteousness (Genesis 6:2-3; 2 Peter 1:4;).

Remember the Light (Son-Sun-Jesus-Malachi 4:1-10) came out of the Darkness (Genesis 1:2-5) to redeem humankind (John 1:5).

When all things are "returned" to the Father God (1 Corinthians 15:26-28), all things will return to Darkness (Revelation 7:16). The Light (Jesus Son/Sun of God-Malachi 4:1-10) will have served His purpose in redemption.

Rev 2:25 But that which ye have [already] hold fast till I come. Rev 2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: Rev 2:27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. Rev 2:28 And I will give him the morning star. Rev 2:29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

I love when the Trinity talks. The Trinity God drove Moses crazy. One of the funniest moments in the Bible was when One of the Godhead told Moses to put boundaries around the mountain. God had already told Moses to do this and Moses wondered why God was telling him again. It's because, just as we see in Revelation at any time God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, the Angel of the Lord, or a sent angel might talk to you (Exodus 19:11-13, 21-25).

It is now Jesus Christ speaking at Revelation 2:27-28. Jesus is the Morning Star and He is the reward for any Heaven Bound Overcomer. Jesus still identifies Himself as the Holy Spirit of God (Revelation 2:28; John 4:24).

Please be sure that you have prayed and asked God for the Holy Spirit to help you understand. Please be sure that you read everything, take your time, and look up all the Bible Scriptures. This is the most accurate interpretation of the book of Revelation and is Heaven sent. Once Bible seekers realize that the Bible is about our Trinity God desiring to become One with God's human creation we begin to perceive the correct interpretation of Bible scriptures and Bible prophecy.

God the Father is the Beginning (Darkness) and set everything up (Genesis 1:1-5). God the Son is Light and came out of the Darkness solely to redeem humankind into Heaven (Genesis 1:1-5; John 1:1-7). God the Holy Ghost is the Friend, Teacher, Comforter and Corrector who keeps humans on that very narrow road leading to God's Eternal Life.

Father God. I thank-you for now revealing your Deep Kept Secrets to humankind. I thank-you for opening up our way into Heaven through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Father God I ask that you forgive us of our sins against You, the Godhead, Heaven and humans on Earth. Please forgive us in the Name and Blood of Jesus. Please fill us with the Holy Spirit so that we place ourselves in line with Your Heavenly Salvation Plan. I ask this prayer in Jesus' Name. Amen

This article can be freely edited and utilized as long as credit is given to its author (Gary Colin).

The Most Accurate Interpretation Of The Book Of Revelation Pt 4

Please be sure to read, study, and pray for Holy Ghost guidance Parts 1 through 3 of this Book of Revelation study before reading this Part 4 (Revelation Chapter 3). You will not have God's Understanding unless you allow the Holy Ghost to lead you beginning with Part 1. Be sure to examine all Bible verses (scriptures) and information. The Book of Revelation can now be fully understood.

Revelation 3:1 And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.

Church 5-Sardis

Please be sure to study Parts 1-3 and view all Bible scriptures. Be sure to pray for Holy Ghost to help you understand what God is actually saying.

God's Church is His Wifely, Holy & Heavenly Bride (John 3:29; Revelation 21:2). Anyone who goes to Heaven is "like the angels of Heaven" (Matthew 22:30). God makes His angels "flames of fire" (Psalm 104:4; Deuteronomy 4:24). Thus the "church" and "angel" in Sardis is a direct reference to the entire body of Heaven Bound Christians.

Seven as previously explained (please study parts 1-3 with the Holy Ghost) is entrance into God's Rest/Sabbath (Genesis 2:2) which is Paradise (Revelation 2:7; Luke 23:43-46).

Spirits is the full Oneness of God's entire Heavenly Kingdom (John 10:30-44; John 17:17-21; Genesis 1:26-27).

"Stars" is a Bible term for anyone who is Heaven Bound (Genesis 26:4; Exodus 32:13).

"Livest And Art Dead"-we must remember that the entire Bible is about God's Salvation plan through Jesus Christ (Luke 24:27). This phrase actually speaks about Jesus who lived, died (was dead) and lived again.

Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.

The Bible words "ready", "already" or any word which means to "prepare" identify God taking or pulling others into His Deep Presence (also called "the well"). This is often called the "passover", "preparation", "time of trouble (Psalm 104:29)", "time of distress", "great tribulation", "journey" (John 4:6, 11) and many other fear inspiring names (John 19:14, 33; Mark 15:44).

The purpose of God throwing, casting or taking people into His "deep", dark presence is to prepare them for God's approved status. God utilizes labourers, task masters, workers of iniquity, lions, beasts, Leviathan, sons of men and many other names to denote those assign to force a person into Godly Holiness (perfect or perfection). This is the "winepress" and is also Regeneration (known in the Bible as "gat") (Exodus 20:23; Exodus 5:14; Job Chapter 1-Satan; Job Chapter 2-Satan; Job 34:22; Psalm 23:4; Psalm 31:19; Psalm 57:4 Psalm 6:8; Psalm 14:4; Psalm 36:12; Psalm 104:20-31; Job 1:1-10; Job 2:1-10; Job 41:1; Revelation 13:1-end).

Anyone whom God takes, forces, pushes, or cast into the Deep Dark Presence of God (also called THE FLOOD-GENESIS 7:11-12,17-also called the "Valley", "Shadow of Death", Mire) Will CRY OUT. Until they Cry Out for God (being made "perfect") He will not Save Them (Luke 23:43-46; Jonah 2:2-10; Psalm 69:1-4, 14; Hebrews 5:8; Luke 23:35; Matthew 27:42; Mark 15:31).

So what Revelation 3:2 is actually saying is that God will throw or cast people into "the Valley of the Shadow of Death" (ready to die) where they will be "attacked", pressed, crushed, broken by workers of iniquity (evil ones)-(Psalm 23:4, Psalm 94:16; Psalm 37:1). When God forces people into His "Deep" Presence the Bible calls it "holding (touching-not letting go)", "deceiving (acting deceitfully)", or "taking into captivity (prison, torment)" (Exodus 8:29; Deuteronomy 30:3; Deuteronomy 28:41; John 20:17). But this "Deep" breaking process will Strengthen them in the Lord and make them "perfect" or God Approved (Hebrews 5:8).

It's important to remember that this "breaking" process will always occur at Passover which is the sixth (number six), 12AM (Midnight) or 12PM (Mid Day or Noon) (sixth hour of the CROSS) and is the Deep, Dark (Sea) Presence of The Lord (Exodus 10:21-24; Exodus 12:29-30; John 19:14; Luke 23:43-46).

God uses "evil" to "break" or "work" this process. This process is "hard", "wrathful" and is called the "anger of God" (Psalm 42). It is also called winepress, crushing, threshing (Judges 6:11-12), or gat (gath) (gethsemane means winepress) (Isaiah 45:6-7; Revelation 14:10, 13, 15, 18-20).

I'm not bragging but the "Deep" Dark Presence (Paradise-Revelation 2:7) Of God is greatly important to God's purposes (Luke 23:43-46). David (Psalm 69:1-4, 14), Jonah (Jonah 2:3), Apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 12:1-7), Moses (Exodus 20:23; Exodus 19:9), and many more have been "cast" there. I love this assignment from God, but I hate the Deep (Psalm 69:14).

Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

The hour that Jesus is talking about is the "hour of test". This is the "great tribulation" when God cast His servants into His fearful

Deep Dark Presence (Revelation 7:14, 16-no sun light-deep darkness. "neither (nay, no)" is the same word as "nether" in the Bible-(Exodus 19:17). Nether is the Deep, Dark, Hallow (Matthew 6:9-Underworld) and Regeneration (God Oneness) will occur. I've already explained Regeneration (God Oneness) in parts 1 through 3. Please review those study articles. A concise explanation is that During God's Rest (the 7), God refreshes, renews and Regenerates (has a "head wound" but lives again) Himself with Heaven Bound People Into God Oneness. This Oneness Is the New Wine, the Image of God (Who is Like Unto God), the Man Child and the "Son of God" (all God Oneness or "One With God") (Genesis 2:2; Exodus 31:17; Titus 3:3-7; Matthew 19:28; John 10:30-34; John 17:17-21; 2 Peter 1:4; Exodus 15:11; Matthew 9:17; Revelation 12:5; Genesis 1:26-27; Revelation 13:1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11; John 1:29, 36; Revelation 13:12-13; Psalm 104:4; Psalm 104:14; Exodus 8:29; Revelation 13:14; Genesis 1:26-27; Revelation 3:15; John 3:16; Genesis 1:26-27).

Revelation 13:18; John 19:14-six is the number of preparation. Preparation is when God cast people into the "deep (sea)" to "crush" them into what He wills for them (Revelation 13:13; Psalm 104:20-27; Job 1:1-10; Job 2:1-10; Job 41:1; Jonah 2:3; Hebrews 5:8).

The Bible term "patience of the saints" refers to the long "waiting process" the saint endures to be delivered from the Deep (mire clay, miry clay) (Psalm 69:1-4, 14; Revelation 13:10; Revelation 8:4; Ephesians 4:12; Acts 26:10; Daniel 7:27) and placed upon that Solid Rock Who is Jesus Christ (Psalm 40:2; 1 Corinthians 10:4).

Jesus did "come as a thief" when He and that criminal entered Paradise during the sixth hour of the Cross. Paradise is the Deep Dark Presence of God (Luke 23:43-46; Revelation 2:7; 2 Corinthians 12:7; Exodus 20:23). While in the Deep (thick, gloom clouds of God) Jesus was given full Kingdom Authority and the right to Save and Deliver all ancient Israelites and obedient gentiles out of the Deep (Abraham's Bosom) and into the House of God "Jerusalem (Revelation 21:1-5; Galatians 4:26; Hebrews 12:22; Luke 16:22-31; 1 Peter 3:17-20; Matthew 27:50-53; Daniel 7:13-14).

This "thief" (Jesus Christ) came in the "night", "evening" or "eve" because He entered the Deep Dark Presence of God. Notice how Prophet Daniel had a "night" vision of this meeting (Daniel 7:13-14). Anytime Jesus spoke about Him "coming in clouds" He was referring to His Godship. Ancient Israel and Jerusalem knew that their God always traveled in thick, dark, gloomy, deep clouds. This is why when Jesus told his accusers that they would see Him "coming in the clouds" they became enraged, attacked him and accused him of blasphemy (equating Himself with God) (Psalm 18:4, 5, 9,11; Matthew 26:63-68).

To learn more about the Deep Dark Presence of God read and study Parts 1 through 3. Be sure to pray and ask for the Holy Ghost to help you and look up ALL Bible scriptures.

Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.

"Few" are any other Bible word meaning "two" refers to all Israelites and Gentiles who enter Heaven because of Jesus' Shed Blood.

The Bible word "walk" means to rule in Heaven. Jesus walked on the sea because He is the ruler of God's Deep (Daniel 7:13-15; Matthew 14:25-26).

He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.

"BLOT" Is Black And Refers To The Deep Dark Presence Of God.

Whenever You Read The Bible Words "THE Same" This Is Telling You That Whoever The Information Is Talking About Will Be "ONE And The Same" With God (JOHN 10:30-34; John 17:17-21; Deuteronomy 4:24; Psalm 104:4).

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Once again Jesus equates himself with the Holy Ghost.

And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Church 6-Philadelphia

Many think that Apostle Peter (Petra-little rock) holds the keys to the Kingdom. No it was actually the Big Rock Jesus who would be in total control of God's Kingdom (Matthew 16:17-20).

There are many Bible scriptures which indicate that Peter was given a God-like (Jesus-like) role in God's Kingdom. We know that God is the Dark Shadow which heals and protects us (Psalm 91:1; Psalm 23:4; 2 Kings 20:9-11). Notice how Peter's shadow also healed and saved (Acts 5:15).

Notice how Jesus and the Bible both associate Peter with Governor Leviathan's Deep (Psalm 104:6, 20-27; Luke 5:4).

So yes, Peter was and is a very important asset to God's Deep Presence. "GAT" means Regeneration when we all become ONE with God (Exodus 24:16-18). God's Deep Presence is outside of or "without" the Kingdom of God (Palace of the King). God's Deep is the Courtyard of Judgment (The Bible words "under" or beneath denotes judgment from God). No one can enter the approved Kingdom of God until they are "crushed" (broken, tested) in the Deep Dark Courtyard (Revelation 11:2; Matthew 26:69; Mark 14:66).

It was the Apostle Peter who told us that this world will end in Great Fire. That Great Fire is God. At the End God will Cause the Consummation. This is when the Fiery Furnace God Swallows (consumes) every thing back (repent-bring back-behind) to Himself ending it all in fire. Those who survive this Great Tribulation (God Consuming His Creation Back To Himself) will Be God Oneness as the Original Darkness. The Salvation Sun (Son) Light Of Christ Will no longer be needed (2 Peter 3:1-12, Revelation 7:13-16; Daniel 9:26-27).

Let's review Daniel 9:26-27 and realize that when God consumes everything back to Himself in His Deep Dark Clouds (Exodus 24:16-18), He will be Refreshed (Exodus 31:17) and Regeneration will have occurred (Titus 3:5-7; Revelation 19:28).

Read Daniel 9:26- Messisah will be cut off. Yes as I've explained in Parts 1 through 3 the Day of the Lord began at the sixth hour of the cross with God's Deep Dark Presence (Joel 2:1-20; Luke 23:43-46; Exodus 20:23). Jesus Christ (Messiah) was cut off from God as Sin and cut off from life. Yes, Jesus (God's actual Temple, House and Sanctuary) was destroyed in death. The FLOOD of that end (Israel being God's only chosen people) was God's Deep Dark Presence which is The FLOOD (Psalm 69:1-4; Jonah 2:3-5). The desolation was God's cutting off His sole relationship with Israel/Jerusalem (Matthew 27:50-51).

Read Daniel 9:27- Daniel 9:27 primarily speaks about God's Judgment upon Jesus on the Cross (and the end of needing animal sacrifices) but also speaks about the Total End of Planet Earth with "even (God's Deep Darkness-the Night) until the Consummation (When God the Consuming and Devouring Fire eats everything up back to Himself-Deuteronomy 4:24; 1 Kings 18:36-39).

People wrongly think that they will be able to discern God's coming. They will not. The only real "sign" God has given us is that

Egypt must rise again (Revelation 11:7-8). Please review Parts 1 through 3. Egypt is the symbolic representation of the Dark, Deep God which appeared to the nation of Israel. It will be Egypt (

God's Darkness, Death, The Graves, The Tombs The Caves, Hell, The Sepulchres-All These Names Are Biblical Terms For God's Deep Dark Presence-Be Sure To Study Parts 1 through 3) which helps cause Israel/Jerusalem to "Cry Out" and accept Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) before He will Come Again (Luke 23:43-46; Revelation 11:7-11; Psalm 18:4-5, 9, 11-12-13, Matthew 23:27, 29, 33, 38-39).

The world will have become so devastated that very few will be "seeking the Lord". Seek the Lord now while you can. Once Jesus Shuts Those Doors (and Regeneration occurs) their will be no way to Heaven (John 14:4-7; Isaiah 55:6).

I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

The Bible term "no man" refers to the death of Jesus Christ. Jesus is God. So when Jesus died, God also shed His Own Blood (Acts 20:28).

The Bible term "are not" refer to all Christians who will be baptized in Death with Jesus (Romans 6:3). Baptism symbolizes our descent into the Deep Dark Presence of God (Death) and then rising out of the Deep as Approved Sons and Daughters (Children) of God (Matthew 3:17). Notice how God's Own Voice said "well-the Deep (John 4:6, 11). These Christians are also Jews as they inherit the promise made to the Hebrew Abraham (Galatians 3:16) and also inherit the Kingdom of Judah/Jerusalem's David (Revelation 3:7).

God does use Satan (Leviathan the Serpent Dragon-Isaiah 27:1; Revelation 12:9) as Judge. Notice how God used Satan to test (judge) Job (Job Chapters 1 and 2). When the test was over notice how God praised Leviathan (Job Chapter 41).

The Bible word "lie" means to deceive. The Bible word deceive means to hold God's people in the Deep (captivity)-(Exodus 8:29; Revelation 12:9). Jesus was also in God's Deep (Romans 10:7; Ephesians 4:7-13). Jesus was also called "deceiver" (Matthew 27:62-63).

Speaking And Obeying The Word of God and Jesus' Blood will always help us Overcome Satan (Evil) and the Deep (Psalm 119:67, 161; Daniel 10:13; Matthew 4:1-11; Revelation 12:11).

The Bible's "feet" refer to God's Priests. This is why Jesus washed the disciples feet (John 13:1-5).

Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

The Bible word "patience" refers to any Christian or saint which endures the "crushing" captivity of God's Deep Dark Presence. Please read the above information for further support.

Speaking and Obeying God's Word Will Cause you to be an Overcomer while you patiently wait for God to Deliver you (Psalm 69:1-4, 14; Revelation 12:11).

The Hour of Test is the Hour of Temptation Is the "Hour" of Regeneration when God (The Well-The Deep) Swallows, Consumes, and Devours His entire creation back into Himself (God "repents") (Titus 3:4-7; Matthew 19:28; Jonah 1:15-17; 1 Kings 18:36-38; Deuteronomy 4:24; Daniel 3:19-25; 2 Peter 3:7-12; Revelation 17:12-The "Hour" With The Beast; Revelation 17:13-"One" Mind-God Oneness-John 17:17-21; Revelation 17:16-The Fiery Consummation and END!

Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

The Bible words "hold", "touch", "touching" or "holding" refers to God keeping His saints "bound" (imprisoned) in His Deep Dark Presence until their "breaking process" is approved. God is the Potter and we are His vessels (Psalm 2:9; Isaiah 64:8; Exodus 8:29; John 20:17).

Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, [which is] new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and [I will write upon him] my new name.

All God Approved Christians are the pillars and house (temple, sanctuary) of God (2 Corinthians 5:1).

New Jerusalem "comes down" because "she" is the Deep Dark Presence of God. Thus she is the descent (Ephesians 4:8-10; Revelation 21:1-5; Exodus 15:12

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Jesus once again confirms that He is One with the Holy Spirit (Trinity).

And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

Church 7-Laodicea

Have you ever research ancient Egypt? Have you ever heard of the Amens such as Amen-Ra? Please be sure to pray for the Holy Ghost and study parts 1 through 3 of this Revelation study. The ancient Egyptians were definitely taught the Deep Dark Presence of God. Modern Day Egypt will play a major part In Jesus Coming Again just as God's Darkness played a major part during the sixth to ninth hour of the Cross (Luke 23:43-46; Revelation 11:7-8).

Jesus is the Amen as nothing found God is completed, true, or approved without Jesus (2 Corinthians 1:20).

I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

As I said before, the Bible words "neither", "nay", "no", and "noe" refer to Nether. Nether is the Deep Dark Presence of God (Exodus 19:9, 17). The ancients knew that Nether was the "underworld". God is Hallow (Matthew 6:9-10) and/or "Hollow" and is the Bottomless Pit (Revelation 9:1-2). God is the furnace and the smoke (Deuteronomy 4:24; Psalm 18:8, 12; Exodus 19:18).

Cold is God's eternal judgment (such as winter-Matthew 24:20).

Hot is our Fiery, Flaming God (Deuteronomy 4:24). "Hot" can also refer to God's "Hot" Judgment.

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Actually Christians want to be spit (spue) out of the Mouth of God. The Mouth of God is the Deep. God's Deep is compared to Eve's Womb where all life (seed) comes from (Genesis 3:20; Genesis 3:15-16).

When we Christians come out of God's Bottomless Pit Deep. We will be Kings in Glory (with Golden Crowns) ready to rule the way God rules. It will be Jesus who spits us out and saves us from God's Deep Darkness (Psalm 69:1-4, 14; Exodus 20:15-23; Revelation 9: 1-7).

Please Dear Jesus, Hurry and Spit Us Out Of Nether (neither-Exodus 19:17; Psalm 69:1-4, 14)!

Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

In Bible symbolism the "rich" are the workers of iniquity who persecute God's people in the Deep (Psalm 69:1-4; Psalm 119:67, 191; 2 Corinthians 12:1-12).

Good is God's Approval (Genesis 1:10).

Increased is the Great Multitude (Revelation 7:9).

Nothing is Space Is The Deep, Is The Dark God, Is Vain Is Vanity Is The Sea Is The Bottomless Pit Is God Is Where Christ Hanged-

And Was Crucified (Luke 23:43-46; Revelation 11:7-8; Revelation 17:10; Psalm 104:6, 20-27; Revelation 9:1-2).

"Poor" are God's saints which He persecutes through deep and trying situations (Job Chapter 1; Job Chapter 2; Deuteronomy 8:2-5).

"Blind" is Bible Symbolism for God's Deep Darkness. Christians are the "eyes" of God.

Bible "Nakedness" is a good thing. When Adam and Eve were naked before the Lord they were in an approved state with God. They weren't hiding anything from Him (Genesis 3:1-16; Revelation 17:14-17).

I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and [that] the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

It is the fiery God (Deuteronomy 4:24) who test Christians until they are broken and purified (Deuteronomy 8:1-10).

Rich and White- are those now approved Christians whom God raises into the Wealth of Heaven

The Bible word "shame" refers to God's Deep process where He returns Christians back to the pure, innocent and "naked" state of

Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:1-16; Revelation 17:14-17).

The Bible "see (eyes)" is the sea (water) or God's Deep (Acts 8:36). Christians are God's eyes. Any Christian coming out of God's

Deep Dark Presence will begin to see things the Way God does (2 Corinthians 3:7, 13-14, 18).

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

When God first cast me into His Deep I thought He hated me. As I grew in Christ I began to realize that anyone who God loves is going to spend some time in His Deep (Depth) Dark Presence (Exodus 20:23; Psalm 69:1-4, 14; Jonah 2:3; Romans 10:7; Proverbs 8:27-36; Proverbs 3:20-24; Proverbs 3:11-13; Proverbs 8:1-3, 24, 27-28).

I hope you read all those above Bible scriptures. If God/Jesus/Holy Ghost loves you then you are going into some "deep" and very trying situation(s).

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

Jesus is the Doorway to the Father (John Chapter 10). The Deep is the Gateway (and Courtyard) before any one can enter the

Palace (The Father's Approved Location For Overcomers-God's Greatest Glory).

Yes the Holy Ghost really does knock at your heart, spirit, soul and mind to bring you to Jesus Christ (Read John Chapter 14).

The Sup-We will talk about that Evening Meal later. This is the Lord's Meal (the Lamb's Supper) where God destroys all fleshly ways and blood (which is really a reference to Jesus' Blood of Atonement). This also is the Preparation (making ready) or the Deep for the Church Bride of Christ (Revelation 19:7, 9

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

After our Regeneration we become whatever Jesus is. We will have the same authority before Father God as Jesus does. What a Wonderful God (Matthew 20:21-23).

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Once again Jesus equates Himself with the Holy Spirit (Trinity).

This article can be freely edited and utilized as long as credit is given to its author (Gary Colin).

The Most Accurate Interpretation Of The Book Of Revelation Pt 5

Please be sure to read and study Parts 1 through 4 and pray for the Holy Ghost of Bible Understanding. You will not receive God's explanation of His Holy & Prophetic Word without being led by the Holy Ghost (Spirit-1 Peter 2:20-21). Be sure to look up all Bible scriptures cited (King James 1611 version). God speaks through His Holy Word (Hebrews 4:11). The Book Of Revelation can now be fully understood.

Let's Begin With Revelation Chapter 4:

Revelation 4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door [was] opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard [was] as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

Jesus Christ is the Door (John Chapter 10) and the Way into and of Heaven (John 14:4-7).

We've already learned from Revelation Chapter 1 that both God and Jesus are the First.

Jesus is also the Word or Voice of God (John 1:1).

God is the "which" of the Bible (Matthew 6:9).

God's Voice is Often associated with Trumpet sounds (Exodus 19:9, 16, 19; Joel 2:1-2, 15).

"Come Up Hither"-The Apostle John was invited into Heaven. "Come Up Hither" is God's Invitation to those who have been resurrected (Revelation 11:8-12).

The Hereafter began when Jesus entered (passed over (journeyed) into) the Deep Dark Presence of God (The Well-John 4:6, 11, 24) during the Sixth Hour (12PM (noon, mid day) which is the same as 12AM (midnight) in God's Prophecy Time Table) of the Cross. This is when Jesus entered the Dark Clouds of God and took Kingdom Authority From His Father, The Most High God (John 19:14; Luke 23:43-46; Psalm 91:1, 6; Exodus 12:11, 29; Exodus 10:21-22; Matthew 26:64; Luke 22:69; John 13:7; Daniel 7:13, 14; John 4:6, 11).

In Revelation 4:1 Our Trinity Godhead was teaching the Apostle John what actually took plan when Jesus entered the Deep, Dark, Clouds Presence of God during the Sixth Hour On The Cross. This Presence is God's Rest and "To day" (Luke 23:43-46; Hebrews 3:11-18). Please review and all restudy Parts 1 to 3 to learn about "To day (God's Rest)" Be sure to pray and ask God for His Holy Spirit to teach you and be sure to take your time, meditation (allowing God's Spirit to influence your thought process) and look up all scriptures. God speaks through His Word (Hebrews 4:11-12).

The Day Of The Lord (To Day) began when Jesus entered the Deep Dark Cloud Presence of God during the Sixth Hour Of The Cross. This is the "Hereafter". And this is the exact point that God brought the Apostle John to in Revelation 4:1 and the Apostle Paul to in 2 Corinthians 12:1-7. Please read 2 Corinthians 12:1-7 where Paul also was taken to "Paradise-God's Presence Revelation 2:7; Luke 23:43-46).

This Door of Heaven could not be opened until Jesus Shed His Blood on the Cross. Afterwards those Saints in Abraham's Bosom (Luke 16) were able to be resurrected and entered The Holy City Heaven (New Jerusalem) on the "Day of the Lord" (Matthew 27:50-53; Revelation 21:1-5; Hebrews 12:22; Galatians 4:24).

Once again the "Day of the Lord" (Joel 2:1-15) is the Hereafter (Matthew 26:64) is the Deep Dark Cloud Presence of God (Luke 23:43-46; Exodus 20:23; Joel 2:1-15; John 4:6, 11; Psalm 69:1-4; Jonah 2:3; Matthew 26:64), is "To Day" (Psalm 95:4, 7, 11; Hebrews 3:11-18),

Is the Sabbath Rest Of God Where He Refreshes and Regenerates Himself with His creation into One (John 17:17-21; John 10:30-34; Hebrews 3:11-18; Exodus 31:17; Genesis 2:2; Titus 3:1-5; Matthew 19:28).

And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and [one] sat on the throne.

Notice the word "one". Oneness is the Hereafter (John 17:17-21).

Of Course God sits on the Throne.

The Holy Spirit can take a person to God's Revelations "in the Spirit" (2 Corinthians 12:7). Praise God!

And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and [there was] a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.

Whenever the Bible uses the words "like" it is referring to an image or reflection. Jesus Christ is "like unto God". Jesus Christ is the fullness and perfect image of God (Colossians 1:15).

Humans who are Heaven Bound are also the images of God (Genesis 1:26-27).

All Regenerated Humans will be God Oneness and will have the Same access to God's Throne as Jesus does. We will all be "Sons of God" (John 10:30-34; Hebrews 4:16; Matthew 19:28; Titus 3:1-5; John 17:17-21; Romans 8:14).

The Rainbow symbolizes God's Peace Covenant made with obedient humans (Genesis 9:12-16).

Read Genesis 9:12-16. Did you notice that the "bow" is in the Cloud. We've learned that God is the Cloud and we are symbolized by that "bow" who will "live inside of" God the Cloud (Matthew 26:64).

Read Revelation Chapter 9. Notice how those locust kings live inside the Bottomless Pit (Well/Deep-John 6:6, 11).

Michael is the Arch Angel of The LORD (Jude 1: 9, Revelation 12:7-12; 1 Thessalonians 4:16).

Michael's name means "Who Is Like Unto The Lord (Exodus 15:11)" or "Who Is The Likeness Of The Lord" or "Who Is The Image Of The Lord".

Notice how The Angel Of The Lord dwelt in The Cloud (or God)-(Exodus 14:19; Revelation 10:1; Matthew 26:64).

Michael the Angel of the Lord symbolizes all the Sons of God (man child) Who will Dwell in God's Oneness in the Hereafter (Revelation 12:5, 7-8).

The Bible term "round about" describes The Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is "360". Anything and Everything revolves around God's Power. God's Power is the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) (Zechariah 4:6).

And round about the throne [were] four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.

The Bible word "sitting (seats, sat)" always refers to God's Judgment (Matthew 27:19; Revelation 17:1).

The Bible number 4 always corresponds to Angels (Revelation 7:1; Matthew 24:31).

Elders with Crowns of God-All Heaven Bound Christian will immediately (Come Quickly) become One With God. God is the Ancient. So These (Crown Wearing) Christians Are The Elders (Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14).

Anyone going to Heaven are like the Angels (Matthew 22:30; Psalm 104:4). The angels number is four (Revelation 7:1).

Round About Is The Holy Ghost (360-Circle-Fullness Of God).

The Bible term "Ten Kings Of Earth" refer to All Christian Kings In Heaven (Revelation 17:12).

Any Bible word which means "two" refers to both the Israelites (Jerusalem) and Gentiles who will inherit God's Kingdom (Romans 3:9).

2 (Israelites and Gentiles) times 10 (the number of Christian Kings) equals twenty (2 X 10 = 20). In this context the Bible word "twenty" refers to all Christians (Both Israelites and Gentiles) who will rule with God in Heaven (Romans 3:9).

And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and [there were] seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

Lightnings and Thunders have also occurred with God's Thick Gloom Deep Dark Presence (Exodus 19:9, 16-18; Joel 2:1-20; Exodus 20:15-23).

Voices-Heaven Bound Christians All Become The Sons and Words (Voices) Of God (John 1:1; Romans 8:14).

Seven-Is God's Sabbath, Is God's Rest, Is The Regeneration into God Oneness, Is The Deep Dark Presence Of God (The Thick Gloom Of Clouds-Exodus 19:9 and The Devouring Fire Of God-Exodus 19:9, 18; Deuteronomy 4:24). To learn more about the "Regeneration Into God Oneness (Matthew 19:28) read the above information and also read Parts 1 Through 4. Be sure to pray for the guidance of the Holy Ghost and read/study all Bible Scriptures (1 Peter 1:20-21).

God is Both Light (Fire) and Darkness (Isaiah 45:6-7).

Lamps Of Fire-The Bible "Lamps" Are Heaven Bound Christians (Matthew 25:1-12; Matthew 22:30; Psalm 104:4).

And yes these Christians do become One with God so they are One with The Holy Spirit of God. Thus the Bible calls them the Spirits of God, yet is is God Oneness (John 17:17-21; Titus 3:1-5; Matthew 19:28; Exodus 31:17).

And before the throne [there was] a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, [were] four beasts full of eyes before and behind.

The Bible "sea" is the Deep Dark Presence of God (the Well, The Den, The Mire, The Shadow (Of Death), and many other Bible names and metaphors) (Psalm 104:6, 20, 25-27; Psalm 69:1-4; Jonah 2:3; Psalm 23:4; Psalm 1:1; Psalm 18:4-15).

The "Midst" is always the Authority of God. God is the "Midst" and the "Center" Of Everything.

Round About Is The Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit is 360. Everything Is Of The Holy Ghost. Please read the above information for all supporting scriptures and the Authority of God and the Fullness (Circle) of the Holy Ghost.

Four-is the number of God's Angels-Please read the above information for all supporting scriptures on the Bible number 4 and God's Angels.

Full-is a Bible word describing the "fullness" of the Holy Ghost and the "full" number of those going to Heaven.

Eyes-Christians are the "eyes" of God. Please read, study, and pray for Holy Ghost to help you Part 4 of this Revelation study for supporting scriptures and information.

Beast-To fully understand who the Beasts are and Who the Beast is we need to study Exodus 22:1.

Exodus 22:1 If a man shall steal an ox, or a sheep, and kill it, or sell it; he shall restore five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep.

God has always been the "man" of the Bible (Exodus 15:3).

Jesus Christ has always been "who is like unto the Lord (God)" or "who is like the image of God (Colossians 1:15-18)" in the Bible.

Four is the number of the Angels (Revelation 7:1; Matthew 24:30-34).

Sheep are Heaven Bound Christians (John Chapter 10).

We've already examined how Jesus is the thief, robber, stealer who came in the deep dark evening (night) presence of God (clouds) during the sixth hour on the Cross (Luke 23:43-46; Matthew 26:46; Matthew 27:57-60; Mark 15:42-46; John 19:38-40).

Please prayerfully review all information at Parts 1 through 4 to get God's Word and Holy Ghost understanding in these matters.

Of course Jesus is the Lamb or Sheep who Was Killed.

God the Father also shed His Blood and "Died" or "Rested (God's Sabbath Rest)" when Jesus Died as God is Jesus (Acts 20:28; Matthew 27:57-60; Mark 15:42-46; John 19:38-40; Luke 23:56; Matthew 27:49; Mark 14:42).

God was Restored, Repented, Refreshed and Regenerated when Jesus Entered His Deep Dark Cloud (Rest/Sabbath)Presence (Today-Paradise-Revelation 2:7; Hebrews 3:11-18) during the Dark Sixth Hour Of The Cross (Luke 23:43-56; Exodus 31:17; Titus 3:4-7; Matthew 19:28; Daniel 7:9-13; Matthew 26:46; Joel 2:1-15).

The Restored (Refreshed) "Ox" is God The Father and the Lamb Is Jesus (God The Son). We Have The Ox Beast From The Deep Sea Presence Of God and we have The Lamb Of God with Two Horns (Israelite and Christian Kings). God is the Great Fish Beast Of The Deep Sea. Leviathan is the Ruler Of The Sea and Is The Beast (Revelation 17:12; Exodus 31:17; Jonah 2:1-10; Jonah 1:15-17; Psalm 104:6, 20-27; Job 1:1-10; Job 41:1-34; Revelation 13:1-end; Isaiah 27:1; Revelation 13:11).

To see all the Biblical verses that connect Leviathan to Jesus (God) please pray for the Holy Spirit to lead you and look up all supporting Bible scriptures and study Parts 1 through 4 of this Revelation study.

Notice how Leviathan is a King (Job 41:34). Notice How Jesus is a King (John 18:33).

Notice how both Leviathan and Jesus are connected to the Bible words (piercing), pierced, pierce (Isaiah 27:1; Luke 2:35; John 19:34, 37; Revelation 1:7).

Notice How Leviathan The Beast Is Also Worshiped As God (Revelation 13:1-4).

Notice how images (humans who go to Heaven as the images of God) and fire (humans are like angels in heaven are flames of fire Psalm 104:4; Matthew 22:30; Revelation 13:11-13).

Christians have trouble equating God or Jesus with "evil". Yet God identifies His Dark Judgments and Sayings As Evil (Isaiah 45:6-7; Psalm 78:2; Proverbs 1:6). That same Chapter Psalm 78 shows good sending Evil Angels (these Beastly Sons of God-Genesis 6:1-15) to attack disobedient people (Psalm 78:49).

God and Jesus both curse the wicked and sentence them to Hell (Matthew 21:19-21; Mark 11:13-21; Deuteronomy 28:15-68; Matthew 25:31-44; Matthew 7:15-23).

We must never allow our own "intellect or opinion(s)" or a Peter (be kind to yourself Lord) deceive us. God is Light and Love to the obedience but can be Dark and "Evil" to the disobedient (who are wicked in His eyes) (Matthew 24:4; Matthew 7:15-29; Matthew 16:21-28; Isaiah 45:5-7; Exodus 10:21-22; Exodus 12:29-30).

We see God using Satan (Job 1:1-10) and Leviathan (Job 41:1-34) to test Job.

So once again, these "beast" are God's avenging agents (Psalm 78:49) and the ruler of these beast is Leviathan (Psalm 104:20-27; Isaiah 27:1).

To learn more about Leviathan (the Governor and Gate Keeper of God's Deep Dark Presence (the Sea)) pray for the Holy Ghost to help you, and read all the Bible scriptures (taking your time) and study Parts 1 through 4 of this Revelation study.

And the first beast [was] like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast [was] like a flying eagle.

We've already learned that any Bible "beast" is either God/Jesus or their "evil angels (Psalm 78:49). So let's continue.

First- We learned in Part 1 that God and Jesus are both the First and the Last

Second- We learned in Part 1 that God is the Second Death Which is The Everlasting Fire and Brimstone of God (Revelation 20:14; Revelation 21:8; Deuteronomy 4:24).

Second or "Two" may correspond with both Israelites and Gentiles who are Heaven Bound.

Third or Three is the number of God Refreshing, Restoring, Resurrecting and Regenerated Himself. The Bible number Three is also the number of the Ascension into Heaven (God's Presence) and the "New Wine (Regenerated God Oneness)" (Matthew 12:40; Matthew 9:17; Revelation 11:11-12).

Four is the Number of Angels (Revelation 7:1). Keep in Mind that even God considers Himself the Angel of the LORD (Read all of Exodus Chapter 3).

Lion-The Bible "Lions" are both Jesus and Satan (Hosea 5:14; 1 Peter 5:8).

Calf-Calves and Bulls play a major role in God's plan for humans. We'll learn more about them in our study of Revelation.

Anytime the Bible mentions the word "face" or "countenance" it is talking about the Presence of God (Genesis1:1-God is The Deep; Exodus 33:11).

Eagle-Our Loving Father is the Protective Bird(s) Of The Bible (Psalm 1:1-3; Matthew 23:37).

Flying-Be Careful As Lucifer (Satan/Leviathan) Is A Dragon And A Flying Serpent (Isaiah 30:6; Isaiah 14:12-29; Isaiah 27:1).

"Lucifer" means Morning Star and many Bible translators wondered why Lucifer would be somewhat equated with Jesus The Day Star (2 Peter 1:19).

Yet we see God using Satan to target Job (Job 1:1-10) and then God praises Leviathan after Job's test (Job Chapter 41).

Revelation 4:7 is God introducing His "Evil Angel" army which will and does plague human kind. You see this army again at Psalm 104:6, 20-27. Leviathan (the Beast) is it's ruler. You also see Leviathan at Genesis 1:21).

And the four beasts had each of them six wings about [him]; and [they were] full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

Six is the Number of Preparation. The Deep Dark Presence of God prepares humans to enter Heaven. God uses these "evil angels" from his Deep to "eat" away the fleshly and carnal ways of humans. It is only by extreme Satanic attacks can a human really "Cry Out" to God the Spirit. As long as we humans think and act in Carnal or Fleshly ways, we are God's enemies and won't inherit Heaven. God is Holy and Anyone going to Heaven must be a "Virgin" from Sin and Also Be Holy (Perfect before the Lord-(1 Peter 1:16;John 19:14; Luke 23:43-46; Psalm 119:67, 191; Daniel 10:13; 2 Corinthians 12:1-7-12; Psalm 78:29; Psalm 104:6, 20-27; Matthew 4:1-10; Revelation 17:10-16; Revelation 19:17; Malachi 4:1-10; Mark 16:1-2; Revelation 19:18-19; 1 Corinthians 6:9-13; Galatians 5:15-26; Ephesians 6:1-18).

Full of Eyes- Christians are the eyes of God. Any Christian in Heaven Is God Oneness Full Of The Holy Spirit (John 4:24).

Wings-God's Protection (Psalm 91:1).

Rest-God's Sabbath Which Is Seven Which Is Heaven Which Is Paradise Which Is God's Approval

Day and Night-Everlasting Life (Eternity)

Holy Holy Holy-The Trinity and God Oneness. Bless Be The Father, Bless Be The Son, Bless Be The Holy Ghost,

Bless Be The Oneness Of The Fullness Of The Holy Godhead (Colossians1:19).

Read Revelation Chapter 17. Notice how both the Beast and God are "Which was, Which Is and Which Is To Come (out of the Bottomless Pit Which is God).

Revelation 4:8 is about God's "Preparation Squad" of the Deep. Read more about them at Psalm 104:6, 20-27.

God also threw King David into His Deep (Sea/Mire) Dark (Shadow) Presence. This Presence Is Fearful and "Evil" (In Judgments) (Psalm 69:1-4; Psalm 91:1; Isaiah 45:6-7; Exodus 19:9, 16-25; Exodus 20:18-21; Genesis 15:12; Joel 2:1-20). Paul, Jonah and David both received Revelations (and were persecuted by Evil Angels-In Jonah's Case God personally harassed him (Joel 4:6-8)) and Prophecies from God has He held them Captive (Prisoners) in His

Deepness (Prison-Which is the Dark Paradise "To day") (Luke 23:43-46; Revelation 12:1-7; Jonah 2:1-10).

David prayerfully complained to God about these "lions", "enemies" and "sons of men" which regularly attacked him (Psalm Chapter 7; Psalm 22; Psalm 57; Psalm 119:161; Daniel 10:13; Ephesians 6:10-12; Psalm 119:67). David finally realized that these "enemies" were sent directly from God (Psalm 17:3, 8-15).

King David even said that these enemies (sons of men-lions Psalm 17:12) were "wicked (evil)" but were God's sword (Psalm 17:13).

David used terms like "lion" and "sword". Both of these words are Biblical descriptives of Jesus Christ (Hosea 5:14; Revelation 19:15).

Now that we know that the Holy Bible does equate God and Jesus with "evil" we can better understand this Book and Prophecy of Revelation.

If God ever cast you into His Deep Rejoice. Whom God Loves He will discipline and test severely (Proverbs 3:20; Proverbs 3:10-11; Jonah 3:11; Deuteronomy 8:2-3).

And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever, The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

Revelation 4:8-12 inform us that God will use "beasts" and "flying creatures" to ensure that God is eternally praised and that those approaching Him are Holy (perfect-Hebrews 5:8).

We must remember that our life is not our own. God is the Potter and we are the vessels He uses for His own Glory and Pleasure (Romans 9:20-22).

This article can be freely edited and utilized as long as credit is given to its author (Gary Colin).


Please be sure to FIRST pray for the Holy Spirit's direction, study all cited Bible verses, and read all information from Parts 1 through 5. Other wise you willnot receive the Holy Ghost who is the Interpreter of God's Holy Bible (Holy Word-2 Peter 1:20-21). The Book of Revelation can now be totally understood (Revelation 10:7; Revelation 1:1-3). KJV 1611.

Author's Note To Readers: For the sake of time and attempting to fully explain all 22 Chapters of Revelation I will refer you back to Parts 1 through 5 for explanations previously covered. Please do not assume that any information is a personal assumption. If the matters have already been scripturally proved in previous Parts, it can not be rewritten again. Please refer back to Parts 1 through 5 praying for the Holy Ghost to lead you and reading all cited scriptures and information (KJV 1611).

Let us begin with the study and understanding of Revelation 5:1 (Thank-you Holy Ghost (2 Peter 1:20-21)):

Revelation 5:1 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

Seven-please study (praying for the Holy Ghost to lead you and looking up all Bible scriptures) Parts 1-5. The Bible "Seven" is God's Sabbath. God Rest, Refreshes Himself, "Repents", Restores, and Regenerates Himself With His Heaven Bound Christians on this Sabbath (Rest/Death/Bed) Day of God (Titus 3:1-5; Matthew 19:28).

Seals-All Heaven Bound Christians are Marked and Sealed with God's Holy Spirit (the Holy Ghost) (2 Timothy 2:19; John 3:33; Romans 4:11; 1 Corinthians 9:2; Philippians 3: 14-17).

Please study, asking for the Holy Ghost to help you and researching all Bible scriptures Parts 1 through 5. We have examine the similarities between the Beast (Leviathan), God and Jesus.

Read Revelation 13:16- The Beast causes all "both" (two) to receive a mark on the right hand and forehead. Now Read Revelation 5:1 the "right hand" is mentioned. Now Read Revelation 14:1-The foreheads of the Heaven Bound Saints of God is mentioned. Heavenly Mount Sion (Zion) is also mentioned (Hebrews 12:22; Revelation 21:1-5).

Notice that as soon as the Beast marks "both" (two) (Revelation 13:16-18) that the Bible begins to talk about Saints In Heavenly Mount Zion (Revelation 14:1-3; Hebrews 12:22; Revelation 21:1-5).

Right Hand-This is a reference to Jesus Who is God's "Right Hand" of Salvation (Psalm 18:35; Psalm 118:15; Matthew 26:64). When it comes to His creation God does not make any moves with out Jesus. In fact, Jesus created all things (Proverbs 8:20-32; Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:15-20).

Him that sat-Please review Parts 1 through 5 praying for the Holy Ghost. Any Bible word which means to "sit" refers to Judgment (Matthew 27:19; Revelation 17:1). God's Wrath and Judgment are both Pacified by the Precious Blood Of Jesus (Colossians 1:15-22; Romans 5:9; John 3:16).

Him that sat on the throne- Is of course Father God Almighty-The Ancient One (Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14).

Written-God will write His laws on the mind and hearts of all Heaven Bound saints (Hebrews 8:10; Hebrews 10:16).

Within-It's essential that you pray for the Holy Ghost to direct you, return to Parts 1 through 5 and read all the information with accompanying scriptures. We've already proven from the Bible and explained that God is the Deep, Dark, Black, Well, Cloud, Gloom (Exodus 20:21-23; Exodus 9:9; Joel 2:1-30; Exodus 24:16-18). All Christians will dwell "within" God as the "bow (rainbow)" dwelt within the Cloud (Genesis 9:13-16).

Book-Thus this "book" in God's Right Hand of Salvation is all Heaven Bound Christians. Praise God!

Side-Eve is the Evening is the Night is the Feminine Deep Of God's Presence. "She" is the Mother of All Living Things. Please pray for the Holy Ghost as we will now use God's Word to show that Eve symbolized God's Deep Dark Feminine Presence and Adam symbolized God the Father of all living things (Genesis 2:19; Genesis 5:1-2; Luke 3:38; 1 Corinthians 15:22, 45; 1 Timothy 2:13; Genesis 3:20). God has always been the Deep Darkness and the Darkness came before the Light (Genesis 1:1-3; John 1:5; Exodus 20:21-23; Joel 2:1-10; Exodus 19:9).

God's Deep Darkness has always been represented by the night and evening while Jesus the Light was represented by the day time. Please prayerfully review Parts 1 through 5 for the full scriptural information (Genesis 1:1-5, 14-18).

Again please pray for the Holy Ghost and study all of Parts 1 through 5. We've previously proven from the Bible that God's Deep is feminine and the Bottomless Pit is another name for God's Deep Feminine Presence. Let's Examine Revelation Chapter 9.

And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

In Parts 1 through 5 we've already Biblically proven that God is the Great Furnace (Deuteronomy 4:24), the Deep Darkness and the Bottomless Pit.

And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

Notice how the seal of God and the foreheads are mentioned again. This is a direct reference to all Heaven Bound Kings of God. Remember to understand God's "Hidden Mystery" in His Holy Bible you have to understand God's definition of the words He uses (Mark 4:11).

And the shapes of the locusts [were] like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads [were] as it were crowns like gold, and their faces [were] as the faces of men.

Please pray for the Holy Ghost and review Parts 1 through 5. We've already Biblically proven that any time the Bible mentions the word "face" it is referring to God (Genesis 1:2; Exodus 33:11). During the Fiery Regeneration (Exodus 24:16-18-GAT) Heaven Bound Christians Will See God AS He Is And Become Just Like (Same) As He Is (God Oneness) (2 Peter 1:4; 1 John 3:2; Matthew 19:28; Matthew 22:30; Deuteronomy 4:24; Psalm 104:4; John 17:17-21).

And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as [the teeth] of lions.

Please pray for the Holy Ghost and review Part 4. We've already Biblically proven that "lions" are part of God's "Evil Angel's (Psalm 78:49)" "Heaven (Pass Over) Preparation" Army-(John 19:14; Psalm 104:6, 20-27; 1 Peter 5:8-10; Job 1:1-10; Job 2:1-10).

These Locust symbolize the "Kings of the Earth" who are "Kings Of God's Kingdom". They come out of the Bottomless Pit Furnace Which is God the Deep (Revelation 9:1-8). Which means that these Locust Kings dwell "within" God (Revelation 5:1; Genesis 9:13-16). The word "women" is used because God's Deep Dark Presence is Feminine.

There's more. We must learn the location of God's Deep. God is the Kingdom (Temple, Sanctuary, Most Holy place, Holy of Holy). All humans must pass through the Deep before seeing God. The Deep is number 6 and is the Preparation or Preparer (Make Readier) for Heaven (John 19:14). The Deep is the Gateway into Heaven and is the Court (Judgment)yard before Heaven. Thus the Deep is without (or outside of Heaven- Genesis 1:2;1 Kings 7:9; Ezekiel 40:44; Revelation 11:2).

You will now learn why Jesus gave a firm warning about "Blaspheming The Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit)".

Turn your Bibles to Matthew Chapter 12.

Read Matthew 12:24- As Jesus performed great healings and miracles. His religious enemies associated Him and His Holy Ghost power with Beelzebub. God uses Baal, Bel, Beelzebud and Jezebel in His purposes. We'll learn more about these "gods" later.

Read Matthew 12:30-45- Jesus then went on to give these enemies a strong warning about speaking Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

Read Matthew 12:46-50-notice how the word "without" is repeatedly use in these verses. Notice how the word "Mother" is also used. The Deep is the Darkness Is the Night Is the Evening (Genesis 1:2,5) is Eve the Mother of All Living Things and She is Feminine (Genesis 3:20). Thus Matthew 12:24-50 confirms that the Deep Is Holy Is Feminine and is the Mother (Eve) of all living things.

Then Jesus pointed to His Heaven Bound Followers and used the word "Same". Please review Parts 1 through 5. Also just read the above information. Any one who goes through the Deep "Preparation Heaven Passover Process (John 19:14) will be just as God is (the Same) and Be One With Him (John 17:17-21).

Read Again Matthew 12:40. Jesus began talking about Jonah (Jonas). God threw (cast) Jonah into the Deep (Jonah 2:3). At Matthew 12:40 Jesus called the "Deep" the Belly (where a pregnant woman's baby or seed is (Genesis 3:16, Revelation 12:2, 4-5). In the same Bible verse Jesus made this "belly (Deep)" location feminine by describing it as the "heart" of the Earth.

Side- The Bible's Adam symbolizes God the Husband while Eve symbolizes all Heaven Bound Christians the Wife of God. She will be One with God (Genesis 2:24). The "wife" was taken from the "side" of man. Any Bible reference to "side" refers to God's Christian wife.

Back-During God's Regeneration He will Consume, Devour and Swallow His creation Back to Himself in Fire. This is the Consummation (2 Peter 3:7-12; Deuteronomy 4:24; Daniel 9:27; Numbers 16:30; 2 Samuel 20:19; Psalm 21:9; Psalm 69:15; Isaiah 25:8; Jonah 1:17; Exodus 15:12; Exodus 7:12; Numbers 16:32; 2 Samuel 17:16; Revelation 17:16 (1716 are pertinent numbers to me. God always shows them to me. In fact on my last birthday I had lived 17161 days. In 1992 God also gave me the name "GAT". It wasn't until 2002 that the Holy Ghost showed me Exodus 24:16-18-King Jame Bible. I would eventually learn that GAT means

Fiery Regeneration (Matthew 19:28; Deuteronomy 4:24; Titus 3:1-5). GAT is also a Chemical that is used for Regeneration, Job 6:3; Psalm 124:3; Isaiah 28:7; Isaiah 49:19; Jeremiah 51:34, 44; Lamentations 2:2, 5; Ezekiel 36:3; Hosea 8:8; 1 Corinthians 15:44; Revelation 12:16; Genesis 41:30; Exodus 32:10-12; Exodus 33:3-5; Numbers 16:21, 45; Deuteronomy 5:25; Deuteronomy 7:16; Deuteronomy 28:38; Deuteronomy 28:42; Deuteronomy 32:22; 2 Kings 1:10, 12; Job 15:34; Psalm 37:20; Psalm 59:13; Psalm 78:33; Jeremiah 8:13; Jeremiah 14:12; Jeremiah 49:27; Ezekiel 13:13; Ezekiel 20:13; Ezekiel 24:10; Ezekiel 35:12; Daniel 2:44; Daniel 7:26; Zephaniah 1:2-3; Zechariah 14:12; Luke 9:54; 2 Thessalonians 2:8).

At the End of His creation God will consume everything He created back into Himself. This is what Jesus was symbolizing when He said, "Get Behind (back) Me Satan (Matthew 16:23)".

Yes this was much information. The good news is we do not have to take this much time in any further studies. We can just refer back to this information. Thank-you Father God!

And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?

God's Angel of Strength is Michael the Archangel (Revelation 12:7-10; Jude 9).

Michael's name means "Who is like unto the Lord" or "Who is the image of the Lord".

The Angel of the Lord was always viewed as God (Read all of Exodus Chapter 3).

Bind or Bound-When God takes, forces or cast someone into His Dark, Prison, Sea Deep the Bible calls it Binding, Bound, Prison (Genesis 39:20; Genesis 40:3).

Whoever God binds (bounds) in His Deep Dark Presence will not be Loosed (Delivered) until God wills it so (Psalm 69:1-4, 14; Jonah 2:1-end).

Jesus entered God's Deep Dark Presence during the Sixth hour of the Cross (Luke 23:43-46). That's when Jesus became "Worthy" to free the ancient servants of God from God's Deep (the Pit/Grave) (Matthew 27:50-53).

And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.

The Bible words "neither", "nay", "no" etc are descriptives for "nether". Nether is the Deep Dark (Thick Gloom) Presence of God (Exodus 19:9, 17; Joel 2:1-10).

The Bible term "no man" refers to Jesus when Jesus died. God also died with Jesus (Acts 20:28). The man Jesus (John 19:5) entered (passed over into) "no" or nether (the Deep) during the sixth on the cross (John 19:14; Luke 23:43-46).

The Bible word "under" means God's Judgment. The Deep (Hallow, Hollow, Bottomless) is considered in and/or under the Earth (Romans 10:7; Ephesians 4:8-10; Matthew 6:9-10; Job 1:7).

And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.

The term no man means Jesus the man being sent into the Deep Darkness (Nether/No) (John 9:5, 14; Luke 23:43-46).

The weeping is the out cry for the loss of this life (Matthew 26:75).

And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

All elders are One in Heaven. They are all One with the Ancient One-God (John 17:17-21). Mother, Brother, God, Son will all be One and the same in Heaven (Matthew 12:50; John 17:17-21; 1 John 3:2; 2 Peter 1:4).

And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

Midst is the Authority is the Center is God

Throne - God's Judgment Seat Of Authority

Four- The Bible number for angels (Revelation 7:1)

Beast - Creatures used by God to Prepare (Judge) Humans for God approval. Please pray for the Holy Ghost and study Part 5 looking up all Bible scriptures.

The Lamb (Jesus) stands in the Center or midst of all these "beings" because they are all one. Heaven is about God Oneness (Deuteronomy 4:24; Matthew 22:30; Psalm 104:4).

Stand or Stood-Jesus sits as the Savior during God's Judgment. Jesus stands when its time to receive God's Saints into Heaven (Acts 7:54-60; Daniel 12:1).

Let's study Daniel 12:1-4

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation [even] to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

To examine the similarities between Michael and Jesus please study Parts 1 through 5, reading all the supporting Bible verses and asking for God's Holy Spirit to direct you.

Time of Trouble-as previously explained in Parts 1 Through 5, the "time of trouble" is the "time of distress", is "terror" is "the great tribulation" is "the wine press" when God pulls (cast, binds, bound) his Heaven Bound (the Saints) into His Deep, Dark, Pit/Grave (Secret, Hidden Place Psalm 18:11), Mystery to Regenerate (Change-1 Corinthians 15:51) Them into God Oneness (1 John 3:2).

The Great Multitude (the Increase) will come out of or be "loosed" (resurrected) from this Deep Regeneration as God Oneness (1 John 3:2).

Even-Even is Evening is Night is Eve is the Deep Dark Presence of God. Please read above for all the supporting Bible scriptures and information.

Same-The Bible word "same" means God Oneness-The Same as God (1 John 3:2).

Deliver or Delivered-When God "looses" Christians out of His Deep Dark Presence and They Become God Oneness.

Written-we've already explained the explanation for this Bible word above.

Book- we've already explained the explanation for this Bible word above.

One (every One) - Heaven's entry is God Oneness (1 John 3:2).

And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame [and] everlasting contempt.

God's Deep Dark Presence is also called the Dry Earth (Dust or Dry Land)-Read Genesis 1:9. Notice that God's dry land was pulled up from under the Heaven. The Bible word "under" means Judgment. God's Judgment takes place in His Deep Dark Presence.

Also notice that as Israel crossed the Red (Jesus Blood) Sea (Deep Dark Presence of God (Proverbs 104:6, 20-27; Also Proverbs Chapter 8)) that the people stepped onto "dry ground" (Exodus 14:20-22).

Everlasting Life-Any of the Heaven Bound Sons of God (John 3:16).

Shame and Nakedness sound "bad" but are not Nakedness means a person is Sinless and fully seen by God in approval. When

Adam and Eve forsook their nakedness for secrets and sin God immediately covered them. Humans then need the Blood of Savior Jesus to cover them. So when God makes Babylon "naked" He is returning everything back to Himself (the original purpose). Shame and Naked is a good thing as God uses this discipline to correct those He loves (Proverbs 3:20, Proverbs 3:11-12; Revelation 17:10-16; Genesis 3:1-16).

And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, [even] to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

The time of the end is when God swallows up His creation in His Superior Fire See the above information for supporting scriptures (Deuteronomy 4:24; 2 Peter 3:7-12; Daniel 9:27).

To and Fro describes those angels that God uses for special missions. Notice how Satan was moving "to and fro" before God urged Satan to test Job (Job 1:1-15). Notice how the raven moved "to and fro" directly after Noah's Flood (Genesis 8:7). Notice how ravens were sent to feed Elijah. I warned about that Flying Eagle in Revelation Chapter 4. Read the following scriptures. We can see how God's ravens work with the Beast and the Eagle to afflict God's enemies (1 Kings 17:4-6; Psalm 147:9; Psalm 30:17).

Those going to Heaven will have a very unique relationship with God's Feminine Deep Presence. This is good as Jesus had and has the exact same relationship with the Deep (Depth). Read Proverbs Chapter 8.

I hope you just read Proverbs Chapter 8 as "wise" and "wisdom" describe the feminine Deep presence of God. She is sister "Proverbs 7:4".

Stars of Heaven-All Christians are those countless "stars" that God promised to Abraham (Galatians 3:16; Genesis 15:5; Genesis 22:17; Genesis 26:4).

having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth

Seven-Please study Parts 1 through 5 asking for the Holy Ghost. Seven is God's Sabbath, God's Rest, God's "Death (the Deep)", God's Refreshing Himself and God Regenerating with His Saints into God Oneness.

Eyes-God's Saints are His eyes

Are the Seven Spirits of God-God's Heaven Bound Saints will become one with God and thus One with the entire Godhead (2 Peter 1:4; John 17:17-21; 1 John 3:2).

And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four [and] twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.

Please pray for the Holy Ghost and read Parts 1 through 4 for supporting scriptures. Be sure to look up all the scriptures allowing the Holy Ghost to teach you.

Vials or Vessels is symbolism for all the Heavenly Saints

Full means full of Holy Spirit

Odours is the Sweet Smelling Smoke of these Regenerated Clouds of God (Philippians 4:18).

Yes when Jesus/God takes Christians (water) from the earth and "binds" them down into God's Deep Dark Presence. They will be pressed into wine (John 2:1-15-notice that it was 6 water pots 6 is the Bible number of passover into God's Deep Dark Presence and Preparation for God's approval (John 19:14; Luke 23:43-46).

Every "One"-Heaven is all about God Oneness (1 John 3:2).

Keep Praying. God hears your prayers and will most definitely answer them (Hebrews 11:1-6).

And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;

New Song-New Wine-New Christians in Heaven

Open-Loose Those Christians out of the Deep Dark Presence of God so they can enter the "House" of God's full approval and be One with God (1 John 3:2).

Seals-God's selection to enter Heaven. God's Mark upon a Christian on Earth

Thank-you Messiah Jesus for Redeeming us (John 3:16). Thank-you Father God for setting all this up. Thank-you Holy Ghost for bringing it all into effect. Praise God!

And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

God always planned to have a nation of Kings and Priest (Exodus 19:6).

And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;

Ten-the symbolic number for all Christians who will be in Heaven (Revelation 17:10)

Voice-The Word of God. All Christians in Heaven become God Oneness (1 John 3:2).

Round About-The Holy Ghost is 360 or God's Fullness. Please study Parts 1 through 5.

Thousand-the Day of the Lord is Eternity (Everlasting Life) (2 Peter 3:1-12; John 3:16).

The truth is that God is uncountable. Once humans become Spirit God in Heaven they won't be countable. That is what God was trying to tell Abraham at (Genesis 15:5).

Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, [be] unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four [and] twenty elders fell down and worshiped him that liveth for ever and ever.

Four-the angels' number (Revelation 7:1)

Beast-those whom God uses to judge and/or prepare His people for God approval (Psalm 104:6, 20-27)

twenty-Please read Part 5 (Revelation Chapter 4 study) to understand the Bible number "twenty".

Elders-All Heaven Bound Christians become God Oneness with our Ancient God (1 John 3:2; 2 Peter 1:4; Daniel 7:9-10).

Fell Down, Cast Down, Coming Down- The Bible "Down" or "Descent" refers to God's Deep Dark Presence which is Feminine and His Wife (Revelation 21:1-5; Revelation 19:5).

The words of a man's mouth [are as] deep waters, [and] the wellspring of wisdom [as] a flowing brook.

Please pray for the Holy Ghost and study Parts 1 through 5 (looking up all the scriptures) for a full understanding of the below information.

Words-Jesus is the Word of God (John 1:1). Heaven bound Christians become whatever Jesus is (1 John 3:2). So Heaven bound Christians become the "words"

Man-God and Jesus are both the "Man" (Exodus 15:3; John 19:4-5).

Mouth-God's Mouth Is His Word (Jesus) (John 1:1).

Deep-The Deep Dark Feminine Presence of God (Genesis 1:1-5)

Waters-Humans on Earth Whom Jesus will Change into God Oneness in Heaven (John 2:1-10; 1 Corinthians 15:51; 1 John 3:2; 2 Peter 1:4).

Well-God's Deep Is The Well and Is Feminine. Use a Bible Concordance. Whenever the word "well" appears in the King James Bible a female usually appears (John 4:6, 11).

Spring- I always knew the Regeneration would occur in relationship to "spring". Now I know it's actual connection is with the Well (Deep/Sea).

Wisdom-Is The Deep, Dark, Evening, Night Presence Of God (Genesis 1:5). Wisdom is the Deep Darkness (Bottomless Pit) of Egypt that was at the Cross With Jesus Christ (Exodus 10:21-22; Exodus 12:11, 29; Psalm 91:6; Luke 23:43-46; Revelation 11:7-8). The Deep, She is Feminine And is The Well (John 4:6, 11). The Deep Darkness is Mother Eve. She is Creation's Mother, Womb, Belly and Heart (Genesis 3:20; Matthew 12:40), God's Sister and Wife In God Oneness (Proverbs 7:4; Matthew 12:48-50; Genesis 12:11-16;Genesis 26:9, 15; Genesis 20:2-3, 12-18).

Father God I Thank-you in Jesus' Name for Revealing your Secret Place (Psalm 18:11) and Mystery (Mark 4:11; Romans 11:25; Romans 16:25; 1 Corinthians 2:7; 1 Corinthians 15:51; Ephesians 3:3, 9; Ephesians 5:32; Colossians 1:26; Revelation 1:20) to humans here on planet Earth. Dear God I Thank-you that humans have entered the prophecy of Matthew 10:26-29: "There is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. What I tell you in darkness, [that] speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, [that] preach ye upon the housetops. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father". You have revealed your Revelation to us (Revelation 10:7). You have enlightened us on

The Deep Darkness Feminine Presence of God. She is "without" your Kingdom Presence as She judges and prepares (court yard Ezekiel 40:19; Revelation 11:2) all who will enter Heaven and become just like You (1 John 3:2). Father we know the time is nigh at hand as Egypt begins to rise just as You said Egypt would rise (Revelation 11:7-8; Genesis 41:25-46, 56-57). Oh God we know that Egypt's rise is essential to Israel/Jerusalem crying out and accepting Messiah Yeshua (Exodus 1:8, 10-14; Exodus 3:7). And then the End shall Come (Matthew 23:39). Father God in the Presence and Power of the Holy Ghost I give you all Praise, Honor, Glory, Worship and Thanks. In Jesus' Name and Precious Blood. Amen!

Has revelation prophecies been fulfilled? - Answers (2024)


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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.